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Chapter 261 Leaving the Bone Burial Bunker, Goblins come to visitPlease subscribe

"Damn, this is so perverted!"

After Zong Shen read the properties and strategy tips of [Aegwin's Book of Ten Thousand Techniques (orange)], he was shocked beyond words.

It had not been a day or two since he landed. He had experienced dozens of battles, large and small, and thousands of monsters had died in his hands alone. He had also seen many ancient ruins.

But even so, the properties and origins of the Wanfa Book still shocked him.

It not only has a high amount of magic damage, but also has additional attribute bonuses. The most exaggerated one is the skill of Book of Ten Thousand Magics, which is equivalent to extracting random magic of levels 1 to 3 every 5 minutes. Although the drawn

The magic level is random, but you can choose the magic category according to your needs.

He tried to open the Book of Ten Thousand Magic skills. Although he had no magic talent or magic value, he could still check the skill categories.

For example, there are auxiliary types, control types, special types, and attack magic with various attributes, including extremely rare time sequence and space sequence magic.

It definitely lives up to the name of this book of magic, and it does cover a lot of magic.

In addition to its powerful attributes and skill effects, its origin is not simple.

A single volume of the Book of Ten Thousand Techniques can be rated as legendary, so wouldn't the three volumes combined into one to form a complete [Aegwynn's Book of Ten Thousand Techniques] be at least an epic level, and possibly even a level above the epic level.

After all, this thing was created by the so-called guardian, and it also has the brand of the world. It has infinite durability. Just these words to describe it are not simple. It is definitely a first-class treasure.

It is also the third orange-level weapon and equipment that Zong Shen has obtained so far, and although the Wanfa Book is divided into three volumes, this volume is absolutely complete, unlike the two orange-level weapons he obtained before.

They are all broken and damaged. The two weapons are [Broken Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword (Orange)] and [Broken Disaster War Spear (Orange)]. Both of them have very little durability left, and even their attributes are not.

The affected damaged goods were such damaged goods, and Zong Shen regarded them as a treasure.

The Book of Ten Thousand Magics in his hand now is a serious, damage-free orange-level equipment. Its magic attack is ten or twenty points higher than that of the Killing Staff in Favid's hand, and it also has additional attribute gains.

However, who should be given this equipment has become a big problem. Farvid, Milani, Tasia, and Aishia all have one or two pieces of rare magic equipment on their bodies.

There are two newcomers to the fire spell, but between Doris and Parks, Doris does have the greatest training value, but Doris is a bit nagging, and Zong Shen has not yet figured out her details and temperament.

Judging from the battle just now, Doris is indeed a bit rebellious and likes to make her own decisions, but the combat effect is actually pretty good, especially the fire tornado combined with the fire spirit storm. The four fire pillars continue to rotate and attack the evil god's Forgotten. That wave of real

It makes people feel shocked.

The sky is filled with fire, and embers are scattered, and there is indeed a strange beauty.

However, after a short period of contact, Zong Shen definitely couldn't give her the legendary equipment [Aegwin's Book of Ten Thousand Techniques] so easily.

Zong Shen thought for a moment and decided to carry the Book of Ten Thousand Dharmas with him from now on, and then decide to hand it over to an accompanying mage for use when going into battle. This is the most reliable plan at present. After all, the Book of Ten Thousand Dharmas is extremely important. If he collects it all

After three volumes, its value and power are even more immeasurable, and it can definitely be called a magic book.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen directly put away the Wanfa Book.

"Are there any missing treasures here?"

(This section of the bunker has been fully explored, and there are no other valuable items. It is recommended to burn the organ specimens left by Gurange and the remains of the Apostles of the Forgotten when leaving. Those guys who can be parasitic are very likely to

not completely wiped out

In addition, you'd better check the part of your body that was hit by the yellow evil eye ray)

After reading the strategy tips, Zong Shen breathed a sigh of relief. After struggling for a long time, it was already past 6 o'clock in the morning. He waved to call Colby and asked him to lead a team of wolf riders to collect the organ specimens and tentacle monsters.

The remains were collected.

