Chapter 36 Poor Dingbiangu!

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Later generations had mixed praise and criticism for Yuan Chonghuan.

Some people think that he has great talents, while others think that he is just a bidder.

Some people think that he has great ambitions and little talent, and that his arrogant talk with Chongzhen is pure nonsense. The three years of Ping Liao Dynasty are even more ridiculous.

Those who criticized him said that after Yuan Chonghuan arrived in Liaodong, the first thing he did was to use Mao Wenlong to establish his authority.

This resulted in the slaves having no chance to contain them in the later period and being able to rush out in full force.

During the Jisi Rebellion, due to the implementation of the scorched earth policy, he was killed by Chongzhen after his defeat with a thousand cuts to vent his anger.

Little did he know that Yuan Chonghuan had difficulties that he could not express at the time.

That Mao Wenlong was not only extravagant and domineering, but also had a faint self-reliance.

When Yuan Chonghuan first entered Liaodong, he had to establish his authority. Killing one person would make many soldiers useful, so Yuan Chonghuan thought it was worth it.

The defeat of the Jisi Revolution was not only due to the excessive strength of the Jiannu troops in Liaodong, but also to the corruption of the Beijing camp and the poor combat effectiveness of the soldiers.

More than 100,000 soldiers are not even qualified to go out of the city to fight. Running out to fight with others is the only way to die.

Implementing a scorched earth policy and sealing off the capital is the safest approach.

But Yuan Chonghuan's actions greatly damaged the interests of the nobles in the capital.

What's worse is that after the Jisi Incident, his trusted leader Chongzhen failed to withstand the pressure of the nobles in the capital.

Therefore, Yuan Chonghuan became the tool for Xungui to vent his anger.

Yuan Chonghuan is not optimistic about this reckless expedition, but he must respect Emperor Tianqi's decision!

He doesn't approve of those mysterious outsiders.

In this reckless expedition, he didn't know how many soldiers would come back alive this time.

"Sir, should we help these soldiers?"

Yuan Chonghuan shook his head: "We can't help. The generals of Liaodong hate that Polupp and his subordinates so much that he rashly asked the army to help. It would be nice if he didn't stab him in the back."

Subsequently, Yuan Chonghuan ordered the border to be strictly guarded to protect the security of the Ming Dynasty's borders!

Chen Mu and a group of new troops set off towards Guangning City, which was now under the control of Jiannu, under the eyes of all the Liaodong generals.

Along the way, wind and snow blocked the road, and the biting cold hit us. The undeveloped dirt road was even more bumpy.

Chen Mu, who was sitting on the four-wheeled vehicle, felt even more uncomfortable!

After marching for two days, the troops bypassed Jinzhou and arrived at the bridgehead of Daling River, where they saw numerous tombs.

Cao Wenzhao on the side explained: "This was a fort built before. After the invasion of the slaves, more than 700 people in the fort were killed. There were dozens of such forts. Among them, the area in the sand ridge in front of Xipingbao was the most tragic.


Guangning and Xiping had been occupied by Jian slaves. They clearly had the ability to collect the corpses, but they allowed the corpses of the Ming army to be scattered in the wilderness.

This spectacle of corpses is a spiritual shock.

The enemy will be angry and crazy when they see it, but the morale of the Ming soldiers who have been defeated repeatedly will decline sharply.

This is also a kind of revenge. The people of Ming Dynasty believe that peace in the grave is the greatest punishment!

When the march arrived in front of Guangning, they again found corpses of different sizes.

There are many corpses, thousands at least.

The corpses include not only those from the past but also those from the present.

"These are the masterpieces of the slave builders. They killed our soldiers and the people of the Ming Dynasty, and then left them dead in the wilderness, and built boundary monuments accordingly. All the slaves who dared to escape were gathered here and killed."

Looking at the countless skeletons, an evil fire arose in Chen Mu's heart for no apparent reason.

He knows that killing is the most common thing in this era.

But he just felt uncomfortable!

In the turbulent and troubled times, human life is like a piece of grass!

Marching all the way, we gradually arrived at the front line of Guangning occupied by the Jiannu, and encountered a small bunker occupied by the Jiannu.

Seeing that the person who reported the news to Jiannu left, Chen Mu asked Cao Wenzhao and others to encircle and suppress the enemies in the fort.

