Chapter 124 The Great Qing Court, They Are All Flattering People

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After listening to Mu Siyue's words, Chen Mu gave her a thumbs up.

When it comes to playing desperate tactics, women are still better.

"This is a good method. Anyway, we have the hard power to crush them. It would be great to capture everyone directly."

Everyone started talking to each other one by one.

Capture a large number of craftsmen and directly return the Qing Dynasty to the society of bows and horses overnight. They have this ability!

According to the information they received, in order to supervise the production of muskets and artillery, and to prevent the weapons from being leaked, Qianlong actually concentrated all the craftsmen outside the capital.

Their army can come in waves.

Li Ye shook his head: "This won't work. We can't do this. We can take away the weapons and tools, but we can't touch all the craftsmen."

Everyone is confused!

Li Ye explained: "If you save people and lose their land, you will lose both people and land. If you save the land and lose people, you will lose both people and land. If we take away the craftsmen of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty will be completely in chaos. We take away the weapons they made, so that

The Qing Dynasty just needs some time to stretch its muscles and bones!"

In short, as the old saying goes, what they need is a stable Qing Dynasty, not a Qing Dynasty with wars and wars everywhere.

Only by wiping out the Qing Dynasty as quickly as possible can they ensure the lives of more people!

Everyone thought about the meaning of Li Ye's words.

"It's nothing. It's easy to fight, and it's easy to destroy. But construction is the most difficult. Chen Mu's mission is to create a glorious and brilliant culture, not to leave a scorched earth full of holes."

Chen Mu rubbed his brows and felt a headache thinking about that splendid mission.

"Then focus on grabbing their weapons and formulate a detailed battle plan!"

The industrial capabilities of the Qing Dynasty were extremely poor, so they could just take away their muskets and artillery and let them stop for a year.

One year was enough for them to plant their flags in most of the Qing Dynasty.

"Okay...we can do this...this way, and then this..."

Everyone spoke freely and began to discuss various battle plans.

The next day, an advance team went to the Qing capital in the name of escorting steel. They mainly went to spy on intelligence.

Five days later, Chen Mu directly approached Li Shiyao and told him about his visit to Qianlong.

"This... this is inappropriate!" Li Shiyao suddenly lost his mind.

If these envoys went to the capital of the Qing Dynasty to snitch on him, then his flowered feathers and head would be in danger.

"Haha~ This is not up to you. We will send an envoy soon. Please tell Emperor Qianlong."

Chen Mu decided to use modern methods to plunder the weapons and equipment of the Qing court.

After Chen Mu left, Li Shiyao thought about it for a long time before reluctantly handing over a note and telling Chen Mu and the envoys from Western countries that they were going to the Qing Dynasty.

The Qing court was inexplicably surprised!

These southern barbarians and foreigners actually visited the Qing Dynasty as foreign envoys?

We need to treat you well and never let my Qing Dynasty lose its majesty.

Soon, various ministries of the Qing Dynasty began to prepare etiquette to entertain Western envoys.

Three days later, ships flying the flags of various countries set sail under the leadership of Chen Mu!

The day after the mission left Guangzhou.

Thousands of soldiers docked in Guangzhou carried out rotation work in the dark night. Four thousand soldiers boarded the warship and secretly advanced towards Kyoto, the core of the Qing Dynasty!

They drove all the way north, day and night...

In the early September of the twenty-fourth year of Qianlong's reign, Jinmen!

Chen Mu and more than a hundred people of various colors disembarked from the ship under the reception of Qing court officials.

Under the gaze of countless people of the Qing Dynasty, Chen Mu deliberately took off his hat, revealing his energetic broken hair.

His broken hair caused countless people to exclaim.

The men said that Chen Mu and others were fools and should be beheaded.

Some people mocked Chen Mu and others as southern barbarians who did not understand etiquette, saying that Chen Mu was really ugly without a whip.

And women~

Well, except for aunts in their fifties and sixties, young girls are almost impossible to see.

I understand that there is too much oppression against women. Many times, under official etiquette, women are not allowed to appear.

The officials of the Ministry of Rites of the Qing Dynasty and Honglu Temple had nothing to say.

