Chapter 40, Huang Taiji's decision, the whole army attacked.

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Chen Mu swung his knife casually.

With a flash of the sword, a slave-building soldier who tried to sneak attack him was cut into two pieces.

Chen Mu frowned slightly as he looked around at the new Ming army with red eyes. A large number of soldiers were dispatched in disorganized formations!

He quickly took out the loudspeaker: "All new troops, listen, the troops are advancing in squad formation, don't be left alone! Pass this order on!"

Some of the new soldiers who were fighting at the top realized that they had gone too far and were beaten to death by a group of lone slaves who found them.

They quickly adjusted their tactics.

The musketeers at the squad and platoon level quickly cooperated.

Soon, the killing efficiency increased greatly again.

The platoon-level organization can easily deal with Jiannu's Niulu combat units.

You must know that there are as many as 300 Niulu soldiers in Jiannu, while a platoon-level combat unit in the New Army of the Ming Dynasty only has 30 people.

The fierce battle started at nine o'clock, and before we knew it, it was lunch time.

In order to let all the New Army soldiers see blood, Hong Chenglue, who was staying at the rear, proposed troop training. Chen Mu and others who had withdrawn naturally agreed to his suggestion!

It is better for the new army to see more blood, and then it will be an elite soldier in all battles!

The New Army's retreating drums suddenly sounded outside Guangning City.

The New Army soldiers who wanted to pursue the victory stopped their attack and returned the same way.

Jian Nu temporarily got a chance to breathe.

At twelve o'clock sharp, goose feather-like snow suddenly fell in the sky, and the Ming army's fierce offensive took a break!

The remaining thousands of slave-building soldiers thought they might be able to hold out for two days.

The Ming army captured most of Guangning City but ignored them and retreated directly to rest and eat.

After the reserve force guarding the Jiannu in the rear defeated the Jiannu cavalry outside Guangning, they also joined the front-line fighting formation after eating and drinking.

With the new force joining in, the slaves couldn't hold it anymore!

With the long-range support of artillery, the Ming army was not afraid of large numbers of Jian slaves gathering together.

The street fighting was fought very quickly, and the success was beyond the Ming army's expectations!

The results of weapons manufacturing across this era are perfect.

The new Ming army ended the battle with 300 casualties.

The battle finally ended before 5 p.m.

Guangning, an important town that had been lost for many years, returned to the Ming Dynasty.

The good news of the restoration of Guangning quickly spread to the rear of the Ming Dynasty and also to the hinterland of Houjin.

Today, the snow is getting heavier and heavier!

Hun River, in front of Jiannu Formation.

Huang Taiji, who had just arrived in Hunhe, looked gloomy and listened silently to the deserters who had returned from Guangning reported on the military situation in Guangning.

"You said that Amin had his cavalry deployed outside Guangning City in an attempt to disperse the Ming army, but he was killed because Aminbeile was killed in the early stages of the war? The enemy easily invaded Guangning and evacuated?"

Huang Tai was extremely angry!

During the Tianqi period, Guangning was surrendered by Sun Degong, and Jiannu easily obtained the important town of Guangning.

Today, things have turned around, and the Ming army once again regained Guangning without any effort!

When did the Ming army become so powerful?

"Khan, we didn't escape! Ming Gou didn't break into the city wall effortlessly! We tried to cover up the killing from outside the city, but Ming Gou's firearms were too powerful. In less than a few breaths, more than a thousand warriors were killed.

It’s gone!”

Niu Lu started crying as he spoke.

"Khan, Ming Gou is too strong! Their fire blunderbuss fires so fast that ten breaths are equivalent to one bullet. We have a whole army of armored warriors in a formation, but we can't even get close to the enemy within a hundred steps!"


This Niu Lu cried even louder.

Huang Taiji suddenly showed his aunt's face: "If you dare to shake the morale of the army, pull him out and chop him down! The other deserters will be dealt with in the same way."

"Great Khan, spare your life! Everything I said is true! Great Khan..."

It was quiet outside the military tent.

Huang Taiji was distraught, and then asked his confidants to take turns interrogating the defeated soldiers!

The results are exactly the same.

Ming Gou is powerful and unstoppable!

Fan Wencheng, who was following from the side, murmured to himself, with a look of disbelief on his face: "The artillery exploded when it hit the ground, shattering people and animals. Heavy armor cannot withstand the Ming army's new cannons. How can the Ming people be so powerful?"