All the remains were incinerated on the spot. Zong Shen was not worried that the wolf cavalry would be suddenly attacked, because after parasitism, there would be 2 points of damage per second. During this period, the parasitism would only be considered successful if the host died.

The wolf cavalry were left to deal with the aftermath, while Zong Shen took off his armor. His previous injuries in the mine had healed, and the part where he was hit by the evil eye ray just now was right on his lower abdomen.

At this time, the piece was completely adhered to the underwear, and yellow pus oozed out.

Zong Shen gritted his teeth and directly uncovered the piece of underwear.



Following a clear tearing sound, Zong Shen took a breath of pain.

On his lower abdomen, there was a circular wound as thick as an arm. Because the wound was opened, a mixture of pus and blood was now flowing out.

This thing looks like something corrosive has burned through its flesh, or like it has been bitten by a poisonous insect and injected with venom.

In short, this is a very weird injury, and the evil eye ray is indeed vicious!

Zong Shen took out the Moon God Spring water and carefully poured it on the wound.

A strange scene happened. The moment the water from the Luna Spring was poured on the wound, a violent reaction occurred, and the whole wound sizzled.

There was also white smoke rising up, and this white smoke carried an unpleasant fishy smell.

At first Zong Shen only felt the pain was unbearable, but the pain soon subsided.

He continued to rinse carefully, and after repeated rinses two or three times, there was no more violent reaction and white smoke, and the heartbreaking and painful feeling completely disappeared.

Zong Shen took a look at the wound. A lot of the yellow pus on it had been washed away, and the entire wound was no longer wet and sticky. He took out a bandage and wrapped it around his waist to bandage the wound.

The pain from the wound now is nothing compared to the excruciating pain before.

"This dog-like Forgotten One, what an underworld ray, it's so vicious!"

Zong Shen cursed and put on his underwear and put on his armor again.

It failed to penetrate the armor, but it could cause injuries to his body, and the injuries were very vicious. The pain was greater than the damage. Although Zong Shen was not in danger of his life, it caused him a lot of suffering.

After treating the injuries, the wolf cavalry had gathered together the organ specimens and the remains of the tentacle monster. Zong Shen took out several pieces of wood and placed them on top of the remains.

Favid chanted the small fireball magic to ignite it, and the blazing flames quickly ignited.

Now Zong Shen still has a black iron treasure chest, a bronze treasure chest and a rare trident that he has not checked yet. He decided to return to the territory first and then deal with these unopened and unchecked treasure chests and treasure phantoms.

After confirming that all the debris and traces in the hall had been dealt with, Zong Shen led the team back along the way they came without any further delay.

"Please pay attention and clean up the traces we left along the way."

"Don't leave any holes."

Zong Shen repeatedly warned, and he always remembered that when Xiao Jin's mission first appeared, the guide suggested that someone would be the first to get there if it exceeded eight o'clock.

Everyone followed his instructions, cleaning up the footprints and spreading fresh dust to cover up the traces of their arrival.

At the same time, not far from the top of the hall, Raven Saint Safuri and a church elder were leading a team of jackdaw halberd warriors and heretic giant knights to dig something in the ruins above.

As the last stone slab was removed, the entrance to a secret passage was revealed.

The location of this entrance is less than two kilometers away from the entrance tunnel where Zong Shen and others entered the bone bunker. It is obviously one of the branch roads leading to the bone bunker below.

Two jackdaw and halberd warriors entered it holding torches and returned after a few minutes.

"Lord Saint, Elder, the entrance to the secret passage has been successfully dug out, and all the passages below are open."

"But we smelled a burning smell in the secret passage going down..."

The two Jackdaw and Euphorbia warriors saluted and reported to Safuri and the church elders.

"Burned smell?"

"The Bone Burial Bunker has been dusty for many years and has been divided into dozens of areas."

"This time we finally found a smooth tunnel near the ruins of Bazanar."

"How could there be a burning smell inside?"

The church elders wondered, obviously not believing what they said. No matter how much you think about it, there cannot be a burning smell.