It was this group of Qing officials who acted like they were descending from heaven, and communicated with Chen Mu and others with arrogance in their bones.

Why do you have to kneel down when you see the emperor, kneel three times and kowtow nine times, what...

Anyway, it’s all the old feudal stuff.

Chen Mu, who had spent some time in the Ming Dynasty, was laughing in his heart at this moment.

The Ming Dynasty still respected their customs when treating foreign envoys.

And I, the Qing Dynasty, tsk tsk~

I wish the whole world was clear to me.

September 8th.

After resting for a few days, Chen Mu and his party left their residence, and then more than a hundred people headed to Ziguang Pavilion.

The midsummer is gradually disappearing now!

It's a good day to play horse racing in the crisp autumn weather.

Thousands of years ago, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty played with his concubine and created many new postures.

Qianlong listened to the trampling of horses and felt disgusted in his heart.

Since he collapsed from anger, it took Qianlong more than a year to recover. He rarely rides horses anymore!

Sometimes he was alone, often envious of the days when he was young and romantic, riding horses and having fun.

"Damn Nanmanzi, damn bastard! My fifth elder brother..."

Thinking of the culprit who made him sick, he also thought of his beloved fifth elder brother!

It's been more than a year, and I don't know how he is doing now.

Although he had received many personal letters from his fifth elder brother, he was always worried when he did not see his beloved son.

When I was still feeling depressed, I heard the loyal eunuch calling softly.

"Master, the envoys from Western Europe have arrived at Ziguang Pavilion!"

Qianlong perked up and said with a smile, "Here he comes."

As early as a month ago, Li Shiyao sent a letter stating that an envoy from the descendant country of Western Europe and the Dragon was coming.

He looked forward to the arrival of these foreign envoys.

Because he wanted to redeem his fifth elder brother.

Qianlong took a breath and glanced outside the door.

The eunuch quickly shouted: "Long live the Lord, get up and prepare the dragon chariot~"

Soon the waiting eunuch came over with a sedan, Qianlong climbed on the chariot hub, and then the sedan moved smoothly in the palace.

The bearers carried the sedan chair hummingly and soon arrived at the Ziguang Pavilion.

Originally, foreign envoys would not be received here again since the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Qianlong believed that he was very strong in martial arts and martial arts, so he often placed his achievements in the Ziguang Pavilion!

Gradually, he regarded Ziguang Pavilion as a place to receive foreign envoys.

This place hardly changed in the late Qing Dynasty.

Purple Light Pavilion has arrived!

"Long live the Lord is here!"

The high officials of the Qing court and many soldiers who were waiting here all knelt down.

Bang bang~

They clapped their sleeves twice neatly and then performed the wah-ha salute.

After kneeling three times and knocking nine times, everyone stood tall and shouted.

"Welcome Your Majesty, long live our emperor!"

Qianlong got off the dragon chariot with crutches. When he saw everyone kneeling down in order, he was immediately satisfied.

As soon as he turned his eyes, his expression suddenly changed.

Because where he looked, there were more than a dozen javelin-like figures standing.

They didn't even show respect!

It seemed that Qianlong only frowned slightly at these Western European envoys who looked very different.

Then a loyal eunuch spoke for him.

The eunuch yelled loudly: "You are so bold, foreign minister, that you don't kneel down when you see the Long Live Lord."

Chen Mu, Joseph Lagrange, and the ten soldiers who were called to show their presence still stood like javelins and ignored them.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Countless swords were unsheathed.

These Qing soldiers stared angrily.

It seemed that all he needed was an order from Qianlong to behead him together.

While these people were drawing knives in unison, the drone above had already discovered the problem.

"Captain Chen Mu, don't be like this. You need to be careful when acting. Otherwise we can only waste rocket bombs."

Chen Mu tapped the headset of the walkie-talkie and silently used the code to express his understanding.

He glanced at it, and Joseph Lagrange next to him raised it with one hand and bowed slightly.

"See His Majesty the Emperor of the Tatars!"

Qianlong was angry.

The losers under his command were also angry.

How dare you call him a Tatar?

I am the orthodox emperor of the Qing Dynasty!

