Chapter 1,256 The North and Darkness

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The principle of magic shielding is not complicated.

However, there is still a lot to pay attention to in practice.

This [Magic Shield (Gold)] can indeed come in handy many times.

Items such as [Bottle of Elements (Gold)] and [Magic Shield (Gold)] made Zong Shen feel that the world was full of malice toward spellcasters.

Put the jammer away, there are still two golden epic items left that have not been checked yet.

Zong Shen simply took them all out at once.

The first is a gray rune stone, the size of a fist, with countless runes densely packed on the surface.

There are no strange light and shadow effects, and it looks very simple.

Hold this rune stone in your hand and activate its effect with just a thought.

Without wasting time, Zong Shen looked directly at it and chose to check it out.

Eye-catching gold characters swayed and refreshed, dotted next to its information list.

[Gravity Rune Stone (Gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Effect: Hundred times gravity (creates a hundred times gravity field in an area of ​​1,000 meters, lasting for 3 minutes, the skill has no cooldown, but the effects of gravity fields in the same area cannot be superimposed)]

[Number of uses: 8/12]

[Note: The effect of the gravity field does not distinguish between friend and foe, and may cause serious damage and impact to the terrain]

(It can create a strange field with a hundred times the gravity. This is a quite exaggerated effect.

A person weighing 100 kilograms will bear 10,000 kilograms of pressure in the field

In addition, it will also cause serious collapse effects on the topography.

Use in some terrain environments may cause chain reactions)

"A hundred times gravity..."

Zong Shen murmured and repeated.

The function of this rune stone depends on the specific environment and situation of use.

But most of the time, its role is biased towards assistance and interference.

The key is that the effect of the gravity field does not distinguish between friend and foe.

So it can suppress both the enemy and one's own side.

If you want to take advantage of gravity to attack the enemy, you need to deploy and prepare in advance.

For example, when a swarm of enemies moves to a designated area.

By suddenly activating the field effect of a hundred times gravity, the enemy can be pinned in place.

Hundreds of times the force of gravity is enough to press them to the ground.

It's not easy to resist a hundred times gravity.

The greater the weight, the greater the influence of gravity.

Even if you can resist the invasion of gravity and force yourself to stay active, your movement efficiency will be greatly affected.

Therefore, a hundred times gravity is suitable for dealing with enemies with high agility.

It can greatly reduce the opponent's mobile advantage.

To sum up, this [Gravity Rune Stone (Gold)] still has good practical value.

Not only does it have a large range of action, but its effects are relatively rare.

There are currently 8 usage opportunities left, which is enough.

Putting the rune stone away with his backhand, Zong Shen immediately looked at the last golden epic-level item in this batch of collection-level items, which was suitable for carrying around.

Compared to the ordinary-looking rune stone.

The overall shape of this item is more eye-catching.

It looks like a short torch.

The upper part is made of orichalcum, and the top has obvious burnt black scorch marks.

The lower part is a thick and heavy solid wood handle.

Circles of wood grain can be seen on the surface.

What's special about it is that there is a burning flame at the top.

And this flame is still illusory.

You can't feel any temperature when you put your hand on it, and there is no burning sensation.

This makes it look weird and unique.

The most important thing is that the name of this thing is [torch fire (gold)], and the word "torch" is pronounced in reverse.

I don't know what the purpose is.

The entire [Torch (gold)] is like a torch that does not emit smoke or emit heat.

It's good for lighting.

But it is still a golden epic item.

I guess the effect shouldn't be that simple.

After thinking for a moment, he narrowed his eyes and stared.

[Torch (gold)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Effect: Endless light (the light emitted by the torch can illuminate all darkness)]

(This strange torch seems useless

In fact it will come in handy sooner or later

Put it away and remember to carry it with you

When you are in darkness, he will be the light that lights your way)

"Light up all the darkness?"

"Is there a moral here?"

"Or will I go to a place without light in the future?"

Zong Shen whispered to himself, trying to figure out its use.

The strategy module once again acts as the Riddler.

