Chapter 901 Yang conspiracy to calculate people's hearts

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 Although he is in the base camp of the natural mage, Leonard, who grew up under the glory of Corellon, did not become a believer in the natural god system like other elves.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he is incompatible with the Tower of Nature... When others are singing the praises of the glory of nature, only he is shouting for the eternal Father God and the eternal protector.

Leonard suddenly raised his head, as if there was a burst of cheers coming from the valley?

"You can enter the valley!" Edna, who had been notified, was standing at the entrance and greeted them with a smile, "Come and enjoy the scenery of our Northland!

Although it’s not very safe here in Neverwinter Forest, the scenery is quite unique.”

Leonard, who has a more straightforward personality, walked directly into the valley... He didn't even notice the alert eyes of Devis, or the small ice ball in his hand that he threw at the neck of Luca who was addicted to plant research without hesitation.


Devis, who was feeling a little unsure, said to Luca, who was raising his head in surprise after catching the slow balls with his mage's hand: "Pack it up quickly and get ready to go into the valley.

It sounds like there are more magical creatures there, don't just focus on these little flowers.

By the way, have you researched anything?"

Luca quickly put away the test bench in front of him and walked to DeVos: "It's quite interesting here in Neverwinter Forest~ Although there are so many monsters from the evil camp, the energy of the magic plants is biased towards the light."

DeVos frowned: "The captain's tone just now was a bit wrong. I don't think the valley is very safe, but you said, Guangming..."

Devis, who walked in side by side, suddenly stopped and was unable to speak... The unique scenery in front of him was indeed worthy of Miss Edna's special emphasis.

The gurgling stream slowly flows down from a small iceberg that is only 500 meters high, twisting and surrounding the valley of less than 10,000 square meters.

Devis couldn't help but turn his head and look around. The thousand-meter-high mountains surrounding the valley proved that he was right... In this valley, the scenery of the four seasons appeared at the same time.

And on the grassland divided into patches by the creek, countless kinds of magical plants grow.

This is actually a natural four-season botanical garden!

The magic botanical garden in their magic tower doesn't look as suitable for plant growth as here!

Of course, there are still many plant species there, but the growth conditions are completely different.

Devis was extremely surprised... In such a good place, Lord Hill, who is also a mage, just allowed the Trahill elves to collect at will?

If it were their Quesen Tower, not to mention how many great mages would have to fight to the death for this natural botanical garden that saves money, every piece of land would have to be used! There would definitely not be any dead ends left!

Even though Lord Hill is famously rich throughout the continent, he wouldn't be so wasteful, right?

Luca, whose arm was tightly grasped by Devis, struggled to break away from his companion, and went straight to Leonard, who was lowering his head and stroking a moonlight flower that was shining with silvery blue light: "Wait, first

Don’t pick it! I’ve never seen moonflowers growing on the branches!”

Leonard raised his head in astonishment: "Of course beautiful flowers are most beautiful when they grow on branches. Why should I pick them when I have nothing to do?"

The alchemist, who was being watched closely by the natural mage, clenched the knife in his hand and spoke nervously: "You...won't you be like the druid and don't allow us to collect these precious herbs?"

Leonard blinked strangely: "Druids are not as boring as you said, they just don't allow sane plants to be cut and picked.

Those plants can become tree people and produce tree demons and flower spirits, but of course they cannot be killed.

Otherwise, the plants are so rare in the world that they must be protected until more similar species are cultivated.

The value of the moonflower is indeed high, but it has not yet reached the point where it needs protection. There are places where Selune is willing to set foot."

Luca looked at the half-elf, his eyes sliding over his slightly pointed ears: "Is the druid the elf met still the legendary one?

Over at Quesen Tower, there are people who don’t even let humans cut grass, and they often burn farmland and pasture.”

Leonard shrugged and refuted the alchemist in a firm tone: "What kind of people can encounter what kind of things. There must be reasons for the emergence of extreme druids.

Then you have to ask if the ancestors of your Quesenta people did anything that harmed nature."

Devis, who was standing behind them, couldn't help but glance at the half-elf mage... Being always shrewd, of course he had already understood Leonard's attributes, so he didn't stop Luca from being unscrupulous.

But it seems that no matter how simple a person is, a person who can become an extraordinary mage is definitely not stupid... Just because his temperament is natural, does not mean that his IQ is also natural.