The grumpy Liu Tongxun directly raised the knife: "The bold foreign minister dares to insult His Majesty, you come to find him~"

"Hey~ that minister. This is a translation problem. In Western Europe, we all call the Qing emperor this way. Tatar is used in the West to represent respect, greatness, and freedom!"

These people's faces look better now.

Qianlong looked at Chen Mu and asked arrogantly: "Who are you?"

"I? I represent the Western European countries in negotiating trade with the Qing Dynasty, and I am also the head of the mission."

Qianlong sneered and asked: "Looking at your appearance, you are obviously a descendant of Yan and Huang, why do you represent Western Europe? Don't you know your ancestors?"

After hearing this, Chen Mu burst into laughter.

Sorry, he was breached!

The eunuch was extremely angry: "The bold foreign minister does not understand etiquette...!"

Several people from the Ministry of Etiquette were sweating on their foreheads and trembling.

Don’t these damn barbarians know my Qing etiquette?

Asshole, you obviously said it well before.

Chen Mu waved his hand: "Sorry, sorry. I was rude. I apologize personally. I apologize to you personally."

They are all self-righteous fools. If you are familiar with such people, your mouth will be dirty easily.

Seeing Chen Mu's appearance, the Qing officials became even more angry.

The scolding and yelling are endless!

Gao Bin on the side was sweating on his forehead. He wanted to stop these guys from swearing, otherwise something big would happen.

Gao Bin did not attend the court meeting a few days ago because of illness.

He knew that envoys had arrived from Western Europe, but he did not know that among them was Chen Mu.

I was really scared to death when I saw him today.

However, he felt relieved when he thought that the capital was protected by tens of thousands of soldiers. In the court, he kept silently waiting for Qianlong's arrival.

If Emperor Qianlong who was angered by this guy was killed, he would be able to take revenge.

If he acted honestly, he would find another opportunity to tell Emperor Qianlong that this person was the person in charge of Nanmanzi Office.

But this guy is so ungrateful!

Is this guy trying to completely offend me, the Qing Dynasty?

Chen Mu waved his hand and apologized jokingly, then straightened his expression and said seriously: "Hello, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. On behalf of the countries of Western Europe and the country of the descendants of the dragon, I would like to say hello to you in the name of our country!"

He clasped his hands into his fists and saluted with a common etiquette among literati.

Qianlong's eyes narrowed, and then he sneered: "Foreign ministers are barbarians who do not know the power of heaven, do not understand etiquette, and do not respect ghosts and gods. The talents of the Western European countries and the country of the descendants of the dragon are like that!"

Chen Mu shrugged his shoulders and let Joseph Lagrange, who was watching the show, speak.

It's finally my turn!

Joseph Lagrange thought to himself, and then he saluted Qianlong: "Hello, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, we have no intention of offending, because our etiquette is like this, even if we see the emperor himself, we don't have to kneel down.


The envoys of the Qing Dynasty were in an uproar!

Gao Bin's back was soaked with sweat.

Amidst the countless scoldings and yells, Joseph Lagrange just looked at them innocently like a clown.

No matter how cheerful the clown screams, they will be unable to speak until their voices are hoarse.

Sure enough, after a while, Emperor Qianlong, the leader of the clowns, couldn't stand it anymore!

"Okay, it's okay if the barbarians don't know etiquette. It's rude of you to make things difficult for me."

"The slave is terrified."

"You are all people who love and protect the Qing Dynasty. I forgive you for not being guilty!"

"Your Majesty Sheng Ming!"

"Your Majesty has mercy!"

Watching Qianlong singing and playing a comedy show with the Qing ministers, Chen Mu was so bored that he yawned.

Joseph Lagrange was also quite annoyed.

Don’t these Qing people know how to do business?

What the hell are you doing trying to please the emperor?

A bunch of sycophants can actually hold high positions in the temple?

Qianlong was so happy that he was licked by all kinds of words. Looking at the people standing in front of him, he no longer had the thought of killing them at first.

This descendant of the dragon defeated its own army in the south.

They have strength and cannot be neglected too much.

Otherwise, the fifth elder brother’s life will be in danger!

"You foreign ministers submitted a letter to meet with me seven days ago. Why?"



This chapter has been completed!
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