Chapter 1447: Overcoming Despair

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In the endless wheat field, there was only panting and sweat falling to the ground.

Each of the semi-god warriors wore shackles made of divine gold alloy, like a group of ants eating the heaven and earth, bending down to harvest.

At the beginning, their divine power was barely enough.

There were armored formations, marching step by step facing the farmland, crushing them inch by inch.

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

"Tap! Tread! Tread!"

Amidst the sound of neat footsteps, the soldiers in front waved their sickles, causing large areas of crops to fall, while the soldiers in the rear tied up the fallen wheat seedlings in an orderly manner.

Their spiritual thoughts were suppressed and they could only perceive a range within three meters, but it was enough.

A person with supernatural powers walks in the strong wind, and the wind blades surround his body. Wherever he passes, the wheat seedlings are chopped off and stacked together by the soft wind.

There is a person with superpowers who presses the earth with his hands, looks up to the sky and roars: "Get up!"

The earth surged, lifting up the wheat seedlings.

There are also people with wood-type powers walking leisurely, and the surrounding crops move on their own, and the roots break free from the soil and stack up on their own.

There are also wild beasts like clouds, roaring and roaring.

Soldiers rode fierce beasts and charged through the wheat fields, causing wheat seedlings to fall neatly wherever they passed.


"Commander Lu is not here, so we don't have to shout those strange slogans at last!"

"Brothers, we are cavalry. Even if we cut territory, we are faster than armor! We must not be looked down upon!"

"Mount, charge with me!"

One hundred thousand demigod realm cavalry trampled them, but the mounts were all of the same demigod realm!

In addition, there is a swordsman in white walking with his back to him. Although he is holding a sickle in his hand, he is still handsome.

The sickle shook, the sword energy surrounded it, and the wheat seedlings fell to the ground!

Every time I take a step, I chant poems in unison.

It's just that the poem I recited is a bit weird, and it becomes inexplicably down-to-earth...

"It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the soil!"

"Who knows dishes on the menu, A Journey!"

A literati excitedly raised his brush, his body reflected a faint metallic luster, and the stack of muscles on his back even revealed the word "Ren"!

"The Master said, "The deceased is like a man who never gives up day and night!"

"The wheat seedlings harvested by me are like the rolling river, flowing day and night!"

"Use this piece of wheat to strengthen our minds and temper our bodies!"

Some warriors clenched their fists and punched the wheat seedlings, blood spurted out, and bloody tigers and white cranes roared in the sky and earth.

"Little wheat seedling, eat my Xingyiquan!"

"Monkey steals peach!"

"The white crane spreads its wings!"

There was also an assassin in black holding a sickle, who flashed past and countless wheat seedlings fell down.

Although his head is shackled and his vision is blocked, his spiritual mind can still detect a distance of three meters, and there is also pressure to help indicate the direction.

At the beginning, all the demigod-level members of the God-Slaying Army were in good order, and even had the mind to keep breathing.

"Xiao Liu," the veteran said, listening to the heavy breathing behind him, "keep breathing, don't panic."

"You have to know that the Commander-in-Chief's God-Forging Plan is ultimately for our own good."

"This is the third time I have participated. Although it was dangerous the first two times, the commander-in-chief was fully prepared. This time it will be a little hard at most. Keep your strength. It only takes 10,000 meters to pass."

"The same is true in battle. You must remain calm at all times."

"Squad Leader Zhang," Xiao Liu managed to adjust his breathing, and then asked curiously: "It's your third time, how proud are you?"

Monitor Zhang: "???"

"What the hell, are you still teasing me? Ah?" Squad Leader Zhang gritted his teeth and said: "Do you know how low the success rate is? I came from a miserable background when I was a child, and I am too determined! No matter what I encounter, I will not panic! This

Do you blame me?"

"You're still taunting me. If you weren't working on the God-Building Project now, I would kick you to death!"

Xiaoliu said quickly: "Monitor Zhang, adjust your breathing and stay calm!"

Monitor Zhang: "..."

"Then, monitor Zhang, if you don't teach me to stay calm, would I be more likely to break through?" Xiao Liu said thoughtfully.

Monitor Zhang: "???"

