Chapter 273 Can't it be normal?

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In the night sky, the cloud scene stood high, and he was observing every move of everyone in the brothel below. In addition, he also paid attention to the woman disguised as a maid, and the two locations where she took the task and sent the task.


This stupid method of waiting and waiting is boring, but fortunately Yunjing has always been patient.

"If there are no clues all night, we can only continue to monitor the woman disguised as a maid..."

He muttered in his heart, and then Yun Jing rolled his eyes, because the tricks of some goblins fighting in the brothel were too much. The old man hanging a golden clock upside down on a cart was just childish. Many martial arts practitioners were in good physical condition. Some people hung one foot on the beam to do it, and others

He hugged the woman and performed Qing Gong, jumped up and slapped her a few times, then jumped up and slapped her again a few times after landing...

Tsk, there is a lack of entertainment, people can only make this kind of thing as fun as possible.

Seeing this, Yun Jing was speechless, but it was impossible not to observe. Who knew if there were any members of the enemy's elite among them?

After observing for about half an hour, Yunjing noticed with his senses that where the woman put the note, the note was quietly taken away. It was a person with acquired middle-level cultivation, who looked like a beggar.

After taking away the note, he came to a beggar's den, where five or six ragged beggars were lying around.

These people looked like beggars huddled together for warmth, but under Yun Jing's observation, they were enemy spies disguised as beggars.

It’s not good to pretend to be someone else. I have to pretend to be a beggar. Isn’t it fun to be ordered around by people begging for food?

After reading the content on the note, the six beggars destroyed the note and began to discuss the specific implementation matters. After some discussion, they decided to send three people to take action at night, and go to several places where the three cargo ships would dock for supplies.

place, waiting for the opportunity to get on the ship and cause damage.

If this task can be completed successfully, it is estimated to take three days.

Beggars are highly mobile, so a few more or less will not attract people's attention.

"Should we stop them or kill them directly?" Yunjing hesitated after understanding their plan.

If they are not stopped, it is very likely that several more cargo ships will be sabotaged by them and sink to the bottom of the river in the next few days, and many people will die. However, if they are stopped or killed, they will definitely alert the snake. These spies are very cautious.

, once the situation is alerted, he may not report the situation to his superiors immediately, but directly cut off contact with all parties and go dormant. In that case, he may not be able to follow the clues to find out the organization in a short time.


Just when he was hesitating, in the brothel he had been watching, a man who had had a lot of fun and was drunk staggered to the ornamental water tank in the hall. He just glanced at the water slightly.

After checking the situation in the tank, he left the brothel naturally.

"Will this person be the one checking the woman's report? Is this woman's supervisor?"

Yunjing decided to continue observing his next moves.

The man was an idle scholar in his twenties. After he left the brothel, he came to the door and got on a carriage. Listening to the conversation between him and the coachman's servant, he should be a young master from a certain family in this county, but Yunjing did not

We cannot rule out the possibility that he is a spy who replaced the real young master.

The enemy's spies can do this kind of thing with their disguise technology.

He must have been riding a carriage on his way home. Perhaps due to bumps along the way, he asked the coachman to stop, so he got out of the carriage and vomited at the entrance of an alley.

Originally, these were normal, but when he was vomiting, the hand holding the wall actually left a mark on the wall that ordinary people would not pay attention to.

And there are eight such traces at that location!

Yunjing is sure that this person is definitely that woman's online partner. Eight stones and eight traces. How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

However, this man and the woman probably didn't know each other and were just passing on information unilaterally. Yunjing guessed that the mission of this prostitute was just to keep what he saw from the brothel here. It can also be said that he is an insignificant person in the entire organization.

One member.

After he vomited, he got in the car and left. Not long after, he returned to the courtyard of a house, where a young woman was waiting for him. According to the conversation, the woman was his wife. After he returned, not only did she not blame him, but she even prepared something for him.

I gave him sobering tea and bath supplies, and while helping him wash up, he asked my husband if he was having a good time, and he should pay attention to his health.

Seeing these cloud scenes, the corners of his mouth twitched. Scholars in this era were so happy. Instead of scolding their wives for visiting the brothels, they instead greeted them with greetings. After all, it was a refined thing for scholars to visit the brothels.

"I don't know if Xiao Yezi will support me doing this in the future..., there is a high probability that he will break my legs, right?"

There is nothing worth paying attention to here. Yunjing has another place to pay attention to, which is the place where the prostitute left traces.

It must have been more than half an hour after the prostitute left traces. A watchman passed by, took a look without leaving a trace, and then continued to call and left.

After finishing his shift, he returned to a separate courtyard, where he was obviously the only one living.

The watchman paid careful attention to the surroundings, then took out a small cage from the secret compartment of the chicken coop, which contained a carrier pigeon. He took the carrier pigeon back to the house, and took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the secret compartment under the bed.

, write three numbers on the paper, then stuff the paper into the bamboo tube on the pigeon's feet and let it fly.

The three numbers are one, five and eight.

With his mind flashing, Yun Jing quickly analyzed the meaning of these three numbers.

"The Lijiang River is too long. These detailed works and destructions are done in sections. After all, a wave of people cannot take care of the entire Lijiang River. The numbers one and five probably represent the code name of this section of the river. The number eight represents the number they are doing."

Eight ships were sunk, that’s what it should be!”

Thinking of this, Yunjing looked in the direction in which the homing pigeon was flying and chased it without hesitation.

The homing pigeon must be flying to the place where the information is collected, so there is no need to stay in this small county.

Now that he can trace the carrier pigeon to the higher-ups of this organization, Yun Jing has nothing to hesitate about. Those spies disguised as beggars, die!

