Chapter 451: It depends on whether you are lucky or not

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 Zilu was like a tireless bull, hitting the god hard with his huge fist.

Faced with his reasoning, the god couldn't even utter a single word!

The wind of the fist caused the surrounding seawater to roll back. Under the terrifying hammer blow, the god's dazzling body sank all the way in the seawater, and cracks appeared!

He was about to be hammered to pieces by this lunatic!

"God, speak!!"

Zilu, on the other hand, became more and more fierce, with his long hair tied up surging in the sea water.


With one uppercut, the god was knocked out of the sea.

Klein finally had a chance to breathe, standing in the air with blood all over his body.

Zilu, on the other hand, took his time and rearranged his bun that was about to be loosened.

After all, the teacher once said that when a gentleman dies, he will inevitably be crowned!

He will respect the teacher's teachings even if he dies!

Even in his last life, he died while arranging his hair in a battle.

Standing in the air, Klein looked at the man in the sea with eyes full of anger.

"God, do you have anything to say?"

Zilu said coldly while arranging his hair.

Klein's eyes were full of anger. For him, being beaten so violently by a human and being lectured in words was simply more uncomfortable than killing him!

"You are an arrogant country and a faithless people."

The seawater below Klein was surging, and the voice sounded like thunder: "There is no faith!"

"How dare you confront the gods..."

"Haha, we have no faith?" Zilu tidied his hair and clenched his fists again, "You are wrong."

"I, Daxia, naturally have faith!"

"It's just that our faith is not God!"

But those ancestors, those who guided an era!

"The teacher said it."

"Strength is like a piece of iron, thought is like a giant hammer, tempered thousands of times, to the ultimate purity."

"God, your purity is too low!"

Zilu's muscles reflected a bronze-like sheen, a purity that even the gods feared!

That is the power tempered by thought!

"So, you deserve to die!"

Zilu's strong legs suddenly kicked off the sea surface, and the terrifying force caused the surrounding water to dent.


Under that terrifying power, Zilu rose into the sky on the waves, rushing towards the gods like a cannonball!

The burly body is like a lion, and the sound of truth shakes the sky!

"The deceased is like a man who never gives up day and night!"

"The gods I killed are as endless as a river, killing them day and night!"


That pen packed with power, and under the guidance of thoughts, crashed towards the gods!

For a moment, Klein's eyes suddenly widened. To him, the pen seemed to be like a rafter or a pillar, hitting the sky and the earth!

Klein turned and ran.

That's right.

Run away!

Before this, whether he faced Lin Fan, Lu Bu, or the gods of Daxia, he had never thought of escaping.

Although the battle was difficult and more troublesome than expected, he never thought of escaping.

after all.

He is a god!

With the pride of a god.

How can you escape in front of these ants?

What's more, this plane is so attractive, especially the land behind the Great Steel Wall!

It is vast, full of resources, and home to countless lives.

Those are the lives that can be transformed into believers!

Therefore, even if Klein knew that he had been led into the encirclement by those descendants of God who had betrayed the gods, he never thought of escaping.


In Klein's eyes, the so-called encirclement by humans is so ridiculous, just like a group of ants clamoring to surround a giant elephant.

He is a god!

Even an encirclement is enough to crush those humans from the front, blast through the Great Steel Wall, and conquer under their gaze and despair!


Now, Klein clearly knows that the sudden appearance of Zilu, plus Lin Fan and Lu Bu from before, the three of them work together...

It can really kill yourself!

Under the threat of death, the pride of the gods disappeared!

At this moment, Klein no longer thought about fighting head-on, he just wanted to escape the encirclement alive!

Stay alive!

Klein never thought that he would take the initiative to escape, let alone that in front of humans, gods could only retreat!

But just when Klein faced Zi Lu charging at him again and turned around to escape, a knife and a halberd suddenly came from behind him!

The young man held a knife and Shura roared.

Lu Bu was even more like a demon descending to earth, his eyes were glaring.

"How dare you insult Diao Chan!"

That fierce killing intent was sharper than Fang Tian's painted halberd.

For a moment, Klein was a little confused.

When the hell did I ever scold Diao Chan?

are you crazy!

But more than anything, it’s despair!

Lin Fan, Lu Bu, and Zi Lu formed a formation and rushed towards Klein from three directions!

There is no way to avoid it!

The jet-black Shura sword, the purple-red flaming Fangtian painted halberd, and the huge pen as big as a rafter with huge force, crashed towards him!

"Today, do I really want to..."

"Die here."

Klein, whose body was faintly broken into pieces, was already in despair.

A huge word "death" appeared in my mind.

And just five minutes ago, Zilu used his own power to hammer Klein crazily and suppress the god.

A fighter plane traveled thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean and finally broke into the Bohai Sea area of ​​Daxia.

On the Great Steel Wall, the war situation has stabilized, and humans have almost one-sidedly begun to slaughter the invading sea beasts!


Gunfire roars!

The soldiers roared and fired, and the beasts roared and pounced on the sea beasts who dared to rush to the Great Steel Wall.

"Logistics team in combat area three, hurry up and move the bullets! The machine gun position is almost out of bullets!"

Mr. Jin shouted loudly with his walkie-talkie while looking at the surveillance pictures everywhere.

After all, I am getting older.

When I was young, it might be okay to go without sleep for a few days or nights.

But now, the battle lasted for a day and a night, with Jin Laoshen leading the way, manipulating the heavy artillery continuously, pulling down the joystick again and again, and the terrifying recoil almost shattered his old bones.

My ears also started to ring in the ears.

But even so, although Mr. Jin no longer took the lead, he still stood on the Great Steel Wall, commanding loudly from behind the soldiers and taking full control.

"Mr. Jin, go back and rest, these sea beasts are about to be killed." Shang Weitian on the side licked his chapped lips.

Although he was not a soldier, he still stood here all day and night without closing his eyes.

After all, Daxia wants to sell goods live. After the battle, these fresh seafood must be sold as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to store.

The quantity is really too large.

Throughout the whole day, Shang Weitian stood on the Great Steel Wall, specializing in photographing the roaring sea beasts that rushed towards the Great Steel Wall, and the corpses of those sea beasts that were killed and floated on the sea, making people's index fingers tremble.

Daxia now needs to make use of all resources, and the corpses of these sea beasts are the top ingredients!

"How many have been sold?" Mr. Jin picked up the kettle, took a sip, and handed it to Shang Weitian.

Shang Weitian also took a sip and grinned: "It's half a million tons, most of which are domestic orders."

"However, domestic orders are not profitable, and the pricing is very flat. The real profit is to let other countries directly exchange resources!"

Resource exchange!

Not currency!

Since the advent of the gods, Shang Weitian has keenly noticed that currency seems to be no longer so important. For countries, only real resources are the most critical!

"It's good, the wealth does not go to outsiders. The people of Daxia have given us such great support, so we, the people of Daxia, should be allowed to have a taste of it."

Jin Lao nodded, and then loudly shouted into the intercom again: "Brothers, grind your teeth and kill me!"

"I know you are tired now, but..."

"When the beating is over, you can eat these sea beast carcasses as you like!"

"The cooking team has prepared eighteen recipes for sea beasts! It depends on whether you like them or not!"

This chapter has been completed!
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