Chapter 270 It's Time to Show Your True Strength

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The greeting from Miss Qiu was devastating.

Deadly shockwaves and explosions destroyed the White Walkers' attack.

The tens of thousands of corpses and ghosts at the center were turned into ashes on the spot!

The incredibly powerful Horn of Winter was also destroyed.

The White Walkers have lost the ability to destroy the Wall on a large scale.

The high school team only needs to lead the soldiers to block this gap to defend against the enemy's attack.

Of course, the gap in the Great Wall of Despair must be built again to a height of at least 30 meters in order to be safe.

The high school team sent the news to Chen Aiguo, and they were responsible for communicating with Mr. Xiong and others.

The second tower led people to set up a defensive circle here.

They have a plan to deal with the White Walkers breaking through the Great Wall. Unfortunately, the later this plan comes out, the better it will be for them!

The savage warriors approached the periphery of the Great Wall of Despair and then built positions and defense circles.

The power of the second generation Miss Qiu is terrifying, and the amount of radiation is also very large. The amount of radiation for 24 hours during the explosion can easily kill someone.

Even the radiation-reducing medicine provided by the Dongfeng Team cannot degrade the various side effects caused by radiation.

However, people in the world of ice and fire have rough skin and thick flesh. They only need to take anti-radiation degradation drugs and wait a few hours to guard the gap safely.

Of course, this guarding time must not last long, otherwise it will cause irreversible damage to the human body.

In order to defend against White Walker attacks, the high school team led 200 wildling soldiers and carried a large number of obsidian and fire-breathing weapons to the Great Wall to assist the Night Watch in defense.

Others set up defensive positions outside the gap in the Wall to prevent the White Walkers from attacking.

While the high school team was actively defending, people elsewhere were also attracted by today's explosion.

This terrifying explosion was felt even by Castle Black hundreds of kilometers away.

Everyone was curious and exclaimed.

People who saw this scene with their own eyes felt even more incredible.

When that terrifying flash of light and the mushroom cloud rose into the sky, the night watchmen nearby were a little confused.

The timid ones continued to flee in panic. They believed even more firmly that this was the magic of the White Walkers!

Except for some people.

"Is this a miracle that the old gods released when they saw that the Great Wall was about to be conquered?" Looking at the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance, Jon always felt that he had missed something.

"I want to know what happened there!" After thinking for a long time, Jon decided to take a look for himself.

Turn the horse's head around and gallop on the Great Wall of Despair.

Jon Snow has also been wary of the wights that may climb the northern wall and attack him.

After marching on horseback for a while, no zombies were found nearby to attack.

The ghoul disappeared?

After riding on horseback for a few minutes, we were getting closer and closer to the point where the Great Wall collapsed.


To ensure safety, Jon only asked the war horse to stop a few kilometers away for observation.

After riding for so long without seeing a corpse, he subconsciously observed the situation north of the Great Wall of Despair.

He found many corpses lying in the ice and snow.

They fell to the ground scattered in various shapes, without any trace of movement!

"There is no White Walker! Could it be that someone killed the leader of the White Walkers?" Jon thought, and his heart was shocked.

The White Walkers are similar to the Zerg in that their control over their subordinates is layer upon layer of transformational control.

Mainly the White Walkers control the wights!

The death of each White Walker represents a horde of wights out of control.

As long as the core White Walker dies, the remaining wights will immediately lose their combat capabilities and become fuel for anyone to slaughter.

This is a summary of experience.

To find out if this was the case, Jon continued riding.

After he arrived at the gap, he saw countless pitch black scorched earth appearing where the White Walkers had been.

Those terrifying White Walkers also lost their traces.

"What's going on? Is this really divine punishment?" He was puzzled!

Suddenly, he saw an army appearing from the south of the Great Wall of Despair.

"That's...the Eastern Tang people and the barbarian troops?"

Jon, who had good eyesight, quickly confirmed who was coming.

"Yes, we are very close to the Tang Dynasty people in the East. Only the savages educated by the Tang people in the East could arrive so quickly!"

Jon thought of the escaped Night's Watch again, and he felt extremely ashamed and angry.

The brothers who once swore the oath of the Night's Watch together are now running away.

Jon is not ashamed to associate with them.

Seeing them forming a defensive formation outside the Great Wall, Jon felt even more uncomfortable!

"This is the real knight!" Thinking of the fighting power of the Eastern Tang people, Jon became even more determined to fight with them.

He and his uncle could see with their own eyes the terrifying fighting power of the Tang Dynasty people from the East.

