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509 An old acquaintance, an unexpected meeting

"If you hadn't reminded me of this... I would have forgotten you existed."

"Brother Qingshan was joking. After all... we haven't seen each other for a long time."

In the Free City, the Vixis Tavern, the players who were about to fight together are now sitting together under the same hall, drinking wine from the glasses: "Looking back now...since I ran out

It seems that several months have passed since Novice Village..."

"Remember that you claimed to be a gangster at that time, right?"

Looking at the familiar short-cut hairstyle of the other party, Duan Qing rubbed his arm and replied: "I didn't expect it to be true?"

"Our eldest brother is originally an eldest brother, and those of us who are younger brothers... originally just came to seek refuge with him."

He scratched the back of his head in an honest manner, and the player sitting across from the wine table pointed around: "When I found this place, my eldest brother was already doing very well. There are many places including this tavern.

It’s all Paili’s territory, so I’m just an ordinary gang member..."

"An ordinary gang member?" Duan Qing rolled his eyes upward: "When you rushed into the broken house just now, I remember that you seemed to be very arrogant? Later, when you asked everyone to stop, they were also very obedient to you...


"Uh... thanks to big brother's care, I just gained a bit of a reputation."

Looking at the three teachers Zhou Xue who were having a drink with other gang members in the corner, the player's voice relaxed a little: "My ability in the game is actually not that great, especially compared to Brother Qingshan and you...


"Hey, let's stop here for the routine blowjob. It's almost time to introduce him to us."

Before Duan Qing could continue to speak, Xu Yu Liushang, who was sitting next to him, suddenly interrupted and asked: "This person named Liu Qingniu... who is yours?"

"Don't make it sound like I know a bunch of friends. Is it wrong to have a lot of friends?" Duan Qing waved his hand disdainfully, and then with the slightly honest expression of the player opposite, he pointed towards where he was sitting: "He is

A friend I met in Greenstone Village went to the Emerald Forest and did a mission together..."

"Emerald Forest? That time when you climbed to the Emerald Tower?" The blue-haired woman raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise: "Really or not, with a team of this level... we can reach the deepest point..."


"...If you don't believe it, I can testify." Xueling Huanbing, who was sitting silently on the other side, smiled inexplicably and put down the wine glass in front of him: "Because...I was also in the team at that time.

One member."


"What, you don't believe it? If you don't believe it, you can ask your group leader. She is also one of the parties involved."

"Okay, okay, don't worry about these things."

Seeing the usual confrontation between the two sides, Duan Qing hurriedly raised his hand to stop the topic: "The two old acquaintances present did not recognize each other in the end. This is not a commendable thing..."

"Maybe I've changed a little too much."

As if he wanted to put aside the previous conflict that happened in the deserted neighborhood, Liu Qingniu scratched his head and responded: "But... Brother Qingshan has also changed a lot. Both weapons and armor have been changed a lot. Sister Xue."

Also...uh, is Sister Xue still dressed like this?"

"This guy has been wearing this cloak since we met in the Emerald Forest."

Ignoring the cold light coming from the side, Duan Qing pointed to Xue Ling Huan Bing's hood covering her head: "I don't know what she thinks, she always likes to cover her face... Okay, okay, I won't tell you.

I won’t go into details, anyway, you have an ID on your head, anyone can recognize you..."

"Xueling Huanbing is the runner-up in the team competition of this League Cup."

The maid player standing behind Duan Qing calmly dodged the two figures who were pushing and walking past the wine table, and then pointed to the top of the woman on the right with a smile: "Have you not paid attention to her?"

"Uh...we people don't usually pay much attention to those things."

When the woman in the black cloak lowered her head again, Liu Qingniu waved his hands helplessly: "We come here to play, just follow the big brother. We usually go wherever the big brother tells us to go, and we will kill whoever tells us."

We just cut whoever we want, and we are not very interested in things like competitions..."

"What a dedicated gangster." Then Duan Qing sighed and said, "You are so tired after playing a game..."

