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Chapter 541: The Final Chapter of the Prototype of Massacre

Chen Mu said solemnly: "If the body of the great demon Nurgle in the Warhammer world is destroyed, wouldn't it be able to continue to release its power? Why can the great demon still exert its own power when it is clearly dead?"

The plague spores in front of Chen Mu were filled with the foul and rotten aura of the Great Demon Nurgle.

The stronger the soul, the more capable it is of feeling the demonic aura contained in the plague spores.

It is a very trivial smell that humans cannot detect at all.

This kind of spore mixed with the breath of the great devil absorbs the spiritual energy and quickly replicates and reproduces.

When Chen Mu observed carefully with his spiritual consciousness, he found that they actually actively avoided spiritual exploration.

In addition, their most important thing is to drift towards the river area, just like having sniffing organs, to spread the plague with maximum efficiency.

Chen Mu took out a large pile of plague-repelling talismans, injected spiritual energy into them and threw them into the sky.


The spiritual energy emitted weak fluctuations invisible to the naked eye, and then quickly surged around.

All plague spores within a radius of several hundred meters were killed.

This efficiency is very strong, but it cannot deal with so many spores!

"The efficiency is too low, and there are too few anti-plague talismans. If we want to clean out all the plague spores, we can't do it even if we drain our spiritual energy."

"The spirit of that great demon is still there. I feel that that guy has not completely died in this world! Arrange a tracking talisman to find the scattered soul body of that great demon!"

The tracking talisman is a technique learned from the world of fairy swords. It is a super powerful person-finding skill that can find the target through the target's belongings or soul fragments.

The tracking talisman once helped them make great achievements, but today this kind of tried and tested tracking talisman has failed.

The tracking talisman actually points in all directions!

Seeing this phenomenon, Chen Mu frowned.

Although there were many plague-repelling talismans, Chen Mu fought against the Great Demon Nurgle for three days and three nights. In order to use him to destroy the Black Light Virus Aggregate, Chen Mu traveled more than ten thousand kilometers.

I thought I could borrow the demon's power to eliminate the virus, but I didn't expect that during the battle, the demon also scattered the plague spores.

This thing is getting more and more intense!

These plague spores are much more powerful than the germs in Warhammer World and can replicate themselves in a short period of time.

This thing must be dealt with as soon as possible!

The heavy atmosphere was broken by the high school team.

Just now, some speculation emerged in the minds of the high school team, "Chen Mu, go to New York. The place where that guy first appeared was New York!"

These words made Chen Mu's eyes light up: "That guy has been in New York for a long time, and he really has time to arrange backup plans! By the way, besides New York, where is the birthplace of the black light virus?"

"It seems to be called Hope...yes, it's Hope Town. Hope Town is located in Idaho."

The Blacklight Virus first appeared in Hope Town in the original novel.

Hope Town is a fictional town where Eagle Sauce conducts extremely cruel experiments.

The result of the experiment was that more than 500 people died, and only Yin Lisabai survived.

Because the process was too cruel, the Blacklight Virus and Lisa White were transported to Fort Detrick in Maryland and sealed, hoping that the town would be wiped out!

Twenty years later, Yingjiang resumed research on black light.

"Hope Town? I remember there is no Hope Town here, right?"

"Yes, but Lao Chen has already sent people to investigate the Black Watch matter at Fort Detrick in Maryland!"

Chen Mu understood clearly, and then added: "How many survivors have been found? Ask them how much they know about Black Watch and the Black Light Virus."

Although Black Watch is the culprit, they know the black light virus best.

Ask the person if you can get the clue fastest.

When Chen Mu and his party flew to New York, news also came from there.

"Confirmed, the Sixth Exploration Team has found several bases of Black Watch. Lin Miao's team sent good news, saying that they found the survivors of Black Watch's laboratory and they are working on cracking it."

"Okay, let them speed up and hope they can find clues in New York."

Time waits for no one. The longer the plague spores stay in this world, the more they will be copied. Chen Mu's spiritual consciousness has already detected the fluctuations in the demon's soul!

Thinking about his last words when destroying the other party, Chen Mu became even more uneasy.

The results of the investigation into where the Blacklight Virus and Nurgle lurk are disturbing.

There were not many of them, and the spiritual scan was not comprehensive. After several days of investigation, no particularly useful clues were found.

The elimination of plague spores is very difficult and cannot be completely eliminated.

In the past few days, the plague spores in the air have slowly spread. Even the extermination method carried out by the Spring Breeze Brigade can only slow down the spread but cannot completely end it.