But as time passed bit by bit, sweat gradually dripped from the foreheads of all the soldiers, and sweat gradually dripped from their backs.

The team gradually became uneven, and the members of the demigod realm who originally had the energy to encourage each other stopped talking.

When people are tired, they really don’t want to talk.

This endless wheat field seems to never end in sight. There are still three meters away from three meters away, and the next three meters away is still three meters away.

It was like a slowly running meat grinder, turning little by little, crushing the will of these soldiers little by little, extinguishing their hopes little by little, squeezing out every drop of their physical strength and sweat, and making their bodies reach the ultimate state of exhaustion.

It turns out that when you are extremely tired, it will hurt.

But fortunately, the body has also become numb, like a small boat sailing in endless despair and pain, ready to fall into the abyss at any time.

"Squad leader Zhang, huh, huh," Xiao Liu gasped: "10,000 meters, haven't we arrived yet..."

"Shut stupid new recruit...keep your strength up."

Captain Zhang gasped for breath.

Ten thousand meters is so long.

At first, Squad Leader Zhang counted the steps, but two hours later, he had already forgotten to count the steps.

The fatigue almost caused his brain to stop functioning.

He pressed the button on the shackles, and a cold and gentle tone came from it: "Currently, three thousand meters."

Three thousand meters...

Is it only three thousand meters...

Squad Leader Zhang gave a wry smile, he was really going back further and further. He originally thought that it would be 6,000 meters away.

And now my harvest is getting slower and slower.

From a distance, Lin Fan silently looked at the soldier walking at the front.

These soldiers pushed forward all the way, and the fastest one was already six thousand meters.

"Zhang Han? He seems to be an old soldier who has failed twice in a row... his physical fitness is indeed very strong."

Xingye on the side whispered: "What if they really finish harvesting 10,000 meters? You know, 10,000 meters is for the demigod realm..."

"Don't worry, the harvest is endless." Lin Fan said lightly: "Extreme fatigue will make people stop thinking. In the endless darkness, they can't remember how far they have gone."

"Even if they harvest 100,000 meters, they still can't exceed 9,000 meters."

"The farther back you go, the slower the change in the distance of the prompter will be. At first, the prompter may only underreport the distance by a few dozen meters for every kilometer, but in the end, after they have harvested a thousand meters, it will only jump a hundred meters.


"They're just getting more and more desperate."

"Ah?" Xingye was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "Fortunately, I have become a god long ago..."

This Lin Fan is so despicable and shameless!

By the way, if I have children in the future, I won’t be as despicable as him!

Captain Zhang gasped for breath, and at the moment his pace slowed down.


A wind blade struck him hard on the back like a whip.

Even for a strong man in the demigod realm, the power of this hundred-meter wind blade was still unbearable. In an instant, Squad Leader Zhang couldn't help but wailed and fell to the ground!


A voice said: "Get up and keep doing it!"

It was the members of the Divine Legion who took action.

Squad Leader Zhang, whose brain had slowed down, was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered a young face that he had protected behind him, and immediately said: "Old, third child? What the hell are you..."

"Squad Leader Zhang, get up and keep working." The voice was silent and ruthless.

"Third brother, let me rest for two minutes..." Squad Leader Zhang felt like he was going to collapse in the next second.

"Keep doing it," the voice repeated.

Captain Zhang gasped and said: "Rest, take a rest, just a little while, I don't believe that this God-casting plan can really kill me. We have fought side by side before..."

But before he could sit on the ground, the sound of tearing air broke through the air!

Squad Leader Zhang stood up instinctively. At the same time, the soil behind him flew away instantly, cutting out traces more than ten meters deep!

A chill rose in Squad Leader Zhang's heart. This blow could really kill him!

"Lao San, you..."

"Squad Leader Zhang, the God-casting Project is indeed not intended to kill members of the demigod realm. But... we have quotas for accidental killing." The voice whispered: "Everyone can accidentally kill ten demigods."

"And if anyone stops, we will be expelled from the Great Xia Divine Legion. This is our lifelong yearning and pride... Squad Leader Zhang, I will not break the rules because of you. My family needs me to protect it."


Squad leader Zhang looked horrified, but he still didn't believe it.

