Chapter 246: Farmer Training Plan, Evil Dirt [20,000 per day]

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After hearing what Marier said, Zong Shen didn't know how to answer.

But if we attribute it to a woman’s innate sixth sense,

Then Zong Shen really believes in this kind of metaphysics.

However, he estimated that it was probably because he had fused the devil's heart, which made Mariel very sensitive to such items, or it left an impression on her subconsciously, which prompted her to buy it.

"It doesn't matter Mariel, this dirty heart may be useful in the future."

"It doesn't matter if you don't need it, you've done a great job."

"By the way, starting from tomorrow, half of the eight sales positions will sell iron and half will sell Luna Spring Water."

“I’ve saved a lot in Luna Spring recently, so I’ll pay a little attention to the types of items for sale.”

"In the next few days, we can put some of the equipment forged by the dwarf uncle on sale."

Zong Shen praised her, expressed high praise for Mariel's work attitude, and also emphatically explained the [market] listing issue.

Mariel nodded and remembered everything Zong Shen said in her heart.

Then, Zong Shen thought about it again and remembered the [First-Level Training Ground] built before the territory. By training in the training ground, you can gain a certain amount of experience points every hour.

This training ground is a good way to upgrade for farmers who are not suitable for being sent to fight. Proper farmer upgrades and upgrades are also very helpful in improving farmers' labor efficiency and survival rate.

As the level increases, attributes will gradually improve, and physical fitness will get better and better.

In fact, after seeing the kobolds' armed labor model, Zong Shen had a bold idea in his mind, a training plan for farmers.

As the saying goes, if a farmer knows martial arts, no one can stop him.

There happens to be a [Level 1 Training Ground] in the territory, and you can get a stable source of experience points without fighting. It is 100 per hour, and the upper limit is 8 hours per day. In the training state, hunger and satiety are consumed faster, and you need to eat more.

food will do.

In other words, if you train for 8 hours a day, you will get 800 experience points. For a low-level farmer, you can basically upgrade to level 3 to 4 after training for a few days.

Thinking of this, he began to tell Mariel his plan.

"By the way, Mariel, let the three fat men know early tomorrow morning and ask all the farmers to go to the training ground for training."

"Farmers don't need to go collecting in the next three days, they will all be arranged at the training ground."

“All the farmers participating in the training are specially provided with one extra meal of air-dried beef every day.”

"In addition, inform the dwarf uncle that the work of repairing the combat puppets at hand can be put aside for a while, and he can use the leather materials in stock in the territory to create a batch of leather armors, as well as the wooden shield drawings I gave him before, to create a batch of lightweight

wooden shield."

"Besides that, we will create a batch of daggers. The attributes of these equipments do not matter, but the weight must be light, the material cost must be cheap, and the forging must be fast and convenient."

Zong Shen quickly explained that his farmers must also be the most ferocious farmers.

These farmers will be the cornerstone population of the territory in the future. This is an attempt. If successful, the training ground can be opened in the future and enter the era of national training.

However, after the territory is on the right track, you will need to pay a certain fee if you want to use the training ground, forming a cycle.

By then, even ordinary farmers in Zong Shen's territory may be super farmers with levels as high as 20 or 30. It doesn't matter even if this plan fails.

It's just a small attempt. Anyway, the amount collected by these farmers is not much compared to the current territory, and the overall investment is not large. It is worth a try. As for the forged equipment, it can be used to arm these farmers.

Mariel's eyes opened wider and wider as she listened to Zong Shen's words. She had never heard of Zong Shen's plan.

Training of farmers has never been heard of since ancient times. For farmers, the only option is to enlist in the army and participate in training in the barracks to become soldiers of different levels.

Although she was surprised, Mariel still nodded obediently and wrote down Zong Shen's arrangements word for word, not daring to be careless in any way.

"Okay, sir, I will definitely convey it according to your instructions."

Zong Shen nodded and waved gently.

"Okay, you go and have a rest first, Ma Lier."

"If you want to take a bath, you can ask some older sisters to take you to the hot springs."