In addition to plague spores, black light viruses are also a headache!

Although many black light viruses have gathered into aggregates, it is very time-consuming to kill them all. After these black light virus aggregates are combined with plague spores, the evolved aggregates are also very powerful.

This increases the difficulty of killing.

The Chunfeng Brigade is so short of time!

They have been in this world for more than 7 days and must solve the hidden dangers of this world within 23 days.

Didi didi~

It was a message from Lin Miao.

"Captain Chen Mu, we found some local people here and they provided us with some precious clues."

Lin Miao's tone was full of excitement, which boosted Chen Mu's morale after hearing the good news.


A few days ago, Lin Miao made little progress when investigating the news about Black Watch. Most of it was about the Black Light Virus. They did not find a vaccine to restrain the Black Light Virus. Other teams also found no news about how the devil came to this world.

Chen Mu flew towards Lin Miao's position and quickly met.

Looking at a few ordinary people in suits who looked energetic, Chen Mu asked: "Do you know about the black light virus?"

Seeing Chen Mu falling from the sky and asking himself, Emmanuel Silvera quickly saluted: "Hello, you must be an angel sent by God, right? We don't know the news about the black light virus, but we know that it is floating in the air

The green light in it may be related to an experiment."

"Angel?" Chen Mu looked at Lin Miao and was quite speechless when he saw the other person shrugging his shoulders.

"Yes, you must be the angel sent by God to save us, praise God!"

Chen Mu resisted the urge to hit him and said coldly: "Tell me everything you know."

"Okay, that was a year ago...!" Emmanuelle Silvera's words let Chen Mu know what happened a year ago.

Emmanuel Silvera was a nuclear physics researcher at Oak Ridge Laboratory who was responsible for the construction of the fusion plant. He was not on site during the experiment and narrowly escaped with his life.

The technology tree of the Prototype World is mainly focused on biotechnology, and other technologies are also developing well. It is just a few key steps away from controlling pollution-free and controllable nuclear fusion.

A few years ago, Emmanuel Silvera was ordered to build a secret nuclear fusion energy supply base in Atlanta to provide sufficient energy for wormhole testing.

"Wormhole test?" Chen Mu asked in surprise, looking at the other party's appearance: "Are you conducting a wormhole experiment?"

"A fanatical believer actually conducts scientific experiments? He didn't become a researcher through connections, right?" Chen Mu thought to himself maliciously.

Wormhole testing is not simple. Not only do you need to master complex physical knowledge, but the energy required to conduct wormhole testing is also massive.

"It's not me, it's Mr. Seranti who leads it! I just follow the footsteps of the pioneers and look for traces of God together." Emmanuel Silvera said enthusiastically.

"Since Mr. Ludwig Frame proposed the concept, Einstein and Nathan Rosen proposed the construction, Seranti perfected the wormhole theory five years ago, and countless scientists have established complete theoretical models, we..."

Emmanuel Silvera began to explain to Chen Mu the scientific plan from a few years ago.

The concept of wormholes is relatively developed in this world and has entered the stage of theoretical application and practice.

Yingjiang invested a large amount of funds and talents with international institutions to conduct wormhole experiments, and conducted experimental verification a year ago.

This experiment went very smoothly from the beginning, as if it was taken care of by God.

But when opening the wormhole, an accident suddenly happened.

"Shortly after the wormhole was opened, when they were happily collecting more experimental data, a large amount of green light suddenly appeared in the wormhole. As long as that green light touches humans..."

Emmanuel Silvera thought of bad things, and his tone became trembling.

"That... that was a terrifying scene. After the experimenters were irradiated with green light, countless people turned into terrifying mutants... It didn't take long before the black light virus broke out in the world. I learned from Kain Lunt

I heard from Riya that you were investigating the black light virus and green light, and I think it will be useful to you!"

Cain Renteria is the security chief of a survivor base.

"Are you sure about the green light energy that appeared after the wormhole test? Aren't you a researcher of nuclear energy? How do you know so much information?" Chen Mu asked in a serious tone.

In order to confirm the authenticity of the other party's words, he also deliberately used tricks similar to the power of power.

"That's a live broadcast for global scientific institutions. Of course we can watch it remotely!" Emmanuel Silvera said innocently.

Chen Mu: "..."

There are no flaws in Emmanuel Silvera's logic.

The wormhole experiment is no small matter. It mobilized a lot of forces and many countries participated in the experiment.

What happened in this world was that humans worked together to verify science.

