Chapter 276 Why don't you go find Empress Sanluo?

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After chasing the crow from a distance all night, across thousands of mountains and rivers, when the white fish belly appeared on the horizon, Yunjing had already arrived at the capital of the Dali Dynasty.

Just as Yun Jing guessed, Crow's destination was the capital. From this, it can be inferred that the enemy's headquarters should be firmly established far away from the imperial capital.

At the emperor's feet, these enemy countries are really well organized and daring.

However, Yunjing also understands that their headquarters is here. Here, they can undoubtedly understand all aspects of the entire Dali Dynasty at the first time, so that they can understand the situation and formulate strategies against the Dali Dynasty.

He chased the crow to the boundary of the capital, but did not actually reach the capital. After all, as the core of the Dali Dynasty, the capital was still very large.

The first thing I saw was a satellite city of the capital, which was still fifty miles away from the capital. A forbidden army of 100,000 people was stationed here.

This forbidden army is specifically responsible for the security of the capital. It can be said to be the last barrier of the capital. This forbidden army has extremely strong fighting power. Even a small soldier among them must have the early stage of acquired cultivation!

Judging from the appearance of this forbidden army, the Dali Dynasty should not be in decline yet. They are relatively well-organized, well-equipped and disciplined.

If there is a problem with the army, a country can be said to be rotten to the core. Fortunately, judging from the situation of this forbidden army, this situation has not happened in the Dali Dynasty.

The coach of this forbidden army is a strong man in the true artistic conception. I don’t know whether it is the early stage, the middle stage or the late stage. Yunjing is not familiar with the level of true artistic conception, so there is no way to tell.

In addition, this Forbidden Army also has several real-minded experts, some of whom are civil servants, and some of whom are military generals. In short, this Forbidden Army has extremely strong combat effectiveness from top to bottom.

And there are four such forbidden armies around the capital of the Dali Dynasty, stationed in four satellite cities respectively!

Each satellite city is enough to accommodate a million people, and the city walls are ten feet high. If the war spreads to this place, hoarding supplies on the scale of a satellite city plus the combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Army, unless the enemy's army is ten times more numerous and filled with people, otherwise

It is impossible to easily reach the capital directly from satellite cities.

To be honest, when approaching the satellite city, Yun Jing was also a little uneasy. Although he was flying in the sky, there were more than one true artistic conception master here. If someone discovered him, he felt that even if he flew high, he would not be able to fly.

There is a high chance that he will be beaten if he is discovered.

The capital city of the Dali Dynasty is not a place where he can run wild. He must be careful and cautious. Putting aside the special means that ordinary people do not have, Yunjing's simple combat power is probably only at the bottom of the bottom in a place like the capital. This

It's a fact, he knows himself very clearly.

Fortunately, that crow was specially trained. Even though it was just a crow, it did not fly directly over the satellite city blatantly. Instead, it flew around the dangerous wilderness in the distance towards the capital.

"In other places, a county may not produce an innate master for decades. Even in satellite cities, it is very common. If you drop a brick... well, it is difficult to hit one, but there are quite a lot of them." Yuan Yuan

He glanced at the satellite city Yunjing from a distance and thought to himself.

Continuing to chase the crow towards the capital, not long after, the outline of the capital of the Dali Dynasty appeared in Yun Jing's sight.

Seeing the scene in the capital, Yun Jing was a little shocked.

It was an extremely large city, with buildings stretching to the end of the horizon.

The city wall is fifteen steps high and five feet wide at the top. It is clearly a cliff standing on the ground. It extends to the left and right with no end in sight, like a crouching dragon lying across the ground.

Every five meters on the city wall, there is a soldier wearing iron armor standing guard, and every twenty meters, there is a huge crossbow that is ready to attack at any time!

"If the war comes here, the city wall alone and the surrounding areas can accommodate hundreds of thousands or millions of troops. The heart of the country, its defense power is terrible just thinking about it. But then again, if the war spreads to

Here, this country is not far away from subjugation."

Looking at the cloud scene of the city from a distance, I thought to myself.

He estimated that the number of people in the capital city, including the floating population, might exceed tens of millions!

