Chapter 159 Conscription!

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"Yeah, war..."

Li Qiu looked at the night sky with red eyes and murmured. His tone was extremely complicated, with three parts sighing, three parts murderous intent, three parts sadness, and one part gnashing of teeth.

A wife was killed by the enemy, and war was inevitable!

If this revenge is not taken, where is the face of the dynasty? Where is the majesty?

But once a war breaks out, it will definitely waste people and money. The people all over the world will suffer. Seeing the promotion of farmyard fertilizer, people all over the world will live a good life. As the war breaks out, who knows how long it will last? Who knows what it will become? That one

It will plunge the entire country into the quagmire of war, and forget about good days.

But this battle must be fought even if it is not fought, otherwise once it loses the support of the people, the whole country will only fall into a greater whirlpool of trouble.

This was exactly what Li Qiu sighed about.

As a pragmatic scholar, Li Qiu still cares about the common people.

He thought more deeply. If the war fell into a stalemate, some careerists would definitely take the opportunity to make trouble. No matter when, there will always be people in the world who are afraid of the world being unstable. When the time comes, there will be internal and external troubles, and the entire country will be in constant trouble and suffering.

Only the common people will be affected, and hundreds of millions of people will be plunged into dire straits by then!

There is a saying that it is better to be a peace dog than a person in troubled times.

When the world is at peace, even if life is a little hard, you can still live peacefully. In troubled times, let alone live peacefully, you may not even be able to sleep peacefully.

In troubled times, people are worse than grassroots. This is not just talk.

Of course, these are just Li Qiu's current imaginations. The specifics will depend on the next actions of the dynasty. But no matter what, once the war starts, the situation will definitely not be good...

As for the overwhelming murderous intention, it was because the master's death made him want to draw his sword and cut into pieces the body of the person who harmed the master.

Master is not just a title.

Every master is the pillar of the country and one of the pillars of support for the entire dynasty to stand in the world. Especially for scholars, although few scholars have actually seen the master, it does not prevent the vast majority of scholars from treating the master as a person.

Regarding spiritual beliefs, let alone the Master being harmed, even if someone speaks rudely to the Master, no matter how good the relationship is, the relationship will probably fall out, and they may even draw swords against each other!

There is no room for slander in something like faith.

But now, a wife has been killed and died. As a scholar, how can Li Qiu not be angry, how can he not be boiling with murderous intent?

This hatred can be described as irreconcilable!

He was also sad because of the death of his master. He lost one person in his spiritual faith, which made him feel empty...

Yunjing also knew the meaning that the Confucius represented in the hearts of countless people in the Dali Dynasty. Now that one of them had been killed and killed, war was inevitable.

Thinking of the countries that were at war in his previous life, Yunjing felt extremely heavy in his heart.

Are there any eggs under the nest? War is not just a matter of the country, not just a matter of high-level officials. It will involve everyone, and no one can be immune.

Unless the war can be quickly ended with a crushing force!

But the enemy countries dared to attack the master, and they had already succeeded and lost one of the masters. Not to mention ending the war with a crushing force, the Dali Dynasty would probably be invaded on a large scale!

It is true that there are still several masters in the Dali Dynasty, and each of them has the means to save the building from falling, but does the enemy country not have such a presence?

If the other party dares to take action, they must be prepared to face the consequences. But now that the Dali Dynasty has lost a wife, the balance has been broken.

Yun Jing could not imagine what the next situation would turn into.

His head was a little confused, Yun Jing stopped thinking about it for the time being, and asked: "Master, what should we do next?"

"What else can we do? For matters such as revenge for the Master and war, it is natural that the Dukes in the court will decide on the regulations. We only need to do our part. Not causing trouble is the greatest support for the court.

As citizens of the Dali Dynasty, we are always at our disposal when the dynasty needs it. If our family and country are in trouble, why should we regret this!" Li Qiu said with a cold face.

If he were not a commoner now, Yunjing would have no doubt that his master would definitely be the first one to go to the battlefield.

Nodding, Yun Jing said: "This is the only way we can do it now."

In fact, it’s quite helpless. Besides trying not to cause trouble, what else can I do? Avenge the Master? I don’t have that ability. As for giving advice to the dynasty, I am even less qualified...

Then Li Qiu said worriedly: "My Dali Dynasty has a vast territory. It reaches the desert in the west, the wilderness in the south, and the sea in the east. Only in the north is it bordered by three countries. The borders are extremely long. Previously, there were four masters in this dynasty, one

Sitting in the capital, one oversees the world, and two sit at the border. This deters the three countries to the north from large-scale invasion, and allows us to live in peace. Now that one of them has fallen, revenge is inevitable. Then

Of the three countries to the north, no matter which country killed the Master, our Dali Dynasty will guard against the other two countries, and may even face three countries at the same time. After all, as long as they have some sense, they will not let this go.

This is a rare opportunity, and everyone is pushing for it. It is even more impossible for them to watch helplessly as another master slowly emerges from this dynasty to recreate the previous situation. They even suspect that the master’s death was caused by the three countries joining forces.

Caused by the existence of Master, it is almost impossible to kill one-on-one. It must be done by multiple people working together. And even if it can be done, more will win than less, and it will cost a huge amount.

The price..."

After listening to Master Li Qiu's analysis, Yunjing realized how bad the current situation of the Dali Dynasty was. The loss of a wife could actually have such a big impact. It might even be possible that the Dali Dynasty would last more than 800 years.

I have never encountered such a crisis!

The existence of the Master may have nothing to do with people in ordinary times and is still a legend, but at critical moments, it can really affect the rise and fall of a country.

