Chapter 48 The Drunkard Dwarf

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"Let's chase!"

Zong Shen pointed to the way down the mountain!

After all, old traveling horses are large livestock, and they will leave very obvious hoof prints on such mountain roads.

At the same time, Zong Shen also began to call for strategies in his heart.

"I want to find my horse, please show me the way."

(Follow the arrow)

(A drunk short guy stole your horse, you have to be careful, that guy is very strong)

A golden arrow appeared in Zong Shen's field of vision.

Also pointing in the direction down the mountain.

Zong Shen didn't hesitate and started running wildly with Tiezhu.

He chased down the mountain.

While walking, the speed advantage of iron pillars becomes apparent.

After blending into the shadow, his speed was astonishing, like a black shadow, moving quickly under the shade of the trees.

The two of them ran wildly down the mountain.

In front of him is the burial ground and the broad pasture.

Zong Shen stopped.

The arrow in front of me points directly to the pasture ahead.

Not far from the edge of the mountain, there are a few large and sparse trees.

Beside the tree, there were two shadows, one large and one small, staying under the tree.


"Good guy, you dare to stop and rest!"

"If you're caught, you'll have to be beaten up!"

Zong Shen gasped and rolled up his sleeves while cursing.

"Keep chasing!"

He greeted Tie Zhu.

The two of them ran quickly towards where the trees were.

The two of them ran wildly.

If Zong Shen's physical fitness had not been strengthened by the four major attributes and skills, he would still not be able to support such violent running.

As the saying goes, it's like running to death in Wangshan Mountain. It took the two of them about ten minutes and a distance of about three kilometers before they arrived at the trees.

A dwarf with a big beard and simple light armor was lying under the tree, sound asleep.

The old traveling horses were scattered around casually, eating green grass leisurely.

Zong Shen and Tie Zhu had just approached a few meters when they smelled a strong smell of alcohol coming from the dwarf.

Just smelling it makes me choke.

This is a grassland with ventilation on all sides, and you can still smell such a strong smell of alcohol. Could it be that the dwarf in front of you has been soaked in a wine barrel for a year?

After Zong Shen walked in, a name popped up on this guy's head.

[Bronze Beard·Wine and Fire???]

[Race: Dwarf]



(This guy is drunk. You can completely subdue him. He has advanced blacksmith skills and may be able to play some role in your territory.)

A bunch of question marks appeared after his name.

It doesn't look like a hostile monster, it seems to be a mysterious dwarf aboriginal.

A lot of question marks seem to indirectly illustrate the strength of this alcoholic dwarf.

But this guy stole his own horse, so we can't just let it go.

Zong Shen walked over, squatted next to him, stretched out his hand and gently patted his face, which was red due to drunkenness.

This guy's skin is very rough, and even his face seems to be made of strong muscles, which are not soft at all when photographed.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Wake up!"


The only response to him was the steady sound of snoring and the rising and falling of his strong chest.

Zong Shen had a dark look on his face, and he really wanted to draw his sword and strike a blow at this careless drunkard.

But I was also worried that I would offend someone extraordinary.

Suddenly, he thought of a way.

He first used the hemp he found in the storage compartment and scrounged from the unfortunate lord's storage box to make several strong hemp ropes on the spot.

Then, he called for iron pillars and raised the dwarf directly up.

He took off all the light armor on his body and the exaggeratedly shaped hammer on his waist.

All he had left was a pair of large pants with red stripes.

Look at his chest hair blowing in the wind.

Zong Shen only felt a little relieved.

Then use the inner three layers of hemp rope, and the outer three layers directly let his legs hang in the air, and tie them firmly to the tree.

Just to be on the safe side.

He almost tied the dwarf into a rice dumpling.

After doing all this.

Zong Shen took out a large wooden bucket filled with water from his storage compartment.

This is the extra water he carries when he goes out in the morning.

He stood up, picked up the bucket, and poured half a bucket of water directly on the head of the drunkard dwarf.



"Which bastard dares to disturb my sleep!"

"Look, I don't have to smash his dog's head with a hammer!"

The drunkard dwarf woke up with a start, cursing, and tried to pull out the hammer, but found that he was tied to a tree with his legs hanging in the air.

Even though his power is astonishing, he can't use it at this time.

"Human boy, why did you tie me up?"

"Are you a bandit or a bandit?"

"I'm a pauper. No one can take a coin from me except the tavern!"

He regained some clarity.

Started to actively communicate with Zong Shen.

But Zong Shen smiled.

He reached out and fetched the old traveling horse.

"You stole my horse."

"So I tied you up."

Hearing what Zong Shen said, the drunkard dwarf showed a look of surprise.

Then I felt a little embarrassed.

He was not good at talking and simply chose to remain silent.

"What's wrong? Why don't you speak?"

"There are legends throughout the continent that the dwarves are brave, resolute, unrestrained, down-to-earth and hard-working, but I didn't expect that the dwarves are actually good at stealing."

"I want to know how you dwarves deal with thieves?"

Zong Shen said this deliberately, trying to anger him.

Sure enough, when the drunkard dwarf heard what Zong Shen said, his face turned red instantly.

"Fart! Damn human boy!"

"I'm not a thief!"

Zong Shen smiled even more when he saw the drunkard dwarf's expression.

"Then why is my horse here?"

"This is an old horse passed down to me by my parents. I have a deep relationship with it."

Zong Shen was so playful that he even touched the head of the old traveling horse pretending to be sad.

The old traveling horse was also very smart and rubbed Zong Shen's arm with his head affectionately.

Such a performance made the drunkard dwarf even more ashamed.


"Sorry human boy, I'm drunk..."

The drunkard dwarf found that he could not argue, so he chose to apologize out of shame.

"I accept your apology."

Zong Shen raised his head and said seriously.

Then he took advantage of the situation and launched an invitation.

"I am a lord and I am building a great territory. Now I lack a skilled blacksmith in my territory."

"Will you help me?"

Zong Shen decisively extended an olive branch when the drunkard dwarf felt guilty.

This is a dwarf with question marks all over his body and advanced blacksmith skills.

It is said that the dwarves are good at forging.

If a territory wants to develop, it cannot just have warriors who are good at fighting.

Construction talents in all aspects are also needed.

Blacksmithing, tailoring, urban construction, management, even farming and education.

All are indispensable aspects of territorial development.

This guy is quite a talent!

Zong Shen had already decided to coax him back to his territory.

Upon hearing this, the drunkard dwarf hesitated.

This chapter has been completed!
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