There are very few trees within ten miles outside the capital, and the view is extremely wide. In fact, there are very few trees around several other satellite cities. If war spreads to these places, it will be impossible for the enemy to use the cover of the woods or attack with fire.

The most eye-catching building in the capital is undoubtedly the Imperial Palace. It has the highest terrain. It can be said that standing at the highest point of the palace, you can have a panoramic view of the entire capital.

The imperial palace alone covers an area of ​​three kilometers in length and breadth, and this area is simply insignificant compared to the entire capital city. You can imagine how huge the capital city is.

The imperial palace not only occupies the highest position in the capital, but its architecture is extremely luxurious, mainly in four colors: red, yellow, purple and gold, all of which demonstrate the majesty of the royal family.

Seeing the scene of the capital from a distance, Yun Jing was a little confused. Even if he could fly, he would not dare to fly directly to the capital because there were mythical characters there!

When a character dies, the sky will change. Yunjing is not arrogant enough to think that he will not be discovered if he flies in. How can a place like this, even if he can fly, go and leave whenever he wants?

If he flew over hastily, he probably died without knowing why.

While he was wary of the powerful people in the mythical realm in the capital, Yunjing was also surprised to see that there was actually an air force patrolling the sky above the capital.

Yun Jing saw it right, it was indeed the Air Force!

There are hundreds of people in that air force, and each one has innate cultivation. Of course, it is not that they can fly in the sky themselves, but they ride flying mounts.

Their mount is an eagle with a wingspan of about seven to eight to ten meters. With the help of the mount, these air forces can patrol the skies above the capital.

Since he couldn't become invisible and was afraid of the powerful mythical being, Yunjing couldn't fly directly to the capital.

However, this didn't bother him for long. He didn't dare to fly to the capital. Would he dare to stump the crow?

His purpose was to follow the crow and follow the clues to investigate the enemy's spies, and he did not want to cause trouble in the capital.

The crow became much more low-key after crossing the satellite city. It flew at a shorter height and did not even dare to approach the capital. Instead, before dawn, it landed in a manor more than 20 miles away from the capital.


The manor occupies an area of ​​nearly one kilometer. Although it is not within the city, the land outside the capital is considered valuable. You can tell that the owner of the manor is very powerful.

As a private courtyard, the manor is tightly guarded and has more than one innate guard. No casual person can approach it without the owner's invitation and consent.

Hidden above the clouds, Yun Jing silently watched the movements of the crow.

After it flew to the manor, someone immediately took down the bamboo letter it brought. The person who took the letter was an innate master, and he was also in the late stage of innateness.

DaLi Capital City and its surrounding areas are truly a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

After checking the integrity of the bamboo tube, the man fed the crow a pill, which was similar to the pill Hong Yi fed.

Yunjing guessed that the pills were food specially prepared for crows. Crows liked to eat them. If there was a chance, they would treat them better if they had the opportunity.

After the man fed the crow, he let it fly, but then he did not sit idle. Instead, he took off the bamboo tubes one after another from the flying birds.

Yunjing's mental power swept away, and all the bamboo tubes contained information from all over.

"Is this place the home of the enemy's spies?" Yunjing thought in his mind, but he was not sure yet. Moreover, he quickly searched through the entire manor with his mind, but could not find anything like a list.

What is valuable is just the many bamboo letters received by that person, but obviously that person is not the final decision-maker.

"Damn, this is so troublesome. Why don't I just go directly to the Empress of the Sanluo Dynasty to 'talk'? It seems that the journey to the capital of the Sanluo Dynasty is less than 20,000 miles. If I go there, I might be able to come back in time for dinner.


Although he couldn't find anything valuable in the manor except those letters, Yunjing's observation with his mind revealed a secret passage under the manor!

The entrance to the secret passage is in a well in the manor, but it requires a special mechanism to open the secret passage. That is to say, Yun Jing's mind power can penetrate the land. Otherwise, others would not be able to discover the secret passage even if they jump into the well.


That secret passage is several meters deep underground, heading towards the capital...

Yunjing deduced from the situation of this secret passage that the head of this elaborate organization should be inside the capital.

"How about I go find Empress San Luo? It's too much trouble." This thought appeared in Yunjing's mind again.

The man stopped after collecting letters in bamboo tubes brought by more than a dozen messenger birds. Before that, he didn't know how many he had accepted.