It seems a bit ridiculous that one person can actually affect the rise and fall of a country, but Yun Jing doesn't find it strange when he thinks that Master's existence and death can affect the changes in the celestial phenomena. It can be said that great power is added to his own body.

It may be an exaggeration to say that one person can be worth a million troops, but when you think about it, it's not too much.

As he spoke, Li Qiu stopped talking, patted Yun Jing's shoulder and said, "Jing'er, you're still young, so don't think about these things. Studying with peace of mind is what you should do now."

Indeed, Yunjing is only ten years old, and it is not his turn to worry about family and national affairs.

"Yeah" Yun Jing nodded.

That being said, if the country is in chaos, as ordinary people, how can people like Yunjing and others not be implicated?

Seemingly realizing that it was inappropriate to talk to Yun Jing, Li Qiu changed the subject and said, "Jing'er, you have to go back tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, Master. I'm afraid my family doesn't know about my apprentice's achievement as a child student. I have to go back and tell them to make them happy," Yun Jing replied.

No matter what happens in the future, we still have to live our lives as usual.

Li Qiu nodded and said: "When you come back from home, I will start teaching you martial arts!"

"Yeah", Yunjing nodded again, feeling quite heavy.

He could all imagine that this country was going to be unstable. How could Li Qiu not think that by teaching Yun Jing to practice martial arts, Li Qiu probably had some idea that Yun Jing would be able to use martial arts to defend himself in the future when the chaos started.

Yun Jing even vaguely felt that if chaos really happened, he might not have much time to spend with his master like he did now.

The current situation is closely related to destiny. No one knows where life will go next...

Yun Jing did not sleep well that night, and even had a nightmare. He dreamed that the border was lost, and the enemy troops swept down like locusts, burning, killing and looting all the way. The entire dynasty collapsed, the people were displaced, and there were ruins and mountains of blood everywhere.


Dreams are disordered and unreasonable after all. In the first half, Yun Jing had a nightmare, but in the second half, he actually dreamed of a happy event like getting married, and the person he was getting married to was Su Xiaoye...

Early the next morning, Yunjing said goodbye to his master and returned to Xiaoxi Village accompanied by Liu Dazhuang and Ding Wei.

The weather was good that day, the sun was shining brightly, everything was blooming in spring, and the mountains and fields were covered with verdant green.

As usual, Yunjing was sent to the entrance of the village, and Liu Dazhuang, Ding Wei and the others said goodbye and returned to Niujiao Town.

It was only around ten o'clock in the morning when Yun Jing arrived home.

Originally, during the busy spring farming season, Yunjing thought that no one was at home, but to his surprise, all his family members were there.

"Brother, you are back"

Yundong in the yard greeted Yun Jing as soon as he saw it, but there was no happy expression on his face, as if he was worried, and his eyes kept looking towards the house.

Yundong is six years old. In the past two years, he has also helped the family with whatever work he can, just like Yunjing did in the past two years. He has obviously become more sensible.

As a country boy, he is exposed to the wind and sun all day long, and Yun Dong is also a little dark. Even if Yun Jing comes back every month to bring spiritual energy to nourish him, he cannot change this.

However, with the secret help of Yunjing's spiritual energy over the years, almost none of his family members have ever gotten sick.

"Where are my parents?" Yun Dingding asked, nodding.

Pointing to the main room, Yundong said: "I'm at home." After hesitating for a moment, he added: "Brother, people came from the village a few days ago. They were people from the government. They came to see grandpa, and then they left. Grandpa

I’ve never laughed again.”

"Is nothing wrong?" Yun Jing frowned and asked.

Shaking his head, Yundong said: "Nothing happened. I don't know the details. They won't tell me if I ask them. If you want to know the reason, go and ask yourself."

"Yes, I understand." Yunjing breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the house.

The whole family was there, but they all looked sad.

"Brother, brother, give me a hug..."

The first time she saw Yunjing, Xiao Yunxi broke away from Jiang Susu's arms and ran over with her short legs for a hug.

After putting down the bookcase, Yunjing picked her up, pinched her little nose and said with a smile, "Are you good, Xixi?"

"Be good, I'm good," Xiao Yunxi said in a sweet voice as she rubbed Yun Jing's face.

After teasing Xiao Yunxi for a moment, Yunjing looked at his worried family members and asked, "Grandpa, father, mother, what are you...?"

"Xiao Jing is back. There's nothing wrong at home. Don't worry. There's just something I don't know what to do. Hey..." Yun Lin looked at Yun Ding and nodded with a sad look on his face.

Over the years, he has been nourished by Yun Jing's secret spiritual energy, and he seems younger and in good spirits. If he keeps this up, he should have no problem living a hundred years.

An old man who is over a hundred years old can be regarded as an auspicious person in a poor rural area.

Holding Xiao Yunxi in his arms, Yunjing asked: "Grandpa, what's going on? Can you tell me about it?"

Nodding, Yun Lin said: "That's right, Xiao Jing, someone from the government came to the village a few days ago and found me. They asked me to inform the villagers that the dynasty is recruiting troops, and those who are above the age of sixteen and below the age of forty, in this

In the age group, except for families with only children, they have to send a man to serve as a soldier. Our family is lucky. You and Xiaodong are still young. He is the only one in your father's generation, so there is no need to send someone to serve as a soldier, but there are many others in the village.

People can't hide away. As time goes by, I haven't figured out how to tell the villagers yet."

Yunjing was silent after hearing what his grandfather said.

The impact of the master's death came.

War and conscription kill people!

This chapter has been completed!
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