Chapter 255 Game of Thrones

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After Ed ran to the Red Keep, he found that his best friend was dying.

Robert directly expelled Queen Cersei and others.

He endured the pain and laughed loudly and said to Ed: "Ed, I am so unlucky that my stomach was broken by a wild boar..."

Robert rambled on about his last words, and Eddard just endured the grief of losing his friend and listened silently.

"Ed, I'm about to die, please help me write a suicide note!"

Ed nodded: "Okay."

"...I hereby appoint Eddard Stark as Prime Minister and Regent until Joffrey comes of age, and then the throne can be passed to him!"

After speaking, Robert held Eddard's hand tightly: "My wife and daughter, help me raise them!"


After saying these words, the usurper who overthrew the Targaryen rule for nearly 300 years died tragically because he was drunk and had his stomach pierced by a wild boar. Treatment failed.

"Robert, I will take good care of your wife." Thinking about the friendship and life with Robert over the past decades, Ed shed tears and cried bitterly.

But not long after, Renly suddenly looked for him in a hurry.

Renly met Eddard outside the Red Keep.

After meeting him, he said it straight to the point: "Ed, after you have been investigating for so long, you should have found out about the incest between Lannister Cersei and Jaime, right?"

Eddard looked at Renly doubtfully.

What Chen Mu did here created a series of butterfly effects.

Eddard, who has lost a lot of clues, still hasn't figured out why Jon Arryn died!

Also because of the butterfly effect, Ed has not had time to deal with the queen's affairs, nor has he had time to make a plan to evacuate the children.

Therefore, Cersei was silent at the moment and tried to negotiate with Eddard.

Eddard felt confused after hearing Renly's words.

"Lord Renly, what are you talking about?"

Renly stepped back and looked at Eddard in horror: "You conspired with the Lannister?"

"Conspiracy?" Eddard became even more confused: "Why should I conspire with the Lannister?"

Renly's face was uncertain, and then he sighed: "Edd, you disappoint me very much. My brother and you were once brothers and sisters! But you support those products of incest."

After finishing speaking, Renly left here directly.

Left without any hesitation.

Renly's departure left Eddard even more puzzled.

He still hadn't thought that Joffrey and others were actually the children of Cersei and Jaime.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, the Queen invites you to the Secret Garden!"

"I see!"

Ed took more than a dozen guards to the secret garden!

After arriving, Cersei drove all the guards away and asked Eddard: "Edd, do you support Renly or Joffrey's ascension to the throne?"

Ed was confused, then saluted and replied: "Queen, I have always supported Joffrey's ascension to the throne."

Cersei was satisfied with his answer.

But she needed Ed to take action: "Ed, I'm happy with what you said, but I'm disappointed in what you did!"

Ed was extremely confused.

He looked at the Queen: "Queen, is there anything dissatisfied with Ed's administration?"

Cersei issued a direct order: "I want Renly to stay in King's Landing! I want you to handle it yourself."

"Queen, Lord Renly has not committed any crime. He can come and go freely. I have no right to detain him!"


Cersei slapped the table: "You know Renly's ambition. Once he returns to Storm's End, he will definitely unite other kingdoms to rebel."

"Queen, under what name did Renly send the army? Joffrey is the legitimate prince! Although Duke Renly is Robert's brother, he is not justified in his name! No one supports him."

Listening to Eddard not talking about her three children, Cersei said angrily: "But Renly accused my three children of being incestuous monsters and not Baratheon's children."

Cersei's answer was like a bolt of lightning, leaving Eddard stunned on the spot.

Ed looked at Cersei in disbelief: "You, you..."

No wonder Jon Arryn keeps saying the race is strong!

No wonder so many people died tragically.

No wonder Renly suddenly came to him today and asked him to cooperate with him in seizing power.

Eddard shuddered when he thought of Cersei's three children's blond hair.

"Do you support the Lannister or Storm's End?"

He looked at Cersei in disbelief: "All three of your children were born to you and Jaime?"

Hearing this question, Cersei rolled her eyes: "Didn't you already know that they were indeed born to me, but what does it matter? Robert is dead anyway!"

Speaking of this, Cersei looked at Ed: "Robert is dead, is the truth still so important?"

After hearing Cersei talk about Robert's tragic death several times, Eddard's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at Cersei in disbelief.

