Chapter 1407: Digging out the heart and lungs

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The other gods were also stunned. After their brief shock, these noble gods, regardless of their image, began to grab the ribs of this life and gnaw wildly.

They didn't even have time to praise it out loud. This wonderful taste made their brains only thirst for food.

The blood on the ribs soaked their fingers, and their teeth and mouth were stained red.

This scene is a bit scary, but the gods don't care, the smell is really amazing.

Hannibal looked at these noble gods with a smile.

The chef loves to see his guests devouring their food.

In his eyes, these gods who enjoy delicious food are like pigs raised by themselves at this moment.

They are recognizing their status as masters and enjoying the gifts of their masters.

Hannibal also sat silently next to Lin Fan and opened his first plate.

Lin Fan was also taking a sip. He could probably guess what it was made of, but he didn't reject it too much.

How can you feel sick after eating the meat of gods?

This is the god that I have longed for day and night!

"Let us pay tribute to this moment." Hannibal slowly raised his glass, touched it with Lin Fan, and then drank it.

He picked up the knife and fork, cut the steak gracefully, and put a small piece into his mouth.

He looked solemn, closed his eyes, and the taste of nobility burst out in his mouth.

This is the taste of God.

Hannibal chewed and tasted it quietly, his eyes filled with tears.

It's not because it tastes too delicious.

But at this moment, he finally completed his evolution.

After feeding on the gods, he finally built his own food chain.

He became his own creator god, and he elevated his status to one above the gods.


Hannibal's aura suddenly fluctuated, and a powerful aura burst out.

Lin Fan glanced at Hannibal in astonishment. The moment this guy ate the god, he actually broke through to a high god!

Five minutes later, many gods finally finished eating.

Only then did they have time to wipe away the blood while exclaiming expectantly.

"This taste...oh my God, there is such a delicious thing!"

"Nutritional, damn, how can it be so nutritious..." Xiao Lisi looked at his body in disbelief. His already strong body was actually beating slightly.

His divine power is growing rapidly!

Even the divine body is getting fuller and fuller!

The deputy master of the Temple of Swords looked excited and said: "What kind of ingredient is this! Just the sashimi is so delicious, even more delicious than the giant dragon. I have forgotten what the giant dragon tastes like..."

The young master of the Sword God Temple also had an afterthought on his face: "It's obviously just sashimi... Is this a higher-end ingredient than the giant dragon? Moreover, it can actually stimulate the growth of divine power..."

All the gods also nodded, and they also felt that after swallowing the ribs, their divine power began to increase!

This ingredient is so nutritious, as if it contains divine power!

For gods, this is a great supplement!

"I admit that I underestimated you before." Young Master Roy also looked at this divine slave for the first time: "The flesh is tender and juicy, and the juice is extremely abundant. If I guessed correctly, this is a puppy that has been fed with delicious food since childhood and has been carefully taken care of.

Food for regular exercise.”

"That's a very cute little lamb." Hannibal smiled, "Now, the second dish."

"I call it, red gallbladder and loyal liver."

"It is made from the most tender lamb's liver, marinated in red wine sauce. To ensure freshness, I slaughtered it myself and cut off the liver. Maybe it's still warm now."

Young Master Roy smiled, and he understood the meaning.

This divine slave really knows how to be a human being.

Even before I bought him, I had already given him a slice of loyalty.

Young Master Roy and the gods couldn't wait to pick up the lid. Sure enough, on the white plate were a few slices of tender and juicy raw liver sashimi with red wine sauce.

Although the appearance is ordinary, the raw blood actually gives them appetite in disguise.

Especially after tasting the deliciousness of the ribs.

Young Master Roy picked up a piece, and sure enough, it still tasted delicious.

Moreover, the quality has changed under the red wine sauce, and the taste has become even better.

Especially unique to the liver

It has a crisp taste that tough and chewy ribs don’t have.

After enjoying it, before many gods could praise it, Hannibal smiled again and said: "Everyone, please open the third plate."

"This dish, I named it Gourmet Backbone."

"Made from the tenderloin of a lamb. The tenderloin is the backbone of the lamb. It should also be used to entertain the distinguished guests who support the backbone of the temple."

Young Master Roy nodded again with satisfaction.

This guy is really good at being a good person.

Treat yourself to delicious food and please yourself through the names of these delicious foods.

"Be brave and loyal to the liver."

"Open your heart."

“The backbone of gourmet food.”

Doesn't this mean that he will open his heart to himself, the backbone of the gourmet temple, and be loyal to him!

Listen, you will be a better person!

Especially this dual psychological and physical enjoyment made Young Master Roy feel more and more comfortable. This was definitely the best food he had ever tasted!

This divine slave gives the food the meaning it should have, which transcends the meaning of the food itself!

Especially this cooking skill...

The God of Food can be said to be the most difficult priesthood to improve one's strength, but at this moment, as he ate each bite of food, not only did Master Roy's understanding of food improve rapidly, but even the power of food in his body increased at this moment.