When Zong Shen talked about hot springs, he couldn't help but smile.

Now the hot spring is a building that only he and a few close female warriors can use.

Other soldiers are strictly prohibited from using it. If you want to take a bath, you can go to the stream or wait for the bathhouse to be built.

Mariel's face turned red, and she really wanted to take a shower.

He nodded shyly, then hugged the book and trotted past Zong Shen into the small courtyard.

Zong Shen stood alone at the entrance of the small courtyard. Because they had been hunting cave monsters for several hours, the soldiers in the exploration team were all a little tired.

The mages also went to the [Magic Hall] to meditate and practice. For them, meditation is not only a way to practice, but it is also a very effective way to rest.

Zong Shen took [Dirty Heart (Unknown)] and prepared to study it carefully.

This thing may be useful in the future, but the premise is that you need to wait until you get epic purification items, such as the holy water of the Holy Light Archbishop mentioned in the guide.

In Zong Shen's impression, the archbishop was an old man with a white beard who had lost all his hair. He wore a big red cloak and looked very frigid.

He didn't understand why he couldn't use the saint's holy water and had to go to the archbishop's holy water?

Zong Shen murmured something in his heart and began to look at [The Dirty Heart (Unknown)].

The evil dirt on the surface is like a layer of black rubber, elastic and constantly wriggling.

Zong Shen threw it hard on the stone pavement at the entrance of the small courtyard.


I saw this [Filthy Heart] rebounding very elastically. Zong Shen stretched out his hand to fish it out and it caught it in his hand.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This thing is very elastic, comparable to a table tennis ball. This is not the end yet. Zong Shen took out the Avalon Guards Sword again and started

Try cutting it.

With Zong Shen's current terrifying power value of 72 points, even if he tried his best, he still couldn't make the sword cut even a hair.

The most exaggerated thing is that there is not even a single mark left on the surface of [Dirty Heart].

Zong Shen directly placed it on the stone pavement, put away the guard sword, took out the dragon-slaying heavy sword, and slashed hard at the dirty heart.



The Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword struck the filthy heart with precision. Zong Shen felt like he had struck a ball of gummy candy. The overwhelming force was like falling into the boundless ocean, unable to stir up any waves.

On the contrary, the stone pavement under the dirty heart cracked with a "bang" sound, and the place where the dirty heart was placed was sunk directly.

Zong Shen withdrew the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword, punched it on the ground, bent down and picked up the dirty heart.

I saw that the surface was as smooth as ever, and it still had that dark look.

Zong Shen did not give up and spent more than half an hour trying many methods.

It's a pity that no matter how much it was beaten and rubbed, this layer of evil dirt did not show any damage. It is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Suddenly, Zong Shen's chest beat, and the dark shadow of the devil's heart appeared, seeming to resonate with this thing.

Zong Shen glanced down at his chest, and then began to try to communicate with the devil's heart.

A strange black energy emerged from the heart, gathered in the palm of his hand, and completely enveloped the dirty heart he held in his hand.

He could feel the dirty heart in his palms trembling violently.

Zong Shen did not move. He could feel that this black energy was trying to break the evil stain.

A few minutes later, the black energy withdrew like a tide and returned to the devil's heart.

At the same time, a shallow depression the size of a thumbprint appeared on the evil stain on the dirty heart. A piece of such a difficult thing was actually peeled away by the devil's heart.

However, it seems that the Devil's Heart cannot peel off these evil stains quickly, and can only peel them off bit by bit. This is not bad, at least there is no need to get any more holy water.

Zong Shen was holding on to his filthy heart as he longed to obtain the power of the Holy Light.

I don’t know what kind of changes will occur if the power of the devil’s heart and the power of the Holy Spirit’s heart coexist in the body. Will the two conflicting forces be like Aishia’s Holy Light Arrow meeting Tasia’s?

Magical entanglement occurs like the undead arrow, resulting in a violent explosion...

Zong Shen felt a little creeped out when he thought about this. No matter what, let's unblock it first. Then we can refer to the strategy for how to arrange it.