"No, no, the eldest brother didn't stop us from watching the game." The player sitting opposite suddenly shook his head: "Not only that, the eldest brother also went to participate in the game. Although he didn't say that we should cheer for him, but

We have all been following Big Brother, but later on, Big Brother was eliminated and we stopped watching..."

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" Duan Qing asked in surprise: "Who is your eldest brother?"

"Our eldest brother's name is Lu Bench."

Liu Qingniu's expression suddenly became excited when he said this, and a certain kind of admiration shone in his eyes: "He is known as the Dragon of Jingdong, the man who rules the inner city of the Free City! He fought all the way to the quarterfinals, killing countless people.

How many professional players do you know..."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, no need for you to introduce me."

Duan Qing hurriedly made a pause gesture, and looked at each other with a slightly surprised Xu Yu Liushang: "Lv Bench, the Dragon of Jingdong? That tough guy? You mean... the boss of your Dongcheng Club is Lu Bench?"


"Yes, yes." Liu Qingniu's eyes were full of innocence: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"No, it's nothing..."

Getting an equally surprised look from the eyes of Xue Ling Huan Bing on the other side, Duan Qing took a deep breath: "He... isn't he your boss? Why do you suddenly want to participate in the competition?"

"Uh...it seems that someone described the competition to him." Liu Qingniu hesitated and recalled for a while: "I heard..."

"There are many masters there, so he wanted to see them."

"Hmm...it sounds reasonable."

Holding up the wine glass in front of him, Duan Qing pulled the corner of his mouth and showed a wry smile. Then while sipping the wine in the glass, he looked around at the other people who were drinking and fighting in the tavern: "Since your guild is so warlike,

From the looks of it, this indeed fits his image very well..."

"If I remember correctly... he was eliminated by the Angry Madman in the end, right?" Xu Yu Liushang also whispered: "In the team competition, we also met the second best person in the world, two guilds in the same city..."

"Hasn't your boss reacted recently?" Duan Qing pointed to the Dongcheng Club members around him: "For example, taking revenge on the second best person in the world or something..."

"Well...I didn't pay attention."

Liu Qingniu scratched his head again: "Anyway, we will go wherever brother tells us to go..."

"Sigh...I know why you can become the backbone."

Looking at the ceiling and sighing, Duan Qing concluded helplessly: "But this is also a good thing. If it weren't for you... we might have been in bad luck tonight."

"We don't mean to find trouble." The young player looked in the direction of Teacher Zhou Xue's table: "This may be just a misunderstanding..."

"Did your guild... really lose something?"

"Yeah, we keep losing the loot we transport to the city lately."

Speaking of this matter, Liu Qingniu's face suddenly became serious: "At first we thought it was the Honglian Gang who was working against us, but then we found out that they were also throwing things away, and it was a mystery that could not be discovered... Although

We were suspicious of each other and would fight whenever we met, but as time went by, our eyes naturally gradually focused on more places."

"Lao Zhou and the others...are you the targets of suspicion?"

"This should be a coincidence." Liu Qingniu scratched his head and replied: "Since Brother Qingshan is the guarantee, let's temporarily believe that those packages are their own..."

"Hey, you trust others too easily, even though those things were indeed brought back together by a few of us a while ago..."

"Those who work in the underworld must of course trust their brothers." Liu Qingniu slapped his chest: "Otherwise...how can we continue to work in the underworld?"


Duan Qing did not answer immediately, but looked at the other party steadily for a while, and finally lowered his head silently as he gradually picked up the wine glass: "Young man... that's all, let's not talk anymore, since you let us go."

, we will naturally remember the kindness of the Dongcheng Society..."

"Tell me how you found your eldest brother." He casually observed the layout of the tavern: "And... how did you get to your current position?"

"That's it to say..."

"Brother Qingniu!"

A hurried shout suddenly sounded outside the door of the tavern, interrupting what Liu Qingniu was about to say. Then, following the sound of running footsteps, he came to several people: "Brother Qingniu, the eldest brother has spoken...



