Chapter 247 Madman Template Card (Please subscribe)

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Tie Xiaosheng looked at Chu Xisheng with a complicated expression.

There are both relief and surprise, but also helplessness and guilt.

After he landed, he smiled bitterly and said: "I sent Qiankun Feijian here not long ago to let you hold back your anger for a while. Why are you so impulsive?"

Chu Xisheng shook his head disapprovingly: "If I endure this tone, many brothers in the Iron Banner Gang will be separated and even lose their enemies. How can I bear it? The prefect Sikong Chan is ruthless and cold and vicious. We are now

To give in is to hand the handle of the knife into someone else's hands, and from then on you become a piece of meat, ready to be slaughtered by others."

Chu Xisheng then looked towards Xiushui City with cold eyes: "Besides, there is nothing to give in to the little array that Sikong Chan has come up with. It's not like we can't hold it back. This person dares to set up a trap to kill me."

Uncle, I will cut him to pieces with a thousand knives before I can vent my hatred!"

Tie Xiaosheng felt very relieved when he heard this, thinking that he and Kuangren really did not become brothers in vain.

Chu Xisheng did have the confidence to say so.

All the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Xiushui City were defeated by Xishan Hall, and the remaining troops could only hide in the city and survive, trembling under the front of Xishan Hall's soldiers.

This was something their brothers never thought of beforehand.

Xiao Chu could actually take over from Tie Kuangren and hold up the world.

Tie Xiaosheng shook his head and said: "The problem is still with the Wuxiang Shen Sect. If you now raise troops to resist the government, you will be wanted by the government and be on the black list; at the worst, you will be labeled as a rebel and become a rebel. After all, the Wuxiang Shen Sect is

The Righteous Divine Sect, they value you very much, but they won’t care enough to break their sect rules and accept you as a member.”

"A real man has things he does and things he doesn't do. How could Mr. Chu bend his will for the sake of a discipleship of the Wuxiang Divine Sect?"

Chu Xisheng burst into laughter: "Uncle Kuang treated me with sincerity and sincerity, and saved my life several times. Now that he is being killed, how can I sit back and watch? As for the government——

The ancients said, "A successful king loses a bandit." If I cannot bring down Sikong Chan, you and I will naturally be traitors and big thieves; but if we break the sky, the high-ranking officials in Jiangnan County will not be able to cover it up, and they themselves

We will deal with Sikong Chan and use his head to appease our Iron Banner Gang. Those charges are not a problem, at best they are just a recruitment situation. Besides, the situation may not deteriorate to this point, so Uncle Tie might as well relax."

Tie Xiaosheng nodded slightly when he heard this, thinking that the current situation could only be like this.

The key is that Chu Xisheng has defeated the Xiushui County Army. Now that he has embarked on this road, he can only go to the dark side.

Either they forced the Dongzhou officialdom to deal with Sikong Chan, or Sikong Chan drove the Iron Banner Gang into a desperate situation. There was no third way.

"Let's talk about business."

Chu Xisheng's expression became solemn: "How are the losses suffered by the General Helms Gang? Where are they currently?"

"They are still in Xishan!" Tie Xiaosheng shook his head and said: "The losses were not much. At that time, the inner government army invested almost all its military manpower in encircling and killing Lao Liu. Therefore, when we broke through, it was smooth and we only suffered losses.

More than 300 people were killed, most of them unharmed.

But they are still on the road in Xishan. Even if they travel all day and night, they will have to arrive at Xishan Town early tomorrow morning. You can't hope for the time being. I was worried about the situation on your side, so I rushed here first."

Chu Xisheng felt slightly disappointed at first, but then suppressed his feelings.

He guessed that the elite commander-in-chief did not rush to Xishan Town so quickly. It was hundreds of miles away from Mijiabao.

