Chapter 548 Robot and Necromorph Frenzy

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The uneasiness and doubts of Natalia Deshayanova and a group of Mars executives were quickly answered.

After the soldiers of the Human Federation took control of the Martian office building, the commander of the fleet landed.

When Natalia Deshayanova saw the commander, she became as furious as a tigress: "Ababerk, are you crazy? You actually attacked the top management of Mars? Are you not afraid?"

Abbabok Langre took out a document and handed it to the other party: "Instead of saying that I am crazy, why don't you say that you, Natalia Deshaya, are anti-human? Do you have anything else to quibble about about the Unification Faction?


Natalia Deshayanova looked at the documents and some video materials, her face turned from green to white, and then she said uneasily: "This is not true, it is slander."

"So many people are slandering you? Haha... You are so shameless!" Abbabok Langley motioned to the soldiers to control him: "Stupid idiot, a bastard brainwashed by aliens. He thinks he has a divine seal.

It’s a god, but in fact it’s just a tool used by aliens to deal with humans. You actually study without permission regardless of the law. Natalia Deshayanova, death is your best destination!”

After speaking, Abbab Langley motioned for them to leave, and he himself began to sort out all the affairs in the Mars Administration Building.

It took more than 5 hours of busy work before Abba Burke Langley finished handling the matters here.

"Mars's information department and security department have all been taken care of." A voice sounded from the darkness. Abbab Langley raised his head and saw Zhang Shize with a smile on his face: "You guys are very fast!"

"I can't keep up with you."

The face of the man named Abbab Langley changed for a while, and a close face was revealed: "At least he did it beautifully. How did you do with the hypnosis on those guys?"

It turns out that the top leaders of the Human Federation were actually conjured by Zhang Jin.

"It's still the same as before, hypnosis will be performed every once in a while. By the way, Ababerk Langley has been completely controlled, and you don't need to transform anymore by then!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jin laughed: "Okay, I'm tired from thinking all day long about mobilizing troops and generals. As long as that guy can be included in our camp!"

"As long as we can find the experimental video of the divine seal, we can definitely convince them!"

The human federal agency is extremely bloated, and relying on Chen Mu and a few hundred people can only make a drop in the bucket.

In order to unite the human federation, in addition to strength, more evidence is needed.

The Unionists have established a very complete institutional department on Mars, and this can be said to be the home of the Unionists.

If you want to solve the time bomb of the divine seal, you must control everyone in the Unification Faction to prevent these people from suddenly committing suicide and transforming into necromorphs when the divine seal breaks out.

In the past few days, the Chunfeng Brigade has been moving very frequently.

It took only a few days for Earth and Moon to complete the action rights of important departments and secretly arrest people from the Unification Party who had interests with them.

On Mars, they dispatched more than 150 people one after another. In addition to controlling some important figures (businessmen, parliamentarians, etc.) who were deeply involved with the Unification Faction, they also controlled important institutions such as Mars' information and dissemination, military and security, law and parliament.

They did this to ensure that when they attack here, the situation will be reduced to a controllable range.

Today's members of the Dongfeng Brigade are very powerful. Each one of them is an old man who has lived for hundreds of years, and each one is on the level of a small superman.

Controlling those departments, they did it very easily.

Such a high-profile engagement with the top management of Mars is just to make a name for themselves.

In the afternoon of that day, radio and television platforms on the Mars colonization planet began to broadcast the latest news.

When the news spread that the Archon of Mars, the current top leader Natalia Deshayanova, was involved in crimes against humanity and tried to bring mankind into the abyss of destruction, countless people were confused!

During the broadcast, the Human Federation Navy Commander Ababerk Langley was praised.

They said that Langley faithfully fulfilled his responsibilities as a federal soldier, carried out the military orders issued by Ronaldo, the current rotating president of the Human Federation, in accordance with the law, and arrested the Mars Archon Natalia Deshayanova and all her more than 7,000 people.

It is understandable that the people in the Mars colony were shocked when they saw this.

The world was originally good, why did it change in an instant?

Is there going to be another war?

After watching the TV station announcing the charges against Natalia Deshayanova and others, the topic began to turn to the Unificationists...

"My compatriots, why would Natalia betray humanity? Because a divine seal, that is, the divine seal of the Unification Sect's belief, is an alien weapon. This kind of weapon can modify human cognition and induce the human spirit..."

The special effects animation that had been prepared for a long time described the dangers of the divine seal, and also announced the illegal mining of the Aegis Planet No. 7 by the Ishimura and the Titan space station.

