Chapter 297 Marry Yuan (please subscribe)

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Chu Xisheng took a closer look at the tiny scars on the back of his hand, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

This wound was scraped out by the tail end of a timing force just now. It was less than half an inch long and only penetrated one centimeter into the flesh.

Chu Xisheng's eternal blood could not help him recover quickly.

He thought for a while, tried to use the ability of 'Time Flash', and then saw the wound slowly healing.

Chu Xisheng thought that indeed, only the power of the same timing could help him eliminate the wounds of timing.

However, the timing power he possesses is two levels behind compared to these three mysterious enemies.

At some unknown moment, Leng was already standing next to the broken boulder.

He looked carefully at several smooth wounds on the boulder, his eyes unusually solemn.

"This is the wound of time! The innate magical power of the ancient giant Zhu Guangyin."

When Leng Shu spoke, he turned his head and looked at Chu Xisheng very seriously, and warned: "I advise junior brother not to study that sword move any more. Otherwise, you will definitely die!"

But Chu Xisheng's expression changed slightly: "Senior brother, can you see clearly what it was that attacked me just now? Where did it come from? Where did it go?"

His spiritual sense is already extremely strong, otherwise he would not be able to predict danger in advance and dodge in time.

However, because all his efforts were focused on saving his life and avoiding them, he was unable to discern the true faces of the murderers.

Without thinking, Leng instantly raised his fingers and said, "One hundred thousand, no counter-offer!"

Chu Xisheng's heart twitched as he thought that one-twentieth of the hard-earned money he had earned from his killing spree had slipped into Leng Shina's hands.

He snorted, took out a stack of banknotes from his sleeve, and smashed them over: "Say!"

"Those are three candle snakes! They have the body of a snake, but there are flames burning on the heads of the snakes. They look like candles."

Leng instantly made a gesture on his head: "They jumped out of the tide of time, and after missing a single blow, they retreated back to the long river of time."

Chu Xisheng was stunned when he heard this, and his eyes became more solemn.

"They are staring at you!" Leng instantly hugged the long sword to his chest, with a stern look on his face: "As long as you look at these fish scales again, you will die in the next moment. But if you don't know whether to live or die and insist on looking, then

It’s up to you.”

Chu Xisheng ignored him. He stood there and meditated for a long time.

Then he smiled and said to Zhou Liangchen: "Liangchen, I have something to trouble you next. The residual map of the Black Sea is related to the power of water. This happens to be what you are best at, Liangchen. I want you to take Xiao Zhao and help me hunt and kill him."

Naked carp in the lake, piece their scales together to form a complete true meaning, it is best to make a picture scroll."

Zhou Liangchen's expression immediately perked up and he clasped his fists: "I will do my best to get it done as soon as possible! I will definitely not disappoint my lord."

Chu Xisheng laughed dumbly: "This matter is not urgent, and it cannot be rushed. A good minister only needs to complete it within a month."

It is a big project to put these fish scales together into a complete true intention.

I don’t know how many naked carps I need to kill and how many scales I need to collect.

The trouble is that there may be many duplicates of these scales.

If Zhou Liangchen wants to put these scales together into a picture, it is as difficult as putting together a hundred thousand puzzle pieces into a complete picture.

For this matter, the more people there are, the better. With just two people, Zhou Liangchen and Bai Xiaozhao, I'm afraid it's not safe.

Chu Xisheng thought about this, and then looked at Leng Shuna with deep eyes: "Don't Senior Brother Leng want to be my guard? I don't lack guards, but I lack people to help collect the scales of the naked carp. I can spend a thousand taels."

Magic Silver will hire you for one day."

Chu Xisheng couldn't see those fish scales himself, so he had to seek outside help.

Leng shook his head slightly in an instant and said mockingly: "What are you doing? Even if you let others spell out your true intentions for you, you can't study it and watch it. If you watch it, you will die."

"Senior Brother Leng, this is not your responsibility. I have my own way."

The corners of Chu Xisheng's lips raised slightly: "Senior Brother Leng, just agree to my wishes or not."

Leng instantly narrowed his eyes, then sneered: "It seems you are still seeking death, why don't I make it happen? It's only two thousand!"

He raised the ice coffin he was holding: "The price Fang Buyuan offered me in the past was two thousand taels of magic silver per day!"


Chu Xisheng clasped his fists in the air: "On the day the drawing is completed, I will settle the account with Senior Brother Leng."

At this time, he had flapped his white tiger wings and flown to an altitude of seven feet, and then flew towards the south of the Black Sea.

Leng Shi was stunned when he saw this, and shouted loudly: "Junior Brother Chu, where are you going?"

Chu Xisheng did not answer him, but accelerated his speed and penetrated the dense forest ahead.

Of course, he was looking for the main ingredients of the secret medicine of the eighth level of Wuxiang Gong, 'Shenyang Flower' and 'Xuanyin Grass'.

Take advantage of this month to break through to the sixth level.

And his bloodline talent.

Before looking at the remaining pictures of Black Sea's sword moves, he had to brush up on several of his bloodline talents to be sure.


After six seconds, a black rainstorm fell again in the Secret of Time.

Thick black clouds were thick and heavy, making the world in the secret area dim.

At this time, in a vast forest on the east side of the secret realm, Yuntiange was hiding in his temporary wooden house and kept coughing, which was heartbreaking.

From time to time, blood spurted out from his mouth, sometimes even mixed with some internal organ fragments.

Yuntiange was trying his best to expel Chu Xisheng's knife intent from his body.

However, it was difficult outside, and the intention of the knife was like a gangrene attached to the bones, hidden deep in his internal organs, limbs, and even the bone marrow of his spine.

Every time Yuntiange pulled out a trace of sword intent, part of his body, lungs, and bone marrow would be shattered.

