Chapter 359 The tragedy of captives, the correct use of amnestics

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Accompanied by rhythmic cries, the aliens who captured a large amount of human loot quickly evacuated.

Chen Mu and his party watched the tragedy unfold silently.

After waiting for a long time, a spy reconnaissance drone modeled after the biological remains of this world was released.

Until now, they had not determined the strength of the enemy's technology, and they needed to make sure it was safe.

After taking care of the external factors, everyone began to conduct anatomy and genetic testing of the alien.

They strive to find the mysterious place of the alien as soon as possible.

Of course, this is a very difficult task for Chen Mu and his party.

In many film and television works and numerous settings, aliens are a very perfect organic life form.

They are efficient and clinical killing machines.

They can absorb the advantages of carbon-based life forms by implanting parasitic embryos internally, and evolve into organic life forms that are better than the original species.

However, after comparison and various tests, Chen Mu and his team found that the current aliens were not perfect.

Let’s talk about the lifespan of the alien first.

The number of times that alien cells can divide is not high, only 6 times at most.

This is why they are resistant to small arms.

Cell division is related to the human life cycle.

You must know that the number of cell divisions of ordinary humans is about 50 times. The average cell division cycle of humans is 2.4 years. The natural life span of humans should be about 120 to 176 years.

After the alien absorbs human cells, it stands to reason that its lifespan should be extended.

Uh, by the way, the aliens at this stage have absorbed the genes of the Engineer civilization.

They also tested the cell division of the Engineer race. They found that the number of cell divisions of the Engineer race was very high, reaching about 500 times.

This is more than ten times the number of human cell divisions.

It stands to reason that the lifespan of aliens should also be greatly increased, but the currently obtained alien cell samples have not reached the level of 300 times.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the abnormal cells may be artificially restricted.

And this restricted creature is most likely David hiding behind it.

Of course, it may be a limit set by engineers.

Just like the genetically modified soybean seeds of Eagle Sauce, the first generation has a high yield, and the second generation~

Tsk tsk!

Engineers should treat the earth as a training ground or an ecological experimental base.

The black water they produced and put on the earth was most likely to cultivate perfect organisms.

Of course, it is more likely to reshape the ecology of the earth.

As for sensing the danger of mankind and trying to nip mankind in the bud, the probability is there, but it feels very small.

It's a pity that the military spaceship of the Engineer Civilization, the donut spaceship, failed.

The military spacecraft stationed on the experimental planet leaked black water for no reason, causing the entire army to be annihilated.

By the way, before Chen Mu came here, the scientists asked them to master the history of engineers as soon as possible.

Because a lot of human DNA comes from the engineer race.

Maybe some kind person doesn't want the earth's ecology to be reshaped.

Scientists from the Dragon Kingdom collected very interesting information in the Prometheus movie.

After the Engineer's experimental planet was destroyed, only one Engineer survived.

After the engineer was awakened, Wieland asked the rebellious David to communicate with him.

The content of the exchange was for engineers to help Wieland gain immortality.

After the engineer woke up and communicated, he had no murderous intention at first.

But then he directly chose to destroy David and kill humans and the earth.

Behind this logic is most likely a cruel truth.

You can use human psychological behavior as an example.

When humans see the apes trapped in the zoo, they have a natural sense of superiority, and some people also feel unbearable.

The identities of apes and humans can be seen as the identities of engineers and humans.

Perhaps at some time, some radical groups of engineers are trying to reshape the earth's ecology, perhaps to test the effectiveness of black water.

They conduct complex research, such as exterminating the human race.

A certain engineer with a holy heart thought this was too radical.

Then this person got into a dispute, and during the dispute, an accident occurred at the experimental base, and the experimental planet and the military base were destroyed.

Only one engineer survived this accident.

After thousands of years, the human apes, who were originally experimental animals, actually woke up the engineers and contacted them in the engineer's language.

In addition to this, they also used equal status to negotiate conditions, allowing them to grant themselves the ability to live forever.

The surviving engineers were furious and immediately prepared to take a spaceship to the earth in an attempt to destroy human civilization.

Unexpectedly, he was killed by humans.

