Chapter 280 Unexpected (please subscribe)

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Chu Ming was in a bad mood when she got off the boat.

Throughout the day, she continued to receive letters from the Chu family in the west of Beijing.

Almost without exception, she was told to be careful about her own safety.

The news coming from all sides is bad.

On the day after she exposed her ability of ‘Tiejian Jingjia’, Daning’s largest killer organizations, ‘Shashenglou’ and ‘Pangshengtian’, offered her a high reward.

It was actually three parts of a third-grade upper secret medicine, or nine parts of a third-grade lower secret medicine.

The main ingredients of secret medicines above level 4 cannot be saved.

So this is the promise of three top people on the first-grade heaven list.

——That’s Yu Duxing, the fifth one on the Heavenly List, ‘Yong Sui Piao Ling’, the ninth one, ‘Sword Like a Dream’, Lu Chen, and the sixteenth one, ‘Nine Swords and Qin Demon’, Lang Beiwang.

As long as someone can kill her, they can obtain the main ingredients of the secret medicine they want under the full escort of these three first-grade Tianbang experts.

This commitment is simply priceless and cannot be exchanged for any amount of magic silver.

How could Chu Ming not panic when being targeted by such three top men on the Heavenly Ranking?

It is said that the giant god survivors in the north also started a commotion because of this, and the reaction was so violent that it even exceeded the territory of Daning.

It's just that the Chu family's intelligence network does not cover the northern border, so the truth is unknown for the time being.

Chu Ming was already in a state of confusion.

When she was chosen by the emperor to inherit the 'Blood Yai Sacred Legend', she knew the dangers contained therein.

You need to know that in the past, not even Wang and Tieshan Qin clan could withstand it.

Especially yesterday, the last general of their Chu family, the ‘Yin Yang Tu’ Ma Tai, was also forcibly attacked and killed by the Hundred Steps Divine Fist.

This not only further reduced the defense force around her, but also made Chu Ming feel like a frightened bird.

Divine Fist Judge Xi Bitian's fist power can reach thousands of feet through the air and attack and kill high-level martial arts cultivators.

From years ago to now, several masters of the Chu family, along with two direct descendants of the Chu family, have died at the hands of Xi Bitian.

That is her father's most feared and most difficult enemy at present.

Chu Ming had to be afraid.

However, when the Pingtian treasure ship landed at Wuxiang Mountain, Chu Ming still felt relieved.

This is the Wuxiang Sacred Mountain where two first-grade experts and more than a hundred second- and third-grade experts sit.

Wuxiang Shenshan was also carefully built by Wuxiang Shenzong.

It itself is a very large magic weapon.

In the surrounding area of ​​3,000 miles, the Wuxiang Divine Sect can resist the entire Daning court with only one sect.

Twenty-seven years ago, the Night Wolf God Clan united many vassals and gathered 13 million troops to attack the Wuxiang Mountain, but they could not move the Wuxiang Mountain.

The Night Wolf Clan's vitality was severely damaged and could not recover for decades.

This is also the reason why the Wolf God Clan was defeated a few years ago and the entire clan was wiped out by Qin Muge.

Chu Ming thought that no matter how rampant and ruthless the killers, rebels, and monsters who wanted her life were, they could not take action against her inside the Wuxiang Mountain.

Otherwise, how can the Wuxiang Shenzong retain its dignity?

She relaxed and flew to the top of Wuxiang Mountain with Qing Xuzi.

Chu Ming had no ability to control the air, so he relied on Qing Xuzi to use his vast vitality to turn into three-color divine light, attracting the two of them to fly to the top of the mountain.

At this time, Chu Ming finally had the time to pay attention to Chu Xisheng beside her.

I saw this man looking calmly and leisurely, looking around at the scenery of Wuxiang Mountain.

She couldn't help snorting coldly, and said with a slight coldness in her eyes: "Are you very proud now? You have become a 'Xue Jia Candidate', and you have been rising steadily since then. Your future is boundless, and you are indeed worthy of your pride.

But I heard one thing. Yesterday, there were experts from the Heavenly Rankings in the 'Slaying Tower' and 'Palace of Rebirth' who offered a reward for you. They offered you two million taels of magic silver plus a fourth-grade secret medicine.


Chu Xisheng was stunned when he heard this. He really didn't know about this.

The Iron Flag Gang is still a local gang and cannot help him find out this information.

His mood became slightly cold.

A portion of the fourth-grade secret medicine is far more attractive than millions of taels of magic silver.