"If a human dies, he will be transformed into a necromorph by alien weapons... Yes, a necromorph just like in classic zombie movies."

The video focuses on the dangers of necromorphs and their difficulty in being killed.

The broadcast continues~

"So, if you find that your relatives or friends are not in the right mental state, talking about fusion, or committing suicide, you must report it to us. If you have the ability, you must control them in advance! Otherwise, every victim's body will become

Weapons used by aliens to attack humans!”

"The reason why Natalia Deshayanova ignores the Unificationist's teachings on Mars is because she has assimilated and become a weapon for aliens."

"The Unification Sect is a sect created by aliens to destroy mankind."

"The Mars colony and the human federation colony have decided to declare all the Unionist institutions to be incorporated into evil organizations from now on. All those who provide high-level information on the Unionists will receive a generous reward..."

When the news was announced, doubts arose in the hearts of the Martian people who were originally in an uproar.

Some smart people think about what happened in the past few years, and the more they think about it, the more something is wrong.

The Unionist faction has indeed become very arrogant in recent years, but the top management hardly cares about it. If what was said on the radio is correct, then there are crazy people around them!

The people of Mars saw this information, and the people of Earth and Moon also saw this information.

They don’t feel much about it!

Because these two places have not yet been infiltrated into a sieve by the Unificationists.

The top officials carefully corrupted by the Unionists were arrested before they could even begin to exert force. There was no panic in these two places.

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But Mars is more unlucky.

The information provided by Daniel, as well as the information collected from various aspects with Chen Mu, show that at least 30% of the top leaders of Mars are involved in the affairs of the Unification Faction...

They have various purposes and ideas.

Some people are polluted by the divine seal and their faith is polluted, some are studying the military use of the divine seal, and some are simply doing it to form gangs.

These people are all under control. They only need to issue a few wrong instructions after the outbreak of the Seal and during the rampage of the Necromorphs, and they can destroy countless cities.

Even if the lower-level soldiers are infected, they are just a troublesome monster for soldiers with perfect weapons.

And if the commander rebels, countless soldiers will die!

The TV and radio broadcast took more than 30 minutes to end. After the end, Ronaldo directly announced that Mars had been taken over by the People's Federation soldiers and was temporarily placed under war control and control.

Moreover, the Human Federation will quickly take over important institutions such as military camps, public security, and information and intelligence security without affecting people's livelihood.

The 50,000 federal soldiers who have arrived in outer space on Mars have already arrived at various military bases on Mars carrying special weapons.

They want to screen out the soldiers affected by the divine seal.

Because of the sudden incident, some conflicts broke out between the human federation and local soldiers on Mars.

Fortunately, the federal soldiers who occupied Dayi had a certain degree of authority, and the conflicts were kept within a small scope.

We are all normal people, and our minds are hidden. The highest level of the federation has issued orders, and we must not fight openly and openly.

Although the Federation's arrest of members of the Martian Unification Sect did not cause large-scale riots, there was turmoil in places where incense was at its peak.

The first tragedy to break out was the B-737 Base City.

This city, which originally had a population of 7 million, directly erupted into a large-scale corpse transformation within 10 hours after Ronaldo announced that he would take over Mars~

Subsequently, a wave of zombies broke out in six areas of Mars.

The craze of so many zombies made Chen Mu slightly unprepared.

It's a lack of weapons!

They originally thought that taking down the top leaders of the Unification Faction would at least delay the fusion phenomenon of mass zombies, but they didn't expect that the enemy was very cunning~

"There are only 120,000 sets of high-temperature weapons and plasma splitting guns in the federal base, while Mars has 1.7 million soldiers! Now that these areas are not completely out of control, we can send 30,000 soldiers to clean up these zombies."

"Agree! But a certain amount of troops must be left to maintain the stability of the army, and tools and weapons must be accelerated to deal with the zombies."

"rest assured!"

Necromorphs caused by mutagenesis in the dead space can modify their genes and become killing monsters. They move as fast as the wind, and ordinary people are destined to deliver food when they are close.

Heavily armed soldiers must be careful when dealing with them, because the necromorph cannot be killed instantly even with a headshot.

They also have certain intelligence, such as pretending to be corpses, and powerful self-healing genes. They can repair themselves by absorbing the biomass of living things!

If humans want to deal with the Necromorphs, they must have professional weapons.

Although the output of the weapons in the arsenals and industrial plants they control has been adjusted, it will still take some time to explode.

Unfortunately, the speed of the corpse transformation craze exceeded their imagination!

Fortunately, Chen Mu and his party were confident enough to deal with these monsters.