However, its implications are still very obvious and not too mysterious.

After thinking for a moment, he calmed down and called up the strategy module.

"Why is this [torch] useful to me?"

"What do I mean by my falling into darkness?"

He was too lazy to guess by himself and asked directly.

(Northern Territory

Other information cannot be disclosed for the time being.

This will cause the balance mechanism of subsequent challenges to be affected, resulting in unpredictable changes.

When you receive relevant forward-looking announcements, please come back and ask about this guide.

In short, keep this [torch (gold)], it will play an important role

In addition, this guide will give you more relevant clues after 30 days

Please keep looking for more items with darkness dispelling and powerful lighting abilities)


I saw this place name and combined it with the previous announcement of changes in the northern border.

Zong Shen was able to guess the truth of the matter.

The northern border is currently at a critical juncture of impending turmoil.

The lords in the Kingdom of Vaegia are making choices and engaging in exclusive challenge activities.

The lords in other places have to wait for the subsequent evolution of the situation.

From this point of view, the disaster in the north is likely to affect the entire continent.

Therefore, it will become another trial for all lords.

But judging from the information Zong Shen collected.

It will be at least several months before the crisis in the North fully breaks out.

It will probably break out completely in a month or two after the arrival of the second batch of lords.

Of course, this is just an inference he made based on the known information.

No one can guarantee the specific situation at present.

Because the crisis itself has not yet evolved.

In other words, any current changes in related factors may lead to changes in the final difficulty of Northern Crisis.

Regardless, this is news worth noting.

"Props to dispel darkness and powerful lighting?"

"I can't just wait for the strategy module to take action."

"In the near future, Mariel will be asked to dispatch specialized personnel to search for related items in the [market]."

Zong Shen thought in his heart.

It's okay if he doesn't know about this.

But now that you know it, you must take the initiative to prepare.

As for the situation in the north, he took the time to go and see it for himself.

The mainland is undergoing rapid changes, and he cannot always stay here.

Of course, before traveling far, Zong Shen planned to capture all the giant cities within tens of thousands of kilometers around his territory to create a relatively stable circle of strength.

At the same time, let the territory fully grow into a super fortress.

At least it can be lower than the continuous attack of tens of millions of troops.

Then train two hundred legendary strong men and ten demigod-level strong men for the territory.

Only in this way can he leave with peace of mind.

Judging from the current progress, it is not too difficult to achieve this goal.

Relying on plunder and fear and self-cultivation.

There are still many channels for creating legendary strong men.

The difficulty lies in the demigod-level powerhouses.

There are only a few strong men of this level in each large area.

They are all there to guard one side.

Although looking at the entire vast endless continent, there should still be a lot of demigod-level powerhouses.

But for Zong Shen's subjugation plan, it is still very challenging to subdue ten demigod-level strong men under his command.

Including the current Zong Shen himself, in fact, he can only compete with the mid-level demigod when he takes out his trump card.

His normal attributes are comparable to those of high-level legendaries.

There is still a long way to go before reaching the first level of demigod.

However, someone still has the information to achieve it.

I thought about it carefully for a long time.

He took out the [Communication Crystal] and dialed Mariel's crystal number.

Since the upgrade of the [Crystal Communication Tower], the giant city of Lentax has also been included in the communication range.

The crystal communication sent was quickly connected.

Mariel should have woken up by this point. As an internal affairs officer, she is quite self-disciplined.

"grown ups."

Mariel's light voice came from the other side of the crystal.

During this time, her voice was full of energy, not tired at all, and sounded full of energy.

"Mariel, send a few people to keep an eye on the [market] from today on."

"Focus on collecting items with powerful lighting, darkness expulsion, permanent lighting and other effects."

[Market] Attention will be paid to the characteristics of items during the sale.

The name can be customized, but the effect cannot be changed.

This eliminates the possibility of all kinds of deception.

Therefore, in the current [market], many items have relatively exaggerated names.

For example, [Powerful: Super-fast cutting sword], [A large shield that never misses a sword], [A sip of the clear spring that will instantly make you happy], [Who doesn’t know you are green with a green war helmet]...