If it doesn't work, give the Heart of the Holy Spirit to Aisia. I think it should be effective for her.

Zong Shen shook his head and put away this [Filthy Heart (Unknown)].

I turned around and walked into the small courtyard to rest, when suddenly a system prompt popped up.

[Absorb special substance evil dirt]

[Automatically obtain skills: Evil Scale lv1]

Zong Shen was silent...

Just now, he saw with his own eyes that the devil's heart emitted black energy and peeled off a piece of evil dirt about the size of a fingernail.

Unexpectedly, such an invulnerable and unknown thing would be absorbed by himself?

It was actually converted into a skill by default by the lord system.

This shows that the evil dirt itself is something that can be reused.

It just requires some kind of special power to control it, such as demonic power.

The more Zong Shen thinks about it, the more likely it is. He is now more curious about what kind of state and attributes the evil dirt will have after it is transformed into a skill.

Thinking of this, he opened [Skills] and found the skill [Evil Scale lv1] at the bottom.

Open the details, and the detailed attributes of this skill will begin to appear in front of you.

[Evil Scale lv1 (Evil Scale has super strong properties. After use, a 2 cm x 2 cm piece of Evil Scale can emerge in a designated part of the body. It can resist most physical attacks and magical attacks except for epic level purification.

Lasts for one minute, cooling time is 10 minutes, evil breath will be produced when the evil scale is released)】

At first, Zong Shen's eyes lit up and he was quite happy, because he knew very well how BT the evil scale's defense was. Even the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword couldn't do anything about it, and basically there was no one else in terms of resisting physical attacks.

It wasn't until he saw the area of ​​evil scale that could be produced that he reacted.

"Fuck, two centimeters x two centimeters..."

Zong Shen glanced at his fingers and estimated the area of ​​this evil stain.

A four square centimeter piece of evil dirt, is it intended to be used as a quilt for bees or as a cloak for cockroaches?

What can this thing resist?

Is it just so that after being hacked to death by the enemy, you can still keep a piece of four square centimeters of your body?

Zong Shen complained a lot and vented the contrast in his heart.

After he calmed down, he became more comfortable with the Evil Scale skill.

This skill is indeed a magical skill, but it is just a prototype now.

After all, you only absorbed a piece of evil dirt as big as a fingernail. A small fingernail can turn into four square centimeters of evil dirt. If you absorb ten or a hundred fingernails, wouldn't you be invincible?


However, looking at the size of the dirty heart, I am afraid that after it is fully absorbed, it will be as much as a dozen fingernails. It is estimated that it can form forty to fifty square centimeters of evil dirt, which is considered good.

But even so, this skill can still be regarded as a magical skill. After all, the evil scale has almost semi-invincible characteristics. If you can freely control and create forty or fifty square centimeters of evil scale, it is almost equivalent to having a side.

Semi-invincible shield.

Especially when used in battle, at the most intense moment, having it appear where the enemy is attacking can definitely reverse the situation.

This is a thing that kills two birds with one stone. While slowly unblocking the dirty heart, it also gradually absorbs the evil dirt and develops a semi-invincible skill.

The name and appearance of this thing are not popular, but Zong Shen doesn't mind, as long as the power can be used, it doesn't matter to him whether it's high or low.

After checking the skills of Evil Scale, Zong Shen walked into the lord's small building with his hands behind his back.

This afternoon's hunt allowed Zong Shen to level up. Now his level is lv21. [Experience value: 1361/31200] The higher the level, the higher the experience required for upgrading.

The corresponding upgrade progress will slow down a lot, especially if you kill the same monster, it will take more time to upgrade.

Now it seems that the level 47 of the dwarf uncle is simply terrifying, and the dwarf uncle is only 37 years old. In this world, dwarves can generally live to be three to four hundred years old, and they are a famous longevity race.

Even though the dwarf uncle has a beard on his face, he is actually still a baby among the dwarves!

But by human standards, he is already a proper uncle.

While Zong Shen was thinking wildly, he walked up the stairs to the second floor and entered his room.

Lying back comfortably on the brand new big bed!

This chapter has been completed!
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