Isn't it blatant that so many birds come to this place to deliver messages? Anyone who cares will feel something is wrong at a glance, so they won't investigate this place?

In this regard, Yunjing guessed that the time and place for these enemy countries to send messages were probably not fixed, and he just happened to catch up here today, otherwise it would be a matter of time before they were so blatantly exposed.

Then Yunjing admired these enemy spies. The birds that flew to deliver messages all arrived before dawn, so they must have calculated the distances to various places.

After collecting the letter, the late-stage Xiantian master was alert to his surroundings, then jumped into the well, opened the mechanism and entered the secret passage, restored the mechanism from the inside, and then quickly followed the secret passage toward the capital.

Next, Yunjing has two choices. One is to continue the investigation. After all, he is about to find the highest level of the organization. But if he wants to continue the investigation, he must enter the capital. He cannot fly in. He is afraid of the powerful mythical people.

The air force above Dali Capital is not a vegetarian. It is impossible for him to fly in arrogantly, nor can he enter the city normally. Although he has a student status and can enter directly, he has no travel experience and will be entangled. When the soldiers ask

How did I get here? Could it be that I answered truthfully that I flew here? Even though it is true, others still have to believe it.

Another one is to continue the investigation without going to the city, and go directly to Empress San Luo to solve the problem from the real source!

"Let's continue to investigate. After all, we are all here. If we can't enter the city through normal channels, I can still use their secret passage. It won't be a big problem if I be careful."

After thinking about it for a while, Yunjing made a decision. After all, he didn't have much time to think.

He chose to continue the investigation more troublesomely instead of looking for Empress Sanluo, not because he was timid and feared that the empress would be too dangerous, but because it was too far and he didn't want to run that far...

Paying careful attention to the reactions of everyone in the manor, Yunjing avoided their sight, fell from the sky and fell directly into the well. According to the previous person's technique, he opened the mechanism in the same way and recovered from inside.

In just this moment, the late-stage innate master had walked five or six miles along the secret passage.

There are many traps in the secret passage. Even if ordinary people break in, they will never be able to move forward safely. But for Yun Jing, this is not a problem. He flies in the secret passage without touching any place at all, and the traps can't do anything to him.

Hanging far behind that person all the way to the capital.

During this process, Yunjing suddenly discovered a misunderstanding in his thinking.

That is, before that, he always felt that the way these enemy countries used to convey messages was too blatant and easy to be exposed. In fact, if he thought about it seriously, he only thought so after knowing their identities and the way they conveyed messages.

To put it another way, without knowing this, every aspect of them is actually very secretive. Who would stare at the birds flying around all day long? There are so many birds under the sky, can they keep an eye on them? Unless they are

If you have evidence like yours, otherwise it will be difficult to connect some normal phenomena with the enemy's detailed operations.

"So I have some preconceptions. In fact, these enemy countries are really cautious and secretive. Otherwise, with the professionalism of the Dali Dynasty Ant Tower, it is impossible not to discover them."

Whispering in his heart, Yunjing suddenly realized that if he wanted to become an official in the future, it seemed that the job in Yilou was very suitable for him...

Soon after, he followed the late-stage innate master into the capital along the secret passage.

An unobstructed secret passage had been dug underground. No one from the Dali Dynasty had discovered it, and they didn't know what those guys who specialized in guarding the safety of the capital were doing.

After entering the capital, the secret passage opens a mechanism, followed by a maze-like underground drainage system that extends in all directions under the capital.

One thing is that after entering the underground drainage system of the capital, Yunjing felt that unless there was a once-in-a-thousand-year rainstorm, there would be no need to worry about flooding in the capital with these drainage systems.

The drainage system is too big, extending in all directions like a maze, and it is also a place where filth and evil gather. However, those matters are not of concern to Yunjing for the time being. His purpose is to follow the late-stage innate master to continue to track down the enemy's detailed organization.

The other party made twists and turns in the maze, all the way deep into the hinterland of the capital, and opened a trap again somewhere. After entering, he walked along the secret passage for a while, and finally came to the exit.

The exit is located in a separate courtyard of a Pinyu building in the capital...

This chapter has been completed!
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