Chu Xisheng spoke solemnly: "I would like to ask Uncle Tie to go upstream immediately and take charge. An hour ago, the master of Xunyang Hall, Lu Jiuli, fired two Qiankun Sword Talismans to ask for my help. A group of people had gathered at the Seventeenth Link Wharf upstream.

One hundred and sixty large ships were captured along the current. In addition, they also discovered the naval warships at the Jiangnan County Naval Camp.

The main force of Hall Lu could not support it. He gathered all the brothers from Xunyang County, but they only had 45 large ships and about 5,000 people. Hall Master Lu said that it was no longer a problem for them to retreat. If there were no reinforcements, they would probably be on the river.

The whole army was wiped out, so I sent a letter for help, hoping that I, the Xishan Hall, would lend a helping hand and help them retreat into the Jiudao River and temporarily hide in Jiudaowu."

At that time, when Lu Jiuli sent the Qiankun Sword Talisman, Xishan Hall had not yet defeated the Xiushui Allied Forces.

This person was probably desperate, so he thought of Jiudao River and Jiudaowu.

Jiudaowu has a dangerous terrain, with mountains on both sides and waterways, and a small lake inside that can accommodate more than 80 large ships. It is indeed an excellent place for the Iron Banner Gang to take refuge.

Only the food here cannot be self-sufficient and cannot support a large number of people and horses.

"Uncle Tie, you must summon my brothers and ships from the Iron Flag Gang as soon as possible, go upriver to support Hall Master Lu, and preside over the war with the Seventeenth Chain Dock!"

Chu Xisheng pointed to the opposite side: "We only need thirty large ships and three thousand brothers here to intercept the Tianping army from crossing the river. You can take the rest of the people upstream. Again, bring as many as possible

Brothers, bring more ships and the bigger the momentum, the better.

After the elite commander-in-chief rushes back, I will also ask them to rush for reinforcements. You don’t have to worry about money and food. I will do my best to raise funds to ensure the army can fight for several months. I don’t ask Uncle Tie to repel the 17th Lianwu dock, but I must

Block the Seventeen Chains dock at the Xunyang River boundary."

"I will do my best to do this!"

Tie Xiaosheng nodded slightly and agreed decisively.

Now in the entire Iron Banner Gang, he is the only one who has the ability and qualifications to command this battle on the river.

Who else would be involved in this water battle involving tens of thousands of people?

Tie Xiaosheng thought about Chu Xisheng's intention again.

Chu Xisheng asked him to make a big splash, probably to intimidate Jiangnan County's naval camp.

The greater the Iron Banner Gang's momentum and the more ships it has, the more likely it is that the city's navy will be able to use rat weapons to reduce battle losses.

This is quite easy.

If the Iron Flag Gang mobilizes at full strength, it can mobilize at least more than 300 large ships upstream and downstream, as well as nearly 40,000 coolie shipwrights.

However, these are just a mob that can be used to build up one's reputation, but cannot be used as the main force.

The only ones who can really stand up to the Seventeenth Link Dock and the Jiangnan Naval Battalion are their elite chief rudders.

Only with these 3,500 people as their backbone can they be able to compete with the enemies upstream.

Therefore, he had to find a way to maintain the war situation in the river boundary of the two counties until the early morning of tomorrow, and delay it until the elite commander-in-chief arrived.

Then at the master level, they are also at a disadvantage.

After Tie Kuangren died, they no longer had anyone to compete with Dao Xing, the first of the Seventeen Chains of Wood Dragons.

Tie Xiaosheng thought that he would have no choice but to join forces with Lu Jiuli and try his best to do it.

Lu Jiuli is a master of sixth-level cultivation, and his strength is on par with Song Feng Jian Lin Shi.

Although he is old, his energy and blood are not exhausted yet. In recent years, he has made a lot of money and tinkered with many powerful magic weapons.

Tie Xiaosheng estimated that if he teamed up with Lu Jiuli, he would be able to fight against Ren Daoxing for a while.

