Chapter 212 Who dislikes Wang Hu?

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 At the same time.

In the white palace.

One of the world's top conferences is being held,

"Is what the leader of the Free Country, the commander-in-chief of Daxia, said is true or false?" Ma Ka, the leader of the French Country, had a complex expression: "Your rescue is only for the elite?"

The leader of the Pasta Country also took a deep breath: "This is no different from giving up on the people... If this is really the case, then we need to consider whether to continue to cooperate with you."

Their relationship with the Free State, to be honest, is not that deep.

On the contrary, Kameda, the leader of the Kameda Kingdom, loudly said: "The leader of the Free Country, no matter what, we, Kameda Country, are good friends of the Free Country!"

"The same goes for our Yin Emperor White Elephant Kingdom!" Asan, the leader of the Yin Emperor White Elephant Kingdom said loudly!

The leader of the Free Country sat there with a complicated expression and sighed: "Everyone, this... is indeed true."

"But it's not our fault. That god is so powerful, and our Free Country has no preparation at all... Didn't we take no one seriously before?"

"Our free country has done its best to save the elite..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Western European leaders such as the Pasta Country and the Baguette Country softened a little and nodded slightly.

"That said, I really don't blame you..."

"Yes, if it were us, I'm afraid we would have to temporarily evacuate the elites..."

The leaders of the Pasta Country suddenly felt that what the Free Country did... was wrong, but it was understandable?

After all, if we replaced them, we couldn't do anything better.

"In three months, the gods will come for the second time!" The leader of Australia suddenly said: "Next, it is best for us to unite together."

The leader of the Pasta Country nodded: "If possible, we hope that the Free Country can provide us with some help..."

"Everyone, I already have a way. Daxia has taught us how to make gods." The leader of the Free Country frowned and said, "I am going to make gods in batches!"

"Oh?" The leader of the Pasta Country was stunned: "Mass manufacturing?"

"How to make it?"

"Da Xia said that the God-killing Demon-Slaying Technique still has will... Then select citizens and let them practice the God-killing Demon-Slaying Technique, and then... kill their parents and friends in front of them!" Free Country

The leader said coldly.

As soon as these words came out.

The leaders of the Pasta Country all widened their eyes: "This..."

"Everyone, this has to be done!" The leader of the Free State said solemnly: "I know you don't want to, and this method is indeed cruel, but so what if you sacrifice a few for the sake of more people!"

"Sacrifice one person so that more people will not sacrifice!"

"If those selected citizens knew our difficulties, they would definitely not blame us!"

The leaders of the Pasta Kingdom stared at each other, hesitating for a moment.

"Forget it, you can think about it again. Anyway, our Free Country is ready to do this!"

"As for the next time the gods come, we, the Free State, will consider supporting you as appropriate." The leader of the Free State waved his hand, "Anyway, that's it, let's end the meeting first."

End of the meeting.

The leader of the Free State let out a long sigh.

The commander-in-chief of Daxia is not very young, but he is particularly troublesome!

"This time, the Western European countries don't seem to have such a close relationship with us anymore... That commander-in-chief of Daxia is really powerful!" the leader of the Free Nation frowned.

The assistant on the side comforted him: "It's okay. Kameda Kingdom and Indy White Elephant Kingdom are still very close to us."

"Moreover, internally... our entire country has been disconnected from the Internet. The citizens have no idea what is going on behind this press conference. We have stabilized the situation for the time being."

The leader of the Free State nodded and said: "Fortunately, we cut off the Internet in time, but in order to prevent the citizens from knowing, we gave up the rescue of ordinary citizens... During this period, we should stop all international flights. From now on, the Free State will close the country!


After all, it would be troublesome if the citizens knew that the Free State officially only rescues elites!

But what worries the leader of the Free State even more is...that Lin Fan, does he have any evidence of the Free State's nuclear weapons cleansing?

"Just a video of giving up on rescuing citizens has made Western European countries no longer close to us." The leader of the Free Nation sighed, "If Daxia really has evidence of our nuclear weapons cleansing the land... Once he takes it out, then...

Our free country really wants everyone to rebel against their relatives!"

