Chapter 212 The child is unfilial

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Xiaolin Village is less than five miles away from Menghu Mountain. It can be said that they are right next to each other. Standing on the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of Xiaolin Village.

Because this place is too close to Menghu Mountain, even though Jiang Xiaoxi has been in Fengyang County for these years, she has never come back.

The fear of being discovered by the Tiger Village is only one of the reasons. No matter how powerful the opponent is, if she is careful, she can still come back to take a look. The main reason is that the revenge has not been avenged, and she has no shame to come back to 'see her parents'.

Over the years, hatred has been the support for Jiang Xiaoxi's survival. If she comes back without revenge, the village is the burial place of her relatives, but the gangsters on the mountain are at large, it may cause her to collapse.

The human heart is strong and can survive in extremely extreme circumstances, but the human heart is also fragile and may collapse over the smallest of things...

The road into the village is gone and has long been covered by dense weeds, and the entire village has become a paradise for plants.

The bandits from Menghu Village came here to massacre the village and killed everyone. Over the years, most of the original thatched hut buildings collapsed due to the wind and sun. The collapsed buildings were covered with plants. The occasional ones that did not collapse were also overgrown.

covered with vines.

The whole village was quiet and desolate. Perhaps there were so many people who died tragically here that it seemed a bit cold in the middle of the day even though the sun was shining brightly.

Standing outside the village, Jiang Susu and Jiang Xiaoxi stared blankly at their hometown after more than ten years of separation. Tears kept flowing down like broken pearls, and the tears blurred their vision.

Yunjing and the others could only accompany them silently at this time, and any words of comfort would only add salt to their wounds.

After staring at the village for a while, Jiang Susu gently refused Yunshan's support, wiped her tears, and walked toward the village step by step.

Walking in the grass, when she saw a chestnut tree that was about to die, Jiang Susu pushed aside the grass and came to the tree. She stroked the rough bark and recalled that she once murmured: "When I was a child, my family was poor and we couldn't eat all year round."

After a few snacks, I was looking forward to picking some fruits from the tree to eat as a toothpaste. But I couldn’t climb trees when I was a child, so every autumn, I could only stand under the tree eagerly, waiting for the chestnuts to fall. I remember that because of many

The first time I got into an argument with a village kid while picking chestnuts, Xiaoxi, you helped me fight with someone else because of it, do you remember?"

"Remember, I remember it all," Jiang Xiaoxi nodded, already sobbing.

The memories are beautiful. Jiang Susu wanted to laugh, but she couldn't.

After being away from home for more than ten years, everything has changed. Even this chestnut tree, which carries countless memories of childhood, is about to reach the end of its life.

After staying here for a while, Jiang Susu left and slowly continued walking towards the village.

After walking a few dozen meters, she stopped, looked at the bamboo forest on the side, and murmured with red eyes: "Here, I remember, is the uncle's house at the entrance of the village. His family is very good. One year, there was not enough food at home.

I also came to my uncle's house to borrow a liter of beans, and they agreed without hesitation. Although they paid it back later, I still remember this feeling, but..., now there is nothing. When the villains attacked, he

The family is the first to be hit by disaster.”

There are no buildings there anymore, and the former mud-walled huts have become piles of earth. Bamboo forests have grown, burying everything underground.

"Yes, my uncle's family is very nice. He has a bayberry tree at his house. Every year we want to steal his bayberry trees to eat. We have been seen many times. Not only are they not angry, but they also tell us to pay attention to safety and not to fall. It's so good.

Why are you being killed by those beasts that kill you with a thousand swords?" Jiang Xiaoxi looked at where her eyes were red and said.

Hearing this, Yunjing and the others felt very unhappy. The life of ordinary people in this era was too difficult. There were natural and man-made disasters. No one knew which one would be the first to suffer.

After leaving the uncle's house at the entrance of the village, Jiang Susu and the others continued walking forward.

Hearing the slight sound of running water in a patch of grass, Jiang Susu pointed in that direction and said, "Xiao Xi, do you remember that there is a well there. In the past, everyone in the village used to pick up water for food and wash clothes there.

, summer is fine, the water is very cool, but winter is uncomfortable, my hands are so cold that I have a lot of chilblains. In the past, every winter, my family would throw the whole family's clothes to me to wash, and every time I would be so angry that I wanted to throw away the clothes.

But, but now I want to take the initiative to wash their clothes, but no one will wash their clothes for me anymore, wuwu..."

As she spoke, Jiang Susu started crying. She wanted to support her but her mother was not there. Everything was lost and she could never go back to the past.

Yunshan quickly stepped forward to help Jiang Susu, who was about to fall to the ground, and said: "It's all over, it's all over."

Jiang Xiaoxi wiped her tears and looked at the well covered by weeds and said, "How could you not remember it? I still remember that in the summer when I was a child, a group of children in the village took a bath by the well. We didn't dare to wash clothes there. It was so good at that time

I just want to push them all into the water and drown them."

