Chapter 561 Talking and Hiding

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After taking down the three bastards who believed in the devil, most of the people on Chen Mu's side lurked.

After the three people who made the mess were reduced to ashes, they experienced human civilization that was a hundred times crueler than the original work, and they managed to survive the initial despair with their tenacity.

Although the entire world has lost billions of people, the fire of civilization in this world has been preserved.

As long as they are given enough time, order can be restored stably.

During this time, there has been a lot of coverage of the disaster in the news media of the murderous urban world.

Some powerful media have even revealed that aliens have come to the human world.

The human world has suffered a great shock, but it has nothing to do with Chen Mu and his group.

The Dongfeng Team waited cautiously for a period of time, but could not find the GANIZ team and the world's top leaders were looking for trouble for them.

Perhaps the person behind the control of the GANIZ device knew the terror of Chen Mu and his group and did not dare to move easily.

Maybe the Polyface Stars disdain to hunt Chen Mu and are afraid of their fighting power.

Until now, they have not confirmed the attitude and true purpose of the many-faced aliens towards humans.

There are always some differences between comic stories and real-world settings.

These subtle differences represent earth-shaking truths.

The many-faced stars don't care about the pleading of ants or the life and death of human beings.

But there is a high probability that they will notice Chen Mu and his party.

Because in the original work, the Many-faced Stars claimed that their civilization had been harassed by the Four-Eyed Giants, and after defeating them, they chose to expel them.

They say they want to maintain the order in the universe, but this loophole full of errors cannot deceive anyone.

A large number of aliens have settled on the earth. Why not maintain the balance earlier?

To say it's about maintaining balance, it's better to say it's about fighting beasts with lower creatures.

Human beings may have the same purpose as multi-faceted fighting cocks to multi-faceted stars.

In your free time, watch a few fighting cocks fighting, adjust your mood, and waste your extra time.

After losing interest in playing, you can kill it for meat or feed it to pet dogs.

Human life is at the whim of the multifaceted stars, and they can even conduct a variety of experiments to verify various reactions of the human species.

The Polygon and the GANIZ device did not find them troublesome.

They had two guesses - the enemy either didn't know their detailed information, had insufficient intelligence, was afraid of their strength, and thought they couldn't handle them. Or the enemy didn't care about Chen Mu.

The enemy's indifference will not make Chen Mu give up executing the plan.

They actively collect all information about GANIZ and the high-level humans behind it.

Without the threat of time limit of annihilation, their layout is more calm.

They even threw out some bait to test the enemy's deep dive.

Twelve days later, Chen Mu and his party, who were preparing to attack GANIZ, received news from the bait they had arranged.

Someone suddenly contacted them, hoping that they would go to the GANIZ factory to meet God.

"Go to the GANIZ factory and meet those people who call themselves multi-faceted stars?"

"This time, the risk is uncontrollable! We are a little passive."

"The enemy provides us with information about the bait we released. We have two hypotheses. We need to continue to test the opponent's strength and attitude, and then formulate follow-up plans..."

In order to keep it secret, they used spiritual thoughts to communicate within the isolation talisman array to ensure that the secret would not be known to outsiders.

After some hypothetical exchanges and discussions, they decided to send people to the GANIZ factory to meet with the many-faced people to obtain more information.

Land of Hans, Hamburg.

The factory that produces GANIZ devices and various equipment in the original novel welcomed a group of uninvited guests today.

Looking at the GANIZ factory in front of him, Chen Mu sighed that these aliens were very generous.

Some of the technologies they provided to humans even made Chen Mu covet them.

For example, GANIZ equipment can resurrect and create flesh-and-blood bodies through 3D printing.

In the original work, in order to give humans the ability to fight aliens, the Polygon used a human girl to deliver the lowest-intensity military equipment production technology that could deal with aliens to humans.

Combat suits, delayed implosion guns, teleportation guns, gravity guns, G-fighting knives, resurrection techniques... and other vehicles of various sizes are all technologies passed down to humans by aliens.

These things are passed on to humans for use through a girl's mouth.

It's just that people are greedy, and the top executives who produce GANIZ are very restless. After making enough money, they try to rule the world, and then they get beaten up.