With further clues, how could Yunjing let them continue to wreak havoc? Such a low-level minion died and the carrier pigeon had flown away, which would not affect Yunjing's subsequent investigation.

Six beggars, three of them had just left the county area after discussing and preparing to cause havoc. They were located in three directions. One died from a fall, tripped under his feet, and his head 'just happened' to hit a sharp stone.

One died, the second was killed by a stone flying from nowhere, and the third was drowned. He fell into the river, just like meeting a water ghost, and was dragged under the water and drowned alive.


They wanted to cause destruction, waste food, and even kill people. How could Yunjing let them go?

As for Yun Jing, the three spies disguised as beggars in the city, they were not spared. They died in an accidental fire. They were unable to escape and were burned alive.

With telepathy, which can be called cheating, it was too easy for Yunjing to carry out assassinations. They all died in "accidents" and the enemy didn't even know how they died.

Then the 'maid', 'whore' and 'watchman' Yun Jing did not kill them, but kept in mind their characteristics that could not be changed even in disguise, in case they chased the homing pigeon and could not get valuable information.

, these three people will be his only clues, and he cannot kill them for the time being.

What characteristics can't be changed even in disguise?

There are many, such as the 'maid' who has a mole under her left breast, the prostitute who is missing a toe, the watchman who has a scar under his hair...

With these characteristics, even if they disguise themselves again, Yunjing can find them in the vast crowd.

"The six minions died because of the single-line connection. Even if they were on the line for the 'maid', they would only find out the second time she sent the task and no one was there to take it. The 'client' and the 'watchman'

If a person has not interacted with the six beggars, it is impossible to discover them, so I still have enough time. I just don’t know how far the homing pigeon will fly. I hope it’s not thousands of miles away..."

The cloud scenery leaving the county seat is far away, with the character flying across the night sky.

To be honest, the flying speed of the homing pigeon was too slow for Yun Jing. If he didn't know the destination, he would have wished to increase the speed of the homing pigeon ten or a hundred times.

In this way, Yunjing followed the carrier pigeon and flew all night. It was almost dawn and they flew hundreds of miles. Just when he thought he would have to fly for who knows how long, the carrier pigeon arrived above a city and flew straight to a building.

Go down.

"The capital of Guangning Prefecture, is there an upstream stronghold of that organization here? The carrier pigeon flew all night and arrived before dawn. Is it because they were afraid of being captured during the day, so they deliberately calculated the range?"

With these thoughts in mind, the cloud scene stood high in the sky, paying attention to the final destination of the homing pigeon.

It flapped its wings and finally landed on a house.

The window of the house was open, and the pigeon landed directly at the window. A man about fifty years old got out of bed, came to the window and grabbed the pigeon. He first fed it some grain, and then took out the note on the bamboo tube and checked it.

After reading it, he burned the note and ate it, and then released the pigeon after eating.

"This man is ordinary. He has a lot of lanterns at home. He seems to be a lantern vendor. Who would have realized that he is actually a spy planted by the enemy?"

What then left Yunjing speechless was that after reading the message, the man made no more noise and went directly to bed.

What's going on?

In desperation, Yun Jing simply used his mind power to scan the house inside and out, not missing any corner, but he did not get any valuable information.

He looked at the sky and saw that it was almost dawn. Yunjing still had time to return to Xing Guangning's ship, but they had all been traced here and he didn't want to go all the way in vain.

When Yunjing hesitated, another homing pigeon flew over.

The man got up the same as before, first fed the pigeons, then read the message, and then let the pigeons go to sleep. There was no record, everything was very ordinary.

The second carrier pigeon still sent three numbers, zero six and seven.

Yun Jing analyzed that those three numbers represented the No. 6 section of the Li River, and they sank seven ships!

"This person is responsible for receiving the information. He must pass the information to other people. Continue to observe."

Yunjing decided not to use Xing Guangning's ship for the time being, but to trace it to the end. As for when the time comes when they go back, they will ask where they went. At that time, it will be more important to track down these spies.

It was almost dawn, and the cloudscape increased in height and reached above the clouds. It was cloudy, which was perfect for him to hide.

"Don't thunder, I haven't lived enough yet" I muttered to myself as I looked at the clouds and scenery under my feet.

The cock crows three times and it's dawn.

The person who received the message got up and ate normally, then arranged the lanterns, wrote inconspicuous numbers on some lanterns with a pen, and then went to sell them on the street.

Those numbers, except for the code name of the river section guessed by Yun Jing, the other numbers add up to a total of one hundred and twenty-one!

If it is true as Yun Jing guessed, and it turns out that more than 120 ships were sunk by them, how many people will die as a result? How much food will sink to the bottom of the river?

Thinking of this, Yun Jing gritted his teeth. These enemy spies were so abominable. They specialized in destroying others and benefiting themselves at the expense of others. They didn't care about people's lives or the waste of precious food.

They are doing this. Yun Jingxin said that when I go to the border, you will have a good harvest, and I will cause destruction, and no one will do it. Believe it or not, I will go to the palace of your country and put a piece of cake on your emperor's chair.

That piece of shit will disgust you to death!

Those are all things for the future. Yunjing's thoughts returned to the present and he frowned.

"It's troublesome to actually deliver information in this way. God knows where the person he wanted to deliver the information took away the information silently."

The cloud scenery above the clouds is so painful.

You guys, spies, can't you connect normally? You have to go to such trouble and ask me to check like this. Just put your lantern on the street and people will come and go. How the hell am I going to tell who is one of yours?

Yun Jing was so depressed that his hair straightened.

This chapter has been completed!
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