In addition, they have more crossbows and large ships, so although the situation is bad, it can still be maintained.

It's a pity that the mysterious masters of Xishan Hall are all unknown and cannot be seen in the light——

Thinking of this, Tie Xiaosheng looked slightly solemn again and bowed to Chu Xisheng: "My subordinate Tie Xiaosheng, please obey the order of the flag master!"

This worship is not only to establish the status of superiority and inferiority between the two parties, but also to stabilize the hearts of the people within the Iron Banner Gang.

Even Tie Xiaosheng has willingly accepted Chu Xisheng as the banner leader. What qualifications do others have to challenge and question Chu Xisheng's status?

There was a strange light in Chu Xisheng's eyes. He did not shy away and accepted Tie Xiaosheng's bow.

After Tie Xiaosheng bowed, he stood up and strode towards the main ship. Chu Xisheng hurriedly raised his hand to stop him.

"Uncle Tie, please wait!"

Chu Xisheng opened up the treasure house of martial arts in his field of vision.

He invested zero and one blood element point and started a hundred consecutive brushes.

Chu Xisheng wants to produce the ‘Iron Madman Template Enhancement Card (First Level)’ and the ‘Iron Madman Character Template Card’.

In the past, Chu Xisheng was also worried about Tie Kuangren's promotion to the fourth rank, and wanted to use a template enhancement card on Tie Kuangren to increase his chances of promotion.

The problem is that the brothers Tie Kuangren and Tie Xiaosheng are not his subordinates, but his superiors.

However, today Tie Xiaosheng claimed to be a subordinate, and the two parties had already determined their master-slave status.

He wanted to try to see if this template card could be used on Tie Xiaosheng.

Strangely enough, these two template cards were quite common. In the past, he would see them once every twenty times or so.

Today he invested 0.5 blood points in a row, and even after swiping it 500 times, there was no sign of it.

But at the 527th time, Chu Xisheng looked slightly stunned.

The body of time and shadow (seventh level) - allows a person to walk as quickly as a shadow and chase the time. On the basis of ordinary people, it can double the body speed, double the jumping ability, and double the body flexibility.

Sexuality and coordination, and possesses the power of 'a flash of time (weak)', which requires 33 blood points to exchange.

A flash of time (weak): It can break the limit of the time sequence, slow down the surrounding time sequence slightly, and maintain two breaths. Within twelve hours, it can be used five times with the help of the power of blood.

Chu Xisheng raised her eyebrows and thought that this was really a deliberate attempt to plant flowers that would not bloom, but an unintentional planting of willows to create shade.

He hadn't seen this 'Blink of Time' for a month, but it appeared today.

‘Time and Shadow’ is the ability that appears when the Time and Shadow body enters the sixth level.

Chu Xisheng has used it before, and the effect is similar to the "bullet time" in TV movies.

After casting, the flow of time around you will slow down a bit, to about 50%.

This is equivalent to increasing his hand speed, body speed, reaction speed, thinking speed, etc. by 50%!

This ability is incredibly powerful.

However, at the sixth level, Chu Xisheng could only use 'Time Flash' once in twelve hours, so he always hid it as his trump card and trump card.

After level seven, it can be increased to five times.

Chu Xisheng redeemed it without hesitation, and then continued to invest blood points to swipe the treasure house.

Tie Xiaosheng had been waiting for about half a moment.

His eyes were full of doubts.

Chu Xi asked to wait, but she didn't say a word or did anything.

But what time is it now? The situation upstream is already critical. If we delay for a moment longer, it will become even more dangerous.

"Flag Master?" Tie Xiaosheng was very anxious. Just as he was about to ask, he saw Chu Xisheng's lips raised slightly and his face turned happy.

Chu Xisheng finally produced the ‘Iron Madman Character Template Card’ and the ‘Iron Madman Template Enhancement Card (First Level)’.