“Not only does it taste great, it’s also so nutritious!”

"I suddenly have a lot more understanding of food, a lot more insights, and even my godhead is becoming fuller... I can feel that I am becoming stronger, as if I have absorbed all the essence of another god of food!


"This is delicious food that can enhance my strength!"

After everyone finished eating, they did not praise him this time, but looked at Hannibal expectantly.

Just like a pig waiting to be fed.

"The next dish," Hannibal said with a smile, "pan-fried lamb leg, I named it, Lord of the Humerus."

The gods opened the plates, and sure enough, it was thigh meat that was fried to perfection and rich in fat.

Young Master Roy smiled knowingly again.

Lord of the humerus!

He is hinting to himself that he will become his humerus minister!

Little man, you really know how to behave.

Hannibal chewed quietly, looking happily at the gods who lowered their heads to enjoy.

"If you eat too hastily, you really won't enjoy it slowly." Hannibal shook his head slightly, "They have no idea what this meal means, and they won't be grateful for the ingredients they enjoy..."

This is an ascension above God.

This is an evolution beyond the gods.

Hannibal sighed and looked at Lin Fan, who was chewing slowly like himself.

He has to be the commander-in-chief, he is his best friend.

Suddenly, Hannibal's eyes froze.

"Miss, why don't you continue eating? Is it not to your liking?" Hannibal smiled softly and said, "Do you need me to hold a special banquet for you someday?"

A female god from the Temple of Poetry whispered: "That one is a bit too greasy. I'm afraid of gaining weight..."

"It's better to be chubby. You're a little too thin." Hannibal smiled softly and said, "Eat up. Don't waste this delicious food. This food... is hard to find."

He looked at the thin female god again and said with a smile: "Well, since you like to eat light food, next time I will hold a separate banquet with you as the protagonist... Don't worry, I will follow your instructions.

To your liking, we provide you with delicious lean meat.”

"Thank you. You are truly a divine slave who knows how to behave."

The female elder of the Poetry Temple smiled happily and continued to taste.

"The last dish," with Hannibal's words, the banquet of "God's delicacies" also came to an end, " rack your brains."

Many gods opened the dinner plate, and inside was a fresh piece of brain.

Roy licked his lips and put it into his mouth, enjoying the soft and tender brains spreading in his mouth, savoring the ultimate fragrant and delicious taste.

My good impression of Hannibal increased again.

rack your brains.

It's saying that as long as you buy it yourself

He, he will rack his brains on his effectiveness.

Know how to be a good person, know how to be a good person.

"Wait." Young Master Roy suddenly felt something was wrong.

Hannibal smiled and said: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong? Young Master?"

"You said this is the last dish, then what is this?" Young Master Roy pointed to an extra lid in front of him.

"That is a surprise specially prepared for you. Only you can have it." Hannibal smiled and said: "You are my most distinguished guest today, and I will serve you in the future."

Many visitors to the temple cast envious glances at Young Master Roy. After all, this guy enjoys a surprise all by himself!

Being stared at by so many envious eyes, Young Master Roy felt extremely comfortable inside.

As the god of food, has he ever been so envied and jealous by others?

Although he is the young master and his status is considered noble, isn’t the young master of the Gourmet Temple also a cook?

In the future, when all the young masters of the temple work together to create greater glory, or when they all go on an adventure to the Divine Treasures together, the most he can do is cook a meal for everyone from behind, and then watch them go away...

But at this moment, Young Master Roy felt the long-lost noble feeling of being envied by others.

He once again had a good impression of this divine slave.

After all, this was given to him by this divine slave.

Young Master Roy smiled: "You are indeed a good person."

"Thank you." Hannibal smiled and said, "Please open it."

Young Master Roy opened the lid.

That is a heart that is still beating.

"This heart was taken from the lamb with my own hands." Hannibal smiled and said, "The name of this dish is called Heart and Lungs."

"In the future, I will also show my heart to you."

Young Master Roy nodded happily, picked up the knife and fork, and cut open the heart.

This primitive scene of blood spurting out actually stimulated the wild desire to eat hidden in the instinct.

A scent of fragrance came out, and Young Master Roy swallowed his saliva and ate it.


Extra delicious!

That chewy texture and delicious juice burst out.

Delicious like never before! Fragrance rich like never before!

That wonderful smell made Master Roy even have hallucinations. He seemed to have lived the life of a god of food, and it even seemed that he himself had been integrated into this beautiful taste and became a part of the dish.

Under the wash of delicious food, he instantly understood a lot of new knowledge, the combination of seasonings, the matching of sauces... It was as if a god of food had told him all his life's work.

In fact, even the food power in his body skyrocketed at this moment!


Young Master Roy stood up suddenly, his divine power surged uncontrollably, and in just an instant, the "food" godhead appeared!

Level ten!

Breakthrough on the spot!

Just because I ate this dish made by Hannibal!

