Chapter 203 Destroy Wenjia Fort!

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Xiushui County, the Perfume Pavilion in the backyard of Shangguan Mansion.

Shangguan Shenhao is embroidering flowers.

He held a piece of silk in his right hand, and used his steel left hand to insert needles and threads. His hands were like turning flowers, extremely dexterous and extremely accurate.

Not long after, a vivid lotus flower appeared on the silk satin.

Long Heng, who was opposite, looked at this scene with admiration in his eyes.

He knew that Shangguan Shenhao was practicing embroidery and trying his best to control this steel left hand. Now the flexibility and accuracy of this hand were almost different from those of a real arm.

The impact of the broken arm on Shangguan Shenhao is getting smaller and smaller. In the future, he can even use this priceless fifth-grade magic weapon to become more powerful.

"It's getting late."

Shangguan Shenhao suddenly stopped and looked at the east sky. He faced the rising sun and squinted his eyes slightly: "Has Chu Xisheng sent out troops?"

Long Heng raised his eyebrows: "I don't know, but last night, Chu Xisheng recalled all the gang members who were scattered along the canal to Xishan Town. All the altar masters and deputy altar masters of Xishan Hall also concentrated on him.

Chu Family Mansion. It is expected that he is very likely to send troops this morning, and of course there is also the possibility of being afraid of the battle."

Long Heng smiled casually when he said this, and raised his hand to make tea for Shangguan Shenhao: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether he attacks Wenjiabao today or not. From the moment he takes over the post of Xiangzheng, his outcome is already destined. The head of the Shangguan family

Why do you need to care so much?”

If Chu Xisheng sent troops to Wenjiabao, he would be defeated by that fort.

If this person is afraid of fighting and cowers in Xishan, then the spring tax of 500,000 shi in Xishan Town and the head tax of 310,000 people will be borne by Chu Xisheng's family.

At that time, the county government can be upright and take away the land in Chu Xisheng's hands, thus taking control of the small canal.

As for the aristocratic families in Linhai - as long as Xiushui gives up some shares, it will not be difficult to appease them. Who should they do business with?

In Long Heng's view, it was a failure for Chu Xisheng to take over Liu Dingtang's position as "Xiang Zheng".

Although this would make it easier for Chu Xisheng to control the place, control Xishan Town, and even obtain semi-official status for his subordinates, it would be extremely convenient.

However, Chu Xisheng's move also planted a fatal hidden danger for him.

The reason why Liu Dingtang was able to secure his position as "rural leader" was because of the support of the county captain Shen Zhou and the county army. Those local village tycoons were also willing to sell the Shen family's face.

Chu Xisheng is so reckless, why should he let those Xishan hunters and local tycoons obey his orders?

However, Shangguan Shenhao stared at his left arm: "But I am not willing to do so. If I don't take this son's life, I will not be satisfied."

Long Heng looked clear.

He was unwilling to do so.

Although Longsheng didn't have much affection for him, he was his brother after all.

Long Heng's lips slightly raised: "Don't worry, Master Shangguan, I have made arrangements for this matter. When the one-month deadline is up, the government can arrest this person for failing to collect taxes. By then, you and I will have justice."

If the tax collection is ineffective, the crime will naturally not lead to death. At most, it will be a crime of being sentenced to no family property and being sent to the border.

But once they are convicted, they have countless opportunities to take action.

And it can make the Wuxiang Shenzong have nothing to say——

At this moment, Long Heng's expression suddenly changed, and he took a letter talisman that flew in through the window.

After reading the content, he raised his eyebrows slightly and showed a smile: "Chu Xisheng has sent troops from Xishan half a moment ago. The total number of 700 people in Xishan Hall is marching towards Wenjiabao."


A smile finally appeared on Shangguan Shenhao's stern face.

He put down the silk in his hand, his eyes filled with extreme malice and hatred: "Go ahead! I don't want to see Chu Xisheng leave Wenjiapu alive."

"He can't get out." Long Heng looked indifferent and his voice was as cold as ice.

In today's battle, the troops of Xishan County, Wenjiabao, Yunhe Villa, plus Jiudaowu and Baiyun Village, there were a total of nine lower-ranked soldiers, thirty-five lower-ranked soldiers, and five thousand elite soldiers.

How could he get out of Wenjiapu with just the rabble recruited by Xishan Hall?


At the same time, in Wenjiabao.