What's more, his reward in the Killing Tower had previously accumulated to three million taels.

The bounties accumulated before and after this can even arouse the interest of high ranking people.

This means that he will be in constant danger in the next few months.

When Chu Ming saw Chu Xisheng, she also started to frown, looking sad, and her mood improved a lot.

Both of them are the successors of Bloody Eyes selected by the Wuxiang Divine Sect, how could she be the only one who is worried?

Alone Better Together.

But the next moment, Chu Xisheng looked at her curiously: "Then what is your reward? Could it be a third-grade secret medicine?"

Chu Ming was suffocated, and then turned her head, not wanting to talk to Chu Xisheng anymore.

At this time, in front of them, Zong Sanping was talking to Qing Xuzi.

He also frowned slightly: "Uncle Qingxu, I explored Chu Xisheng's background on the ship. Although he majored in Wuxiang Kung Fu, in addition, Chu Xisheng also minored in 'Nine Refinements'.

He has a "purple golden body of extreme origin" and has considerable firepower. In addition, Qianhu Ji, a member of Jinyiwei who is known as "the sword is supreme and the arrow has no shadow", is among his entourage."

"I know this. He is still the Deputy Qianhu of Jinyiwei District Government."

After Qing Xuzi said this, he realized: "What do you want to say, that you think Chu Xisheng is unreliable?"

Zong Sanping was stunned for a while, so Qing Xuzi knew about this?

So what else can I say?

Qing Xuzi laughed dumbly: "Chu Xisheng's matter is very complicated. He was born in the Zhengyang Martial Arts School and has a clean life. He has been involved in many disputes such as Ni Shen Banner and the Cruel Prince's Party, so he is highly valued by Jin Yiwei. But he himself

It’s absolutely reliable, you can rest assured.”

Zong Sanping was still worried, and he replied: "Even if Chu Xisheng's background is innocent, the sect should not be careless. What Jin Yiwei gave him to cultivate is the 'Nine Refinements of the Ultimate Purple Gold Body'."

This horizontal training method was famous before the founding of Daning, but now many people have heard of the bad reputation of the 'Nine Refining Ultimate Purple Gold Body'.

Jin Yiwei has done something to this top-level horizontal training inheritance and has become a tool to control the masters in the world.

"Nine Refinements of the Ultimate Purple Gold Body——"

Qing Xuzi groaned, but his eyes looked a little strange: "You don't need to worry about this. That little guy is smart, how can he let Jin Yiwei take advantage of him?"

While they were talking, Qing Xuzi had already harnessed the three-color glow and led everyone to the top of Wuxiang Mountain.

The location is right in front of the Divine Sword Platform next to the main hall 'Daoyi Hall'.

There were actually two hundred people standing here, all wearing the robes of true disciples.

There were thousands of people watching in the distance. They either stood high in the pavilions and looked out, or stood in the window bars of the pavilions.

After Chu Xisheng stood still, he glanced at the high platform in front of him.

This jade-white tall stone platform is entirely made of Jiutian Xuanshi. It is nine feet high and has a total of 199 levels from the top to the bottom.

The 'Blood Sword', which was made of dark gold and mixed with blood-colored runes, was enshrined on the top of the stone platform.

In addition, there were several people standing on the stone platform.

When they stood on the stage, they looked like towering mountains, all with vast ideas and overwhelming power.

Chu Xisheng had done some homework before coming to the Wuxiang Divine Sect and had seen the drawings and graphics of some of the core figures of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, so he recognized their identities at a glance.

That is—the contemporary leader of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, ‘Li Changsheng’!

——The great elder of the war hall, ‘Ao Guo’!

——The Great Elder of Midang, ‘The Return of Yan’!

——The Great Elder of the Discipline Academy ‘Lu Shouyang’!

——The Great Elder of Xunshan Yuan, ‘Fang Zheng’!

——The Great Elder of the Magic Academy, ‘Zhi Feizi’!

——The great elder of the Heavenly Artifact Academy, ‘Yuyun Xiang’!

——The Great Elder of Shendanyuan, ‘Wang Zhiming’!

Chu Xisheng and Chu Ming couldn't help but feel shocked. They both looked solemn. They looked at their noses, noses and hearts, and restrained their distracting thoughts.

Although the Wuxiang Shen Sect claims to have millions of disciples, the vast majority of them are registered disciples and outer sect disciples. The total number of inner sects and above is just over 10,000.

This situation clearly shows that the Wuxiang Divine Sect attaches great importance to them.