How amazing!

"I didn't expect Yingjiang didn't conduct a confidential test!" Chen Mu thought, patting the other party's shoulder, calming the other party's emotions, and letting him continue to tell what he knew.

"I remember clearly that the day of the experiment was December 13, and an experimental accident occurred. At that time, we thought it was an unknown energy spill that caused fatal mutations in the experimenter's cells. There was a big fuss in the scientific circle at that time.


"A few days later, the black light virus crisis suddenly broke out in New York. On December 17, the black light virus suddenly broke out all over the world."

After listening to the other party's story, Chen Mu asked quietly: "So, do you know where the wormhole laboratory is?"

Emmanuel Silvera nodded fiercely: "I know!"

A smile appeared on Chen Mu's face: "So, do you know how to solve the black light virus?"

Emmanuelle Silvera scratched his head and said he didn’t know!

35 minutes later.

Looking at the place located in the dense forest of Chongshan Mountain, which looked like an ordinary laboratory from the outside, Chen Mu sighed in his heart: "Fortunately, someone alive told us."

"The detection equipment has entered the laboratory." said the high school team on the side.

"Is there a black light virus?"

"There are no infectious agents!"

"That means there's something wrong."


The armed reconnaissance robot used to scout the laboratory lost its signal connection.

Chen Mu and the high school team looked at each other, then took out a few weird paper dolls.

There was a flash of inspiration, and a paper man sixty percent similar to Chen Mu jumped into the laboratory with brisk steps.

This large laboratory is located entirely in the mountains!

According to Emmanuel Silvera, the scope of the laboratory is huge, and exploration must be carried out carefully.

The paper doll thrown in this time quickly fed back useful information to Chen Mu.

There are a large number of dark green monsters inside the laboratory.

Followers of Nurgle!

"Ma Dan, there really is something that has slipped through the net."

They are not here to look at experimental data! Nor are they here to investigate the specific reasons for the accidents here!

After Chen Mu came here with the high school team, his keen spiritual sense discovered the aura that was almost identical to that of the big demon.

These auras of the same origin did not spread along the air. After releasing their spiritual vision near here, they discovered that countless dark green lines overflowed from the ground and floated between the heaven and the earth.

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No wonder the plague spores don't destroy themselves. It turns out that this is the source!

When fighting against the big demon, the plague spores lurking thousands of miles away are just a cover-up created by the big demon!

Chen Mu said easily: "It's not too late to find out."

"It's a pity that there are no big monsters in there."

There may be something very lethal hidden inside.

"Deploy fireworks and direct fire coverage."

Chen Mu and his party did not want to rush underground recklessly.

Not in the woods!

Soldiers should not be put to death unless absolutely necessary.

Rushing underground is a taboo for military strategists!

A minute later, all the fireworks were arranged.

Endless, all kinds of ground-penetrating artillery shells pierce into the ground!

Laser cannons, the most powerful plasma cannons, small ground-penetrating tactical artillery shells penetrated into the mountain ridge...

Fire, high temperature, and plasma blue light illuminate half of the sky!

If there is something lurking inside the laboratory, they will definitely scold Chen Mu for not practicing martial ethics.

After the shells penetrated into the underground laboratory, they did hear some roars full of evil aura.

Unfortunately, these sounds soon turned into shrill and shrill screams.

It's not a human voice, it's the screams of various monsters!

After hearing shouting from inside, the bombing time originally planned for 10 minutes was extended to 30 minutes.

Until Chen Mu heard the prompt.

Ding Dong~

[Congratulations on annihilating the dimensional invaders]

After hearing this, Chen Mu was stunned for a moment, "Stop dropping ammunition!"

The bombardiers immediately obeyed Chen Mu's order and stopped throwing any shells.

The artificially controlled strong wind blew by, and countless dust produced by high temperature floated not far away, and then gathered into piles.

Seeing the large pit sinking more than eighty meters, Chen Mu was a little dissatisfied. He subconsciously rubbed his chin: "How deep did Emmanuel Silvera say the laboratory was?"

"160 meters."

"Then continue the bombing, and be sure to blow it to a depth of 180 meters."

After another 30 minutes, a 200-meter-deep pit appeared.

Chen Mu scanned the land and after confirming that he could not find any scent of plague spores, a smile finally appeared on his face: "That's pretty much it!"

"A lot of ammunition was used!"

"We can have firepower to cover and solve things without any effort. This approach is worth the money!"

The high school team shrugged: "You're right."

This chapter has been completed!
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