After Yun He Dao Yin Yang jumped off his horse, he hurriedly stepped onto the stone archery tower in the center of Wubao.

He did not choose to stick to Yunhe Villa, but after inquiring about the movements of Xishan Hall, he personally led all the masters of the eighth grade and above in the village to rush here to help out.

In Yin Yang's opinion, if Wenjia Fort can be defended, then Yunhe Villa will be safe and sound.

If Wenjia Fort cannot be defended, Yunhe Villa will probably be destroyed.

When Yin Yang went upstairs, he saw his friend Wen Tiancai standing by the battlements and looking out.

"How is the situation?" Yin Yang strode over and looked towards the front of Wubao.

His brows suddenly frowned.

I saw a small military formation neatly arranged two miles in front of Wubao.

There were about seven hundred people, all wearing brand-new leather armor and holding magic weapon-level swords.

In front of them, there were thirty four-arm crossbows dragged by carriages.

"Ouch!" Yin Yang was stunned for a while: "Look at this military formation, these armors, they actually have the momentum of a frontier army."

"They are all fake. These gang members have only been in Xishan Hall for a month. How can they have the capabilities of the border army?"

Wen Tiancai put his hands behind his back and looked calm.

"Just now, that boy named Chu sent someone in to give me an ultimatum, saying that he would give me one last chance. Now that I pay all the taxes and give him 200,000 taels of magic silver as compensation, he will not cooperate with me this time.

I care about it. If you don't pay, my Wen family will be razed today.

I wondered why the horse didn't know its own face, and the cow didn't know its horns. So I cut off the man's ears and drove him out. As the saying goes, be polite before fighting, I guess this man should take action. Huh?"

Wen Tiancai saw a large Suan Ni fire beast about three feet tall appearing in front of the opposite formation.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and then smiled sarcastically: "This is a good way to invite gods. Look at this Suan Ni, he has the appearance and spirit."

Songhe Dao Yin Yang didn't pay much attention. He pressed the knife with his hand and said: "When I came here just now, I saw the Xishan County Army sending troops. Yan Guo kept his promise this time and used all his strength. The whole army was at a distance.

In less than twenty-four miles, they are expected to arrive at the back of Xishan Hall within a moment."

Wen Tiancai didn't care, and pointed forward with his riding crop: "In fact, there is no need for county troops. Our Wenjia fortress is impregnable, with four hundred generals, a thousand villagers, seven people of seven grades, plus you and The manpower provided by Lieutenant Shen is enough to give them a bloody blow! Look at my gate, it has two layers inside and outside. The front layer is made of iron wood, and the back layer is made of refined black iron. Even a siege hammer cannot break it——"

At this moment, the Suan Ni suddenly rushed towards the castle gate.

It ran at an extremely fast speed and turned into a ball of red light that was difficult to discern with the naked eye. It hit the fort gate with a bang. It turned into a raging flame that not only engulfed the entire fort gate, but even spread to the sides of the fort. On the stone wall.

The villagers on the wall fled and retreated far away.

Several of them were unable to escape and were directly engulfed by the red flames, burning to ashes in an instant.

At the same time, Xishan Hall's thirty four-armed crossbows, as well as numerous archers and crossbowmen, all set their bows and arrows and fired towards the city gate.

Those four-arm bed crossbows are not bad, their range can reach five or six miles.

The effective range of those bows and arrows is only more than one mile.

But at this time, a strong wind blew around Chu Xisheng. The wind assisted the arrows, pushing up all the arrows and shooting them at the city gate.

Those were all explosive arrows worth twenty taels of magic silver, totaling four hundred in number. There were also thirty giant crossbow arrows, which almost penetrated the wooden door.

When these explosive arrows exploded one after another, the first wooden door was directly blown into powder. The flames they exploded were swept up by the fire beast 'Suanni', turning into a sea of ​​red fire, burning the black iron door behind.

Wen Tiancai shook his head: "Idiot! This black iron door is one foot and two inches thick. How can they still burn through my iron door?"

His voice stopped abruptly.

Wen Tiancai's eyes had already passed through the flames and scorching air, and saw that the iron door was melting rapidly!

Wen Tiancai's eyes glazed over for a moment, wondering what kind of fire was this? How could it burn through his one-foot-two-inch thick iron door?

Four hundred flaming arrows have such power?

"Something's wrong!"

