Chapter 243 The nobles earned the first rope for themselves to hang

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How to make a lot of money in the Middle Ages.

In the Middle Ages, when there was no productivity and no industrial capacity, it was simply an impossible task to earn 120 billion in a short period of time.

But for Chen Mu, it is a task that can be completed easily.

The simplest way is to collect assets and print banknotes.

But this thing is too sensitive, so it can only be transferred to insensitive industries.

Since the king likes to watch tournaments, he can play some tricks that will be used by later generations.

Sports lottery!

Welfare lottery!

Arenas and arenas!

These are super money-making machines.

Arenas and competition venues are naturally the biggest moneymakers among them.

There is so little entertainment in Westeros.

There are only the most basic trial combats here, and there are no sports events, so Chen Mu can definitely have fun here.

After some discussion, they quickly came up with some solutions.

Unfortunately, the literacy rate in Westeros is pitifully low, and only nobles and bachelors can read.

And these bachelors were only reserve forces for the nobles before.

Once you have a method, let's think about how to get the people of Westeros to accept their business plan, and then use the business plan to achieve their subsequent goals.

The first steam industry disaster killed a large number of nobles, and merchants gradually gained momentum.

But Chen Mu absolutely cannot do this.

Otherwise, they will make wedding dresses for capital!

The existence of capital is to earn profits.

Capital has no national boundaries, and when making profits, it will subconsciously ignore the big issues!

Therefore, Chen Mu must not release this evil beast.

What they want to do is benefit these grassroots people.

How to win over grassroots people?

Just let them live a good life.

Then, let a little flame rise in the hearts of the people.

Well, not much, just red flames.

Guaranteed to burn out all the flames of the old system.

But first they have to solve a small problem: how to build several large stadiums within a few months.

But these things cannot trouble Chen Mu.

The think tank has listed countless plans, and they only need to make slight modifications to list dozens of business plans.

Early the next morning, Zhang Jin went to find Ed with a large pile of information.

Ed had breakfast and then watched the documents.

[Plan on how to improve sports and recycling business applications]

When Ed saw this plan, which was full of twists and turns, and even had many wrong words, he was very amazed at the language talent of these people from the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

These people had difficulty communicating before, but now they can not only communicate fluently, but they can also write letters.

Opening the plan, Ed looked at it carefully.

Since His Majesty the King likes to compete in martial arts, we can definitely treat this as a career.

This business is sports competition.

We can allocate money to build a huge arena and invite more forces to participate...

Seeing this, Ed frowned.

"Zhang, the King's Territory does not have that much cash. We are in debt of six million gold dragons."

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, please read this plan carefully. There is a surprise at the back!"

Ed nodded, then watched patiently...

Ten minutes later, Ed's unsmiling face was filled with a smile: "This is really a genius plan. As long as the King's Territory can succeed, then we can have a steady stream of cash, but we need a site to build a stadium. you have a way to quickly build a stadium in two months?"

"As long as the Prime Minister supports it, we will definitely be able to complete the construction!"

Ed stood up: "Then thank you for your help. I will convince Robert first, and then let the merchants from King's Landing come over."

It was easy to convince Robert. Eddard only showed him the plan and then told him all the plans. Robert, who loved the excitement, immediately agreed to Eddard's plan.

In the afternoon, the nobles of the Red Castle discovered that the new Prime Minister was a little abnormal.

He did not participate in government affairs and did not handle anything. He only summoned all the merchants in the royal territory.

The nobles also came to participate in the meeting.

Ed is not good at words, but he knows how to use people.

Soon, Liu Ruyi, a translation expert under Chen Mu's team, came out and began to serve as the commentator.

The task of explaining is simple!

Everything is centered around the prime minister's efforts to benefit King's Landing and the people of the Seven Kingdoms.

This meeting is called an investment meeting.

The meeting mainly focuses on attracting investment to the arena.

The Hand wants to build an arena outside King's Landing.

There are various arena projects.

In addition to traditional martial arts competitions, there are also a large number of events.

The project bonus has increased by 30% compared to before.

One game actually reached 130,000 gold dragons!

The nobles were excited after hearing this.

Countless businessmen are even more crazy.

His Majesty Robert is very generous. During every martial arts competition, many merchants have made countless profits.

But something even crazier started.

Liu Ruyi explained that the construction of the arena requires a lot of waste of property, so it requires the support of big players.