"You have the same personality as a boy. Many boys in the village were afraid of you." Jiang Susu, who had calmed down a little, shook her head and smiled after hearing her words.

Memories are painful, especially when everything has changed, but many times, there are happy moments in the memories, and a smile will appear on the face subconsciously, but that smile is somewhat sad.

Leaving the well, they continued walking towards the village, passing a stone slab, a tree, a stone path, and a stone wall...

Jiang Susu and the others can tell a story about their past at every place. Those stories include laughter and tears. Those places are where their memories are stored. They may have been blurred and forgotten over the years, but when they revisit their old places, those memories will come back to them.

Little by little came to mind.

I can still remember it as if it was yesterday.

However, after all, more than ten years have passed, and this place is no longer what it was before. There are too many memories that can never be found again.

After going a few hundred meters into the village, Jiang Xiaoxi stopped and said, "Second sister, that's my home over there. I'll go take a look first, so I won't accompany you."

While speaking, Jiang Xiaoxi's whole body was trembling slightly, trying hard to suppress the emotional outburst in her heart.

"Well, you go ahead. I won't disturb you and your 'family reunion'. I'm going to 'go home' too," Jiang Susu nodded.

So Jiang Xiaoxi carried a big package on her back and walked step by step through the grass toward home.

In fact, her home has long been in ruins, and even the ruins can only be barely distinguished, but it has always been her home.

The big package Jiang Xiaoxi carried contained two heads, which belonged to Yang Ang and Wang Tianba. Only Yunjing knew about this.

She didn't take it out and tell Jiang Susu and the others. She was the one who scared people. It would be fine if she knew it herself. She would use those two heads to commemorate the entire lost Xiaolin Village.

After separating from Jiang Xiaoxi, Jiang Susu also took Yunjing and the others towards their home.

Passing by ruins and passing through patches of grass, Jiang Susu finally stood at the door of her home that she had not seen for more than ten years.

Her home was originally just a hut with earthen walls. After more than ten years, surprisingly, half of it has not collapsed, but the intact half has long been covered with moss, weeds and vines.

The half-collapsed building stood there alone, as if silently telling the tragic story of the years.

Jiang Susu stood at the door, staring quietly ahead. Tears kept flowing and she couldn't wipe them away. Facing her home so close at hand, her legs seemed to be filled with lead and could not move forward.

Liu Dazhuang and others turned around and secretly wiped their eyes. They really couldn't bear to watch this scene.

After staying at the 'door' for a long time, Jiang Susu's knees softened and she fell to the ground, shouting heartbreakingly: "Father, mother, my child is unfilial and I have come back to see you. My child is unfilial and I have come back to see you."


There is a godson stick behind the door, and there is no sound of calling the child at the door.

No matter how heart-wrenching Jiang Susu's calls were, no one at home answered her.

Yunshan Yunjing knelt down next to Jiang Susu one after another and stayed with her quietly. At this moment, nothing was said.

"Dad, mother, brother, why are you crying, wuwuwu, I feel so uncomfortable..." When Yun Xi saw her family members kneeling on the ground in tears, she suddenly started to cry in discomfort.

Hearing this, Jiang Susu raised her head with difficulty and said to Yun Xi: "Xiao Xi, come, kneel down and kowtow. This is my mother's home. Kowtow to your grandparents, aunts and uncles..."

Xiao Yunxi didn't understand this yet, but when she saw her family members kneeling on the ground, she also knelt down. She didn't know why she was doing this, but her family members were sad, and she was also sad...

After a long time, her mood calmed down a little, and Jiang Susu finally set foot in her home after more than ten years of absence with the support of Yunshan and his son.

After walking only two steps, Yunjing suddenly said: "Mom, be careful!"

Hearing this, Jiang Susu looked at Yun Jing with tears in her eyes and said, "What's wrong?"

Without answering, Yunjing reached out to cover Yunxi's eyes and motioned them to look at the grass in front of them, where a broken skeleton lay quietly.

When Jiang Susu saw the broken bones, she trembled all over. It was not fear, but uncontrollable sorrow that hit her heart.

"Brother, why are you covering my eyes?" Yun Xi turned her head and asked.

Yun Jing said: "Xiao Xi, don't make trouble"

Because of the atmosphere at this time, Yun Xi was no longer struggling.

Yunjing had used his mind power to scan this place before and found a total of six broken skeletons scattered throughout the building. Those were Jiang Susu's former family members.

At this moment, Jiang Susu was trembling with self-reproach. With tears in her eyes, she said: "Don't move, you all. I'll come in person. Liu...Brother Liu, please take Xiaojing and Xiaoxi away from me. Brother Shan, please trouble you."

Help me look for it and see if I can find anything else."

Yunjing and Yunxi are children after all. Jiang Susu doesn't want them to face the scene of corpses, so she personally picks up the bones of her family members. This is her obligation and responsibility as a child...

This chapter has been completed!
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