Chapter 268 Expansion of power, changes in the Great Wall of Despair

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Chapter 268: Expansion of power, changes in the north (please subscribe)

Ever since the new King Renly and Queen Margaery Tyrell's attitude towards Chen Mu changed drastically, the king and queen became lobbyists.

The various tasks assigned by Chen Mu are progressing very quickly.

Some people have begun to embrace the concept of short-term training courses.

The financial expenditure on infrastructure is very large. But once the infrastructure is completed, the nobles will benefit for hundreds of years.

Anyway, after the highway is built, any dog ​​can do the job of collecting tolls from merchants.

The nobles now have a new stable income.

They sent commissioners to inspect and confirmed that the widespread dissemination of knowledge was harmless, and then they happily accepted the idea of ​​training more farmers to become workers.

I won’t go into details about Chen Mu going out at night to hypnotize many people.

Because there were too many people working on it, some lords were worried that their farmland would not be cultivated, so they asked the people of the Tang Dynasty in the East if there was a way to make it.

"It's simple, we can produce some more efficient agricultural tools."

The nobles gladly accepted their gifts.

The agricultural tools provided to them by Chen Mu last time made the overall farming speed of Westeros much faster. Everyone can complete more work with less effort.

What is even more exciting is that agricultural fertilizers made from manure can greatly increase crop yields.

The Dongtu Datang People have now become synonymous with miracles, so they are patiently waiting for the Dongtu Datang People's actions.

On this day, more than a dozen large ships docked at Blackwater Bay.

The machinery and equipment produced in the North were shipped off the ship.

This equipment, called the Northern Industrial Production Factory, won everyone's favor as soon as it arrived in King's Landing!

Among the mechanical equipment are concrete mixers.

This mixer is very primitive, mainly driven by primitive horsepower or human power.

This method has allowed the concrete mixing work to go from dozens of people to only five people today. The labor cost is greatly reduced and the work speed is greatly improved!

This is a progress across the ages.

In addition to this, Beijing Industrial Production Plant also produced a large number of industrial equipment that was extremely advanced in this era.

Such as water-powered textile machines and looms.

Of course, they also brought new types of farming and sowing tools.

For example, a seeder that can sow seeds by one person, a weeder, and pesticides that can kill weeds!

After some hesitant nobles saw these advanced equipment, they finally started to let people work.

With manpower, water-powered spinning machines and looms made of steel were built.

They collected cotton and wool from the royal territory to make clothing and then put it on display.

The noble country bumpkins in Westeros were immediately shocked.

"It's a miracle that the lines of such a large piece of cloth are so neat and tidy!" A certain bachelor exclaimed in admiration.

Davos asked thoughtfully: "After this textile machine comes out, will many civilians lose their way to make money?"

The social structure of Westeros is almost the same as that of the Middle Ages, with men farming and women weaving, and aristocracy ruling the roost.

Most women weave and sell cloth and use a small amount for themselves. It would be very bad if a woman loses a living income.

"Sir, after the emergence of looms, there will be more jobs. Women who weave cloth can do a better job than men."

"We just need to keep the industry to a standard, so that more workers can get job opportunities, and more people will be needed for one-stop industrial production... By the way, sewing machines can sew garments, and sales will also increase..."

Zhang Jin talked about some of the conveniences of industrialization: "The cloth we produce can not only be sold to the people of Westeros, but also to the continent of Essos and Sorossos on the other side of the Narrow Sea!"

"The price of a set of ready-made clothes in Essos is as high as 150 copper cents, but the batch cost of clothing is only 20 copper cents. We can make a lot of profits."

"As for whether they can weave, there is no need to worry. As long as we protect the technology of textile machines, we can make continuous profits!"

Everyone was overjoyed!

No one expected that this little thing would change Westeros so much.

Of course, it will also quickly occupy the markets of Essos and other continents.

Everyone was excited when they thought that Westeros products were sold all over the world.

The industrial production lines in the North are jointly owned by a large number of nobles.

Everyone makes money together and everyone is happy.

Renly said excitedly: "This method is really advanced. As long as the cost of clothes drops, Westeros can make better clothes. The cost of living for civilians in the Seven Kingdoms will decrease."

"The common people of Westeros can buy clothes at low prices, and all the people will talk about the king's kindness." Queen Margaery Tyrell answered softly from the side.

The nobles around also looked at each other and smiled!

Even the old-fashioned Prime Minister Ed Stark was very satisfied with what the people of Eastern China produced.

He also became more curious about the factories established in the north.

A small move back then not only allowed the North to gain tens of thousands of savage people, but also received countless gifts.

Thank the old gods!

If we say that among these people, the one who is most grateful to the people of Eastern China, there must be a place for Ai De.

It was bitterly cold in the north, and everyone was short of clothing. Although the clothing made by animals was very good, it had poor warmth retention properties. Catherine once wrote to her, saying that some of the things produced by the factories in the north were very good.

By the way, the northern grain output this year has more than tripled compared to last year.

Everyone can definitely live a prosperous year.

He decided to write a letter to Robb Stark after he returned today, asking him to go to the northern factories more often to observe their production conditions.

The emergence of this kind of machine means that countless people can wear cheaper clothes. People in the north must promote it as soon as possible for the sake of food and clothing for their people.