After I finished, I sighed.

"Master, according to the calculations of the war, Minggou has entered Guangning today. The fighting will take at most... two days, and the blue-flag warriors in Guangning will be annihilated."

"The Ming army's muskets are very powerful and the rate of fire is very fast. Our elite white-armored soldiers cannot stop them even if they are wearing heavy armor. If we wait until they take control of Guangning, it will be useless no matter how large our army is!"

"Amma, we'd better travel by night and day to capture Guang Ninh before the enemy gains a firm foothold."

Young Dorgon and others also expressed their opinions.

"Great Khan, I agree to march day and night and attack Guangning while Ming Gou is not stable."

"The Ming army captured Guangning, and the next step must be to capture Xiping Fort and other places around Guangning."

"If the defense lines such as Xiping Fort are lost, the Ming Army's Jinyuan Defense Line will be connected again, and our strategy for many years will be destroyed. Guangning and Xiping must not be lost!"

Huang Taiji looked at the military map and remained silent for a long time.

They traveled under starry night, covering a hundred miles a day.

Unexpectedly, as soon as we arrived in front of the Hun River, we heard the sad news of the fall of Guangning!

Although they are only a day's journey from Guangning, can the Eight Banners troops really annihilate the Ming army?

Night fell, and the snowflakes fell unconsciously.

Looking at the gloomy weather and the flying snowflakes in the sky, Huang Taiji, who had been thinking for a long time, made the most important decision in his life.

"Let the cavalry cross the river with only two days of dry food, and the infantry go to Xiping Fort to assemble, and travel day and night to Guangning."


The flag owners of the Eight Banners present were immediately in high spirits.

The order was issued and the Eight Banners Cavalry moved!

Several brightly colored flags surged, and the elite cavalry lined up across the river and marched proudly towards Guangning.

The elite commander of Liaodong, Huang Taiji, the Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, decided to take a risk for the strategic location of Guangning!

The "Little Ice Age" as the name suggests refers to a relatively cold period.

The "Little Ice Age" in history has led to a significant drop in the earth's temperature and a substantial reduction in global food production, which has triggered violent social unrest and a sharp decline in population.

In early November, the Guangning region of Liaodong Province experienced heavy snowfall.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

From noon during the day until night.

The snow has been increasing, and everything from Liaodong to Shanhaiguan to the capital has turned into a snow country!

Beijing, hundreds of kilometers away from Guangning, is covered with light snow!

On this day, thousands of royal guards and eunuch knights were dispatched.

They are led by Wei Zhongxian and are the core of the eunuch party.

These hundreds of people will carry countless imperial edicts about exempting local taxes and canceling the levy of Liaoning pay and silver.

This imperial edict is issued for the second time, and it is the second guarantee to ensure that the edict reaches the towns and villages.

The collapse of officialdom in the Ming Dynasty was really serious. In order to convey the decree, Wei Zhongxian prepared to issue such an decree ten times! The imperial decree must be spread to more than ten provinces such as Shaanxi, Shan, Henan, Shandong...

Except for southern Zhili, which saw a smaller tax reduction, other regions have temporarily abolished taxation.

Only Emperor Tianqi at this moment can make such a big decision!

When the people of the Ming Dynasty learned that taxes would be canceled next year and only commercial taxes would be collected, they immediately shouted long live.

Countless gentry, grain merchants and other merchants cursed God when they learned that land tax was not collected, but only commercial tax was collected.

The gentry and merchants of the Ming Dynasty cursed others, which naturally had no impact on the execution of orders from the capital.

Because the nobles in the capital had gone through many days of "profound education" and formally reached an agreement with Emperor Tianqi.

The princes of the Ming Dynasty set an example and donated up to 5 million taels of silver and a large amount of land to help the Ming Dynasty overcome difficulties and allow countless refugees to have land to cultivate.

Subsequently, a large number of nobles donated land, silver, and even real estate and property.

Of course, some ignorant nobles were fired from their fortunes a few days ago.

The boy's penis was cut off, and the girl's penis was enriched!

The dynasty has raised nobles for hundreds of years, but when the Ming Dynasty was at the critical moment of life and death, it didn't know what to choose.

Haha, we must not let them have an easy time!

People must know how to give up immediate interests in order to continue the family.

This chapter has been completed!
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