Iron Madman Character Template Card - This card can be used on the tribe, allowing them to have all the understanding and talents of the Iron Madman. The target must be male, no more than forty years old, and have character traits such as righteousness, calmness, unyielding, and tenacity.

14 blood points.

Note: After this card is used, it will only take effect when the object is under your command. Once the object is out of your control, the template card will lose its effectiveness within three months and return to the storage column, entering an unused state.

‘Iron Madman Template Enhancement Card (Level 1)’ - Enhances the Iron Madman character template card based on it to greatly enhance talents, understanding and bloodline talents, which requires 30 blood points.

Chu Xisheng was actually a little hesitant.

Chu Xisheng didn’t even know how effective the Iron Madman’s first-level enhancement card was? To what level could it be enhanced? Can it exceed the level of the ‘Qin Muge Character Template Card (50% off version)’?

If you can't surpass it, you might as well spend twenty blood points to exchange for half of Qin Muge.

However, Chu Xisheng considered that the many talents awakened by Iron Madman should be the most suitable for the Iron Armor Hunyuan Gong, so he reluctantly exchanged them.

At this time, Tie Xiaosheng felt a heat in his body.

He felt itchy all over his body, right down to his bones! He also felt like balls of magma were coming out of his bones.

This made his whole body feel hot and full of energy.

"This is?"

Tie Xiaosheng was shocked and confused. This situation in his body seemed to be the awakening of his bloodline?

He tried his best to circulate his true energy, calm the abnormalities in his body, and disperse the 'magma'.

But just as he was trying to spread the heat all over his body and all his limbs, a second wave of even more hot magma emerged from his bones.

Tie Xiaosheng was puzzled.

How could I have awakened my bloodline just fine?

Was it because of the death of the painful old Liu that he was stimulated?

But why is it at the Chengdong Pier in Xiushui County? And not at Mijiazhuang, the scene of the madman’s death?

At this time, Chu Xisheng smiled slightly and looked at him: "I just thought of a plan to defeat the enemy, but it's still not appropriate to think about it. Uncle Tie, go ahead. If there is a battle upstream, Uncle Tie can make his own decisions.


Tie Xiaosheng was confused and didn't know why.

However, he still suppressed his doubts and rose into the air, flying towards the main rudder ship.

——That is their chief rudder, and it is also a powerful warship.

Just when Tie Xiaosheng was halfway through the flight, his eyes were slightly stunned.

Tie Xiaosheng felt that his movement speed was nearly 40% faster than before.

He then stepped into the void and sensed his body carefully.

After a moment, Tie Xiaosheng clenched his fist tightly, and a glimmer of light gradually appeared in his eyes.

His bloodline talent has actually been strengthened by three levels on the original basis!

Tie Xiaosheng didn't know the reason for this, but he really wanted to have a fight with Long Shou Ren Dao Xing of the Seventeenth Link Dock.

Since the death of the madman, Tie Xiaosheng has been growing anger and resentment in his heart. They have become clotted and difficult to resolve, leaving him with sluggish energy and blood and a sharp pain in his chest.

And the best way to vent these anger and hatred is a heart-wrenching battle.

——He may not lose this battle!


Prefect Sikong Chan received the defeat report from Xiushui County half an hour after the battle in Xiushui County ended.

At this time, he was riding in a carriage on his way back to Xiushui County.

When Sikong Chan took the three Qiankun Flying Swords sent from behind and saw the talisman at the tail of the flying swords, he immediately vomited a ball of blood in his mouth, staining his beard and clothes on his chest red.

The injuries that had been suppressed in his body worsened again.

Sikong Chan then looked even more ferocious, gritting his teeth and spitting out a few names.

"Shen Zhou! Shangguan Shenhao! Shuzi——"

These three Qiankun Flying Swords come from the Shen family, the Shangguan family, and his subordinate Chang Shi.

Although the contents of the letters are different, the messages conveyed are very consistent.

