511 new morning

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"When you turn around to cast a slash, the speed of the turn can be used to increase the power of the sword slash. If you are not confident in your sword skills, you can choose to cancel the lock and retreat to attack your original position..."

"Sword power is a very mysterious thing. If you don't understand it, you don't need to understand it. You just need to think about how to win at the beginning of the battle, and then plan your own resources and ways to win..."

"The grasp of distance can determine one's victory or defeat to a certain extent, so many people spend their lives studying the feeling of distance and the corresponding theories... Well, those things are actually a joke, because no matter the type of game, or every

The design of weapons and equipment in the game will change and affect your sense of distance during combat. The only way to solve these problems is to practice more. Even if you don’t know how to use them, you should at least touch all the existing long and short weapons.

Once again, try how far they can hit..."

"Counterattack? Is this skill recognized in the free world? The skills I know now are only the basic ones, as well as heavy slash, earth-shaking slash, back slash, pick slash... Well, if you don't count magic, I have learned it now

There are now more than a dozen skills, and I’m quite happy to think about it... Counterattack isn’t just about cutting the opponent back, it’s about using the flaws in the opponent’s moves to cause the opponent’s attacks to suffer backlash. The previous one

In a fierce battle game, isn’t there a special counterattack flow? The principle behind it should be the same as what you described..."

In the free world, on the outskirts of the Free City, players' figures are haunting a mountain forest of rocks, and they use their own smoke to prove the existence of temporary camps from time to time. The hustle and bustle of the city at night has already left them far away.

Go, the dawn from dawn also shrouded in front of them early, but among the people resting in this temporary camp, there are always a few guys who are still busy - after being sent away by Liu Qingniu personally

After that, several Duan Qing and others who had been busy in the city for a day finally returned to the temporary base camp in Friedham Stone Forest. However, the only ones who remained in this place at this time were the smiles of those who had fled.

A trio of butchers formed a team, but under the leadership of the smiling uncle, the three of them still firmly guarded this temporary camp. At the same time, they used warm tents and bright bonfires to comfort the adventurers returning from other places.

et al.

That's right, Duan Qing's side is not the only player staying in this temporary camp at this time.

"Uncle Smile, are they the ones you are waiting for?"

In the early morning sunshine, a player named Feng Chui Mai Lang rubbed his hands and walked to the bonfire in the center of the camp. His eyes were glancing between the two figures of a man and a woman who were communicating in the distance: "Who are they?"


"You can be considered...our captain."

Throwing the collected firewood into the fire, the smiling butcher clapped his hands: "The three of us are able to come to this place only because of the care of those few people."

"Really? I thought you were a local, uncle." Feng Chui Mai Lang looked around for a while, and finally withdrew his gaze from several beauties who looked good in figure: "I actually chose this place as a camp for the night.


"That was the woman who brought us here."

Smiling and pointing to the tent where a certain blue-haired woman was resting, the smiling butcher replied with a smile: "It's that woman with mature temperament... She is an aborigine of the Free City, and she is very familiar with the terrain around here.


"Ah... I met her last night. She is indeed a beautiful woman."

As if he was talking about his own itch, the player wearing leather armor lowered his voice: "I didn't expect that I am also the target of your choice, uncle. He is indeed an old player with unique taste and sharp vision..."

"The definition of a veteran player is not based on age."

Glancing in the direction where Duan Qing and Xueling Huanbing were, the smiling butcher replied in a low voice: "And... please don't talk nonsense, my daughter is as old as you."

"Uh...ah hahaha."

Silly laughter immediately appeared next to the campfire, and gradually spread with the action of someone scratching his head. In the shadow of the stone forest in the distance, two players carrying monster corpses also appeared one after another, heading towards the center of the camp.

He walked back from the direction he was in: "There aren't many wild beasts here, but there are quite a few humanoid monsters. I guess if I catch them... you won't be able to bite them, right?"


Without looking back, he answered the question of braised crab. The smiling butcher set up the handmade grills on both sides of the fire. At the same time, he pointed to a stream not far from the stone forest and motioned for the two of them to go there to clean up the ingredients.

Work: "It's a pity that we don't have any decent chefs, so we can only make do with the barbecue. I wonder if these local game from the Free City can satisfy everyone's appetite..."

"Where's that Mo Shang Qing Shan? Why don't we let him come?" Then Braised Crab began to walk away: "He is still resting?"


Looking at a man who was still teaching outside the camp not far away, the smiling butcher sighed lightly: "I don't know where the spirit comes from..."

"He's still busy anyway."

Entering the windy March morning, the weather has become colder than before, but in cities and suburbs located on the seaside, you can feel nature more deeply than in other places. The vitality in the camp gradually increases with the smell of barbecue.

With the appearance of more and more players, they woke up completely. Some players who had prepared their own tents also began to pack their belongings, enjoying their own breakfast while discussing today's adventure activities - Friedem

The Stone Forest is a well-known transfer station around the City of Freedom. Not only is it relatively close to other ruins, it is also much safer. It has terrain and fresh water resources that are indispensable for camping. There are also many edible materials nearby.

, now that a new version has been opened, it is perfect as a landing place for adventurers. Because it is far away from the City of Freedom, it has also become a gathering place with the tacit approval of all major forces. Many come from nearby and set their targets.

Players further away will also prepare their own resources and tools, and then set the starting point of the adventure here. Naturally, there will be many large guilds from the Free City in these teams, and conflicts will often occur in the process, but for

For players who have been fighting in the city for many years, the friction that occurs in this place can only be called a slapstick level.

Moreover, in the camp that Duan Qing and the others have established, there are no people who like to cause trouble.

"It's rare that there are so many people who like peace..."