They even had a live broadcast to let people see the dangers of the Unionist and Necromorph craze.

Try to make this necromorph disaster known to everyone and let everyone pay attention to the dangers of these guys.

As for dealing with the spiritual pollution of the divine seal, they have already made enough preparations.

Through testing, they found that when the divine seal contaminates human consciousness, there is not only a distance limit, but also the image of the divine seal needs to be burned into the human spirit and generate strong emotions in humans before it can induce memetic mutations.

The human body's instinctive fear can make humans wary of the spiritual interference of divine seals.

The extent to which humans are disturbed by divine seals depends on their own willpower.

Mars colony, New Olympus, B-737 gathering place.

After hundreds of years of construction, the extremely prosperous colonial city of Mars has long since built a city that is even more beautiful than the first-tier cities on Earth.

But today, this place has become a sea of ​​monsters and a hell for humans.

Shortly after Ronaldo announced that the Unionists were weapons of aliens, some Unionists committed suicide because they could not accept this reality.

These people who were seriously disturbed by the divine seal could not escape the fate of corpse transformation after death. A large number of corpse transformation bodies mutated and turned into killing weapons.

It has been 60 minutes since the first Necromorph attack on humans, and the Necromorph craze has caused the tragic death of at least 10,000 people!

The number of casualties will increase at a geometric rate every minute.

To deal with these terrifying necromorphs, one must have a powerful army and use weapons specifically designed to deal with them to carry out the most efficient disinfecting operations.

The first batch of 12,000 people were invested in the six cities where the Necromorph craze broke out.

Their main task is to control the necromorph frenzy within a certain range and prevent the necromorphs from rushing out of a specific area.

All soldiers of the 7th Battalion of the 6th Regiment in the 15th Military Base of the Earth Federation are responsible for the security of Base 737.

"Captain, we have arrived at the designated area! Please take the next step."

"Use your pyro-weapons and plasma-cutting weapons to deal with any enemy who attempts to breach the blockade."

"Captain, are we going to give up on those compatriots then?"

It had been less than an hour since the Necromorphs broke out, and there were many surviving humans in the 737 outbreak area. If they didn't save them, they would definitely have uneasy conscience.

"Don't worry, there are professionals to deal with those guys!"

As soon as the leader finished speaking, he saw planes appearing in the sky.



Under the astonished eyes of the human soldiers, countless robots walked out of the plane in uniform steps.

I saw them holding various weapons.

There are various weapons, but most of them are blasters that can release incendiary bombs, weapons that can penetrate walls, and half of them are robots carrying fire-breathing fuel tanks.

After the humanoid robots got off the plane, a large number of alien multi-legged robots got off the plane.

Some of these robots carry war supplies, some carry red cross emblems, and many of them carry densely packed drones the size of hummingbirds.

"This...when did the Federation produce so many robots?"

Seeing these robots, the team leader breathed a sigh of relief: "The federal high-level officials should have already had a plan to deal with these things! Trust the high-level officials."


The Human Federation has war robots, but hundreds of years ago, the war robots in front of us were relatively retro.

Currently, most of the robots in the Human Federation are mainly used in industry, and converting robots into pure war machines is not valued by the Federation.

Because the information security of robots is unreliable, all forces in Dead Space possess strong electromagnetic interference weapons.

The development of science and technology has greatly restricted the use of robots. There are few robots for purely military purposes, and special-purpose robots are used to participate in search and rescue work in dangerous areas.

It is a very wise idea to let the robots surround and suppress the zombie mutants!

Not only can they reduce casualties, they can also be immune to mental interference.

As for the electromagnetic waves released by the divine seal to interfere with electronic equipment, it is okay for general equipment, but it is completely ineffective against these specially enhanced war robots.

When thousands of robots are dispatched, the brutal war turns into an RPG game~

Countless zombies rushed out of the shadows, cutting open the bodies of these robots with their sharp claws, and then they were severely taught to behave like monsters.

Their claws, which are made of chitin and sharp bones, do not have the power to cut special materials, and their elusive and scary movements cannot deal with these programmed robots.

With robot support, it only took 42 minutes until the end of the war.

The six cities where the zombie apocalypse occurred were all wiped out in just 42 minutes.

After confirming that the zombie transformation craze was no longer happening in various places, Chen Mu felt that the divine seal was nothing more than this.

But this illusion quickly disappears!

Because the robots made by Chen Mu were produced in the main world, and there were only 100,000 of them. They could handle the craze of small zombies, but could not deal with the blood moon fusion that destroyed the country or even the planet.

This chapter has been completed!
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