Chapter 287: Divine Injury (please subscribe)

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Chu Xisheng held the handle of the knife tightly.

He thought Leng was about to draw his sword and fight them desperately.

As a result, there was another 'bang' sound in the cold moment, and a man who knew the current affairs came, Junjie, and took his hand off the sword again: "Search me, just search me, but it must be the five-tailed wind-born beast.

Forget it for others, Leng would rather fight tooth and nail."

Chu Ming frowned slightly when he heard this and looked puzzled: "Why is this? Why does it have to be her?"

Leng Cha instantly sneered when he heard this and glanced at her coldly: "Of course, I can't trust everyone here!"

He could tell that among the people here, Chu Xisheng's demon pet had the most innocent temperament.

Chu Xisheng on the treetop is said to be the leader of the Iron Banner Gang and has a reputation as a heroic hero in the south.

Leng instantly saw that this person was actually the same as Fang Buyuan, and he was very sinister.

However, his demon pet is not very old, only equivalent to a human girl in her teenage years, with clear and pure eyes.

Even if Chu Xisheng wanted to make it do bad things, this five-tailed wind-born beast wouldn't be able to do it, and the secret would definitely be exposed.

Chu Xisheng still didn't relax his vigilance. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Xiao Zhao, go and see if there is anything suspicious on him, especially the void magic weapon. Be careful!"

He was worried that Leng Shuna was deliberately luring Bai Xiaozhao closer.

However, when Bai Xiaozhao came closer, he slapped Leng Jishu's hands, feet and chest with his claws, then turned his head and shook his head slightly towards Chu Xisheng.

Bai Xiaozhao didn't search her body carefully, but the tiny thunder and lightning she sent out had already covered all the parts inside and outside Leng Shina's body.

These weak thunders naturally reacted when they came into contact with the magical weapons and war patterns on Leng Shina's body, triggering ripples of inspiration.

At this time, not only Bai Xiaozhao had a clear sense of Leng Shimo's situation.

The rest of the people also roughly know what kind of magic weapon he has on his body and what kind of war pattern he has.

Chu Ming's expression relaxed, and the vigilance in his eyes relaxed a little.

Then she jumped up into the air, came to Fang Buyuan's body, and pressed her hand on Fang Buyuan's neck to concentrate.

"Fang Buyuan died a moment ago, not long before our arrival."

Chu Ming's family has a long history of learning and martial arts, and he soon learned something: "The murderer used swordsmanship, probably the 'Shenqi Wushang Sword' that has been circulated in the world for a long time, or a similar swordsmanship. The swordsmanship is very fast.

Speed, specializing in breaking gangs and imploding. In addition, there is still the power of thunder left in Fang Buyuan's body, so this person may have thunder bloodline."

She asked Leng Shajia again: "Senior Brother Leng, you said you saw the murderer in the distance. Did you notice any characteristics on this person at that time?"

"Didn't pay attention." Leng Shu immediately held the sword with both hands and said in a cold voice: "The two of us entered the secret realm and agreed to meet at the volcano with the flying talisman. When I found out that Fang Buyuan was attacked, we were still forty miles apart.

After that, I hurriedly hurried and hurried slowly, and I only made it 20 miles before I cocked my whip. From such a distance, how could I see clearly? Besides, I was focused on rushing. But if this person appeared in front of me,

I should be able to recognize him in front of me."

Chu Ming couldn't help but frowned.

She glanced at the people below, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes.

Leng Shina is naturally the most suspect.

The two inner disciples present may also be the murderers.

Chu Ming recognized these two people. The man who had just spoken out to force Leng Shiya was called Guo Nu, the "violent sword", and the other was called the ancient sword "Feng Lei Shuangji". They were both among the top ten in the Qingyun Ranking of Youzhou in the North.

The gold content of Youzhou Qingyun Ranking is extremely high, even surpassing Wang'an City, and its ranking is infinitely close to the Qingyun General Ranking.

One is twenty-three and the other is twenty-two. They have accumulated several years of experience at this rank in the sixth level. Regardless of their skills, martial arts, magic weapons, and battle plans, they are already among the top, and their overall strength is comparable to that of Leng.

Keep pace with each other in an instant.

The key is that these two people both use swords and both have thunder blood.

Chu Xisheng and Zhou Liangchen were not immune from suspicion.

