Chapter 17 Market Construction Drawings

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The unknown is the most exciting.

Zong Shen came to the treasure chest and reached out to touch it gently.

Look at the [Click to Open] prompt that appears in front of you.

Just click to open.

Immediately, the treasure chest slowly opened.

Several bonus light groups emerged.

[Opened the black iron treasure chest successfully]

[Market construction drawing x1]

【Wheat bread x10】

【Craft Rum x10】

[Sharp Germanic sword x1]

[Wooden Shield Drawing x1]

There are five rewards in total.

Both are food.

The other two are drawings, one of which is an architectural drawing and the other is a manufacturing drawing.

The other thing is a long sword.

Zong Shen first grabbed the long sword and checked it.

[Sharp Germanic Sword]

【One hand/Both hands】

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Chopping damage: 29/33 (single/two-handed)]

[Piercing damage: 23]

[Attack range: 80]

[Attack speed: 8%]

[Durability: 120]

[Strength required: 8]

Good guy, it's much better than the damaged rusty sword Zong Shen owns. It can not only be used with one hand, but can also be used as a two-handed sword.

He immediately put away the rusty sword and replaced it with a sharp Germanic sword.

Then he started the daily checking process again.

[Drawings of wooden shield]

[After use, you can create a simple wooden shield]

[Simple wooden shield]

[Quality: Ordinary]

[Shield defense: 35]

[Production requirements: wood x6, hemp x2]

[Manufacturing time: 10m]

Basic equipment with very average attributes is not as good as Zong Shen's damaged-quality kite-shaped shield.

However, it is simple to make and does not require many materials. You can consider making a few as transitional equipment for farmers to defend themselves.

【Wheat Bread】

【Delicious fine wheat bread】

[Effect: Restore 50 points of hunger and satiety]

(Nice food, even better if there is milk)

【Craft Rum】

【Refined rum】

[Effect: Attack 10%, Defense -20%, Duration 30m]

(Rum brewed with multiple techniques. If you can meet a dwarf, you can buy him a glass of rum in exchange for his friendship)

Food is also one of the supplies that Zong Shen is currently in short supply.

Especially now that the population of the territory is increasing rapidly.

Food is a particularly important basic material guarantee.

Second is water resources.

Water, food, safety.

They are the three most basic elements for survival.

You know, the main purpose of his trip was to find water.

But it didn't matter, he was going to ask about the strategy on the way back.

Put all four rewards into the storage compartment.

Next, only one architectural drawing remains.

[Market construction drawing x1]

[Quality: Ordinary (white)]

[Requirements: wood x20, iron x8, hemp rope x3, trading market construction drawing x1]

[Construction time: 1h36m (reduced by 20% by engineering)]

[Area: 10 square meters]

[Sturdiness value: 500]

[Armor value: 10]

[Market: You can trade with other lords, and up to three items can be listed for sale at the same time at the current level]

The blueprints of the market have been revealed, and the resources required for construction are not many. In the future, you can trade with other lords who have built the market.

Keep all rewards.

Zong Shen stood up and looked at the empty treasure chest.

【Black Iron Treasure Chest】

[Click to decompose]

"break down."

[Get Iron x10]

Another wave of resources is available.

"Are there any supplies left in this camp?"

Zong Shen raised questions in his mind.

(You are just like a passing locust, you can clear this place without my guidance)

Zong Shen rolled his eyes at this reminder that seemed to be exaggerating but actually damaging.

"Okay, then next question."

“Wherever there is a source of drinkable water, the closer it is to the camp, the better!”

(This is not a problem. In fact, to the north of your territory, less than three miles ahead, there is a small stream that is clear and safe. Forty-seven miles southwest, there is a lake, but it is occupied by some bad-tempered guys.

There, there is a swamp fifty-two miles south from this camp that is not very clear and not very safe)

The strategy presents several choices at once.

Zong Shen did a little inspection and found out that there was a small stream not far from the territory.

It seems that it is most reliable to return to the territory first.

"Are there any treasures or precious materials worth looking for near this camp?"

(Below the camp is a huge Azshara ruins. There are some very interesting things in it, but the amount of work is huge. You can consider digging here when you have enough manpower.)

(There is a small jungle thirteen miles west of the camp. There is a silver treasure chest in it, but there are a few strong furbolgs in it.)

(Exit the camp to the right, walk a hundred steps and dig down, you will find some small surprises)

The guide instantly gave three suggestions.

After having the strategy module, Zong Shen wished he could drive an excavator.

Become a real digger.

??Where to dig.

Dig one sack at a time.

Say less nonsense.

Among these three options, the only one Zong Shen could choose was the little surprise on the right a hundred steps from the camp.

The other two problems cannot be solved by Zong Shen alone.

So, he walked out of the camp according to the location indicated by the prompts and walked 100 steps to the right.

Dig it down with a pickaxe.

I actually dug out a leather wallet.

Zong Shen picked up the wallet.

Take a closer look.

【Traveler's Wallet】

【Money 430】

Come on, what a little surprise.

Speaking of which, from the moment I chose my birthplace to now, I have also gained some "money".

But so far, he has not discovered where the money should be used.

It should be possible to use it only after coming into contact with the indigenous forces of this continent.

Collect this money.

Money??does not occupy storage compartments.

There is a separate storage space.

But after taking it out and materializing it, it is just a copper plate.

Zong Shen lowered his head and glanced at the watch on his wrist?.

This was also the only object that followed him to the ground.

It's now past three o'clock in the afternoon.

It’s better to return as soon as possible.

By the time the water is collected, it will be dark.

Next, we will build some basic buildings.

Wait until the Wolf Cavalry returns and see if Colby finds anything valuable during his trip.

Tomorrow, eleven farmers will collect at the same time.

Zong Shen mounted the old traveling horse and returned to the territory.

While thinking about the next arrangements and plans.

This is the first day of landing!

It seemed like the time was quite satisfactory.

Not just food and water.

Also harvested are two powerful soldiers and eight farmers.

With the increase in population, the usable area of ​​230 square meters in the lord's courtyard became stretched.

It seems that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we need to expand our territory.

Now his strength should be enough to deal with ten random hostile targets within a radius of five kilometers.

This chapter has been completed!
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