Yunhe Dao Yin Yang's pupils shrank: "It's the true meaning of inflammation! That 'Suanni' contains at least the eighth level of the true meaning of inflammation!"

This method of inviting gods is more than just a complete form of the gods. It is simply inviting the real Suanni spirit to the mortal world!

The one who used the magic of inviting gods just now seems to be just an eighth-level magic cultivator?

Chu Xisheng’s Xishan Hall actually has such a magic genius?

Yin Yang stayed for a moment, then walked to the battlements, leaned down and roared: "What are you doing standing still? All the magicians, come to me to put out the fire! The rest of you, please bring me water to put out the fire -"

Wen Tiancai supported six eighth-level magicians in Wenjia Fort, and the Shen family also supported three.

The two men worked together to cast a spell, and instantly summoned a huge water dragon. It was more than thirty feet long and as thick as four water tanks.

After the water dragon pounced on the fort gate, it made an instant "sizzling" sound, stimulating countless water vapors. White mist transpired throughout the fort, spreading to all sides of the fort under the influence of strong winds.

Yin Yang's face looked a little ugly.

Although the water slightly extinguished the flames on the black iron door, many cracks had appeared on the surface of the iron door itself due to the rapid cooling.

But what frightened Yin Yang even more was that just a moment later, as the Xishan Hall military formation outside the fort fired a second wave of explosive arrows, not only did the fire at the gate reignite, but the Suanni beast also regained its ferocious power, causing the surrounding water vapor to

Burning in the fire.

"This gate can't hold up anymore."

Yin Yang's face turned pale: "This magician has some skills. Brother Wen can gather the villagers and form a formation behind the door to stop the enemy!"

At this time, the magicians had summoned the second water dragon and pounced on the city gate.

The next moment, the door made of refined black iron burst open, turning into pieces of iron and falling with a crash.

Yin Yang had already expected this.

The reason why he didn't stop it was because if these magicians didn't use water dragons to extinguish the fire, the iron gate would melt in an instant.

Moreover, the ‘Suanni’ fire beast is very powerful. If its fire cannot be suppressed, the raging flames will spread over the entire fort, making it even more troublesome.

Wen Tiancai's face was ashen: "Zhuang Yuan! You lead two hundred generals to block the gate and the school grounds for me. I need the most elite manpower to block it for me! The rest of the people will be on the wall for me.

I'll shoot them!"

Zhuang Yuan is the chief general of the Wen family and is at the seventh rank.

After hearing the order, this man immediately ordered a large group of elite Wen family soldiers to form a formation behind the gate.

Above the four stone walls and arrow towers in the fort, there were more than six hundred people, all holding bows and crossbows, looking solemn and ready.

Wen Tiancai clenched his hands tightly and hit the battlements hard: "They want to flatten my Wenjia Fort. They are dreaming!"

He also has three hundred crossbowmen and three hundred archers, all of whom are well trained.

Even if Xishan Hall invades, he can kill all these bastards in the stone castle!

At this time, outside Wubao, Lu Pingyuan was dumbfounded.

Those two thick and solid doors, as unbreakable as copper walls and iron walls, were actually burned down like this? It took less than fifty breaths!

The Suan Ni beast summoned by Little Sister Chu is actually so powerful?

The little girl from the Chu family is young and as sickly as her brother.

His face was pale, and he was so thin that he seemed to float away in the wind.

If it weren't for the sharp heroic spirit contained in her eyebrows, she would have looked just like a sickly lady raised in a boudoir.

Lu Pingyuan never expected that this woman's magic would be so powerful.

This pair of Chu family brothers and sisters are actually unique geniuses——

But what happens next is still dangerous.

There are still four sixth-grade warriors in the stone fort. Wen Tiancai and Yun He Dao and Yin Yang's family work together, and there are more than a dozen seventh-grade warriors. This Wubao is still as stable as Mount Tai.

Unless Chu Xisheng retreats now, there may be a chance of survival.

Chu Xisheng had no idea about the thoughts of the altar owner around him.

When he saw that both the front and rear gates had been breached, he flicked his sleeves and said, "Stop your arrows and prepare your sword!"

If he keeps ejaculating, he will go bankrupt.

One blasting talisman arrow costs twenty taels, four hundred arrows equals eight thousand taels, and two rounds of shooting make sixteen thousand taels.

It is also necessary to add giant arrows specially designed for the four-arm crossbow. Each of these arrows costs 200 taels of magic silver, but its power is up to thirteen times that of ordinary Explosive Flame Talisman arrows, making it more cost-effective.