Chu Xisheng has superb sword speed and is also good at thunder.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to replace his sword with a sword.

Chu Xisheng rescued her two moments ago. If this person had used a high-quality escape talisman, he would have had time to kill Fang Buyuan.

"Could it be the work of a demon cultivator who sneaked into the secret realm, or a monk of the Guiyuan Sword Sect?"

The ancient sword 'Wind and Thunder' has clear features and a calm demeanor. He turned sideways and glanced at the surrounding dense forest: "As far as I know, the Guiyuan Sword Sect has the inheritance of the 'Shenqi Wushang Sword'. There is also

Three Thousand Guiyuan Sword can also achieve similar effects."

The Guiyuan Sword Sect is one of the six major divine sects in the world. Their "Three Thousand Guiyuan Swords" are known as the sect of thousands of swords in the world.

It is said that the "Guiyuan Sword Intention" contained in it can simulate 80 to 90% of the power of the world's sword tactics.

But this family is the mortal enemy of Wuxiang Shenzong.

Guiyuan Sword Sect and Wuxiang Shenzong are in the same Northland, and they are not very far apart.

The two disciples were making a living and running various businesses in the local area, so conflicts were inevitable. Once conflicts arose, they would call in friends and start fighting.

After thousands of years of accumulation, the Guiyuan Sword Sect and the Wuxiang Shenzong have accumulated a bloody feud.

They also cooperated when dealing with the blood descendants of the North Titan, but most of the time they were sworn enemies who would fight to the death whenever they met.

"The problem is that their smuggling passages are not near here. One is at Xuanwu Iceberg and the other is near Fengxue Cave. They are fixed almost every year."

‘Bad Sword’ Guo Nu shook his head slightly.

This secret realm of time is extremely vast, covering more than three thousand miles from north to south, and its area is equivalent to five counties in the south.

However, his voice immediately changed, and his voice was cold: "However, this possibility cannot be ruled out. Since we can be moved here by a 'Tian Yuan Magnetic Core', others can too."

Chu Xisheng felt helpless.

The death of Senior Brother Fang Bu Yuan Fang has become a confusing incident.

Chu Xisheng also wants to find the real murderer and avenge Fang Buyuan, but the problem is that there are too few clues at the moment.

"Brothers! It's almost midnight. In my opinion, it's better to place Senior Brother Fang's body as soon as possible."

Chu Xisheng paused and glanced over the heads of these people: "Then everyone goes his own way and takes care of himself."

The people in front of him, except for the two Taoists, all had the 'Seal of Divine Choice' on their heads.

On the top of Chu Ming's head is a long whip coiled together - this woman is actually the favored one of the 'Xuan Nu of Taichu'.

The remaining three people have a silver-white long sword above their heads, which is extremely gorgeous and beautiful.

This is the mark of the giant swordsman ‘White Emperor’.

Most of the brilliant swordsmen in the world have received the divine grace of the ‘White Emperor’.

Chu Xisheng thought that if she walked with them, she would have to be vigilant at all times even when drinking water or eating.

When Chu Ming and others heard the words 'It's almost past six minutes', their faces could not help but froze slightly.

The ancient sword of wind and thunder looked at the 'God Burial Axe' and the 'Eye of Li Tan' above Chu Xisheng's head, and then nodded solemnly: "That's fine!"

He was also a little afraid of this 'Ya Candidate' who could kill Yin Feihong with two swords.

Gu Jian is confident that his fighting power is one or two better than Chu Xisheng's.

The problem is that Chu Xisheng is good at sharp swordsmanship.

If this person draws his sword unexpectedly, Gu Jian thinks that he may not be able to react.

Chu Xisheng is a ‘bloody candidate’. From a common sense point of view, he has no reason to take action against everyone.

But who can guarantee that Chu Xisheng will not be tempted by the reward in the afterlife? Is he not the person who snatched the void magic weapon in Fang Buyuan's hand?


It's half past two in the afternoon.

At this moment, the sky above the entire Secret Realm of Time was covered with dark clouds, and countless black raindrops fell from above without any warning, like a torrential downpour.

Chu Xisheng stood at the entrance of the cave he and Zhou Liangchen temporarily dug, looking at the violent black rain in front of him with a strange look on his face.

Chu Yunyun told him that after entering the first floor, he must find a place to escape from the heavy rain every six hours.