Chen Mu and his party arrived in a daze outside the GANIZ factory, but the security personnel became nervous.

The security didn't seem to know that they were invited today.

Several security guards nervously carried electromagnetic rifles and asked Chen Mu and his party: "Who are you? This is a private factory. Unrelated personnel should leave quickly and are not allowed to enter!"

The security guards performed their responsibilities conscientiously, but Chen Mu and his party looked at each other and had some guesses in their minds.

Chen Mu smiled and said, "We came to see Mr. Gregory Randolph. Mr. Randolph contacted us personally yesterday."

"Mr. Randolph asked you to come here personally?" The security guard signaled to his companions to be alert and quickly contacted Randolph's secretariat.

"It's Mr. Griffith...Yes, okay, sorry...I will apologize."

After hanging up the phone, the security captain immediately apologized to Chen Mu and his group, and explained uneasily: "Dear guest, I'm really sorry. The situation has been complicated recently, and we must ensure the safety of the factory."

"I understand, can I go in?"

"Okay, but please... do a routine inspection." The security guard awkwardly pointed to several high-tech equipment next to him.

If these high-tech devices scan Chen Mu, they can determine whether they are human beings.

Chen Mu did not refuse and accepted their detection with peace of mind.

After using high-tech methods such as X-laser and infrared detection to confirm that Chen Mu and others were not a threat, a dedicated person drove Chen Mu to the reception area.

Watching the scooter disappear without a trace, the security guard scratched his head: "The president is in a really weird mood. Yesterday he told us to maintain the highest level of vigilance, and today he invited outsiders to the factory."

"Just follow the boss's orders and don't talk nonsense!"

Little did they know that their words had been heard by Chen Mu.

When Chen Mu and his entourage entered the heavily secured GANIZ factory, Griffiths, dressed in British butler clothing, quickly greeted them: "Dear gentlemen. Mr. Randolph has been waiting for a long time. Please come with me."

Before he reached the door of Randolph's office, Chen Mu, who had keen senses, noticed the smell of blood.

When they walked into the conference room, they found several corpses with headshots lying everywhere. Several men and women with embarrassed looks kept their distance from these corpses.

A middle-aged man with a scratch on his face came out and said with an apologetic look on his face: "I'm sorry for making the distinguished guests laugh. There was a little dispute just now."

This person is Randolph, the controlling owner of the GANIZ factory.

"Mr. Randolph appears to have the accident under control."

"Yes, these brave guys actually dare to openly violate the will of God and do some irrational behaviors. They must pay the price in blood." Randolph said with a complicated expression.

Seeing the angry expression on the other party's face, Chen Mu thought that his hypothesis might have to be verified.

He said calmly: "We will not care about the internal affairs of your company. The main reason for coming here is to chat with the gods behind you!"

"God has informed you of the purpose of your visit, please come with me." Randolph tidied up his appearance, and then led Chen Mu and others to Randolph's daughter's bedroom.

Randolph's daughter is the mouthpiece of the many-faced star.

When Randolph arrived here, he discovered a scene that surprised him. His beloved daughter, who was as fat as a pig, actually sat up without any support.

You must know that his daughter is 170cm tall but weighs 670kg. She cannot walk at all without special equipment to support her!

Randolph's daughter has been remotely controlled by the Many-faced Star.

She looked at Chen Mu and his group and asked expressionlessly: "Outsiders, what species are you?"

"You are very rude! According to human etiquette, every question must be answered." Chen Mu said with a smile.

After the girl was silent for a while, she replied coldly: "Okay, we are very curious about what species you are. Your cell structure is similar to that of humans, but the energy contained in your body is the same as the nuclear weapons in your world. This is an interesting discovery!"

The girl's words did not make Chen Mu and the others nervous, but Randolph and the others looked at the god's answer in slight shock.

Because in the past, these arrogant gods had a very bad attitude towards human beings, and they did not consider their mood at all in some matters.

"Humans, we are the original human beings!" Chen Mu spread his hands and his eyes flashed: "What about you as a social etiquette? What species are you? Why do you help humans for no reason!"

"Us? It doesn't matter, aliens, aliens, God, you can call it whatever you want."