"Let the new recruits practice their courage first, and hide the artillery and other weapons for the time being."

Soon, a thousand soldiers were dispatched from the army.

First the artillery bombardment, and then the bombing opened the city gate, and the soldiers rushed in to fight.

The muskets fired quickly and were equipped with bayonets. Although the new army was quite panicked at first, they quickly adapted to the battle.

Half an hour later, all the slave-building soldiers on the Guangning front line were killed.

There were no slave-building soldiers who surrendered, only those who died fighting.

This was a bit beyond the expectations of Chen Mu and others.

Historical records record that they would flee if their casualty rate reached 5%.

But the enemies of this garrison fort are very powerful.

Not only fierce, but also arrogant.

I have to admit that these are a group of soldiers with bones.

But why is it that hundreds of years later their master is like a weakling?

Zhang Jin looked at the dead Jiannu soldiers and sighed: "The land of white mountains and bad waters produces good soldiers!"

Chen Mu nodded, agreeing with Zhang Jin's statement.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes!

The poorer you are, the less you are afraid of losing anything.

These people fight against heaven and earth, and against people, relying on their ruthlessness.

In the late period of the Little Ice River, the Ming Dynasty was gradually decaying and fell into endless civil war due to countless natural disasters.

It was not until Li Zicheng and other peasant armies revolted and conquered Kyoto that there was a glimmer of hope for peace to be restored. Unexpectedly, Li Zicheng was lax in his control and dug his own grave.

When Wu Sangui saw Li Zicheng's attitude, he was so frightened that Mingzhe defended himself and even allowed foreigners to enter the customs. The great rivers and mountains were conquered by slave builders, which led to hundreds of years of national decline and humiliation in later generations!

If they did not come to this world, everything would remain as it was before, and Mingren's lives would become cold strokes and numbers in a book.

They will use countless blood and heads to create the most prosperous feudal dynasty.

Only the souls of the innocent and crying people in this era are watching the rise and fall of the human race in this land!

Lu Wenzhao, who was next to him, said worriedly: "Sir, Guangning is just ahead. Aren't you afraid that the enemy will mobilize heavy troops to encircle and suppress you?"

Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting, Cao Wenzhao and others looked at Chen Mu with worried faces.

Chen Mu laughed: "We are afraid that there will be few of them coming!"

The large army took a brief rest and continued towards the hinterland of the Jiannu.

Half a day later, the troops arrived in Guangning.

Guangning is the throat from western Liaoning to eastern Liaoning, the gateway guarding Shanhaiguan, and an important barrier to protect the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Liaodong General Army has stationed heavy troops here. It is the highest military headquarters of the Ming Dynasty in the Northeast and an important military town to control Mongolia and suppress the Jurchens.

In the second year of the Apocalypse, Nurhaci led 60,000 elite bannermen to attack Guangning!

Wang Huazhen, a fool, believed in the plan of Sun Degong, who had taken refuge in Hou Jin Dynasty, and mobilized all the troops in Guangning to prepare to wait for work and defeat the main force of Hou Jin Dynasty.

Then, Sun De attacked the traitor, the bastard Erwuzi who gave birth to a son without two eyes, and easily captured Guangning.

After the fall of Guangning, Ming Dynasty directly fell into a state of strategic contraction.

The three lines of defense deployed by Liaodong have directly become decorations.

Many years later, the Ming army once again arrived in Guangning in a grand manner, which naturally surprised the generals of the Jiannu garrison.

The person guarding Guangning is Amin, one of the four Baylors.

Although Amin is a brave man in battle, he is prone to killing by nature and often slaughters cities in every battle.

On this day, Amin was watching the singer dance, drinking and having fun, when he suddenly heard an urgent military situation.

Soon, the scouts reporting from the front security fort in Guangning ran over.

"Master Beile, no, something big has happened! The Ming Army, the Ming Army has attacked!"


Amin threw away the wine bottle in his hand, stood up with his chest bare, and grabbed the scout's arm: "What did you say?"

"There are at least 8,000 Ming troops, and they are currently attacking Ming Fort. I'm afraid the slaves won't be able to hold on for long!"

Keming Fort has only two soldiers and 600 soldiers, so it won't last long.

Amin was immediately annoyed.

"Gather your warriors and prepare for battle!"

This chapter has been completed!
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