Then David and the surviving human scientist Sean drove the spacecraft to the Engineer's home planet, and then used their weapons to destroy the Engineer civilization!

Later, David occupied their territory, used aliens to kill the civilization, and then began research.

This is just a hypothesis and has not yet been verified.

Chen Mu's research on aliens is still continuing.

But they were disappointed with the alien.

The social structure of aliens is very similar to that of bees. These aliens, which are similar to worker bees, do not have the ability to reproduce and have many genetic defects.

Blood is very corrosive, and the destruction of the main world cannot be prevented without specially manufactured equipment.

If you want to destroy blood corrosion, you can only rely on special separatist materials.

Of course, some rune formations also have the same effect!

While researching aliens, a group of people also interrogated the thirteen surviving engineer races separately.

At normal times, after catching the engineer race, Chen Mu and others would directly apply spiritual guidance and then hypnotize these guys bit by bit.

But now they don't understand the language, and the structure of the engineers' brain cells is more complex than that of humans.

At the beginning, their interrogation method was a very primitive elimination method.

Let’s sort out the communication issues first!

In a newly built underground chamber.


Sukabra, who was knocked unconscious, was suddenly awakened by cold water pouring on his head.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a small dark room, and next to him lay a disheveled woman.

Sukabra looked around and found that it was a secret room. The secret room was not big, except for two stone benches.

He staggered to his feet and carefully walked to his companion.

Hey, he's an acquaintance.

"Tiramisu, wake up, wake up."


The alien woman named Tiramisu woke up from her deep sleep.

She looked around cautiously, and then looked at Sukabra after confirming that it was temporarily safe.

"Sukabra, where is this?"

"I don't know. When I ran away, I only felt a pain in my neck and then lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was here! What about you?"

Tiramisu nodded in fear. She recalled the previous scene: "Me too. I was hunted by a white monster at that time, and then the white monster suddenly separated its body and head. I also had a pain in my neck, and then I lost consciousness."

The two had a brief exchange and then looked at this weird secret room.

The secret room is not big, 10 meters long, wide and high.

There is a partition next to the secret room, which seems to be the bathroom.

There is a white chandelier above the head, and the position of the chandelier is a breathing vent.

The materials used in secret room construction are their commonly used building materials.

The two searched for doors and windows but could not find them.

Looking at the vent above their heads, the two gave up the idea of ​​climbing up and escaping.

If it was more than six meters high, they would still want to try it.

Ten meters is too high.

After observing for a while, the female Tiramisu couldn't help it anymore. She whispered: "Is there anyone there? Who are you?"

"Where is this?"

"Why are you arresting us?"

No matter how they called, no one answered. After a while, the two of them had enough trouble.

They sat dejectedly on the bench specially prepared for them in the secret room and watched everything in silence.

"What is going on? Who is imprisoning us?"

"Don't they know the losses suffered by the Dirac people?"

"I feel like we became guinea pigs."

"Why do you say that?"

"The prophet once said that we should have become the test subjects of the white monster."

The two communicated softly, but they didn't know that the surveillance camera, which was almost integrated with the environment, had recorded everything.


Chen Mu silently looked at what the language information collector recorded.

[One ink, one stack, should, pain, very painful meaning]

[Engineers have very strong racial psychological qualities and should have received a good education]

[The language vocabulary of the Engineer Civilization is very similar to Egyptian]

While Chen Mu was cracking melon seeds, he kept these recorded documents in his mind.

Then, he turned his attention to others.

There are many screens like this to monitor tiramisu and sukabra. These devices can ensure that their every word and action is monitored.

There are more than ten sets of monitoring equipment like this.

This is a language deciphering solution created by Chen Mu that can be implemented without contacting engineers.

As for the reason for doing this, it is naturally to understand the enemy.

Only by understanding the enemy can we deal with the enemy.

Only by knowing the other party's way of thinking and the social and cultural structure of the other party can we completely destroy the other party.

From the moment Chen Mu received the call to destroy the Engineer Civilization, they knew that this would be a bloody and not easy war.

But Chen Mu and his party had no choice.

They are humans!