Many archers and crossbowmen immediately put away their crossbows and drew their swords and guns.

Lu Luanli looked at Chu Yunyun and sighed loudly: "The true meaning of the eight layers of flame, the true meaning of the six layers of thunder, the true meaning of the six layers of smoke, Yunyun's talent in the art of inviting gods is so amazing! This Suanni's

The power is comparable to the top level fire spells on the seventh level."

She turned her head again and looked at the white mist that enveloped the entire Wenjia Fort.

Lu Luanli couldn't help but squint his eyes, wondering if Chu Xisheng did this on purpose?

She was worried that it would be difficult to reveal her true strength in public——

Chu Xisheng laughed dumbly.

That 'Suanni' is not the magic of inviting gods, but the 'simulation technique' covered with the skin of 'the magic of inviting gods'.

Chu Yunyun had already restrained herself very much today, otherwise the true meaning of the Nine Layers of Flame could have been simulated.

Her spirit evil spirit 'Suanni' has not even been mixed in yet.

"It's never too late to talk about this nonsense again."

Chu Xisheng had already drawn out his Xunfeng Thunder Saber: "Pass my order, everyone except Xi Zi Tan will come forward! Today, if you kill a person of the ninth rank, you will be rewarded with twenty taels, and if you kill the eighth rank, you will be rewarded with twenty taels.

Fifty taels! Those who kill the seventh grade, or six eighth grade or above, can be directly promoted to the altar master! I will give you half a moment, and within half a moment, we can defeat the Wen Family Fort!"

The Xishan County Army should be still seventeen miles away from here, which means they only have less than a moment to resolve the battle at Wenjiabao.

Lu Pingyuan shook his head secretly.

Currently, Xishan Hall has only two seventh-level cultivations, and the rest, including the hall leader Chu Xisheng, are all in eighth-level cultivation.

How can they level Wenjiabao in half a moment?

Just as Lu Pingyuan was thinking, Chu Xisheng flew up.

He soared to a height of seventy feet, gliding through the air like a roc, and covered a distance of more than seventy feet in one glide.

More than four hundred arrows were shot out of Nawu Fort in an instant, and they were shot at him densely.

However, these arrow rains were blocked by Chu Xisheng's double swords, making it impossible to get close.

He didn't deliberately reflect the arrow back, but the shadow of a pair of swords was airtight.

At the same time, with the help of body skills, he was changing and moving, speeding up and slowing down, so that the number of arrows that could actually hit him was less than thirty, and he could be swept away easily.

Just a moment later, Wei Yang and Li Shenshan also chased up from behind. Their combat prowess was on par with those of the sixth grade. They both had extraordinary physical skills and superb swordsmanship, and they even shared the pressure on Chu Xisheng.

It only took Chu Xisheng a dozen ups and downs to reach the top of the stone castle gate.

At this time, all his spiritual will was condensed into one and stimulated to the peak!


As Chu Xisheng waved his long knife in the air, a ferocious giant beast appeared in the air.

It has the head of a dragon and the body of a jackal, with a sword in its mouth, and its whole body is surrounded by the energy of Geng metal.

As the sword vibrated, it made a sharp metallic sound.

Stimulated by the hostility and murderous intent of thousands of people, Chu Xisheng's Yazhan Sword Intent, which increased to the ninth level of intensity, instantly swept across the entire place.

The situation this time was much better than the previous battle with the Xishan County Army.

Upgrading to the fifth level of Pure Yang and the third level of Taishangshentong, Chu Xisheng's spiritual power nearly doubled!

After Chu Xisheng slashed his sword intent, his mind was only slightly dizzy. At the same time, he also supported a more powerful sword intent, which was almost as strong as the tenth level!

At this moment, almost all the archers and crossbowmen on the fort wall within thirty feet, as well as the many soldiers of the Wen family who were guarding behind the fort gate, all felt a knife pierce into their minds, and their minds were shaken.

Internal dizziness, sharp pain, and complete sluggish thinking.

Those who were closer and had weaker cultivation levels were bleeding from their orifices and fell to their knees uncontrollably.

This silenced the arrow rain in the fort, leaving a huge gap.

At the same time, Wei Yang and Li Shenshan fell to the stone wall like goshawks. They swept towards the left and right of the stone wall like a tornado, passing by invincibly. Those archers were either forced off the wall, or

He was beaten to death directly.