There are many other items with naming styles like this.

Picking out useful equipment is really like picking out gold from shit.

Many items with eye-catching names are actually out-and-out garbage.

Therefore, if you want to choose the right thing in the [market], you need patience, perseverance and a little bit of luck.

Fortunately, the Lord System has prepared a quite complete search function for [Market].

If used properly, it can still be searched effectively.

Mariel believed in the instructions given by Zong Shen unconditionally.

There will never be any questioning.

Unless it involves territory development decisions, she will make corresponding suggestions based on the actual situation.

This is feedback that exceeds the MAX limit of loyalty.

"I understand, sir."

"I will arrange this immediately."

"Do you have any other instructions?"

Mariel replied vigorously.

Zong Shen nodded secretly, feeling increasingly satisfied with Mariel's performance.

“How is the construction of the residential area expansion going?”

“Are the territory’s current resource reserves sufficient?”

"Now we have no shortage of dinars."

"You can use dinars in the market to exchange for basic resources that are consumed quickly."

He took the initiative to warn.

Currently, Zong Shen has nearly 10 billion dinars on hand.

This money can be used not only to purchase supplies among the indigenous forces.

You can also exchange them for resources in the [Market].

Because to other lords, the dinar also had strong monetary value.

There is a gap in the basic resources of the current territory.

Wood, stone, hemp, and iron are all resources that are difficult to obtain in bulk by looting indigenous people.

But it is the main resource needed by the lords for construction.

Population can be obtained through quick plunder, but basic resources cannot.

Fortunately, dinars can also solve this problem.

Praise [market].

This building revitalized the trade of billions of lords.

Gathering a massive resource pool.

Now Zong Shen is finally able to draw nutrients from this resource pool.

This incident is of landmark significance.

Nearly 10 billion dinars of funds are enough to stir up the changes in the [market].

"Okay, sir."

"There is indeed a relatively large gap in the territory's basic resources."

“Daily construction consumes a huge amount of resources.

Mariel was visibly relieved.

Suddenly the territory was expanded with enough buildings to accommodate a giant city-level population.

To say it doesn’t consume much would be a lie.

Mariel has also been under a lot of pressure recently.

Relying on the original business and trade system, we can barely maintain consumption.

Now that we have dinar as a trade supplement, the problem of resource shortage can be significantly alleviated.

"That's good, wait until I get back."

After the two sides said a few more words, they ended the communication.

Just when he was about to check out the dazzling items.

Suddenly a golden banner floated in the sky.

[Lord Elakupel Lightninger successfully joined the Night King’s camp in 1984913 and achieved a breakthrough event]

【Received generous rewards】

[The progress of the current situation in the northern border has been increased by 3.7%]

The golden banner's prompt can break through the isolation of the ice shell.

The message of the banner was projected in front of Zong Shen's eyes, and the main purpose was to attract attention.

"Joining the Night King's camp is actually considered a breakthrough event?"

"That means this Night King shouldn't have accepted the lord in the first place."

Zong Shen thought about it and quickly came to a conclusion.

The continent is vast and full of wonders.

With such a huge base, there must be more than one coquettish lord from his sect.

In other words, this seems to be the first golden banner obtained by any other lord except the puppet lord of the Salander Sultanate.

But for Zong Shen, he didn't find it too shocking.

He took a lot of gold banners.

Even the platinum banner got it several times.

Zong Shen is more concerned about the key information exposed behind this banner.

The northern border seems to be the place where the attention of the lords will gather for some time to come.

As relevant information appears one after another, even a fool should know that something big will happen there.

Moreover, this major event will inevitably require the personal participation of the lords.

Zong Shen guessed that it should be a comprehensive challenge such as preventing the invasion of the Night King.

But the appearance of this banner means that a small number of lords have the opportunity to bet and join the Night King's camp.

Of course, there are risks involved in doing so.

If the Night King is killed, these lords who join the camp will also have nothing to gain.

This chapter has been completed!
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