This is also one of the experiences accumulated by successive generations of disciples of the Wuxiang Shen Sect.

Every six minutes until the end of time, a black rainstorm will fall in the Secret Realm of Time.

This heavy rain is caused by the accumulation of water vapor in the Secret of Time, and it is extremely dangerous.

It is said that it contains thin ‘blood of the ancient gods’.

The 'blood of the ancient gods' that has not been refined and purified is inherently fatal and can cause internal disease in the human body, and even cause distortion of the body and internal organs.

The 'blood of the ancient gods' in the black raindrops still contains poison, and there is even some remaining power of the ancient gods.

Chu Xisheng tentatively stretched his hand out of the cave, letting the black raindrops hit the palm of his hand.

The raindrops were cool when they first came into contact, but the inside quickly erupted with moxibustion heat as high as magma.

After just a moment, Chu Xisheng frowned and retracted his hand.

The black water droplets in his palm have turned into traces of black energy and dissipated.

There was also a small red mark left on Chu Xisheng's skin.

——Just because he couldn't breathe, his palms were almost corroded and burned by black raindrops.

Chu Xisheng has the 'blood of eternity' and can quickly recover from all injuries.

The red mark dissipated instantly.

But his eyes were very solemn.

This black raindrop will not be fatal for a while, but if it accumulates too much, it is enough to turn a sixth-level human martial artist into pus and blood.

"The rain is so heavy."

Bai Xiaozhao originally wanted to give it a try, but after seeing Chu Xisheng's appearance, she decisively put away her thoughts.

These raindrops were able to penetrate Chu Xisheng's four layers of outer gang without any obstacles!

It can also penetrate his white tiger wing armor!

Bai Xiaozhao knew how powerful Chu Xisheng's horizontal training body was.

Even her claws couldn't penetrate it.

Bai Xiaozhao couldn't help but shrink his neck.

This black rain will corrode and burn all the beautiful fur on her body.

What's surprising is that the trees and creatures outside are all safe and sound.

Bai Xiaozhao knew that this was because the natives in the secret realm had already adapted to it, and they were even born with the 'sacred blood' in the secret realm, but she still felt it was very magical.

Following Chu Xisheng, she saw many aspects of the world.

Zhou Liangchen was still thinking about Fang Buyuan: "My lord, Fang Buyuan's expression was shocked before he died. He seemed to be in disbelief and refused to close his eyes. This shows that the murderer was probably someone beyond his expectation. It shows that he is probably still dead."

In the hands of our own people. My lord, who do you think is the most suspicious among them?"

He was filled with sadness in his heart.

Fang Buyuan is considered a very prominent figure in the Wuxiang Divine Sect, and his father is the Grand Elder of the Xunshan Academy, a second-rank master in the world.

Zhou Liangchen never expected that this person would end up here.

After death, there was only an ice coffin, which looked extremely desolate.

Hearing this, Chu Xisheng couldn't help but look sideways to the other side of the cave.

What he was looking at was another cave a mile away, on the hillside to the east.

At this cold moment, there is still an ice coffin hiding here that is not square or round.

In fact, according to Chu Xisheng's intention, he wanted to directly cremate the square body.

After being cremated into ashes, they can be easily carried.

However, Leng Shina insisted on freezing Fang Buyuan's body and taking it out of the secret realm.

Chu Xisheng guessed that this person was still worried about the investigation by the chief elder of Xunshan Yuan afterwards, and wanted to take Fang Buyuan's body out of the secret place and explain to his father.

The problem is that Leng Shuna doesn't have the ability himself, so he can only ask Chu Ming to take action.

The Chu family's Starfall Sword covers everything, including Hanfa.

"There are too few clues to tell. The murderer was extremely skilled and moved up and down. Apart from the sword wounds on Fang Buyuan's body, he left no clues. There were no footprints and no items were left behind."

Chu Xisheng shook his head: "For us, it is meaningless who the real murderer is. From the moment we enter the secret realm, we have to treat everyone as a potential enemy. Even my classmates are not reliable.

.So it is better to leave it to the sect’s Discipline Academy and Elder Fang to find out the real culprit afterwards.”

At this time, he had walked back to the bluestone in the cave and closed his eyes: "Instead of thinking about these things, it is better to concentrate on practice. As long as your strength has increased, you will not be afraid of any evil tricks."