Zhou Liangchen, Xiang Kui, Wang Zheng, and the many deputy altar masters who were at the eighth level were one step behind.

Most of them hesitated a little and were extremely cautious when entering the fort gate. But then they discovered that the Suanni fire beast summoned by Chu Yunyun was plundering in front, attacking from all sides, and hundreds of elite soldiers of the Wen family were also there.

Suppressed by Chu Xisheng's sword intent, his expression was painful and his movements were slow.

At this moment, everyone put aside their worries and charged into the military formation ahead like wolves and tigers.

"Damn it!"

In the central archery tower, Yunhe Dao Yin Yang looked at the tall figure standing proudly on the top of the city through the heavy white fog, his pupils stern.

Because of the white mist, he couldn't see clearly Xi Sheng's appearance, but he knew that this person must be Chu Xisheng, the master of Xishan Hall!

He was secretly shocked.

Do you think this is Chu Xisheng's Yaizhan Sword Intention? It is indeed terrifyingly powerful! It seems that he can suppress thousands of armies with his own strength!

No wonder this man was able to join forces with 'Iron Bull' Jia Dali to defeat the Xishan County Army a year ago!

Yin Yang narrowed his eyes: "I'm going to meet this guy. I can't let him go on any more rampage. Brother Wen, you have to find a way to stop those two people. This is also a big trouble. We have to defend this fort and this fort wall."

There must be no mistakes.”

——The combat power of the two martial arts cultivators who were plundering on top of the wall was as high as that of a sixth-grade warrior!

In this short period of time, three seventh-grade people in Wenjiabao had been killed and injured by them.

"Brother Yin, just go! I have my own way with those two people. This time the Shen family helped my two sixth-grade generals——"

Wen Tiancai's face became even more gloomy.

He regretted it a little. He didn't expect that the Xishan Hall of the Iron Banner Gang, which was established less than two months ago, could be so fierce!

Wen Tiancai didn't think his family would lose, but the casualties suffered by Wenjiabao so far made him feel heartbroken.

If given the chance to make another choice, Wen Tiancai would definitely be more cautious and not jump too far ahead.

But just when Yin Yang was about to leave, a petite figure emerged from the thick white mist and flew into the central archery tower.

Wen Tiancai and Yin Yang immediately closed their eyes and looked at the girl behind them.

She was a girl about fifteen years old, with a delicate lily hairdo, beautiful facial features, a straight nose, a lily-shaped gemstone embedded between her eyebrows, and large and charming eyes.

She was holding a wild goose feather knife in her hand, and she was doing tricks with it casually. Her expression was relaxed and she looked at the two of them with a bit of contempt.

"A mere sixth-grade person, a loser who was pushed up by magic weapons and war maps, dares to provoke Xishan Hall where I am the leader?"

Lu Luanli sheathed the knife, and there was a fierce murderous intent in his beautiful eyes: "You actually dare to chop off the ears of my messenger. You two bastards, have you eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard?"

Yun He Dao Yin Yang listened to the girl's words, feeling frightened in his heart.

He has the gift of perception of "five-sense psychic", and his sensing ability ranks among the top among his peers.

But just now, until the girl was as close as three feet away, he was unable to sense her presence.

Wen Tiancai was furious: "Bitch! Get out of here."

He drew his sword directly and tried to slash at Lu Luanli's neck.

However, Wen Tiancai's sword had only been unsheathed less than two inches when his head was already flying into the air.

Wen Tiancai saw a three-color sword flash in front of his eyes, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his neck, and the vision in front of him rolled. Then he realized something, and his eyes suddenly opened into the shape of copper bells.

And just when Wen Tiancai's head flew into the air and he gradually lost consciousness, Yunhe Dao Yin Yang suddenly jumped out of the central archery tower.

His silhouette was like a crane in the clouds, and he fled to the north in fear.

Yin Yang has seen that this girl's cultivation level is at least below the sixth level!

And its combat power is enough to compete head-on with a fifth-grade master!

Where did this fairy figure come from?

A fifteen-year-old sixth-grade junior who is a master of both martial arts and martial arts - even those Qingyun Tianjiao ranked in the top three of the "On Martial Arts" list are far behind!

"Want to escape?"

The corners of Lu Luanli's lips raised slightly and he smiled: "It's too late!"

She waved her sleeves slightly, and another three-color sword light swung across her.