On a flat ground near the stone forest, Xueling Huanbing, who had just put down his sword, gasped and took off his cloak. While wiping the sweat from his forehead, he dispersed the cold air surrounding him: "I originally thought that freedom

The players in the city are all people who like to fight."

"Human nature is kind, and it's the same in games." Duan Qing, who was lying on the ground, replied calmly: "Even those guys who look extremely vicious... may do something that surprises you in the end."

"...Are you talking about the battle last night?" The woman combed the long black hair on her head, and then sat next to Duan Qing: "Is it the one in the first half of the night, or the one in the second half of the night?"

"A little bit of both."

With his hands folded behind his head, Duan Qing looked up at the sky above his head: "The guys in the Twelve Thrones all came to the throne with blood. They know the secret of success better than anyone else.

Like those of you who have been at the top of the guild all year round, and the guys who hold the position of president."

"Except for some personality problems, they are still very cute." Duan Qing's voice had a certain emotional depth: "They are so cute that it's amazing."

"...Since I don't want to comment, let's talk about the battle itself."

The woman tilted her head and looked down at Duan Qing's face: "That Lu Bench...how strong is he?"

"He has good strength and is an opponent worth fighting against."

With his eyes still fixed on the center of the sky, Duan Qing replied in a calm voice: "Of course... for you power players, it might be a nightmare."

"...I have started to add points to agility, hoping to make a breakthrough."

Xue Ling Huan Bing was silent for a while, and finally decided to tell her plan: "Except for magic issues... the balance of character attributes should make it easier for people to understand techniques and skills, right?"

"Comprehension of this kind of thing always varies from person to person." Duan Qing replied: "For example, the comprehension of sword energy... As a perceptual player, your comprehension speed is much faster than others, but purely

As a woman, you may be a little out of your depth when it comes to strength moves. Even a pure taijutsu user like Lu Benchou has the same level of comparison, so in the end, strength is a relative concept.

, you don’t have to worry too much.”

"Of course, whether he has exerted his true strength... this still needs to be confirmed." He paused, and then said this: "This guy is also a fighting maniac. The reason why he deliberately finds trouble for us... probably

He just saw some clues and wanted to compare notes with me."

"That is to say...he and his Dongcheng Society no longer want to treat you as an enemy?"

"Probably, all the fighting that happened last night was just a coincidence."

Duan Qing seemed to feel sad for the fate he had suffered, and sighed in a deep voice: "Alas... So I shouldn't have accepted this negotiation task in the first place..."

"Now that the Restorers are rising again, your mission may become more important than before."

The woman stroked the sword in her hand while looking in the distance in the direction of Freedom City: "And now that you have entered the sight of the supreme ruler of Freedom City, your opportunities... should be much more than before.


"I know you are comforting me, but life like this is not easy at all."

Like a tired person, Duan Qing simply closed his eyes: "I went out to take a risk and had to deal with pirates. Not only did I almost reveal a big secret, but I was almost dragged by a woman to find it."

Pirate's treasure..."


"Even if you are beaten here and there by unknown forces and are as tired as a dog, you still have to be given to a certain woman for special training when you come back..."


"Okay, okay, all this is trouble I brought voluntarily."

As if thinking of some serious consequences, Duan Qing was finally defeated by the woman's piercing eyes. He patted his back and walked towards the camp: "A new day has begun.

, let’s put aside these past things and start a new day’s adventure…”

"...Why, are you really going to find that treasure?"

"If you want to find them, you can contact Lao Zhou and the others." Duan Qing said without looking back: "Don't worry, I will never stop you."

"...What's our next plan?"

"Probably... let's go visit the Free City first."

Also looking at the outline of the Free City, Duan Qing replied in a slow voice: "Since this is the safest time in that city, of course we must take this opportunity to survey the terrain."


"I'm not talking about the City Lord's Mansion. My head is not that hard."

Faced with another look from under the woman's hood, Duan Qing tapped his forehead: "There are so many local guides now..."

"Of course I have to make good use of it."


The ring-shaped Free City has several gates. Adventurers traveling to and from the southern ruins area of ​​the city will naturally choose the gate near the south to enter and exit, just like what Duan Qing encountered when he first came to the Free City.

, At this time, there were no troublesome gatekeepers or robbers around the city. The caravans traveling between the cities also chose this safest moment to set off after the war. Merchant ships began to appear on the horizon in the distance.

On the blue ocean, many sneaky people appeared from time to time among the people walking around Duan Qing and others. They were carrying various packages and wooden boxes, and they looked like they were selling smuggled goods.

The gang members and thugs guarding the goods also stared at the suspicious people around them from time to time, with "don't mess with me" warning expressions written on their faces. Several gang members who seemed to have personal grudges also fought from time to time.

Problems between each other were solved on the outskirts of the city, but these temporary encounters were quickly extinguished under the watchful eyes of other passers-by.

"The fight was so fast...Are their actions so neat and tidy?"

"How could they have such execution ability... They were just afraid of taking advantage of others, so they quickly finished the fight and left."

Stepping into the city full of modern style again, Duan Qing and others soon met their first guide, and out of some guilty relationship, this guide seemed to be more enthusiastic than several others.

The guys who had not yet woken up came much more strongly: "Liu Qingniu, leader of the second group of the Dongcheng Club, would like to say hello to all the bosses!"

"We are not gangsters, so don't shout like that."

Duan Qing, who was pressing his forehead, responded helplessly, and then pointed to the center of the city: "So... how do we go next?"

"If it's the street that eldest sister mentioned...brother, I can take you there right now."

The short-haired young man who regained his honest expression smiled at everyone, and then waved to the corner of the street.

"follow me."

This chapter has been completed!
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