Chapter 564: Bait and Sacrifice

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While the supreme commander of the Four-Eyed Giants, God of War Ivan Gudao, and a group of senior giants were uneasy, Chen Mu's investigation of the Four-Eyed Civilization was basically completed.

It only took them 30 minutes to collect most of the important knowledge reserves of the Four-Eyed Giant civilization. If possible, they could quickly control their scientists.

It can be said that the entire spacecraft is under their control.

"The security of the earth is already under our control. The four-eyed giant's super weapons arsenal is also under our control. The enemy's weapons arsenal has become a fake."

"There are still one hour and seven minutes left before the end of the mission. Now we will continue to proceed according to the original plan."


Didi didi~

While everyone was having a simple exchange, new information suddenly came through.

It was sent back from the earth.

"The GANIZ device was suddenly out of control. The killing teams were teleported to the GANIZ device and received new tasks!"

"Is it related to us?"

"Yes, the GANZI device suddenly went out of control, and all the killing teams' hunting targets marked us. We have become alien creatures that destroy mankind."

There was obvious noise from Chen Aiguo's side. It was that the killing team had teleported to their vicinity and started fighting with them.

"Be careful."

"Don't worry, those are our baits, and we haven't been exposed yet."

"I thought they would use clever means, but I didn't expect to summon a killing squad. The many-faced aliens seem to have very few means."

"Maybe it's a way to paralyze us, so be careful."

After hanging up the communication, Chen Mu directly issued an order to execute the plan to destroy the Four-Eyed Giant civilization in advance.

The Multifaceted Stars have already taken action. The enemy is attacking the bait Chen Aiguo has placed outside. At this moment, the enemy either does not know their movements or is carrying out a trick. Therefore, they need to speed up their actions to complete their mission.

The attack on the Four-Eyed Giant spacecraft began soon after Chen Mu hung up the communication.

First, the four-eyed giant's warehouse where various weapons were stored, and the energy center were destroyed by the Dongfeng Brigade soldiers who had been prepared long ago.

The Four-Eyed Giants are very strong, but they are typical of being strong on the outside and weak on the inside.

This is also a common problem of scientific and technological civilization.

As long as you break into the interior of technological civilization and destroy the weapons and ammunition depots of these civilizations, the enemy's threat level will be quickly reduced.

Those four-eyed giant warriors wearing armor and possessing powerful combat capabilities are elites, but they cannot deal with the lightning-fast warriors of the Spring Breeze Brigade.

They were unable to target these humans who had weird invisibility abilities but were also extremely powerful in combat.

The armor they were so proud of was like a film in front of them, shattering at the slightest touch.

On the earth, these giant warriors can easily slaughter an army, but in the spaceship, they become the targets of slaughter.

These giants have not even been able to locate traces of the Dongfeng Brigade.

Once your individual strength reaches a certain level, you can really crush your enemies in close combat.

A devastating blow to their assembled army.

In just 30 seconds, 90% of the four-eyed giant's powerful weapons were destroyed.

The remaining weapons will also be destroyed within 1 minute.

After defeating the four-eyed giant's armed forces, they attacked the space folding tower in the spaceship.

These space folding towers will not affect the use of Chen Mu's portable space, but they will affect the use of the Dongfeng Brigade's space ring in some key places.

45 seconds.

It only took them 45 seconds to storm into the core of the Four-Eyed Giant spacecraft - the space folding tower.

The space folding tower is the core of the spacecraft. Without space folding, the spacecraft will be exposed to space and lose the protection of the twisted stance. Earth's weapons can easily hit the spacecraft.

The space folding tower is also the life-support device of the Four-Eyed Giant civilization and the core of driving spacecraft navigation.

As long as this device is destroyed, the giant civilization will not survive for ten minutes and will become a floating object in the universe~

After quickly mastering the Four-Eyed Giant Space Folding Tower using cruel soul-searching methods, the soldiers immediately adjusted the flying attitude of the spacecraft and flew away from the earth.

This approach is to prevent the enemy from being overwhelmed and crashing the spacecraft into the earth.

Such frequent and high-intensity battles have long caused panic among the four-eyed civilized people. Ordinary people of the giants are panicking. Soldiers and people maintaining law and order are searching in vain for the humans who have infiltrated inside.

Ivan Gudao, who was staying in the command center, watched important areas being destroyed and tragedies happening in countless places inside the spacecraft. He could only express incompetent rage.