Zong Sanping was suspicious.

He felt that it was a bit of a joke for the sect to make such a big deal about distinguishing blood before the knife.

How important is the relationship between the 'Blood and the Holy Legend', how can we allow so many people to watch?

However, when he thought that Chu Ming's 'Iron Eye Mirror Armor' had long been exposed, and that the 'Blood Eye Saint Legend' had spread all over the world, he shook his head slightly and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

The sect master must have known that he couldn't hide it from the world, so he couldn't help his disciples watching.

Zong Sanping couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

The source of this incident lies with him. If he hadn't taken care of it poorly during the journey, the "Blood and Blood Sage" would not have leaked the news so early.

However, the order from the Council of Elders at that time was for him to focus on taking care of Chu Xisheng.

Zong Sanping was helpless.

Qing Xuzi, the great elder of the training academy, landed directly on the high stone platform and saluted the sect master Li Changsheng: "Sect master, these two people are Chu Ming and Chu Xisheng, and they have arrived safely."

Li Changsheng has big ears, a short and fat body, and fair skin. Although he looks like a round ball, his face is also very kind.

But when he opened his eyes, his eyes were bright and he looked at Chu Ming and Chu Xisheng carefully. The two of them felt as if a high mountain was pressing on them! Even the whole world was trying to crush them into powder.

That gaze was more like a peerless sword, piercing them from the inside out.

Fortunately, after only a moment, Li Changsheng withdrew his gaze, and a warm smile appeared on his face: "Then let's get started quickly! I am not afraid of the jokes of you brothers, but I can't wait to know whether these two people have any practice.

The qualification to touch the death knife with divine will."

Ao Guo next to him laughed dumbly: "Not only the sect leader, but also all the brothers and sisters here, who is not looking forward to it?"

He then looked towards the audience: "Inner disciple Chu Xisheng, come forward quickly!"

Just as the man finished speaking, Chu Xisheng felt that thousands of curious, scrutinizing, or expectant eyes were focused on him.

Several of the lines of sight were even as powerful as the sect leader Li Changsheng.

However, Chu Xisheng raised his eyebrows slightly and strode onto the stage without showing any timidity, climbing up the stairs.

And just when he ascended the first step, the Bloody Divine Sword on the stage was already trembling slightly, and a golden and red sword energy came out of the blade, and began to transform into the shape of Yayin.

At this time, the eyes of all the great elders on the stage changed imperceptibly.

Li Changsheng still smiled warmly. He coughed heavily and brushed his sleeve from the blade of the Bloody Divine Sword intentionally or unintentionally.

The almost-formed Yaoyi Sword Qi instantly dissipated, and the aura on the Bloody Eye Divine Sword also dimmed a bit.

At this time, several people on the stage could not help but look at each other.

There was no strange color on their faces, as if nothing had happened,

Qing Xuzi, who was on the stage, could see that there was a hint of joy in the eyes of these people.

The emotions of these old dogs, who were deep-seated and intangible in expressions of joy and anger, were so agitated that they could hardly restrain themselves.

Chu Xisheng was completely unaware. He climbed onto the stone platform neatly and stood in front of the Bloody Divine Sword. He bowed deeply and respectfully.

"Disciple Chu Xisheng, I have met the sect master and all the great elders."

"stand up!"

Li Changsheng flicked his sleeves and lifted Chu Xisheng up in the air.

He glanced up and down at Chu Xisheng again, and then smiled with great relief: "What a handsome young man, I remember the previous issue of Lunwu Shenji and Tianji Martial Arts. Not only did it say that you are extremely talented, you will definitely be on the earth rankings in the future.

He also said that you are fresh, handsome and graceful, and that you are a beautiful young man who is graceful in troubled times.

When I saw it today, it turned out to be true. No wonder Jian Zangfeng, Lei Yuan from Zhengyang Martial Arts School, and Ye Jingyuan all mentioned that you were in Xiushui County and fascinated countless young girls and young women there. Very good! Very good——



Yan Guilai, the chief elder of the imperial hall, interrupted Li Changsheng's words with some impatience.

Yan Guilai looks about forty years old, with a bluish complexion, erect facial features, and a raised forehead that looks like a giant horn.

He rolled his giant bell-like eyes and glanced coldly at Li Changsheng.

This sect leader dislikes the fact that most of the people in the Elder House of the Wuxiang Shen Sect have great appearances, poor appearance, and even weird shapes, which has affected the image of the Wuxiang Shen Sect for more than a day.

