Chapter 216 Tangled

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Sixteen-year-old Yunjing has reached the age to graduate from the school in the town. It is now his last semester in school. In less than two months, he will have to graduate and leave the place where he has studied for many years.

Needless to say, he was really reluctant to leave. After all, he spent his childhood and adolescence in that place for ten years. That place left him with too many memories and laughter.

But no matter how reluctant I am, I will graduate anyway, so I can only cherish the last less than two months.

It doesn’t mean that you can’t go to school to continue studying after graduation, but at that time you can only serve as an auditor. Auditors will lose many benefits in the school, such as books, room and board, tuition, etc., and they will all be charged according to market prices.

, the required expenses will be more than double that of normal students!

However, Yunjing has no intention of continuing to study in the town school as an auditor. In fact, he can no longer learn more knowledge about this world in the school.

There is literally a huge library inside!

Mental power is a good thing, which greatly facilitates Yunjing's ability to absorb knowledge from books. After reading the textbooks in the school, he goes to the master's collection of books. After reading the master's books, he goes to the bookstore. The bookstore

After reading the contents, he went to look for unread books on his own...

Anyway, Yunjing didn't spend money to read books. He had read through many original and original books that were kept secret by others. Although there was a suspicion of 'book theft', who knew?

He has a photographic memory. He can completely remember any book or cloud scene after reading it once and will never forget it.

His absorption of knowledge from the book in this way did not violate his original intention of learning deeply and deeply at the beginning of his studies. After all, he had already passed the stage of laying the foundation. His current study required Uwen Guangji to enrich his knowledge reserves.


After practicing calligraphy unremittingly every day for ten years, Yunjing's calligraphy has already reached the stage where his master Li Qiu said, "barely able to use it." If his calligraphy were transferred to his previous life, he would not dare to

'Compared with those 'masters', I'm afraid there are few people who can write as well as him...

Yunjing obtained the title of scholar when he was fourteen years old. That year, he spent half a month and more than 20 other students from the school going to the county imperial examination, and obtained the title of scholar in one go.

That year, more than 20 students attended the school in Niujiao Town. Only Yunjing was admitted as a scholar. Both the town and the county rewarded him with a lot of money and items, and some well-informed wealthy families also sent a lot of congratulatory gifts to create a good relationship.

After all, the scholar's reputation has truly stood within the system. If Yunjing did not plan to continue the imperial examination and worked hard, he would have a chance to become the mayor of a small town. Although in the entire official system of the Dali Dynasty, the mayor was

It's the lowest level, but it's also high-end.

Of course, the title of scholar is only the qualification to be an official. It is difficult to operate, and there is almost no room for advancement based on the title of scholar. If you want to become a county magistrate, you must at least have the title of Juren. Even if you have the title of Juren, you have to see if there are any vacancies.

Well, there are also cases where people wait their entire lives for a job to be filled but never find a vacancy.

At that time, Yunjing became a scholar at the age of fourteen, and caused a sensation in Niujiao Town. He was the only one in Niujiao Town for decades to obtain the title of scholar at the age of fourteen. He broke the record and was written into the local annals.

Going to the town to study for the first time, Yunjing got rid of his identity as a mud-legged boy. In those years, every household in the village had a hard time, so he did not do anything big in the village. He passed the exam and was recruited by the village. The timing was not right and he did not do anything big.

Yes, after he was admitted as a scholar, he wanted to keep a low profile. Not only his family was not happy, but the villagers were also not happy. In short, he wanted to make things lively, so that time Yunjing's family held a banquet for three whole days.

Not to mention that the people in the village were honored, many classmates from the town went to celebrate, some officials from the town went there in person, and some wealthy families also went to join in the fun.

Anyway, the old man had a long face. In those days, Yunshan was so happy that his mouth almost burst to the base of his ears, and Grandpa Yunlin's face was red from drinking.

A family is only as good as its children. That was the time when the Yunjing family was at its most prosperous. It had never been so prosperous for dozens of generations. The family could wake up laughing even when they fell asleep.

But, even though Yunjing got the title of scholar, he failed to get the first place in the county that time. There are so many great scholars in this era, so he tried his best and only got the ninth place in the county. Really

, he didn’t hide his clumsiness at all.

It's not that our army is incompetent, it's just that the enemy's army is too fierce.

Not being able to take the first place had no impact on Yunjing at all. He even felt that it was not bad to be neither good nor bad, and let others take care of the limelight.