Those tiny ants, the humans who were supposed to be food, somehow teleported an army to infiltrate their spacecraft.

In just one minute, the military equipment and various means of resistance inside their spacecraft were destroyed.

The enemy is not food, but planet-level monsters.

"Report, the space folding tower has lost contact with colleagues in the energy room, and the enemy has taken control of it. Our spacecraft will soon lose the ability to control it."

"What?" Hearing this, Ivan Gudao was extremely desperate. He quickly ran to the control room and tried to close the hatch inside the space folding tower to delay some time.

Unfortunately, the bright red font on the command console indicating that the control room cannot be accessed caused Ivan Gudao and a group of senior leaders of the giant civilization to completely lose control.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to control the spacecraft, you naturally need to find a control room.

But after Chen Mu took control of the scientists of the Four-Eyed Civilization and some databases, he arranged sabotage means on the communication lines in the spacecraft control room.

These small means can destroy the control of the four-eyed civilization over the spacecraft and make the spacecraft lose all capabilities.

"How is it possible! How could those people master the secrets of our spaceship so quickly?"

"Why is the enemy so powerful?"

"Damn, I knew there was something wrong with this planet."

"Say, this isn't true!"

"Sorry, sir, our core energy warehouse has been lost, and the spacecraft is out of control."

"What?" Ivan Gudao couldn't believe what he heard.

He knew that they seemed to be doomed.

Despair is like a virus in the air, quickly spreading inside the giant core control room.

When countless giants looked sad and didn't know how to deal with it, a humanoid creature suddenly appeared in their space.

The humanoid creature started out no bigger than a grain of rice and then quickly expanded to a height of 180 meters.

This height happens to be the height of the four-eyed giant civilization command center.

The surface of this humanoid creature is made of unknown material, and its head and abdomen have countless changing faces.

The mechanism of facial transformation is completely incomprehensible to the naked eye.

That is a mechanism that humans and the four-eyed giants cannot understand.

After this giant appeared, the originally desperate four-eyed giants all knelt down piously and shouted to welcome my god.

Ivan Gudao was ecstatic, thinking that God was finally coming to save them.

But what the other person said made him feel like he was falling into hell.

"You are too careless."

After saying these words, countless active particle streams suddenly emerged from this multi-faceted star standing in the sky.

Then, these particle flows were poured into the minds of Ivan Gudao and a group of highly talented people in a way that the four-eyed giant could recognize.

That was countless pieces of information about the enemy that was attacking their ship.

Only then did Ivan Gudao discover that the enemy was actually a civilization that could fulfill the universe, and the human natives below happened to be creatures created by them.

When Ivan Gudao cried out about bad luck, he also obtained some methods to deal with that civilization.

They want to release the powerful weapons that the gods gave to the four-eyed giants inside the spacecraft.

This was a difficult decision. Ivan Gudao and a group of senior officials knew the horror of that weapon.

"Do you really want to be released?"

"Do we still have a choice?"

All the giants' faces became ugly.

The secret weapon that the gods had given them was a huge killer, and releasing it inside the spacecraft was a recipe for destruction.

But the gods had given the order and they did not dare to refute it.

"Perhaps...after releasing that ultimate weapon, God will grant us new life!"

The giants looked at each other, and then looked at Ivan Gudao. His face was as pale as a dog, and he said murderously: "Release, we must believe in God."

After it was confirmed that the ultimate weapon would be released, all departments began to get busy, and Ivan Gudao also obtained authorization to use that super weapon.

Because the secret weapon given by the many-faced star is extremely important, the four-eyed giant only knows one hand.

Not many people stopped their actions.

Until Chen Mu, who had just stored the space folding tower in his personal space, found that the other party suddenly left, and Chen Mu suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart.

Stop them or something bad will happen.

"Tell Ju Chengyan to hurry up and drive the spaceship farther away, and all other team members to evacuate. I'll stop those guys."

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mu sent several messages to the team members who were performing the mission.

The team members who collected items from various places and attracted the attention of the giant warriors quickly evacuated according to the predetermined plan.

Chen Mu, who has a clone of the Celestial Clan, not only has a super strong sixth sense, but also has the ability to sense danger countless times stronger than them.

They believe Chen Mu!

When the team members were evacuating, Ju Chengyan was also quickly adjusting the flight attitude of the spacecraft and flying the spacecraft away from the earth.

In order to obtain super speed, he did not consider the endurance of the spacecraft engine at all and directly flew to the maximum extent.

When flying like this, the speed naturally increases rapidly.