Therefore, the good-looking members of the sect, such as Qing Xuzi and Zong Sanping, were especially trusted by Li Changsheng.

Yan Guilai considered that he still had to give his sect master some face in public, and finally suppressed the anger in his chest.

He turned to Chu Xisheng and smiled kindly, and at the same time pointed at the Bloody Divine Sword in front of him: "You can drop your blood in front of the sword for the Bloody Divine Sword to identify. You two take a boat from Dongzhou and Capital.

To the Wuxiang Mountain, the journey spans nearly 100,000 miles. The journey lasts for more than ten days.

Ordinarily, the sect should let you rest for a day or two so that you two can alleviate the difficulties of the journey. However, the interference with the Bloody Sage Tradition is serious and must be confirmed as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Chu Xisheng's heart suddenly trembled.

This man's face and aura were quite ferocious, as if he wanted to eat people.

It looks like he is even more of a demon cultivator than a demon cultivator.

However, he still did not hesitate and cut his wrist vein with a knife.

Chu Xisheng used the Jinfeng Yulu knife, but it took a lot of effort to cut his wrist.

With the four levels of strength on his body, coupled with the 'White Tiger Wing Armor', the blade of the Golden Wind Jade Dew Sword itself was unable to cut through it.

It was clear that when Chu Yunyun bit it with her teeth, it opened immediately.

At this time, the Bloody Eye Divine Sword buzzed and vibrated again, and a vast sword energy rose into the sky from within, transforming into the shape of a huge 'Yai Can'.

This time Li Changsheng did not stop him until the sword energy transformed into a giant beast with a body of a hundred feet and the body of a jackal and the head of a dragon, ready to roar angrily.

Li Changsheng's sleeve gently brushed against the blade of the Bloody Divine Sword again.

The sword energy immediately became invisible and dissipated in all directions. The trembling Bloody Divine Sword returned to calmness.

At this time, Li Changsheng raised his eyebrows.

Just because there was a small line of blood on his left finger. With his advanced cultivation, he could not recover for a while.

This is the backlash of the ‘Blood-Yai Divine Sword’.

Shen Dao Dao Ling seemed to be particularly unhappy with the repeated suppression of him.

The group of true disciples standing around the stone platform, as well as the many inner disciples watching the excitement on the outside, didn't know what happened, and they all let out sighs of regret.

This 'bloody candidate' from the south can actually trigger the sword energy of the 'bloody sword' to take shape.

This person must be of Yaizhen bloodline, otherwise he would definitely be recognized as the 'Blood Yaishen Sword'.

Chu Ming in the audience relaxed and sneered.

Just now when the sword energy of the 'Xueyan Divine Sword' took shape, she thought that Chu Xisheng was expected to obtain the qualification of a saint.

Is this all the result?

The Great Elder of the Imperial Hall, Yan Guilai, nodded slightly: "You are indeed qualified to cultivate the first-level divine will-touching death sword, and you are qualified to be a candidate for the Blood Eye. Go down! Disciple Chu Ming, please come forward."

Chu Xisheng felt that the sword spirit of the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' seemed to have a lot to say to him, but he still walked down the platform without any hesitation.

Today, in full view of everyone, Chu Xisheng did not dare to make any mistakes.

He was only a candidate for the blood test, but he was offered a reward for a fourth-grade secret medicine by the masters of the Heavenly Ranking. If he went one step further and exposed his identity as a saint, who knows what kind of tragedy would happen.

Chu Xisheng quickly passed by Chu Ming who was walking up the stairs. Their eyes met for a moment, and then they both looked away.

Chu Xisheng understood Chu Ming's eyes at that moment.

If it's not yours, don't try to take it.

This woman's temperament was exactly the same as in his memory. She was arrogant and domineering.

Chu Xisheng was too lazy to answer.

Chu Ming also saw the unruly and disdain in Chu Xisheng's eyes.

This person is just a thorny person who never looks back until he hits the wall.

The prestige and power of the Chu family in western Beijing had no effect on Chu Xisheng.

Only the sword and death can completely eliminate this man.

Chu Ming quickly came to the stone platform and stood in front of the Bloody Divine Sword.

She also looked solemn and bowed to Li Changsheng and several great elders on the stage: "Disciple Chu Ming, I have met the sect master and all the great elders."

"Get up!" Li Changsheng smiled and flicked his sleeves, lifting Chu Ming's body.