The fact that he failed to get the first place was not because Yun Jing was worse than others. In fact, he got full marks in almost all the test papers he took. Who told him that in the test questions that year, there was a poem that had not been seen in decades.

Poetry is not Yunjing's strong point. He failed here when he didn't get the first place. He did a little worse. Because of this, he suddenly fell to ninth place.

This can't be done.

If the topic of poetry had been changed to something else, Yun Jing would have been ranked first. During the thank-you banquet, the county governor felt very sorry for him. He asked Yun Jing earnestly and sincerely, why is your poetry so bad?

What about the heat?

As for the poems he tried to write as a scholar, let’s not mention them...

Now sixteen years old, Yunjing has no plans to take the imperial examination in a short period of time. It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't, because there is a strange thing about the imperial examination system of the Dali Dynasty, that is, when the scholar takes the imperial examination, he needs to have study tour experience.

After all, you can become an official after being elected, and it is at least the county magistrate level. If you have a scholar who has the reputation of being a mayor, you can't afford to let him become the mayor of the town. You would rather stay empty than go. So, the county magistrate kind of

Officials, how can you govern a county if you don't even understand the suffering of the people?

Therefore, you need to have study tour experience.

Of course, it does not mean that candidates for the scholar examination must have study tour experience, but if you do not have this experience, during the imperial examination, the government will give priority to those who have study tour experience. This is an imperial examination where thousands of troops cross a single-plank bridge.

Without this item, it is almost impossible to pass the examination.

This is also the reason why Yunjing has no plans to take the exam for a short time. He also wants to go on a study tour to broaden his horizons.

As a scholar, and he has grown up in this era, when Yun Jing goes out, people say "Master Yun", especially when the young ladies shyly call him "Master Yun", "Tsk tsk", it makes me feel comfortable...

These are just changes in Yunjing's knowledge and status. His own changes can be described as earth-shaking.

Although Yunjing looks thin in clothes now, his strength is extremely terrifying. He can lift 10,000 kilograms of weight with one hand. That was only a year ago.

You can lift 10,000 kilograms of weight with one hand, that’s five tons!

There are countless people who practice martial arts in this world, but among those who can possess tens of thousands of kilograms of strength in the early stages of acquired life, and who have practiced 'normally' to this level, I'm afraid there is no other person besides Yunjing.

If this kind of power is punched with a special martial arts technique, it is not impossible for the blowing force to be multiplied several times or even ten times depending on the martial arts technique.

With one punch, Yunjing can hammer a bluestone as big as a table into pieces without even breaking it. It is no exaggeration to say that the power of his punch is equivalent to a powerful grenade.

Got it!

Lifting a weight of 10,000 kilograms is already the limit that Yunjing's acquired physique can reach in his early stages. Although it is not impossible to improve it, even with the nourishment of spiritual energy and the cultivation of skills, it is an extremely slow process. Continuing will outweigh the gains and losses.

It will be a waste of time.

In other words, when his physique reached the limit of the early acquired stage, Yunjing began to practice in the middle stage of the acquired stage. He had also begun to practice the second level of the body-building skills that his master Li Qiu taught him.

The second level of health-preserving skills involves special breathing rhythms and soothing movements to temper the organs and nourish the blood. Yunjing has been practicing for almost a year.

In the early days of the day after tomorrow, his strength reached the level of lifting ten thousand kilograms of heavy objects with one hand. After practicing the second level of body-building skills, as the organs became stronger, the qi and blood further nourished the body. In the past year, Yunjing's strength has almost doubled.


If he is only in the middle stage of acquired skills, even if it is pure strength, most martial arts practitioners in the later stages of acquired skills may not be able to withstand his punch, and it is even possible that a small number of people in the early stage of innate life cannot bear his punch.

This is only one year of practicing in the middle acquired stage, and it is far from the limit of the middle acquired stage. If the physique is cultivated to the limit of the middle acquired stage, Yunjing is confident that he can overtake most of the martial arts practitioners in the late acquired stage in the world, and even many innates.

Even the early masters had the confidence to give it a try.

As the saying goes, one step at a time, another step at a time, the solid foundation he laid in the early stages of the acquired life is enough to support him to go higher and further, he can be the king at the same level, and it is not difficult to fight across levels.

After spending six years in this world and staying in the early stages of acquired life to polish his physique, Yunjing felt that everything was worth it. He did not have the heart to be brave and ruthless, but if he could be stronger than others at every stage of martial arts training,

He is also willing to take the time to polish it slowly.