Zhou Liangchen thought that he was right. There was a look of admiration on his face, and he thought that he was indeed the Lord.

Then he also sat cross-legged on another bluestone with his eyes closed, and practiced the family-inherited technique "Guangzhou in the Wild Sea".

The spiritual power within this Secret of Time is so abundant that it is unbelievable, and its effect is even stronger than the spirit gathering array outside.

When the black rainstorm fell, the concentration of spiritual power increased several times from the original level.

The key is that this rainy environment is particularly suitable for his family's exercises.

Zhou Liangchen, practicing here and now, can make up for the achievements of the past three days in one day.

Chu Xisheng's speed in practicing Wuxiang Kung was slightly slower than Zhou Liangchen's.

In this world without stars, sun and moon, there would be no power of the early morning sun.

Fortunately, the rain also contains strong positive power.

Only these positive powers derived from the blood of ancient gods are very violent, difficult to tame, and even harder to utilize.

The growth of Chu Xisheng's cultivation is only equivalent to a little more than two days in the outside world.

However, the speed of his 'repayment of debt' did not decrease but increased. After carrying the Wuxiang Gong for an hour, Chu Xisheng's life span actually increased by a whole day.

At this time, the black rainstorm outside the cave was still falling, and the momentum became more violent.

A large amount of rainwater gathered outside to form a stream, gurgling down the mountain.

The cave excavated by Chu Xisheng was very particular. It was built on a hillside and had excellent drainage.

However, as time goes by, some water still pours back and seeps into the hole.

Chu Xisheng ignored it. After he finished practicing the Wuxiang Kung Fu, he devoted all his energy to the 'Wuji Slash' and visualized and studied the true intention given by Chu Yunyun.

It wasn't until another half an hour later that the momentum of the black rain turned from strong to weak, and began to fall in patter, and the rain curtain gradually became thinner.

At this time, Bai Xiaozhao, who was guarding the entrance of the cave and keeping a watchful eye on the two of them, let out a cry of surprise: "The rain is still falling. Didn't it say it would be over in an hour and a half?"

Chu Xisheng raised her eyelids and glanced outside: "It's about to stop."

But in his heart, he was thinking about the words Chu Yunyun told him before he came.

If the duration of the heavy rain is prolonged, it means that the injury of the ancient giant in the Secret of Time is getting worse.

This is closely related to the precious destiny in the secret realm——

At this moment, Chu Xisheng's mind moved, and he felt a thought coming across the air and penetrating into his soul.

At this moment, the illusory panel of characters in the corner of Chu Xisheng's field of vision became unstable.

Many of the words above have been slightly distorted.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng felt an idea in his mind.

This is the ‘Selected by the God of Burial’, a disciple of the Blood Bat Mountain inner sect named Mei Shu, who is challenging him through the Seal of Divine Grace.

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

The Divine Grace Battle is one of the rules of the ‘Secret Realm of Time’.

All the favored ones in the secret realm can challenge other favored ones through their own 'Seal of Divine Grace'.

It can be initiated once a month, regardless of distance.

This is a battle of life and death, the winner lives and the loser dies.

The winner will not only gain the favor and even divine grace from the gods, but also gain access to all the magical weapons and assets of the loser.

The person being challenged can refuse, but must accept the challenge once a month.

The consequence of continuing to refuse war within a month is to be rejected by these gods who have a brave temperament and are immersed in killing and fighting all day long.

If it is outside the secret realm, the god's rejection is nothing more than depriving the god of grace.

But inside the secret realm, the luck of anyone who is disgusted by the gods will become very bad, and they will also face the pursuit of the indigenous creatures of this world.

As long as these indigenous creatures have a little intelligence, they are almost all believers of these gods of war and military gods.

Chu Xisheng looked calm.

Before he entered the secret realm, he had already predicted that someone would take advantage of the rules of the Seal of Divine Grace challenge to take his life.

It is expected that the same will be true for Chu Ming.

He agreed without hesitation or hesitation.

If Chu Xisheng wants to obtain the fate that Chu Yunyun mentioned, he must eliminate the interference of the gods.

‘Burial Sky’ and ‘Li Tan’ are crucial to his care.

Chu Xisheng must not lose the favor of these two demon gods at this time.

The next moment, Chu Xisheng's eyes changed.

He found that he felt weightless again, and his whole body was being dragged in an unknown direction.