But the next moment.

"Squad Leader Zhang, I, I really can't hold on anymore..."

Behind him, Xiao Liu's voice sounded, and then there was the sound of falling.


The wind blade whipped like a whip.

A cold voice sounded: "Get up and keep working."

"I can't get up..."


Amidst the roar of several divine spells, Squad Leader Zhang said blankly: "Xiao Liu, are you okay..."

No one responded.

Only a cold voice sounded: "One man was accidentally killed. Logistics team, take it away."

In the darkness, Squad Leader Zhang could not see anything, but he seemed to see the scene of the young man being cut by the wind blade.

" could this happen..." Squad Leader Zhang had tears in his eyes, but he could only hold on and wave his sickle, groping forward in the darkness.

The crisis of death made him dare not stop.

"Why can such things as accidental killing quotas come out..."

In fact, if Squad Leader Zhang thinks about it carefully, he will think it is nonsense.

But at this time, my physical strength has been exhausted, my brain is in chaos, and my will has begun to relax.

He no longer had the energy to think, there was only anger and despair in his heart!

"Why is this happening..."

"The Commander-in-Chief said, this is war." A low voice sounded in the sky: "Do you know why the Commander-in-Chief sent you to the God Realm?"

"Because, a god-forging plan without death is always inefficient."

"What Daxia needs now is as many god-achieving people as possible."

"In Daxia, due to the popular sentiment, the commander-in-chief cannot allow you to suffer a large number of deaths in the God-casting plan... But in the God Realm, we can say that we have encountered a surprise attack from the gods."

"Everyone, keep working hard."

"This will be your graveyard. Only by becoming a god can you be freed."

At this moment, the endless countryside was silent.


Field of despair!

Even Squad Leader Zhang's heart sank. It seemed that he had only two choices in front of him, either to die of exhaustion here, or... to become a god!

But how difficult it is to become a god!

He went through it twice and never took that step!

His will is too strong!

As the sickle was swung, Squad Leader Zhang's physical strength was drained bit by bit like a squeezed sponge. He could hardly feel his hands, only endless numbness and pain.

Sweat doesn't even drip anymore, his throat is so tight

It is dry and the brain has begun to feel dizzy. This is already a state of dehydration.

Ten minutes at most.

But I only harvested four thousand meters!

He has never felt that time is so long, and every step is so long.

The darkness ahead seemed endless and far away.

He could no longer even disperse his thoughts, and there was only darkness in front of him. But fortunately, after a long period of harvesting, he had already grasped the harvester, and he almost instinctively raised the sickle just by touching the wheat seedlings.


Someone fell down again, and a faint cry could be heard.

"Water, water..."

"stand up."

"Give me a sip of water...I..."

"Useless trash, unable to meet the commander-in-chief's requirements." The voice was cold and ruthless.


Like the sound of a watermelon bursting, the weak voice also stopped abruptly.

Endless countryside, complete with deathly silence.

The other warriors could only continue to wave their sickles in despair.

From time to time there was the sound of falling to the ground, and no matter how much I shouted, there was no response.

This despairing darkness and these endless wheat fields are actually more frightening than diving and skiing!

"The commander-in-chief...he really wants to make us gods at all costs..."

"They even let us die...just to cultivate a group of gods immediately..."

Squad leader Zhang had complicated feelings. He knew that the situation in Daxia was dangerous and that time was urgent, but he never expected that the commander-in-chief would be so cruel!

No wonder we are going to the God Realm!

"Why did I become a soldier... Daxia, which my brothers fought to the death for, now lets us die, just for a group of gods..."

Squad leader Zhang was teetering on the verge of collapse, trying hard to hold on to the wheat seedlings and harvest them step by step, as if he was about to fall down at any moment.

He had already hallucinated. The wheat seedlings in the darkness seemed to have turned into young faces, waving to him in the darkness.

Squad leader Zhang tried hard to hold them, but instead he held a handful of wheat seedlings.

Squad leader Zhang cut off the wheat seedlings one by one and continued to move forward.

He saw battle after battle, with sea beasts rushing towards him, snow beasts rushing through the snow, and comrades-in-arms dying one after another in the fight with the sea beasts.