The nobles hesitated, and the merchants even more hesitated.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, with all due respect, it would take at least ten years to build such a huge competitive arena. It is impossible for us to invest for ten years to make a profit, right? In more than ten years, our daughters have all been married."

The conference room burst into laughter.

Liu Ruyi smiled and said: "We can issue a military order and build a huge arena within two months, but we need the support of the big guys!"

Ed also stood up: "On behalf of King Robert, the guardian of the realm, I guarantee that if we cannot complete the construction of the comprehensive stadium within two months, we can fully compensate everyone for their losses."

Later, Ed invited the Dukes and earl-level nobles of the Seven Kingdoms to participate in the company.

The nobles also felt that the success rate of this matter was very high, and they received Ed's written agreement, so they offered to pay on the spot.

Soon, the written agreement of intent for 100,000 gold dragons was basically completed.

"The first 1,000 gold dragons need to be seen tomorrow. Otherwise it will affect the speed of our recruitment of workers."

Many nobles nodded, indicating that the money would be delivered soon.

Later, Ed showed his cards with the businessman again.

"Look, the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms have invested a lot of money. I can also guarantee you in the name of King Robert that we will invite you to be a sponsor after the arena starts."

Compared with nobles, businessmen not only have to prepare to participate in arena competitions, but also need to pay a hefty franchise fee to enter the arena.

Naturally, businessmen would not give up this opportunity to make big money.

They responded one after another.

Among them, Finance Minister Littlefinger Tipper was the most proactive. He was willing to spend 5,000 gold dragons to be the first sponsor.

Ed hates the female branch, but in order to make a good start, he agrees with Littlefinger's words.

Subsequently, a large number of businessmen in King's Landing also started sponsorship plans.

This time the gold dragons were raised faster. They raised investment and sponsorship fees of up to 50,000 gold dragons at one time.

In short, the Prime Minister had already earned enough money to run the tournament before the tournament even started.

But it's not over yet.

In the afternoon of the next day, Chen Mu brought two hundred soldiers sent by the nobles of the seven countries for special training.

Their training method is very simple, that is, how to command the workers under their command.

Chen Mu's only requirement for them is to allow them to execute their construction plan correctly.

These construction jobs are comprised of a variety of high-resolution drawings.

Even children can watch the construction drawings.

In the following days, these soldiers received intensive training.

Chen Mu wants to train these people to become foreman contractors.

At the same time, dozens of soldiers from the north and people from the Eastern Tang Dynasty also arrived at Flea Bottom.

They directly used loudspeakers to recruit large numbers of staff.

"We're recruiting, we're recruiting... His Majesty the King is recruiting... He'll take care of two meals a day, and provide a salary of about 50 copper plates. Wages will be paid every five days, and you can start construction after receiving simple training. This is His Majesty the King's

Following the order issued by the Prime Minister, what are you still hesitating about? You can’t suffer the consequences or be fooled, so join the workers’ association quickly!”

After shouting for a long time, the people in Flea Bottom finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Sir, do you really pay us that much?"

The labor cost here in Junlin is very low. A day's wage is about 20 copper coins. This copper coin can only feed a family of three.

And the wages offered by these people are directly more than twice the ordinary wages.

They feel like this is a huge pie.

"Yes, we have the support of His Majesty the King, what are you still hesitating about?"

"Sir, do you have any restrictions on recruiting workers?"

"If you can move a stone weighing fifteen kilograms in front of you, you only need to walk a hundred steps."

This stone is an easy task for these Westerosians who have twice the strength of ordinary people.

Then, this man was the first to lift the stone and walked around.

"Congratulations, you are admitted! I will record your name."

"Brad, my name is Brad!"


"Flea Bottom, on the east side of the street, that doorway is my home."

Zhang Jin looked at the simple shed pointed by Brad, nodded and said: "Brad, you are admitted. At this time tomorrow, go to the competition venue outside the city to gather. You will be provided with lunch and dinner there!"

Then, he took out 20 copper coins from a large box. "This is your first sign-up reward!"

The man quickly thanked: "Sir, I have two younger brothers at home. Can they join your work?"

"Sorry, because there are not many jobs, and in order to ensure that more families can benefit, we only recruit one worker per household."

When I heard that a family was recruiting someone, the man's face was full of regret. He took the 20 copper coins and happily went to buy food.

With someone taking the lead, countless people struggling in poverty raised their hands and asked to become a member of a construction company.

After a busy day, they directly recruited 3,000 employees!

Then came the special training...

This chapter has been completed!
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