Edna walked over briskly and waved to the other two mages who were dragging Fang Zheng at the end, who kept turning their heads to observe the environment of the valley in surprise: "There are many dangerous places in the Rose Valley, don't wander around!

The Trasil elves have cleared an area. Within this range, there will be basically no problems. Take a look at the red ribbons floating on the small trees and shrubs. They must not exceed this range~

We will stay here until early tomorrow morning, everyone, please hurry up!"

The female mage briskly pushed a strand of her long hair that was flying in the wind behind her ears, looked at Luca who was hesitant to speak and said with a smile: "Although there must be some special medicinal materials in the dangerous area, after all, here

It is a place belonging to the elves of Trasil.

It's great that they are willing to open up to us and let us collect herbs here at will. Why can't we ask them to put themselves at risk for such a trivial matter?

Wouldn't it be better to wait until you become an extraordinary mage and explore it yourself?"

Luca thought for a while and looked at his followers again... Now he regretted not bringing out the strongest bodyguards.

But it's not that he can't understand how strong Edna and Leonard's protectors are. If they all think they are dangerous, then it will definitely be more difficult for his followers to deal with them.

Although Luca is a bit willful, he will not risk his own life casually.

As for asking the high-level bodyguards of Devis for help, he is not that shameless... In Toril, even friends with good relationships cannot directly ask each other to pay for their own interests. Normally

A person can't offer it voluntarily unless his friend is a soul flayer.

If you really do that, you can't be a true friend. That's called an injustice.

When a smarter person encounters such a friend, breaking off the relationship is the only way to deal with it.

So he could only sigh with regret, but he couldn't help but glance at Leonard, wondering if he could ask the natural mage to help if he was closer to the safe zone... Luca completely

Never mind that Leonard just accused their country of not respecting nature.

That was the reality... First, the giant dragons were rampant in Quesen Tower, and then the mages were sweeping up the mineral forest. The mineral forest was almost exhausted. Or in the past few hundred years, those druids came to retaliate repeatedly, so they had to respect it a little bit.


Their city of Simba is pretty good. After all, in order to obtain the paper for making spell scrolls, they planted large areas of beacon trees and blue-leaf trees outside the city.

For a mage like Lucca, if it is the truth, then there is nothing to struggle with. Just admit it frankly... Anyway, when they meet those extreme druids, they will not consider those past grudges, only

Kill him directly.

They are already enemies, so who cares whether the other party has any grievances... If so, then we can only accept their sighs of regret at the River Styx.

As for Devis, who had been observing Edna, he frowned for a moment, and then quickly told his followers to be cautious and not to take a step out no matter how precious the magic materials were found on the edge of the safe zone.

He turned his head and glanced at Luca, almost laughing.

Are you going to be blinded now because of that little thought?

Luca's character really makes people don't know what to say... He was worried that Edna's character was not satisfactory, so he brought many young and handsome young warriors with him, hoping to share some troubles with him.

But he probably thought that if Edna's character was not bad, it would be bad if some of the people he brought out had a bad character who cheated money and sex.

Most of the followers finally selected were either stable or honest. Even if there were a few quick-thinking ones, they would not dare to leave the large group to do things easily.

Therefore, except for some of Lucca's followers who stayed by the stream to set up camp, the rest followed him step by step, making every order and action.

It's quite good. Although he won't be smart enough to help Luca collect materials, at least he won't cause any trouble.

Devis twitched the corner of his mouth, turned his head and glanced at the other two mages... among their entourage, there were several warriors who were obviously just a hair away from being extraordinary.

Regarding Edna's warning, not only did the mages look distrustful, but those few warriors who thought too highly of themselves were also clearly looking for boundaries.

If they were really that strong, how could they let two mages be shot by jackals just now?

Although Miss Edna didn't introduce much, you can actually understand as long as you pay close attention. The reason why those jackals mutated to such a terrifying level is because of the persecution of the Trasil elves!

Even these powerful elves choose to open up only this safe zone. You can imagine how dangerous other places are, right?

Most importantly, didn't they think about why Edna chose to let them enter this valley?

From the beginning, the only ones who were picky were the four mages from Chesen Tower. Ms. Edna had not yet tested whether her teammates were trustworthy.

It is obvious here that it is a bait that the other party generously uses.

Really...the reason why things like conspiracy are so scary must be because people's hearts are so easy to figure out.

This chapter has been completed!
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