While Prime Minister Eddard was deep in thought, Renly asked: "So, you have made such a powerful thing, do you need any reward?"

Zhang Jin quickly and humbly replied: "Your Majesty, the reward does not matter, we have learned a lot from the old town."

"Haha, I will give you heavy rewards!"

The people of the Eastern Tang Dynasty do not seek wealth, but only like knowledge and cultivation. Therefore, people in Westeros are happy to get along with them most of the time.

But these people have stated that they will return to their hometown within two years at most, so Renly negotiates with many nobles to introduce the noble single women in their families to them.

As long as a woman is pregnant with a child, some of these responsible Eastern Tang people will definitely choose to stay in Westeros.

Beauty's scheming can often achieve extraordinary results.

Of course, this is reasonable and logical for the Westeros nobles, but for the Spring Breeze team, it is a bit painful.

Fortunately, the members of the Spring Breeze Team have experienced countless ups and downs. You must know that women in the modern world are top beauties after putting on makeup.

Everyone prefers modern aesthetics, women from the world of Westeros...

Forget it, white people's skin really can't keep up with their world. Although this world is nourished by spiritual energy, the shelf life of ordinary beauties is generally 14-22 years old.

After this age, it will decline rapidly.

In order to win over the people of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, the nobles directly let the illegitimate daughters of their own families or noble aristocratic women hook up with them.

Many of these aristocratic girls simply put aside their airs of aristocratic women and frequently took the initiative in order to win over the people of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

It's a pity that in order to ensure the smooth development of the follow-up plan, the Dongfeng Team did not take sugar-coated bullets at all.

They must suppress this impulse.

Even if I can't hold it in anymore later on, I would rather marry the daughter of a worker or farmer than be with these women who will definitely undergo prison reform.

If the system of Westeros is to be cured from its roots, it must be treated harmlessly by the nobles.

Those who are cruel will definitely be put on the list, and only nobles who are kind and well-spoken will be exempted.

Therefore, you must not accept the seduction of aristocratic women. This is a system and class war!

A life-and-death fight that must be completely destroyed to stop one party.

They are here to change the world, not to dominate and enjoy themselves in this world.

At this point, ZW of the Spring Breeze Team did a lot of synchronized actions in thinking and pace.

In short, the behavior of Westeros noble women in hooking up with team members has repeatedly hit a wall.

Because of repeated failures, some people in Westeros secretly spread gossip that these people like the opposite sex. They also sent handsome men to hook up with them, but they still failed.

The people of Westeros were disappointed to discover that these people were really just like stone men!

This was very helpless. They could only learn as much as possible from the knowledge of the Eastern Tang Dynasty people and absorb these things.

Time flies by, and it has been half a year since the new king took the throne. Although Westeros has been a bit dirty in the past six months, the situation has been relatively stable.

Many places such as King's Landing in Westeros have turned into large construction sites, with construction and construction going on everywhere.

Cloth for the new textile factory has been produced.

Industrially produced cloth is larger and cleaner, and many people can't put it down.

This gave the textile factory a direct start in business, making money every day.

In addition to checking accounts all day long, the nobles of Westeros spend most of their time living in a state of dissipation and extravagance.

It’s great to make money while lying down!

The situation in Westeros is stable, and there is no movement in Essos.

For example, the Golden Company, which has always coveted the Iron Throne, saw that Westeros was stable and did not dare to take action.

Varys, who was driven out by the secret, hid in a dark corner, waiting for an opportunity to support young Aegon to ascend the throne.

But he knew that unless Westeros was in chaos, it would be impossible to support Targaryen as king again.

In addition to this, R'hllor, the Lord of Light, who had possessed Stannis several times before, had disappeared without a trace.

Some of the Faceless Assassins have also disappeared, and everything seems to be fine!

Everything seems to be going for the better.

But things are always unexpected.

On this day, there was heavy snowfall on the Great Wall in the North, and the visibility under the wind and snow was very low.

Jon Snow and other rangers who were patrolling on the Wall had to find a garrison on the Wall to escape the wind and snow.

After not seeing each other for more than a year, Jon Snow has become a qualified ranger captain.

Although I was disappointed when I first joined the Night's Watch, with the appearance of the White Walkers, the Night's Watch Legion re-established military discipline, and the Night's Watch gradually returned to the Legion of Honor it once was.

"Sir, the snow is really heavy today!" A soldier from the West who had just joined the Night's Watch said to Jon while rubbing his hands.

The West was defeated and the Lannister family was destroyed. Many soldiers were forced by the king to be sent to the Great Wall to become night watchmen.

Otherwise they will be executed!

Because there are more than 2,000 people in the Westerlands Night Watch, Tyrion, who was assigned to the Wall, naturally gained favor from some Westerlands people because of his good relationship with Jon.

Jon's slightly green face was full of seriousness: "Ragel, the blizzard on the Great Wall is too big, and there may be other ghosts hidden under the blizzard. Let's rest for another quarter of an hour, and everyone will continue patrolling."


Just when everyone was hiding in a corner to relieve themselves from the freezing wind and snow, a low horn sound suddenly sounded in the distance.


Jon Snow was shocked on the spot: "Three times? The White Walkers are attacking!"

This chapter has been completed!
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