He carefully looked at Chu Ming's face and body, and couldn't help but nodded slightly: "She is beautiful and intelligent, with picturesque features. She is worthy of being the legitimate daughter of the Chu family in the west of Beijing. She is very graceful. Come, drop your blood on the knife,

For discernment with the Blood-Yai Divine Sword.”

Chu Ming wondered if she had an illusion.

She felt that the great elders in front of her valued her far less than Chu Xisheng.

Before Chu Xisheng came on stage, these people's eyes did not leave Chu Xisheng for a moment.

When it was her turn, the elder Yan, who had eyes as wide as wheels before, came back, and the circles in his eyes became smaller.

Chu Ming felt angry and resentful in her heart.

Does your identity as the legitimate daughter of the Chu family in the west of Beijing make the Wuxiang Divine Sect so wary?

They would rather spend a huge price to purchase the ‘Heaven and Earth Root’ for Chu Xisheng than give her a little more trust and attention and give her the qualifications to directly cultivate the ‘Death-touching Knife of Divine Will’?

Chu Ming then focused his attention on the Bloody Divine Sword.

She cut her wrist veins with a cold expression.

Just when the blood was spilling, Chu Ming, with a seemingly careless flick, sprinkled a few drops of blood directly on the blade of the Bloody Divine Sword.

The Great Elder of the War Hall, 'Ao Guo', and the Great Elder of the Discipline Academy, 'Lu Shouyang', who were nearby, all noticed her action. Their expressions moved slightly, and there was a hint of sternness in their eyes.

This Chu Ming is so courageous!

The Council of Elders has not confirmed Chu Ming's identity as the 'Blood Sage', but this woman dares to drip blood directly onto the Blood Sword?

What do you want to do?

Want to create an established fact and use the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' to force the Elders' Council to recognize her status as a saint?

However, several people were displeased, but none of them took action to stop it.

Li Changsheng narrowed his eyes even more, and his smile seemed to be more kind.

Chu Ming's eyes were full of anticipation, and he looked at the magic sword in front of him that was made of dark gold and mixed with blood patterns.

According to his father, the sword spirit of the "Xueyi Divine Sword" has been waiting for the divine will to touch the successor of the Death Knife for eight hundred years, and is in urgent need of a sword intention and blood similar to that of the Bloody Sword Lord to nourish its spirit.

In the past, Qin Muge had become attached to this sword, but he gave up on it halfway, which would only make the situation of the sword spirit even worse.

Once the Bloody Divine Sword comes into contact with her blood, a huge reaction will occur.

This will be her greatest support and reliance within the Wuxiang Divine Sect.

Apart from her, these people from the Wuxiang Divine Sect would never have a second choice.

Even if Chu Xisheng obtains the qualification to transform the roots of heaven and earth in the future, he will only have one Bloody Divine Sword.

Just the next moment, Chu Ming's expression changed slightly.

When her blood was sprinkled on the Bloody Divine Sword, the blade of the Bloody Divine Sword also began to tremble slightly, and at the same time, a majestic, majestic, vast and sharp red sword energy came out of the blade like a torrent.

Rushing out, Chu Ming's blood was directly shaken into blood powder and scattered in the world.

The red sword energy then soared hundreds of feet into the sky and turned into a huge 'Yai Can'.

It had a dragon head and a jackal body, a knife in its mouth, and roared angrily at Chu Ming.

Chu Ming had another misconception, feeling that the sword energy coming from the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' was directed at him. Its power was like a mountain of tai, pressing down on its head, and it seemed to contain boundless malice.

Her face was pale, her whole body was cold, and her soul was under heavy pressure, almost breaking every inch.

Just when Chu Ming suspected that she was about to be chopped into countless pieces by the sharp sword intent, she heard a light cough.

In just an instant, the pressure on Chu Ming's mind was completely gone.

The sword intent that seemed to chop her whole body into pieces didn't seem to exist.

Chu Ming felt relieved and looked up, only to see that the sect leader Li Changsheng had put his hand on the blade of the Xueyai Divine Sword at some point. There was a little surprise on his fat and white face: "Not bad! As expected.

You are the one who can make nine levels of spiritual light appear in the Yaoyi Pan, but you, a little girl, can actually make the Xueyan Divine Sword react so violently."

Qing Xuzi, who was standing next to him, noticed that there were traces of blood on Li Changsheng's arm hidden in his sleeve.

The vicious impact of the sword's intent caught Li Changsheng, who had a first-level strength, a bit off guard.

Qing Xuzi could not help but feel relieved. Fortunately, the sect leader took action in time, otherwise the day would not have ended.