In the past year and a half, Jon has consulted the swordsmanship of the Tang Dynasty people from the East many times.

In short, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

It was a pity that he was not on the hand-cranked elevator at the moment and could not reach the position below immediately across a height of several hundred meters.

Just when he was in a dilemma on the city wall, thinking about how to get down. To the north of the Great Wall, several White Walkers rode magic ice spiders and led thousands of corpses towards the gap in the Great Wall.

This is obviously supported from other places!

"Hey... White Walkers are attacking, there are White Walkers attacking!"

Seeing the reminder from the Night Watch coming from above the Great Wall, the high school team was stunned for a moment. They took out their binoculars and saw Jon Snow calling out alone.

He took out a loudspeaker from his portable space and shouted: "We understand, please give us the information later."

"Okay!" Jon shouted and nodded.

The army of corpses led by the White Walkers arrived soon.

But they all came here to give their lives away.

As soon as these ghosts ran a few hundred meters away, they were hit in the face by dense mechanical incendiary bombs.

The corpses couldn't get close to them, so they turned into candles.

Some sporadic corpses rushed within 100 meters of them and were blown to pieces by some weird explosives.

The battle was overwhelming from the start.

Thousands of ghouls were easily dispatched without even turning out a single wave.

The White Walkers who tried to escape were also shot into sieves by sniper rifles spiked with dragon crystal powder.

Even if they can get closer than 50 meters, they will be burnt to charcoal by the sudden flames!

Jon above the Great Wall was stunned.

"This...this is incredible!"

"By the way, these are the savage army. When did they have such a powerful fighting force? Our night watchmen are like scum compared to them!"

While Jon was stunned, the high school team had already settled the battle.

They were quite satisfied with this battle. These trained savages easily killed all the invading enemies with projectiles, special grenades and flamethrowers.

As their combat effectiveness increased, their morale also soared.

The wildlings have really suffered enough from the White Walker army.

These people are units of measurement when facing White Walkers and corpses. They cannot withstand the attacks of White Walkers at all.

After this devastating battle, their fighting will has greatly increased. If this army trained by the savages does not consider the red psychological heritage, it can basically go out.

"Deploying fortifications and waiting for the arrival of reinforcements and supplies, our battle has just begun."

"Yes!" More than a thousand savages answered in unison.

After this battle, everyone's fighting will has soared to the top.

Everyone is eager for the enemy's attack.

The high school team knows they can't let up.

Because they did not consider the loss of the Great Wall before coming here, the high school team secretly put down the ammunition and equipment in the portable space and let the deputy take over the command. He returned to the rear to carry more fuel supplies for defensive operations!

Half a day later, Mr. Xiong and others from the Great Wall of Despair received the news of the collapse of the Great Wall of Despair.

He quickly discussed how to send troops.

Soon, Mr. Xiong dispatched 750 soldiers from the Black Castle, and also asked other defense gates to withdraw some of their troops and go to the Sable Hall to coordinate the defense.

Knowing that the destruction of the Great Wall was of great importance, Geo sent urgent ravens' letters to the North, Hearth City and other places, asking them to organize people's defenses as soon as possible.

Of course, Mr. Xiong hopes that the North and even King's Landing will send reinforcements to help them resist the invasion of the White Walkers.

He led the soldiers to the Sable Hall. As soon as they were ready, but before they set off, the people of the Eastern Land directly sent a messenger to send a message.

They said they would unleash the ultimate weapon to destroy the White Walkers' attack.

Elder Xiong was extremely confused: "The ultimate weapon? Destroyed tens of thousands of corpses?"

He expressed disbelief! But when he marched for more than a day and arrived at the gap and saw the scorched earth everywhere, he and the Night Watch soldiers were dumbfounded on the spot...

When the Great Wall was blown down by the White Walkers using the Horn of Winter and evil blood magic, Hearth City, which was the first to get the news, was thrown into chaos.

The chaotic news quickly spread to everyone in the north.

News from the North was once again carried by ravens to King's Landing further away.

Soon, King's Landing was also in chaos.

Everyone quickly discussed sending more soldiers to coordinate the defense and be sure to stop the White Walkers' attack.

The experience of more than a year has made everyone know that White Walkers and corpses are the public enemies of mankind.

If they are not extinct, then humans like them will become slaves of the Cold God.

Noble gentlemen cherish their lives very much.

After some discussion, Renly immediately ordered Eddard to become the supreme commander to assist in the battle to defend the Wall.

He asked Ed to lead an army of 10,000 from the King's Domain, the Stormlands, the Reach, the West and the Riverlands to the northern border to Lindong City for support.