Yunhe Dao Yin Yang's body flying in mid-air was actually split into two halves by her knife.

The corners of Lu Luanli's lips raised slightly. After experiencing the 'Blood Burning Sacrifice', her combat power had indeed become stronger.

In the past, when she encountered someone like Yin Yang, she would have to use at least two swords to deal with him.

Lu Luanli then swept his sword and wiped out many archers on the central archery tower in an instant, and then turned his attention to other directions.

She was looking for the two sixth-grade martial arts cultivators from the Shen family.

At the end of last month, Lu Luanli finally took 400 taels of magic silver from Chu Xisheng, so he could afford the salary.

Chu Xisheng said that he would destroy Wenjia Fort within half an hour, so she would help him destroy this damn Wubao.

At this time, in the white mist, Xiang Kui also encountered a strong enemy.

He met a seventh-grade subordinate, and with great strength, he blasted away a short gun, forcing Xiang Kui to retreat in embarrassment, and was even forced to retreat against a stone wall.

He had no way to retreat, but the opponent's marksmanship was still unparalleled, following him like a shadow.

Xiang Kui's eyebrows furrowed. He was annoyed but also felt helpless.

There are already more than 20 people in Xishan Hall who have rushed into the stone castle. Why does this person have to cause trouble for him?

Xiangkui felt a little regretful.

You shouldn't have been greedy for the reward just now, and there was also the promise of the 'Altar Master' to kill someone so ruthlessly, so this person must have targeted him because of this.

Xiang Kui resisted while peeking around.

There was white smoke on both sides, and even with his eyesight, he could only see three feet away.

No one is paying attention here anymore.

The corners of Xiang Kui's lips raised slightly, the true energy in his body circulated, and the seal covering his cultivation was gradually released.


At this moment, the short spear of the man opposite was like a dragon, and once again struck with great force.

The knife in Xiang Kui's hand suddenly erupted with a strong wind, and a cold light appeared in his pupils.

Extreme move* Chasing the wind and chasing the sun!

The secret ultimate move from Beitianmen turned Xiang Kui's sword light into a white light that was invisible to the naked eye.

And this sudden increase in the speed of the sword by no less than ten times caught the opponent off guard, and he slashed his sword into the chest.

After about three breaths, Xiang Kui finally killed his opponent. He first dropped a few drops of corpse-transforming water on the corpse of the seventh-grade martial artist, and then walked back to the Wubao with the knife as if nothing had happened, where the battle was fiercest.

the location of.

Just halfway, Xiang Kui saw Wang Zheng.

Both of them were holding knives and looked at each other from a distance of three feet, their pupils slightly condensed.

Xiang Kui felt a sense of awe in his heart.

This guy from Nantianmen is indeed very powerful.

When he saw Wang Zheng just now, he also encountered an opponent whose cultivation level was at the seventh level.

Wang Zheng actually defeated his opponent in just ten breaths?

What is the purpose of this person entering Chu Xisheng’s Xishan Hall to lurk? Is he also doubtful about Chu Xisheng’s growing cultivation and strength?

Xiang Kui thought and continued walking forward.

Just after a dozen steps, he paused and looked ahead intently.

Just five steps away, Zhou Liangchen was engaged in a fierce battle with two martial arts cultivators who were at the seventh level.

He fought one against two, and the situation was not at a disadvantage at all.

And just when Xiang Kui was hesitating whether to go to help, Zhou Liangchen's sword power changed drastically.

He waved his heavy sword and actually condensed countless thick water energy.

Next, one sword was heavier than the other, and seven consecutive sword blows struck the two opponents until they staggered and could hardly stand.

Xiang Kui's pupils shrank, and he recognized that it was the Linhai Zhou family's famous ultimate killing move, 'Seven Waves of Wild Sea'!

Once activated, the opponent will be entangled by the power of water and unable to escape even if he wants to, and can only survive these seven heavy cuts.

Just when Zhou Liangchen struck out the sixth sword, the two of them could no longer hold on. One person's arm was forcibly cut off by Zhou Liangchen, and the other's head was chopped into pieces by Zhou Liangchen's seventh sword.

After Zhou Liangchen defeated the two opponents, he looked at the sword in his hand with doubts.

He feels that he is stronger today than before, much stronger!

It seems that another bloodline has awakened in his body, allowing him to explode with more powerful power when facing powerful enemies!

This chapter has been completed!
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