This is a war of racial continuation. It has nothing to do with good or evil or morality. It is just to use all means to exterminate the other side.

Maybe at some point, humans in this world will set up a huge stone monument on this planet to record the engineering civilization of this planet.

Maybe one day, it will be written into the textbooks by the human colonists of this planet.

For example, call a certain day [Thanksgiving].

Tiramis and Sukabra didn't know that their inadvertent exchanges had exposed countless things.

Their words, their actions, and their small movements are all recorded by the device.

The members of the Spring Breeze Team are quickly collecting their words.

Six hours later!


Sukabra subconsciously touched his belly.

He is hungry.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mu and his party all had smiles on their faces.

"I'm hungry. You can give me some food."

The creatures of the Engineer Civilization are similar in structure to humans. Although these people live long lives and their body cells can divide many times, they obey the law of conservation of energy in biology.

They will be hungry, they will sleep, they will dream, they will have sex...

Don't ask them how they know.

The bodies killed by aliens on the autopsy table are all the objects of their research.

After being imprisoned for six hours, Tiramisu and Sukabra had a bit of a mental breakdown.

No one communicates with them. It's so cruel.

"Why are they arresting us? What is their purpose?"

The two of them screamed at the sky and the earth. At this moment, they thought they were caught by their own clan.

In their understanding, only their own race has the ability and strength to capture them.

Suddenly, the light above his head became brighter.

The two people, tortured by hunger and thirst, suddenly heard movement above their heads.


The fan stopped and a bucket of water was hung down by a thin rope.

"It's water!" Tiramisu exclaimed in surprise.

Sukabra shouted to his head: "Hey, who are you? Why do you only give us water? Talk?"

What greeted them was being ignored.

The two looked at each other and returned to their stools in frustration.

In the end, I couldn't help but drink water first for the tiramisu, then the succabra.

After a while, another piece of food was tied up and hung down through a thin rope.

Hungry, they stuffed food into their bellies.

The food tastes a bit weird and not very tasty.

But the two didn't mind the taste of the food.

[Ka, it tastes bad, it doesn’t taste good]

[chatter, like, exchange]

[Mom, 99% of them are mothers]

Their complaints about the food were recorded silently.

18 hours later, the two of them had nothing to do and got embarrassed several times.

[Luluo, meaning Jiba]

[Engineer civilization is very weak to traditional human moral concepts]

[Through the anatomy of the Engineer race, it was found that their sperm activity is very low, and the probability of natural conception is appallingly low. Perhaps this can explain why the Engineer civilization is so partial to sex.]

The members of the team recorded all the behaviors and languages ​​of the aliens.

24 hours later~

"At the end of the first phase of the experiment, the meanings of 800 sounds and words can basically be confirmed, and the second phase of testing will be carried out."


A few minutes later, Tiramisu and Sukabra, who were feeling shy, suddenly noticed another noise above their heads.

The two stopped moving and looked above.

A thin, naughty-looking man jumped out from above.

"Hey, who are you?"

"How could you come out? We haven't seen the children for a long time after the white monster appeared."

The two of them still wanted to communicate, but suddenly they noticed that the little man was holding up something like a pen holder.


There was a flash of red light, and their expressions suddenly became dull.

Zhang Yuan hit the two men's necks with a stick.

Then other members of the Dongfeng Team began to deal with the mess created by the two engineers in the secret room.

After everything was taken care of, Tiramisu had been lifted away by the rope. Only Sukabra lay limp on the ground.

After a few minutes, another alien for experiment was brought in.

After placing their things, Zhang Yuan jumped into the air.

Half an hour later, Sukabra woke up rubbing his neck.

Looking at everything in the secret room, he looked confused: "Where is this?"

He remembered that he was being chased by the white monster, and then had a pain in his neck, and why he stayed here when he woke up again.

Looking at this disheveled but very familiar fellow, he ran to wake him up.

"Hey, friend, wake up!"

"Ugh~where is this?"

"I don't know what your name is. My name is Sukabra. I seem to have seen you at Base 28."

"My name is Haagen-Dazs, and I just came here a few days ago!"

This chapter has been completed!
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