Young Master Roy closed his eyes and his body couldn't help but twitch slightly. Every cell in his body was cheering and frantically devouring the extremely pure nutrients in his heart.

After a long time, Young Master Roy slowly opened his eyes. At this moment, he was already at the peak of a medium god!

"Thank you." Young Master Roy, who was still full of pride before, bowed slightly to Hannibal: "I can taste such delicious food and understand so many culinary accomplishments."

"In the future, you will be my confidant."

Hannibal also hurriedly clasped his fists: "Thank you very much, young master. I will definitely be loyal to you, open my heart to you, and be your loyal servant!"

"But now I have a question to ask you." Young Master Roy said with eager eyes: "That ingredient is definitely not lamb. What on earth is it?"


The ingredients are really terrible!

Even the giant dragon seemed insignificant in front of those ingredients!

This is the first time that Master Roy has eaten such delicious ingredients, and it is the most noble ingredient he has ever tasted in his life!

It can be said that this time the elders of the Food Temple lost because of the ingredients!

Elder 262's cooking skills are not bad, and the dragon as an ingredient is not unprecious, but he has already lost in front of the ingredients that Hannibal brought out.


Nibal doesn't even need too much cooking, just its original taste has already impressed these gods.

But even so, Roy did not doubt Hannibal's ability, because being able to find excellent ingredients is a chef's ability.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you. If I tell you, you won't need me anymore." Hannibal looked a little embarrassed, "Every chef's recipe is the biggest secret, isn't it?"

"But please rest assured that in the future, I will hold banquets regularly, and representatives of major temples, you can also sign up to attend."

Hannibal was right. If he had, Roy would never buy him...

Young Master Roy didn't ask any more questions, but smiled and nodded: "The more capable a chef is, the more he likes to hide his craftsmanship. Well, it's good to be able to eat more times."

Other temples also smiled and said: "Congratulations to Young Master Roy, and congratulations to the Gourmet Temple for having a famous chef."

"Thank you so much, Master Roy, this time. Without you, I would never have dared to imagine this kind of delicious food."

"When this famous chef holds a banquet next time, he must notify us. No matter how high the fee is, we will participate."

The corners of Young Master Roy's mouth rose.

This time the Food Temple made a lot of money!

Such a powerful god of food was actually sold?

If you don’t buy it, you will be sorry for the food temple!

As long as he buys it back and holds a banquet at his level, even if he just collects the meal money, the Food Temple will make a lot of money!

No, he can even be asked to provide this ingredient in large quantities. Only with this ingredient, wouldn't the major chain stores in the Food Temple make huge profits?

"Do you have more of this ingredient?" Young Master Roy suddenly asked.

Hannibal thought for a moment and looked a little embarrassed: "Yes...but I didn't kill them myself. I just knew where they were stored."

There seem to be many corpses of gods over there in Daxia.

Although it is not very fresh anymore, and the divine power has been absorbed, and the blood has been drank up by the blood demon.

Moreover, Mr. Zhang dissected everything into parts, and many of the parts were doubled and Gongshu Ming took them away.

But for the remaining ones, if he opened his mouth to Lin Fan, he should be willing to sell them to him. After all, he wanted to sell them to the gods to entertain them and feed them.

Hannibal sincerely wishes that every god could be fat and in vain.

Unlike the gods of Bactria, Hannibal was a gentle man. He sincerely hoped that these gods would be in good health.

"Well, that's good." Young Master Roy said, "I want this divine slave."

"Haha, everyone," the dead ancient elder burped and said with a smile, "Everyone heard it. Although Young Master Roy didn't say it himself, the result of this game is self-evident."

You all have tasted it and you all know it in your heart.

"I declare," the dead ancient elder said with a smile: "In this no-nonsense competition, the divine slave Han Xiaoba wins!"

All the temples were full of praise.

"He really deserves to win."

"Yeah, the taste is really amazing."

"I feel sorry for Elder 262. He obviously uses giant dragons as food. Normally, he would definitely be successful, but he happened to meet this guy..."

"The divine slaves that Young Master North sells every time are really the best. Although this chef is not good at fighting, his cooking skills are not even comparable to the God of Food in the Food Temple."

Speaking of which, this is the first time that the Food Temple has lost in a food competition, and it actually lost to a divine slave...

Young Master Roy turned a deaf ear and shouted loudly to the door: "Elder 262, come out."

No one responded.

Young Master Roy was stunned for a moment and said loudly: "Don't worry, I won't blame you, and don't be afraid of embarrassment. This ingredient is so delicious that even other elders will lose. You played well.


However, still no one responded.

Young Master Roy frowned, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

He looked at the dead ancient elder: "Where is my elder 262?"

"That..." Mu Gu said somewhat complicatedly, "Elder 262 is missing."

Roy frowned.

Elder 262 is missing?

What's going on? Didn't you go cooking?

How to cook a dish and still make people die while cooking it?

This chapter has been completed!
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