Ed suddenly thought of a super scary guess!

Robert was humiliated by a pig today, and Barristan was not on duty. Instead, many Lannister guards appeared beside Robert.

Was it Lancel who poured Robert's wine?

Was Robert also killed by the Lannister?

"Joffrey will never allow him to become king. I can let Jaime and Lancel put on black clothes and become the Night's Watch! should also quit the position of queen."

Thinking of Robert who had just died tragically, Eddard left here angrily.

These damn Lannisters!

They deceived Robert.

After saying this, Ed ignored the dumbfounded Cersei and left here without looking back.

After leaving, Ed directly summoned the golden robe garrison, his guard captain Qiao Suo.

Of course, there is also Zhang Jin, who has outstanding fighting ability.

He directly stated his intention.

"Queen Cersei's three children were all born to her brother Jaime, and the previous Prime Minister Jon Arryn was also killed by them. King Robert may also have been killed by a Lannister!"

Everyone was shocked.

Ed briefly stated his guess: "Because there is no legal heir, I need to welcome Stannis as the new king."

Ed looked at Zhang Jin: "Zhang, I'm sorry for letting you get involved in this turmoil. I need you to help me protect my children. And the people from the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty who taught others before have to return to the Prime Minister's Tower. Are you willing?

help me?"

"The first thing we accepted was the friendship of the North, and we will naturally help the North!"

Hearing this, Ed breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the golden-robed commander he had appointed: "Avery, when we appoint a new king tomorrow, you need to cooperate with us."

Avery glanced at Zhang Jin calmly, and then nodded with a heavy expression.

Just a few days ago, his wife, children, and family members were all secretly captured by the Lannister.

Avery was very hesitant at the moment whether he wanted his family or Ed, who had favored him for promotion.

After ordering some more operational tasks, Ed asked Qiao Suo to leave with his two daughters.

Tomorrow King's Landing will experience a bloody storm, and he needs to ensure the safety of his family.

An hour and a half later, Avery suddenly returned to the brightly lit Prime Minister's Tower: "Sir, I have news to report to you."

Ed looked at the other person in confusion: "What's the matter?"

"Queen Cersei has controlled my family, and they are even close to the East..." Avery suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Jin who appeared from the darkness: " guys?"

Zhang Jin smiled easily: "It's a good thing you came today, otherwise you and your family would have died tragically."

Avery's body was shaking uncontrollably: "Prime Minister? So you already knew?"

Ed quickly shook his head: "I didn't know this a long time ago. I want to thank Zhang Jin and others for telling me this. I need your cooperation tomorrow, and your family will also be rescued by Zhang Jin and others!"

Avery nodded repeatedly.

In the struggle for the right to rule, the most uncertain factor is these people from the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

The terrifying fighting ability of one person beating hundreds of golden robes a few days ago is no joke.

He originally thought that these people had been corrupted by the Lannister, but who knew that they had always been loyal to the North.

Fortunately, his conscience found out and reminded Prime Minister Ed. Otherwise, he would never see the sun the day after tomorrow.

When Avery was still feeling frightened, there was another noise outside the door.

"Woooooooo~ let go..."

It was the sound of a girl being covered.

After a while, Sansa was picked up by members of the Spring Breeze Team.

"Sansa should go tip off Joffrey."

Sansa struggled for a moment, wanting to refute.

It's a pity that I didn't struggle to open it!

"Sansa, don't yell, got it?" Eddard walked over and motioned to the team members to let her go.

Sansa nodded.

After the team members let go, Sansa hid behind Eddard: "Father, these people are too barbaric and rude. They actually touched me."

A clear female voice shouted: "The Lannister is our enemy, and you still go and tell the truth. This will destroy our Stark family."

It's Arya Stark's voice.

Seeing Eddard and her sister staring at her, Sansa said timidly: "Arya, father... Joffrey is a prince, and you can't deal with the prince."

"He is the product of incest and a child of the Lannister family. Baratheon's children all have black hair. Only Lannister has blond hair."

Sansa wanted to retort loudly, but suddenly her Adam's apple and body felt numb. Then she fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Zhang Jin put her on the chair: "Lord Ed, please rest assured that she is only temporarily comatose. This coma will not affect Sansa's health. She will wake up soon."

Arya's eyes widened: "This is so cool! Master Zhang, can you teach me this Kung Fu?"