A moment later, Chu Xisheng found himself standing on a huge circular stone platform.

The diameter of this stone platform is nearly one hundred feet, which is more than three hundred meters, and its overall shape is simple and rough.

There are also huge stone pillars standing on the outside, more than three thousand in number, covering the stone platform like an animal cage.

There are also a large number of reliefs on the stone pillars, and the contents seem to be stories from ancient times.

Chu Xisheng didn't take a closer look. His attention was attracted by a young man in his twenties opposite, wearing a bloody armor.

This man wears a scimitar on his waist, has rough features, bloody hair, and an arrogant look.

"Are you Chu Xisheng?"

The young man glanced at Chu Xisheng, then sneered sharply: "You and I, let's start quickly, don't waste time."

Chu Xisheng's eyes were fixed, he looked Mei Shu up and down, and then nodded slightly: "Okay!"

He has put away the real energy that was focused in his eyes.

Chu Xisheng could only tell that this person was at the sixth level of cultivation, that his swordsmanship was based on strength, and that he practiced the second series of thunder and earth martial arts, but he couldn't tell anything else.

There is no need to pay too much attention to a dying person.

In this battle of divine favor, his disadvantage is that he knows very little about this person.

Before entering the secret realm, Chu Xisheng was practicing the 'Nine Wheels of God' and did not have time to understand all the characters in detail.

On the contrary, the opponent must have inquired about his intelligence in detail and knew himself and the enemy.

Chu Xisheng's advantage also lies in the other party's "knowing oneself and knowing the enemy".

His combat power is changing all the time, and the me of yesterday is completely different from the me of today.

Just as Chu Xi finished his words, a huge battle ax suddenly appeared in the sky above them, rolling down and falling.

The corners of Mei Shu's lips raised slightly: "The Wuxiang Shen Sect dares to let you, a candidate for blood and righteousness, enter the Secret Realm of Time. It must be because they have great confidence in your strength. But I will tell them that their confidence in you is exactly what you are today.

cause of death."

Chu Xisheng said nothing, quietly waiting for the battle ax to fall.

What the two of them didn't know at this time was that they were in the 'Daoyi Palace' on the top of Wuxiang Mountain.

Sect leader Li Changsheng was sitting lazily on the highest platform.

In front of him was the holy sword 'Jun Tian' suspended, and behind him was a huge golden scale.

Lu Shouyang, the chief elder of the Discipline Academy, was also in Daoyi Hall at this time.

He looked at the scale behind Li Changsheng with a bit of disgust in his eyes: "I once told people that those of you who are learning Pingtianjian have the dirtiest hearts, and you are the most unruly among the sect."

Li Changsheng burst into laughter: "If you master the rules and use them, you will inevitably break them. There is no real equality in the world. Junior Brother Lu, if you want to take a further step in martial arts and reach the realm of the Holy Tradition, you still have to find a way in this regard. Don't be fooled."

Bound by heaven’s rules and regulations.”

At this time, his expression moved slightly, and he looked thousands of miles away: "Here comes Chu Xisheng's first battle of divine grace."

Lu Shouyang couldn't help but frown: "How is the situation?"

He couldn't see the scene in the secret realm.

Only the sect leader Li Changsheng, who holds part of the source core of the 'Secret Realm of Time', can get a glimpse of the truth.

Lu Shouyang was not very worried about Chu Xisheng's safety.

Li Changsheng's Pingtian Sword is enough to change the combat power of both sides in the battle under the eyes of the gods.

They must use this method with caution.

Once Li Changsheng takes action, it will inevitably attract backlash from Demon God Burial Sky, and will further aggravate some people's fear and suspicion of Chu Xisheng.

Li Changsheng's eyes already showed a faint blue luster: "We have to wait until the two of them start fighting before we can judge. Chu Xisheng's opponent is called Mei Shu. He is a very powerful rising star in Blood Bat Mountain. He will have the status of Tianzhu in the future.

The bloodline talent is extremely strong. However, with Chu Xisheng’s sword speed and body skills, as well as his horizontal training and domineering body, he will not be defeated quickly under any circumstances."

And just as the two people were talking in Daoyi Hall, the huge battle ax on the stone platform finally fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Chu Xisheng and Mei Shu drew their swords almost at the same time, making a "choking" sound, and at the same time, their figures moved forward quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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