"He probably doesn't have the throne!" The assistant said solemnly: "If he had it, he would have brought it out this time!"

"After all, if we had the chance, we would definitely put Daxia to death! How could the people of Daxia let us go?"

After hearing what the assistant said, the leader of the Free Country nodded: "Yes, that's right."

"Then Daxia is probably just bluffing."

"By the way, how about what I asked you to do?" He looked at the assistant.

The assistant smiled: "The nails in Daxia are already moving!"

The night before the state funeral.

Lin Fan returned to Daxia.

Immediately, he went to the God-killing Army barracks and handed the divine fire extracted by the two gods of the sea to Chique, who had just recovered from his injuries.

"This is..." Chique looked at the two dancing blue flames with a stunned look on his face.

As expected of the medical god Zhang Chengfeng, in just two days, most of the wounded soldiers of the God-killing Army had returned to the military camp.

"The divine fire of two ocean gods," Lin Fan said with a smile, "This is enough for me to have two more ocean gods in Daxia!"

"We human beings who have become gods are different from those born gods, and we do not need a divine domain or believers."

"As for those fragments of the divine realm, Daxia has other functions."

The fragments of the divine realm are the condensation of space on the other side.

This will be important for building shelters in the future!

"Become a god?" Chique looked stunned, his eyes were a little excited, but then he said a little disappointed: "I am a fire-type superpower, so I can't use it... The second team is a water-type superpower, and this time there are two members.

Good performance.”

"I will give the sacred fire of these two ocean gods to them."

Lin Fan nodded: "Be sure to select those who have practiced the God-killing and Demon-Slaying Art to level nine or above. After they become gods, we will organize them into the God of the Sea Team."

"Yes!" Chique responded.

The flames in the palm of my hand jumped, but they were not burning. Instead, they were as gentle as sea water, surging like small waves.

Divine fire!

In addition to relying on will, the body becomes a god.

If humans want to become gods, there is another way.

It means killing the gods, inheriting their divine fire, and occupying their godhead!

This is equivalent to a shortcut, of course, the premise is to kill the gods!

Lin Fan raised his head, smiled solemnly at the mysterious god, and said, "Actually, I quite hope that a few more of you can come."

But immediately, Lin Fan felt something was wrong.

Lin Fan looked at Chique who seemed to want to say something but hesitated, frowned and said, "Do you have anything else to report?"

Chique replied: "After the reduction of the God-killing Army this time, there are only ninety-eight people left, but a new batch of people have signed up. All the new superpowers in Daxia have been recruited. Now there are two hundred and one people.

Thirteen people!”

"So many?" Lin Fan was surprised for a moment and then understood.

Two gods died on the coast of Bactria!

Most of their divine power also poured into Daxia, inspiring the emergence of more superpowers.

Those with super powers may also be afraid, but when they see the video of Daxia warriors fighting against sea beasts, they will still sign up without hesitation!

"Train them well and I will have a few words with them after the state funeral tomorrow." Lin Fan said with a smile.

But then, Lin Fan felt something was wrong again.

"Do you have anything else you want to say?" Lin Fan looked at Chique who was still hesitant to speak and frowned.

"Um..." Chique whispered, "Can you ask Wang Hu, that blood demon, to move out of the God-Slaying Army's barracks?"

Lin Fan was slightly startled: "Ah?"

Chique whispered: "I don't mean anything else. The main thing is that no matter what Wang Hu says, he is now a devil. He looks scary and has an evil aura."

"And he drinks sheep and cow blood every day, which scares the soldiers..."

For a while.

Lin Fan's face suddenly turned ugly, and a rage burned in his heart.

"Because he turned into a demon, you are afraid of him and hate him, right?!"

"No..." Chique said with a complicated face: "The main reason is that the soldiers thought so, and Wang Hu himself knew it and took the initiative to move out of the God-Slaying Army barracks..."

Hear this sentence.

An unknown fire burned in Lin Fan's heart, he stood up suddenly and walked towards Wang Hu's barracks.

"I want to see who dislikes Wang Hu!"

This chapter has been completed!
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