In this battle, the allied forces of the Xiushui Family were defeated miserably. More than 5,000 soldiers from Xiushui County were killed, and more than 9,000 soldiers from the Inner City Family were killed and injured. More than 5,000 people were captured by Xishan Hall.

The high-ranking martial arts cultivators also suffered heavy losses, with twenty-two sixth-rank martial arts cultivators killed in the battle, and five fifth-rank masters also killed in the battle - including several heads of aristocratic families.

Currently, there are less than five thousand soldiers in Xiushui County, and the number of high-quality martial arts cultivators is also seriously insufficient.

The commander-in-chief Shen Zhouzheng forced the strong men in the city to go to the city to guard the city.

In addition, the magician of Xishan Hall is continuously casting spells at night to summon clouds and mist to cover the moonlight.

It is rainy in late April, so it is particularly easy for Xishantang magicians to summon clouds and mist.

Xiushui County had to use the 1,500 low-grade spiritual stones and 30,000 taels of sacred gold from its storage, on the one hand to consolidate the city defense array, and on the other hand to provide magicians with spells to disperse the clouds and mist.

Sikong Chan's pupils were red.

Those 1,500 low-grade spiritual stones and 30,000 taels of divine gold were collected by him in every possible way and prepared to be paid to the state and city as taxes!

Don’t these wealthy families have any money? How dare they use it without permission!

What made Sikong Chan's energy and blood attack his heart even more, and his inner body was on fire, was the huge defeat of Shen Zhou and others, which ruined the good situation in front of him.

Without these 20,000 troops and horses, and these many masters, how could he suppress the Iron Banner Gang?

If the situation continues to deteriorate and the Iron Flag Gang plunders Xiushui, how should he explain to his superiors?

At this moment, endless regret gnaws at my heart.

The stone of the Iron Banner Gang was so hard that it broke all of his teeth, and even his wife died at the hands of the Iron Maniac.

Sikong Chan wondered why he was in trouble?

So what if we just let the Iron Banner Gang continue to grow? Why should we take such risks for the sake of greed for the Iron Banner Gang's properties?

You can just swallow your anger, stay as the governor for a few more years, and then find a way to transfer him to another position.

However, the deal was done and he had no room for regret.

Sikong Chan then suppressed the anger in his chest, as well as the slight panic, and fell into the long exam.

The county lieutenant Shen Zhou and Xiushui County Magistrate Shi said in unison that there were several mysterious masters in Xishan Hall.

Shangguan Shenhao even said that there was a woman among them who practiced the "Thirteen Taibao Henglian Jinzhong" and her combat power was even higher than that of the Iron Madman before her promotion.

This should be true.

Fortunately, these people have problems with their identities and are unwilling to reveal their identities, so they cannot appear openly in front of others.

In other words, he still has hope to solve the problem of 'Xi Shan Tang'.

At this moment, the voices of two middle-aged men came from outside: "Prefect!"

Those are Sikong Chan's chief steward Sikong Pan and Songfeng Jianlinshi.

The two of them must have learned the news, as they both stood respectfully outside the carriage with worried faces.

Sikong Chan raised his eyebrows, then flicked his sleeves and cleared away the blood on his chest in an instant.

"Come up!"

When Sikongpan and Songfeng Jianlinshi boarded the carriage, they saw that although Sikongchan's face was pale, his expression was calm and calm, without any hint of anxiety or panic.

"Do you all know about the great defeat of Xiushui County?"

Sikong Chan glanced at the two of them, and then smiled: "I didn't expect Chu Xisheng to be so ferocious, let alone Xishan Hall's combat power. I'm in a lot of trouble this time."

An angry look appeared on the face of the chief steward, Sikong Pan: "It's all because of the incompetence of Lieutenant Shen Zhou and others that ruined your master's plan."

"Really incompetent!"