At this time, Raven Saint Safuri had already reached the entrance of the tunnel, stretched out her hand to fan the airflow, and inhaled gently, her brows suddenly furrowed.

"There is indeed a faint burning smell..."

"It should be coming from the bone bunker. Something is burning down there."

Sally made a positive judgment, which was not good news for them.

"Let's go down and take a look first."

"At least make sure."

"I'll go back to the village later and ask the deacons to distribute the supplies I got from the goblins last night as quickly as possible."

"Those goblins are gathering force near here, maybe they have a conspiracy."

"Fortunately, with our strength, we don't need to be afraid of them."

"I don't believe their statement that they were robbed, because there are no signs of fighting in their camp."

"Who can quietly take away the wealth and goods from those misers and liars?"

"They are so good at lying that they actually tried to deceive me with such a clumsy lie."

"They stole our secret supplies and almost delayed our business. If their compensation hadn't been enough to make up for the losses, I would definitely lead a team to destroy their camp."

Raven Saint Safuri said to the church elder behind her, with some disgust and coldness in her tone. It could be seen that Safuri seemed to have a great prejudice against goblins.

Therefore, Zong Shen could be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse yesterday, and he passed the blame just right.

When Safuli led the team to the goblin camp, the group of goblins had not left, and it was Zong Shen who made them postpone their plans. After being looted by Zong Shen, Boswell was furious!

Goblins are synonymous with stinginess and cunning. After suffering such a big loss, how can the goblins who are determined to retaliate just give up?

Boswell decisively reported to the headquarters and applied for reinforcements to be dispatched from the giant city of Lentatus. He has been waiting for the arrival of reinforcements for the past few days.

Yesterday, the raven saint Safuri came to my door for questioning for no apparent reason.

In order not to offend the Calamity Raven Church, even though Boswell himself felt baffled, he still compensated Sally with a sum of supplies.

It tried to talk to Safuri, but Safuri was too disgusted with goblins, so Boswell didn't ask for any useful information.

As a result, the goblin merchant indirectly suffered a hidden loss from Zong Shen.

After Raven Saint Safuri finished speaking to the church elders, she led a group of Jackdaw and Euphorbia warriors into the tunnel.

At the same time, Zong Shen had just come out of the tunnel entrance of the ruined sentry tower and was walking on foot towards the place where they placed their mounts.

Little did they know that a group of uninvited guests had arrived at the outskirts of the camp, and six goblin airships were suspended 1,500 meters away from Zong Shen's camp.

Carefully guard against attacks from the ancient guardians and territory arrow towers.

Vereesa received Mariel's notice and rushed back from the front line.

A goblin airship landed slowly.

Boswell stepped out of the airship, his shrewd little eyes constantly scanning the territory inside and outside.

Fortunately, Zong Shen is not in the territory now, and the soldiers who followed him into the mountains are not nearby either.

This made Boswell unable to confirm whether it was here for a while.

They patrolled all night and found many settlements like this, among which this one was the largest, so they came to take a look at the situation as soon as dawn came.

Vereesa came back at this time, and there was no one in the territory who didn't know about their lord's robbery of the goblins, so now everyone can basically guess the purpose of these goblins.

Vereesa did the same. She calmly rode a prairie horse to Boswell.

He asked proactively with an indifferent and serious expression.

"This is private property, please explain your purpose, otherwise I will attack you."

The soldiers from the second wolf cavalry team also rushed over and stood behind Vereesa.

As the saying goes, if you lose, you don't lose. It doesn't matter whether you are guilty or not. Your momentum cannot be weakened.

At this time, two teams of goblin crossbowmen holding powerful crossbows walked out from the goblin airship behind Boswell, aiming at Vereesa and the Wolf Cavalry. The two sides faced each other in the air, and more airships were in the sky.

Prepare to fall.

This time the goblins were well prepared. In addition to the ogre thugs, they also brought a large number of goblin warriors to show their determination to find and uncover Zong Shen.

Mariel, who was secretly observing the situation in the distance in the small building in the territory, began to notify the reinforcements without hesitation. This confrontation must not be lost!

This chapter has been completed!
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