Sometimes being fast is not a good thing.

It is worth mentioning that in the middle period of the day after tomorrow, Yunjing can already perform many strange martial arts by transferring his own blood energy, such as the 'Iron Sand Palm'. With the cooperation of his energy and blood, his hands are larger than usual, and his skin is iron-gray.

, has a metallic color, and with one palm strike, a steel knife can be broken into pieces. Another example is the 'Eagle Claw Skill'. Under the strange circulation of Qi and blood, the five fingers are like metal hooks, and an iron shield can be scratched to pieces!

Well, actually, whether it's smashing a steel knife or scratching an iron shield, Yunjing can do it now with his simple physical strength, but he has to say that blood energy is really magical. It can change the local characteristics of the human body under its unique operation.


If a warrior at this level specializes in horizontal kung fu, with the cooperation of Qi and blood, for example, practicing horizontal kung fu like iron cloth shirt, the skin can really be forged like steel, as if wearing a layer of human-shaped iron clothing, which is very magical.


In general, with the possession of blood energy and the use of special martial arts, the combat effectiveness that Yunjing's own physique can exert will increase exponentially.

He hasn't done anything with anyone yet, and he doesn't know what his level is, but he thinks it should be pretty good.

With blood energy, Yunjing can also perform some real entry-level Qinggong. It is many times more elegant than the simple "Parkour" in the early days of the day after tomorrow. When the Qinggong is used, the whole body feels light and fluttering, and it feels like flying.


He has not finished his horse-stepping skills overnight. Now Yunjing's horse-stepping skills can truly be said to be standing motionless as a mountain. Just standing there, even if a crazy cow suddenly bumps into him, he can't stand it.

Take a step back!

In Li Qiu's words at the time, Yunjing had "established its footing".

These are only changes in his martial arts and physique. In addition, Yunjing's mental aspect has also undergone tremendous changes over the years.

First of all, the range of senses has expanded to a terrifying level of nine thousand meters!

But this is already the limit of what he can currently reach, and even this range has stayed in this range for more than a year without any improvement. Yunjing guesses that if the sensory range wants to be improved again, it is estimated that the state of mind needs to be further sublimated, even if

When your state of mind improves, it doesn't necessarily mean your sensory range improves. New abilities may appear, who knows.

Then there is the weight of the object controlled by mind, forty-three kilograms!

This is the upper limit of the weight of objects he can currently control with his mind, but it is still growing and has not stopped growing at the real limit like the range of his senses.

Even though Yunjing looks thin in his clothes, he actually weighs more than 60 kilograms, and the weight of the object controlled by his mind is 43 kilograms. After all, he can't control himself to fly.

Maybe it will be fine in a few years. He is not in a hurry, just let nature take its course and take his time.

If a forty-three kilogram weight is controlled to reach an altitude of nine thousand meters, and the force of tens of thousands of kilograms is used to smash it down, coupled with the addition of gravity acceleration, Yunjing himself would not dare to imagine the power. I am afraid that the true artistic conception

If a master is caught by surprise, he will be smashed to death, right?

Anyway, I haven’t tried it in Yunjing, nor have I had the chance to try it.

This is just the most superficial application of mind power to control objects. Anyway, now Yunjing's sense of security has greatly increased, and it has not reached the level of overwhelming. It is better to be more stable. After all, the strong ones with true artistic conception cannot take it lightly. Who knows what kind of horror there is.

abilities, let alone characters from the mythical realm.

Yunjing looked at his slender palms and felt a little confused.

He was very sure that he was still a normal human being and had not changed his genetic structure to become another creature. However, the density and strength of his skin, muscles and bones had reached an incredible level.

Take the skin for example. It feels the same as normal skin, but even if you cut it with a sharp ax, it won't break the skin!

This level of ability to withstand strikes is incredible, comparable to many warriors who specialize in horizontal kung fu.

This is a good thing, and it's not something he's struggling with. What he's struggling with is that the density and strength of his nails are also directly proportional to his body shape. In other words, trimming his nails is an embarrassing thing for him now.

Ordinary knives can't hurt Yunjing's nails at all. How do you trim them? The knives will be broken by you.

So, over the years, Yunjing has not used a knife to trim his nails. He has bitten them with his teeth. Currently, he really cannot find a knife suitable for trimming his nails...

This chapter has been completed!
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