He tried his best to swing the sickle and cut off the wheat seedlings one by one.

Is this what it means to be a soldier?

It seems not.

What is that for?

Squad leader Zhang was walking hard in the darkness in confusion and despair. He could no longer hold on.

"Can we only hold on here?"

"Then what's the point of me?"

"A chess piece being used? To protect a home that will do anything to become a god..."

Despair is the weapon that can best break a person's will.

The endless wheat fields broke his body, and the commander-in-chief's attitude completely broke his will.

This is his last step.

But the moment he fell down.

Suddenly, a hallucination of a boy serving a girl food appeared before his eyes.

It was an illusion, but it was extremely realistic.

It was surrounded by a small mountain village, and in the house only the dim firelight from the stove illuminated the gray walls.

"Brother, I'm so hungry."

"If you're hungry, eat more. I'll give you half a bowl more."

"But, brother, aren't you hungry?"

"Brother, I'm not hungry. I just ate at my second uncle's house and there was bacon." The little boy said and licked his lips.

But Squad Leader Zhang knew that he was lying.

Because I went to my second uncle's house to cut wheat that evening, I got this rice in exchange.

"Brother, when can our parents come home..."

"Don't worry, I'll be home soon."

Monitor Zhang looked at this scene in the darkness with distracted eyes. He knew that this was when he was a child.

The boy and girl in front of him seemed to have grown up a bit.

"Brother, I'm admitted to college..."

"Well, I know, it's a good thing, don't worry and go and study." The boy smiled happily, "Brother will go out to work tomorrow to help you earn tuition."

"elder brother……"

"You must go to college before you can leave here! You must go to college!"

He tore up his college admission notice and packed his luggage.

Fortunately, the gods have come.

On a night when his sister had no money to pay tuition, he was lucky enough to awaken his superpower and became one of the first batch of superpower users to join the God-killing Army.

From that day on, life seemed to be getting better and better. Her monthly salary was enough to cover her sister's tuition and living expenses, and her sister was also proud of her.

Squad Leader Zhang looked at the wheat seedlings in front of him and said dryly: "The meaning of my being a soldier..."

"It's not about fighting, nor about protecting some 140 million people."

"It's to protect her and to let her have enough to eat."

Not knowing where the strength came from his numb body, Squad Leader Zhang took a step forward, almost lying on his stomach, grabbed the cluster of wheat seedlings, and chopped off the sickle just like he did that evening.


In the darkness, the wheat seedlings seemed to bloom with blazing fire, illuminating the despair in front of them and igniting the darkness!

For Daxia people.

Family is always the light that illuminates despair!

This fire light guided him through despair and took the last step to the next step!

at the same time.


The sound of breaking sounded!


A terrifying force burst out, like a volcano!

In the darkness of despair, someone becomes a god in one step!

Squad Leader Zhang felt a powerful force filling his body, and the shackles on his head opened on their own.

Behind him, the divine personality is revealed!

He rose into the sky, rushed towards Lao San in the air, gritted his teeth and said: "How dare you kill Xiao..."

But before he could finish speaking, Laosan in the sky instantly released his rolling wind blade!


This terrifying wind blade is definitely not something that a newly become god like him can resist!

Squad Leader Zhang's eyes suddenly shrank, but he watched in confusion as the wind blade passed by him, then chopped up the light of his godhood, shattered the aura that burst out when he became a god, and cut terrifying cracks on the ground.


"I lied to you before!" The third child covered Monitor Zhang's mouth and whispered: "It's too late to say more, I'm going to scream!"

Squad Leader Zhang looked confusedly at Xiao Liu, who was supposed to be dead behind Lao San, but was now carrying the "Aoki" godhead. Although he didn't know what happened, he still shouted miserably: "Ah!!"

"Huh. The mission is completed." The third child breathed a sigh of relief, let go of Squad Leader Zhang, and warned: "Old Squad Leader, congratulations on finally becoming a god. I'm sorry before, I was all lying to you. But that's the Commander-in-Chief.

It’s the order, don’t blame me…”

"Ah?" Squad Leader Zhang was stunned for a moment.