In less than ten seconds, the speed of the spacecraft reached several hundred kilometers per second.

On the other side, Chen Mu intercepted Ivan Gudao and his group. Chen Mu suspended in the air and said to these people: "There are some places you cannot go."

Looking at the human beings in front of him who were exactly the same as the natives of the earth, Ivan Gudao felt endless fear in his heart.

Every cell in his body was telling him that the creature in front of him was something he could never mess with.

The gap between me and him is like an ant and an elephant.

"Your Excellency, are you the one who attacked our spaceship?" Ivan Gudao asked, suppressing the panic in his heart.


"Why are you attacking us?"

"Because you did not declare war and directly attacked the humans on Earth. We fought back correctly and reasonably."

"Sir, we don't know who you are on this planet. We can compensate you for your losses as long as you stop attacking our spacecraft."

Chen Mu rubbed his chin and said slowly in the words of a four-eyed giant: "Okay!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Mu took out a communicator and gave orders.

Almost within three seconds, the explosions and various attacks in the spacecraft stopped.

Ivan Gudao and others looked into the distance with astonishment on their faces.

Soon, they also received news that the enemy suddenly stopped attacking and all disappeared.

When Ivan Gudao and a group of senior officials looked at each other, not knowing what to do, a dazzling white light emitted from their bodies.

Deep in their hearts, the voice of God rang out.

"They are stalling for time, and the spacecraft is also moving away from the planet. Release your weapons quickly. Otherwise, you will lose the chance of resurrection."

"But we feel like we can't break through that creature's defenses!"

"You have my blessing."

Ivan felt reassured and walked towards the temple.

Seeing the four-eyed giant's military action, Chen Mu subconsciously released a burst of energy to stop the four-eyed giant.

An accident happened suddenly.

The blazing flame suddenly disappeared after approaching Ivan Gudao.

In Chen Mu's spiritual perception, some mysterious spatial force field suddenly appeared on the four-eyed giant.

This space force field easily transfers his energy attacks to unknown spaces.

Chen Mu's face froze slightly, and his insecurity quickly soared.

"court death!"

Chen Mu shouted loudly, and a violent attack hit the four-eyed giant head and face.


Flame, the power of the five elements, and the power of thunder exploded one after another.

But these fatal attacks all disappeared without a trace beside Ivan Gudao.

"It's really weird!"

Chen Mu released his mental pressure again, trying to strangle the four-eyed giants in front of him using a method similar to a psychic storm.

But this mental impact disappeared again after getting close to Ivan Gudao.

The distance between us is like the ends of the world!

A strange space shield suddenly appeared in Chen Mu's heart.

"Damn Warp Shield!"

Bursting in his heart, Chen Mu immediately took out a big treasure that shone with metallic luster - an anti-matter bomb.

Wrap the anti-matter bomb with a simple layer of protective energy, and then throw it next to Ivan Gudao. Chen Mu's figure also quickly retreated.

Ivan Gudao and others, who had long discovered that they were being attacked, were in a rollercoaster mood.

They saw countless violent energy rushing towards them, although it was offset by the blessing of the gods. But before they could react, a big guy with a metallic luster smashed in front of them at a seemingly slow speed.


When these people still think about how God’s blessing can easily withstand attacks...


An unparalleled explosion exploded in front of Ivan Gudao. The four-eyed giant who had been looking forward to it just now turned into ashes.

The warp shields protecting them were completely ineffective.

This kind of Tiger Balm shield from the Warhammer world, which can defend against energy attacks, is a fool when it comes to physical attacks.

The way to break this shield is very simple - throw live ammunition and explode it, or fight like a Space Marine in front of your face.

The advantages and disadvantages of this kind of shield are very obvious. It can protect against various energy attacks, but it cannot protect against physical attacks.

Therefore, these unlucky guys and the alien buildings within a radius of one kilometer were directly turned into dust.

When the extremely powerful explosion destroyed this relatively luxurious building complex into rubble, the giants and the warriors of the Spring Breeze Team who were causing damage were attracted to it.

"Is that the temple?"

"Oh my God, the temple was also destroyed by the enemy!!!"

When the Four-Eyed Giant cried in despair, Chen Mu's expression suddenly changed as he made the huge noise...

Just after he destroyed the Four-Eyed Civilized War God and others, he was suddenly locked by a strange energy.

Then, a 2-meter-tall humanoid creature with countless faces appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"Human, I finally have you locked on!"

This chapter has been completed!
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