Sikong Chan nodded slightly: "I read three battle reports, and I predict that they will be defeated even if they use the wind to drive away the fog. Chu Xisheng is actually capable of discerning celestial phenomena and climate, and is proficient in the art of war. Compared to that useless Shen Zhou

Much stronger. They won this battle unjustly.

However, Chu Xisheng acted rashly and killed officials to rebel, which coincides with my wishes. After this battle is over, the Wuxiang Shenzong will have nothing to say."

Songfeng Jianlinshi looked pale and said cautiously: "Prefect, Xiushui County lost miserably in this battle. Now the Iron Banner Gang is fully mobilizing all peripheral gangs up and down the Shenxiu River. It is expected that by early tomorrow morning,

Gather 40,000 navy troops. At that time——"

He swallowed and said nothing.

As the leader of the Xiushui Hall and the Internal Affairs Hall of the Iron Flag Gang, Lin Shi is well aware of the strength of the Iron Flag Gang.

Originally, he expected that after Tie Kuangren's death, Chu Xi's reputation would not be strong enough to command the entire gang.

Under the heavy pressure of the government, most of the coolie boatmen on the periphery of the Iron Flag Gang will no longer obey their orders.

However, today's great victory at Xishan Hall not only greatly changed the situation of the Iron Flag Gang, but also made Chu Xisheng's reputation so powerful in Xiushui that he could replace the Iron Maniac's status.

Song Feng Jian Lin Shi was anxious and frightened.

The Iron Flag Gang actually has the possibility to turn the crisis around.

This is undoubtedly bad news for him, a traitor.

The stronger and more powerful the Iron Flag Gang becomes, the more dangerous his situation will be in the future.

"There is no way to stop this."

Sikong Chan shook his head: "However, there is no Tie Kuangman in this world, and the battle on the river is not just about more people and more boats. Dao Xing, the first leader of the Seventeenth Chain of Wulong, is also a kind of hero and overlord. Tie Xiaosheng and Lu Jiuli

They are no match for him, and the Iron Banner Gang will not be able to withstand the offensives of the Seventeenth Link Dock and Jiangnan County Naval Battalion no matter what."

When he looked at Song Feng Jian Lin Shi, he was secretly ridiculing in his heart, but he didn't show it in his words or demeanor.

"What's more, the Iron Banner Gang is currently suffering from internal and external troubles and has countless flaws. We just need to deal with it calmly and it will be easy to break."

Sikong Chan sneered slightly and threw an object in his hand to his chief steward: "You can take this object later to find the Blood Wind Sword Li Daogui. Tell him that I agreed to the previous transaction and I am willing to increase the price by one hundred thousand taels."

Silver, ask him to complete it within three days."

Listening to his words, Lin Shi felt inexplicably calm.

He had experienced a similar feeling when he was with Iron Maniac.

In the past, no matter what dangerous situation the Iron Banner Gang encountered, Tie Kuangren could stabilize people's hearts in a few words.

He is truly worthy of being the governor of this county, someone who can force Iron Maniac into a desperate situation.

He then looked intently at the butler's hand and discovered that the thing was actually a blood-colored bat.

Lin Shi's eyes lit up when he saw this.

Now on the ground in Dongzhou, there are not many people who dare to be enemies with Chu Xisheng.

The Blood Wind Pirates are a force that is not afraid of the Iron Banner Gang and the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

The blood wind thieves are also strong enough, and behind them is Blood Bat Mountain, one of the five first-class demon sects——

Anyway, they are a thorn in the side of Wuxiang Shenzong and a thorn in their flesh, so they have no shortage of this grudge.

I wonder what the deal the prefect is talking about is?

At this time, Sikong Chan looked at Lin Shi with a smile: "In addition, I also want to ask Hall Master Lin to do something for me. Once this is done, the Iron Banner Gang's defeat will be further increased!"


Songfeng Jianlinshi's heart froze and he listened attentively.

And just a moment later, Lin Shi's face showed an expression of ecstasy.

This chapter has been completed!
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