"Well, I know Brother Qingniu is unhappy, but..."

"I'm fine, but I have invited them all back! I, Brother Qingniu, can guarantee the identities of these people..."


"You go and tell the elder brother...forget it, I will go and tell the elder brother in person."

Standing up with a serious expression, Liu Qingniu cupped his hands in the direction of Duan Qing, and then walked towards the depths of the Vixis Tavern with hurried steps. Seemingly aware of the problem, several of them exchanged words with each other.

The players who looked at each other secretly shook their heads. As time gradually passed, the noise coming from behind gradually reached their ears along with the echo of the tavern: "It was really fun tonight! At least the labor and management were cut off.

More than a dozen people..."

"We also cut down more than a dozen labor and management personnel, but we didn't survive in the end..."

"Hahahaha! I don't know who to chop whom until the end, just chop according to the person!"

"Yeah, yeah, I haven't felt this good for a long time... By the way, why did we start fighting in the first place?"

"Uh...it's not about the Rondoll family's throne war or anything like that..."

"What the hell! We just beat ours! Hahahaha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

They are all people who go to the game world to vent their anger...

Looking at his teammates next to him expressionlessly, Duan Qing let out a long sigh, but another hurried footsteps rushed to the opposite side of Duan Qing before a certain maid player could stop him: "You are

Across the green mountains?"

"Our boss asks you to come up."

He pointed to the corner of the tavern, motioning to Duan Qing and the others to follow him, and then amidst the endless bragging and noise in the tavern, he arrived in front of a certain staircase leading to the second floor. The style was different from the previous one.

The wall slowly appeared in front of everyone, and a few secretly watching eyes turned around the dark corner, and then as they climbed the stairs, the noise belonging to the downstairs was gradually separated:

"...It's right here, go in."


Nodding to the guy leading the way, Duan Qing opened the door with a natural expression, and then the noise in the tavern completely disappeared from his ears, and he walked into a large room. Luxurious decoration and

The furnishings were completely reflected in front of them as they appeared. The sofas covered in animal skins and the dark golden wooden furniture also reflected intoxicating colors under the soft magic lights. The night sky above the city was casting its own

The beauty shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the entire street, but the man standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back seems to have completely ignored the meaning of this beautiful scenery: "...Hello."

"……Oh, Hello."

Glancing at Liu Qingniu, who was standing silently in the corner, Duan Qing responded with a slightly slow response. At the same time, he took two steps forward and let his companions behind him into the room: "Nice to meet you, we...


"I am Lu Bench, the owner of Dongcheng Club."

Slowly turning around, the man who seemed to be two meters tall focused his eyes on Duan Qing: "Are you the brothers A Niu said?"

"Well...if he says so, then yes."

Duan Qing replied calmly: "We have known each other since we came out of Novice Village."

"What is your purpose in coming to this city?"

"...Are people nowadays so straightforward when asking for information? We are not illegal immigrants..."

"Then I'll change the question."

Looking deeply at the figure who was murmuring, Lu Benchi's face gradually darkened: "You... what is your relationship with the second best person in the world?"


"The woman behind you...has a deep connection with that guild."

Pointing to the woman next to Duan Qing with one hand, the tough-guy man said in a serious voice: "Although she has been away from here for a long time, this woman's name is still very loud here..."

"You brought these people back...are you here to surrender to the angry demon?"

"...Ha, that's so funny."

The atmosphere froze for a moment with a temporary silence, and then relaxed again with Duan Qing's smile: "This is the best joke I have ever heard in a while."

"Let's not talk about whether the angry mad demon recognizes us... Even if we come to seek refuge with that second best in the world, what can you do?"

"If this is really the case..."

In front of the large and bright floor-to-ceiling window, the stern-faced Lu Bench squeezed each other twice, and then a stern smile appeared amidst the crackling sound of his joints: "I have a small request.


"How about a fight with me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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