Zhang Yuan grinned: "After we finish our work, we can teach you these skills."

Arya's little head nodded suddenly.

Inside the Red Fort.

With the death of King Robert, the funeral and transfer of power are also underway.

Queen Cersei also summoned her confidants, Jaime, Tyrion and others to discuss how to deal with Eddard.

Tyrion was stunned when he learned that Eddard actually said that his brother and sister had messed around and had three children.

James just felt uncomfortable for a moment, and then returned to normal.

"Renly has escaped with his soldiers. He is very likely to cause rebellion. We must ensure that the three forces of the North, the Riverlands, and the Arryn Valley are on our side! So we need to capture a few Eddards. Use them

Being a hostage."

Cersei glanced at Tyrion with disgust, then nodded: "You are absolutely right."

Father Tywin has already sent an order, asking them to listen to the dwarf Tyrion when taking action.

Cersei, who has not lost three children, is still more obedient to her father's words at the moment and is reasonable.

"Maester Pycelle, tomorrow's enthronement ceremony is very important. I need..."

"Don't worry!" Pycelle nodded quickly.

Then, the Lannister meeting continued.

That night, countless nobles inside and outside the Red Castle were busy.

After a night of hustle and bustle, at nine o'clock the next morning, the imperial meeting officially began.

Pycelle acted as the host, telling the story of the new king.

The nobles below who got the news were also ready to take action.

Outside the political hall, a large number of people with armors were also dispatched.

"...The king has died and there cannot be a day without a king. Joffrey will be the new king!"

"It makes sense to everyone!"

Joffrey, who was standing aside, looked at everyone arrogantly, then put on his crown and wanted to sit on the Iron Throne.

"Wait a minute!" Eddard shouted, and then someone stood up and said seriously: "Joffrey cannot become the king. Because they are descendants of Cersei and James of the Lannister family."

The naughty kid Joffrey above was stunned.

Countless nobles who didn't know the inside story also started shouting.

The originally solemn and quiet meeting hall was suddenly surrounded by chaotic discussions.

Seeing the council hall fall into panic, Cersei immediately stood up: "Prime Minister Eddard, what are you going to do? Are you going to bully us orphans and widowed mothers?"

Hearing his mother speak like this, Joffrey suddenly felt confident: "Prime Minister Eddard, have you drunk too much?"

Cersei and others know what Joffrey is like.

So they didn't let Joffrey attend some important meetings.

Until now, Joffrey thought he was Robert's real child.

Eddard stood up, holding a letter in his hand that Robert said but had Eddard write: "The king originally appointed me as regent, but the king died very strangely. I suspect that the king was killed by a Lannister."

Killed. The previous Prime Minister was also killed by a Lannister. Gold Robe!"

Ed yelled, and then a large number of gold medals came out.

The Kingsguard standing around the Iron Throne were also divided into two lines.

Jaime led several Kingsguards to protect Joffrey, while Barristan stood aside.

Because of Eddard's order, hundreds of Lannister guards all came out, and they protected Cersei and others.

"Avery, control the queen and Joffrey, they will be judged."

If Ed acted like this, it was naturally Zhang Jin's assist.

Zhang Jin, who had gained Ed's trust, made the stakes clear. In order for the Lannister people to wear black clothes, they must be controlled.

Ed initially hesitated, but Zhang Jin and others cited the people of the Seven Kingdoms as their excuse.

So Ed behaved very strongly and resolutely from the beginning.

Avery directly raised the long sword: "Everyone, start with me."

Suddenly, someone in the golden robe raised a long sword and stabbed an unpleasant guy hard.

"The Prime Minister has rebelled! Everyone, help me capture the Prime Minister."


The noble women staying in the meeting hall suddenly screamed, and the hall suddenly became chaotic.

Suddenly someone in the golden robe was stabbed in the back, and the golden robe troops fell into chaos.

The Lannister guards began to advance step by step.

They tried to kill all the soldiers of the North and all the gold cloaks who were loyal to Eddard Stark's family.

The soldiers in the north also began to form a formation, preparing to control the Lannister.

Cersei, who was heavily protected, saw the chaos on the battlefield, and looked at Zhang and others watching coldly, and immediately shouted: "Zhang, what are you doing? Why don't you come to help?"

This chapter has been completed!
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