"You must be exhausted, drink quickly. Also, suppress your breath, keep quiet, and go to the back to rest. In the eyes of other soldiers, you are already dead."

The third child said, throwing a bottle of water to Squad Leader Zhang, and then said: "Medical team, come up quickly to check the situation."

Immediately, a Daxia medical god with the god of "medicine" rushed up and checked Squad Leader Zhang's body.

Only then did squad leader Zhang see it.

In the wheat field, behind the desperate warriors who were holding on to the harvest with a look of despair on their faces, and at a distance of five meters, medical gods were following closely while holding tablets for monitoring data.

As soon as someone falls, rush to the rescue immediately.

"Saline, saline, this is dehydrating!"

"Alas, what a pity, another one failed."

Ahead, those already crumbling warriors gritted their teeth and harvested, and some were still uttering weak curses: "The damn commander... used us... no wonder he brought us into the God Realm..."

"What's the point of us being soldiers... He only wants to become a god..."

"We will die here..."

"Hold on... we can't die like this... we still have to go home... and we have to expose the commander-in-chief to everyone as a despicable villain..."

Captain Zhang was stunned for two seconds: "This..."

"Those who screamed and were "accidentally killed" before co-writing...have actually become gods, right?"

The third child said helplessly: "Are you kidding? The commander-in-chief allows you to really die here? Just to make you completely despair. There is a life monitoring system on your glasses, and the medical team will follow you at any time."

Halfway through the third son's words, suddenly another warrior roared and became a god, and billowing fire rose up.

"Where's the Commander-in-Chief! I'm going to hack the Commander-in-Chief to death!"

Obviously, he became a god out of the desperation of being exploited and relying on his resentment and anger towards the commander-in-chief.

"Stop talking, I have to go and solve it." Lao San quickly rushed over, covered the other person's mouth, and at the same time released a series of magical spells, shattering the breath that spread instantly when the other person became a god, and whispered: "It's too late to explain, it's going to be miserable.


Monitor Zhang: "..."

Squad leader Zhang looked at Xiaoliu: "You..."

"Ah, my mental quality is not very good... Even my parents never hit me since I was a child. I wanted to be lazy, but after ten minutes of harvesting, I just started to be lazy, and I was hit by a magic spell... It hurt so much.

." Xiao Liu said embarrassedly: "I accidentally became a god."

Monitor Zhang: "???"

In the field, some soldiers were still working hard to harvest, but their glasses were suddenly taken off.

Before the confused soldier could speak, the medical team had already covered his mouth.

"Okay, your body has reached its limit. If you keep harvesting it any longer, your internal organs will fail. Let's do it next time." The God of Medicine said calmly.

"Ah?" The soldier looked confused and struggled: "Hold the immortal... No, I was almost completely desperate just now. I'm almost in the state. Please, can you let me wear it?"

Put on your glasses and try again!”

"The commander-in-chief said that we must not make fun of your lives. Daxia can lose one god, but it must not lose one person." The medical god raised his hand expressionlessly: "Next time, Xiao Liu, give him a shot.

Take him back with an injection of anesthesia."

The soldiers not far away were immersed in despair and persisted in harvesting, knowing nothing about it.

Very desperate.

Even in order to increase the desperate atmosphere, many gods fell heavily to the ground and pretended to be dead, waiting for the harvesting warriors to leave before getting up as if nothing had happened.

Some soldiers were desperately harvesting in the dark, and suddenly they touched a body that was not cold yet... they became even more desperate and angry.

Some gods would occasionally stomp a watermelon behind a warrior, as if crushing a head, and then say some harsh words.

"The losers who can't survive don't deserve to go home."

"Only by becoming a god can one be qualified to return to Daxia."

"It took a lot of effort to trick you into coming to the God Realm. Haha, if you don't become a god, do you still want to go back alive?"

Xingye looked at the soldiers struggling in despair in the distance with sympathetic eyes: "By the way, have you not considered the soldiers when you do this?"

The despicable Shura smiled: "As long as I can make them become gods... it doesn't matter. They can hate me and be angry with me in despair. As long as this anger and hatred, as well as the willingness to go home, can help them overcome despair...

It’s worth it.”

This chapter has been completed!
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