They no longer have any hope that the Great Wall can be defended in desperate situation!

The nobles of Westeros thought about how to organize a defense.

But Duke Eddard Stark only needed a few hours to summon hundreds of soldiers to return to the North!

He was afraid that if he went back too late, his home lair would be raided!

And it will take at least a month and a half to mobilize the 10,000 troops to the northern border.

While the nobles of Westeros were discussing how to resist the White Walkers, they were also considering some escape routes.

But the bear elder Jeor Mormont, as well as the noble soldier commander stationed at the Wall, also sent other news the next day.

"When we arrived at the gap in the Great Wall of Despair, we were all stunned...Thanks to the old gods, we relied on the ultimate weapon of the Eastern Earth Tang people to withstand the attack of the White Walkers."

"Although the ultimate weapon of the Eastern Earth Tang people is very powerful, there are not many Night Watchmen! Because the Night Watchmen have to be deployed at the gap, the guards above the Great Wall of Despair are empty, and we need reinforcements to arrive as soon as possible."

The nobles of Westeros were extremely surprised when they saw this letter.

Some people laughed and said that Commander Geo was old and confused and was joking with them.

Some people also retorted that the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms stationed in Westeros all sent the same letter. Do you think Geo would make such a joke?

Jeor Mormont does not have the final say in the Night's Watch now. The Seven Kingdoms have supported them with many guards who do not need to wear black.

These guards are also led by some family members who are not respected, and they often send important information to their families.

So many people have sent in the news about the collapse of the Great Wall of Despair, and everyone agrees that it is true.

Then they were very interested in what Jeor Mormont said was the ultimate weapon of the Eastern Tang people.

They thought it was a joke that one weapon could destroy King's Landing.

Almost everyone does not believe that the people of the Eastern Tang Dynasty had this weapon.

In order to ask about the ultimate weapon, Renly summoned Zhang Jin directly: "Do you have a very powerful ultimate weapon?"

Zhang Jin nodded: "Well, how did your majesty know that we have this kind of weapon?"

"It's a message from the raven of the Great Wall. The Great Wall has collapsed... They said that you people used the ultimate weapon to destroy tens of thousands of White Walkers!" Queen Margaery said with a smile.

Zhang Jin pretended to be stunned. He nodded and said: "No wonder, we do have weapons to destroy any castle, but our weapons are for protection."

Renly frowned: "Do you really have such a weapon? Zhang, you can't joke!"

Zhang Jin nodded helplessly: "Indeed, these weapons are for self-protection!"

Renly smiled and asked to see their weapons.

"Your Majesty, we are looking for an open area. This Red Fort is too small and the weapons are too powerful to be used!"

"Haha, then go to Yulin, where there are woods and hills for hundreds of miles!"

"Your Majesty, we are afraid of causing a fire in the woods. Is there any other place?"

Queen Margaery stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I know there is a small hill near the Royal Forest, surrounded by water on several sides. Even if it catches fire, nothing will happen."

Renly smiled and looked at Zhang Jin: "Zhang, I have a suitable position here."

Zhang Jin pretended to be helpless and accepted their request to see the weapons.

This is where an upright muscle show begins.

Renly led hundreds of nobles, surrounded by guards, out of the Red Keep and headed for the Kingswood.

When the people of King's Landing heard that Renly and the nobles were going to watch the fun, they followed him outside with food.

After marching for half a day, they arrived at their destination!

The Kingswood is the king's territory, the king's exclusive hunting ground. During the Targaryen dynasty, kings often came here to hunt.

After Queen Margaery led the team to their destination.

Seeing this hill, Renly sighed: "This hillside shimmers for two miles. No one can destroy such a hillside."

"Your Majesty, we will not destroy the hillside, we will only destroy the trees on the mountain!"

"Even trees are miracles."

The trees on the hill surrounded by mountains are very tall. There are many trees surrounded by several people.

These trees are at least a hundred years old.

No one can destroy the trees on the hillside in a short time.

"I bet a golden dragon that the Eastern Tang people cannot destroy the mountain in front of them? Do you want to make money?"

"I also placed a bet on a golden dragon, but I think the people from the Eastern Tang Dynasty will win."

Seeing them placing bets, Zhang Jin asked with a smile: "Your Majesty, can we also place bets?"

"Okay, I will be the middleman and I will never owe anyone anything!" Renly swore on the honor of his own king!

"Okay, let's bet 10,000 gold dragons that we can destroy the mountain forest opposite in one minute!"

This chapter has been completed!
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