However, Chu Ming failed to notice what was happening under Li Changsheng's sleeves.

When she heard this, she was startled and instantly relieved.

The strange behavior of the Bloody Divine Sword just now must have been caused by her bloodline.

Just because the reaction of the Divine Sword was too violent, it gave her the illusion that she was being targeted by the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword'.

However, Chu Ming was still worried about her blood being dispersed just now.

She seemed to have failed to capture the right moment, as the sword energy rushed out, and she failed to spill the blood directly on the knife.

Just as Chu Ming's mind was spinning, the sword energy continued to change.

The red light shot straight into the sky, pushing away the clouds above.

Chu Ming knew that next, the sword energy would turn into a rainbow and thousands of mountains would roar.

In the past, when Qin Muge entered the Wuxiang Divine Sect and saw blood in front of the sword, the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' reacted like this.

Also at the beginning of the year, the 'Xueyan Divine Sword' sensed the moment of inheritance, which also caused the earth veins around Qianli to tremble.

Chu Ming could already feel the ground beneath her feet shaking.

This is the earth tremor caused by the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' communicating with the spirits of heaven and earth and connecting with the underground spiritual veins.

This grand vision also caused the disciples of the Wuxiang Divine Sect inside and outside the Divine Sword Platform to buzz.

"This Chu Ming really has the qualifications to master the divine will-touching death knife."

"Damn it! Why are you from the Chu family in the west of Beijing?"

"The energy of the sword turned into a rainbow and shot straight up to a hundred feet, and the body and tail of the scorpion were more than a hundred feet long, roaring thousands of mountains, shaking the mountains and shaking the earth. This atmosphere can be compared to Qin Muge's time."

"Junior Brother Chu just now also activated his sword intention to transform, but just in terms of momentum, there is no comparison with him."

"This is troublesome. Who doesn't know that the Chu family in the west of Beijing is the lackey arm of the emperor? Now I would rather the Blood-Yai Divine Sword has not found its owner."

"The will of God is invincible in the world. How can such a unique skill be controlled by the imperial court?"

Chu Ming couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Although she failed to spill her blood on the Bloody Divine Sword, she succeeded.

But the reaction of the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' at this time has made it clear that she, Chu Ming, is the one who can truly cultivate the death-touching sword with divine will!

Is this comparable to Chu Xisheng's fake one?

She even raised her chin and looked at the sect leader Li Changsheng in front of her, as well as the war hall elder 'Ao Guo' and others with a bit of expectation, feeling unruly in her heart.

When these core figures of the Wuxiang Shen Sect saw this situation, I wonder what they would think?

But at this moment, the trembling sound of the Xueyan Blade suddenly stopped and calmed down. The Qi of the Sky-Striking Blade was also withdrawn and dissipated.

After the ground below shook slightly for a moment, it seemed as if nothing had happened and it returned to tranquility.

At this time, not only Chu Ming was stunned for a while, but many disciples of the Wuxiang Divine Sect inside and outside the Divine Sword Platform were also stunned.

They looked puzzled and looked at each other.

"What's going on? Why did it stop suddenly?"

"Thousands of mountains roared, and the mountains shook and the earth shook?"

"Look at the knife, it's not moving anymore."

"Strange! It's impossible that there was no movement all of a sudden. Could it be that this woman's qualifications are still flawed and she has not been recognized by the Blood-Yai Divine Sword?"

"Most likely, this is different from the scene in the past when Qin Muge was distinguishing blood in front of the sword. At that time, after the sword energy turned into a rainbow, the scene was far more grand than today -"

Chu Ming was also in disbelief. She then stared at the hand of Sect Master Li Changsheng pressing on the Bloody Divine Sword.

Her thoughts raced, and she immediately grew angry.

She guessed that Li Changsheng deliberately suppressed the sword energy of the Xueyai Divine Sword.

Li Changsheng ignored her gaze and glanced at Ao Guo, Qing Xuzi and others beside him.

"Brothers, this woman seems to have the qualifications to cultivate the death-touching sword of divine will, but she seems to be wrong. What do you think?"

Ao Guo's thick eyebrows furrowed and he fell into deep thought. He hesitated in his words: "Why don't we take another look and award the 'Blood Jade Candidate' first, and then observe for some time to see what happens?"

Chu Xisheng in the audience couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this.

I thought that this result was good. I didn't need to call myself Senior Sister Chu Ming, otherwise it would be really disgusting.

This chapter has been completed!
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