Randolph's daughter paused and elaborated: "We have been paying attention to the earth for tens of thousands of years, but we have never seen humanoid creatures like you. In order to investigate you, we released a dark energy detector, but the instrument could not find that you had ever been on this planet.

You have hidden traces of your existence from us. You must be outsiders from a certain galaxy, right?"

Randolph and a group of GANIZ executives looked at Chen Mu in shock.

Their equipment investigation just now showed that these people are all human beings?

"We are not aliens, we are humans. We left the earth a long time ago. Why do you want Randolph to produce the GANIZ device?"

"Order, we like order. Stable order can reduce energy changes in the universe. You humans are also an... interesting civilized world. We produce GANIZ devices to help humans, which is just a little effort." The girl controlled by the multi-faceted person said interestingly

There was an obvious pause in front of the world.

Was she adjusting her wording just now?

Chen Mu moved his fingers slightly and sneered: "Haha, is it such a small effort to put so many aliens on the earth?"

"They are some biological refugees from the Atalst galaxy, who have settled on this planet for thousands of years. We did not send them to this world."

An exclamation came from Randolph next to him: "What, aliens actually came to the earth thousands of years ago?"

"Yes, aliens began to settle on the earth thousands of years ago. Some literary works in human history actually describe them. Are the three monsters who killed billions of people also your kind?


Chen Mu spread his hands: "They are madmen, madmen who do not regard life as life! Repeat the question just now, why are we suddenly asked to produce GANIZ devices to kill aliens?"

"Because their existence has seriously threatened the safety of human civilization! If they are not driven away or dealt with, the earth will discover their existence. How do you travel in the universe, faster than light or through wormholes?"

"You guys really obey order. We flew back in a super-light spacecraft. It's still the same question as before, why do you let humans produce GANIZ devices and let them kill aliens?"

"We have just answered that you humans are not creatures that trust others easily. It's our turn to ask questions. Since you call yourself humans, you should be the ancestors of humans on earth, right? Are you their creator?"

Once again, he asked Chen Mu and his party through the mouth of the fat girl.

"No, hundreds of thousands of years ago, we only weakly integrated some human gene seeds with this planet to speed up human evolution and adapt to the earth. You call yourself the guardian of order, but we have been traveling in the universe for countless years, why have we never seen you?

Civilization." Chen Mu replied as if he was telling lies.

"As expected, humans have undergone magical changes due to the intervention of other creatures!" The fat girl's mouth conveyed emotions for the first time, and the other party continued: "It's normal that we haven't met. This universe is so vast, you know.

We are hundreds of billions of light years away from the Earth. If there are no accidents, it would be great to meet each other in tens of millions of years! Okay, the exchange is over."

After saying this, the obese girl immediately rolled her eyes and then collapsed on the ground.

Next to him, Randolph was so frightened that he and Griffith helped the girl lie down.

Chen Mu and his party walked out of the room. They had gotten the information they wanted from this exchange.

The first is that they did not receive systematic early warning.

This shows that the many-faced aliens should not have the idea of ​​​​destroying the earth.

From the conversation, they learned that the many-faced star was not honest and concealed a lot of key information.

For example, in the original work, they told the soldiers of the Killing Team that they were from a high-latitude civilization, which was a lie.

When these people communicated with Chen Mu, they said that they came from a civilization hundreds of millions of light years away.

Second, they may not have any thoughts of destroying the earth, but they must be conducting some kind of experiment or paying attention to it frequently.

They say that many aliens have been living on the earth for thousands of years, but this information is not accurate.

Through the unlucky trio who died, they learned that the aliens in this world had all been put on the earth in recent times.

Some of them live peacefully on earth, while others make noises from time to time.

Those weird ghost stars in "Hundred Ghosts Night Walk" came to this world not long ago.

Some of the ghost forms they transformed into are very weird, and they are not simply for survival.

Some ghost forms are subconsciously transformed according to the ghosts here in my childhood.

Everything strange here shows that these aliens are not just refugees, they are more or less related to the multi-faceted star...

The opportunity to answer their questions soon presented itself.

The detection equipment they deployed outside discovered a very large spacecraft approaching the earth.

The four-eyed giant civilization that regards humans as food has arrived on the earth in a ship.

This chapter has been completed!
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