At this moment, Yuntiange suddenly felt something in his heart.

He frowned, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he immediately grasped the sword beside him: "Who is it?"

"it's me!"

Following this sound, a wooden board on the south side of the wooden house suddenly fell inward, making a "clang" sound.

This wooden house was made temporarily and had neither doors nor windows.

This wooden board is the entrance and exit of the wooden house.

At this moment, a figure wearing a green shirt appeared at the door.

This is a young man with a face like a crown jade, temples like a knife, and eyebrows like ink paintings. He is holding a large silver-white metal umbrella and standing in the pouring black rain. His demeanor is as pure as an immortal.

"In Xiadu Tianshen Palace, Jian Shi Fei! I met Brother Yun."

Yuntiange looked at this person intently, his face seemed calm, but there was a chill in his heart.

This is the first seat among the Ten Great Swordsmen of Shenxiu, the sword right and wrong ranked 45th in the Qingyun Ranking!

"You don't need to introduce me. I met you before entering the secret realm. I wonder what your intention is when you come here?"

Jian Shifei looked at Yuntiange's hand. He found that Yuntiange's hand was holding the sword tightly, and the veins on his arm popped out.

"Brother Yun, there is no need to be so nervous and alert."

Jian Shifei withdrew his gaze: "If I come to take Brother Yun's life, I can take Brother Yun's head within three moves."

Yuntiange couldn't help but hummed and remained silent.

What the other party said was true. He was in a bad condition right now and was indeed not confident in resisting the other party's three swords.

"This is a 'Divine Blood-Consolidating Pill', which can help you consolidate your vitality and expel the sword intent."

Jian Shifei first threw a white porcelain bottle over, then walked to sit about three feet opposite Yuntiange.

——This wooden house is narrow, only one foot in diameter.

"Brother Yun seems confused?" Jian Shifei looked at Yun Tiange's face: "I'll get straight to the point. This time I came to find Brother Yun because I want to join forces with you."

"Join forces?"

Yuntiange's expression changed, and then he let go of the hand holding the sword, with a sarcastic smile on his face: "Are you here for Chu Xisheng? When the 'Xingchen Archmage' Luohan Sect summoned us to enter the secret realm, there were also people

I proposed joining forces, but Brother Jian dismissed it at that time."

"This time, that time."

Jian Shifei's face was cold: "Not long ago, Xuan Wushang, who was on the sixth day of the Desire Realm, died in the Divine Grace Challenge. According to his junior brother, Xuan Wushang only took thirty-eight breaths after entering the ring.

The body was taken out."

Yuntiange was slightly surprised.

Xuan Wushang is actually dead? That young swordsman with superb swordsmanship and stunning talent actually died in the Divine Grace Battle?

This person's ranking on the Qingyun General Ranking is higher than that of Jian Shifei.

Yuntiange's mood immediately calmed down.

"Did he lose to Chu Xisheng? Indeed, with Chu Xisheng's sword skills, Xuan Wushang cannot take his blow. In this secret realm, no one is his opponent. He practices divine wind

The Mirror Sword can even be worth a thousand."

"That's why I want to join forces with Brother Yun."

Jian Shifei smiled: "In the next month, I will try my best to help you recover from your injuries as soon as possible and be promoted to the fifth rank. Then you and I will work together to kill this kid!"

"Execute him?" Yuntiange laughed as if he had heard a joke.

However, the laughter tugged at his injuries, causing Yuntiange to let out a series of heartbreaking coughs.

After a long time, he calmed down, and then chuckled: "You should not be the only one looking for me? But you don't think that a few fifth-level subordinates can kill him by joining forces, right? His sword skills

He has reached the level of heaven and is no longer on the same level as us. Even in terms of strength, he is much better than you and me. Even if our cultivation reaches the fifth level, we will never be able to suppress him."

Jian Shifei was stunned when he heard this.

He didn't expect that Yuntiange would be so afraid of Chu Xisheng.

Chu Xisheng's combat power seemed to be stronger than he expected.

Jian Shifei did not answer, but clapped his hands: "Then what about adding them?"

At this time, there was a rumble of footsteps in the dense forest.

Yuntiange looked around and found that they were actually two giants.

He was five feet tall, with a huge body, and his muscles were like rocks and iron, but his skin was covered with burn marks, and some of them were even close to ulcers.

The other one was three feet tall and was carrying a snake-headed staff.

Yuntiange's pupils narrowed again.

These two people are from the Night Wolf clan!

How dare this guy Jian Shifei risk the disapproval of the world and join forces with the Night Wolf clan?

"This is Qianhu Lieling and Priest Lie of the Yelang Clan, who have an unforgettable hatred for Chu Xisheng. They told me that Chu Xisheng has gone to Huotou Mountain, Fengxue Cave, and Lei Zhen this month.

Gu and other eight places are located, so he will definitely go to Xuanwu Iceberg."

Jian Shifei looked outside the house and said in a leisurely voice: "We can make arrangements here in advance to make us invincible. In addition, the two of them are willing to sacrifice their lives and die together with Chu Xisheng!"

Yuntiange's face changed slightly, his eyes hesitant.

However, Jian Shifei's next sentence solidified his thoughts.

"Brother Yun, I heard that the third level of the Secret Realm of Time is only three hundred miles in radius. Do you think there will be no time to bump into Chu Xisheng in the next year?"

Yuntiange's heart sank.

Unless he is willing to exit the Secret Realm of Time in two months.

Otherwise, between him and Chu Xisheng, either Chu Xisheng will die or he, Yuntiange, will die!


At the same time, in the six-door White Tiger Hall in Wang'an City, the capital.

Marquis Baihu dragged his exhausted body back to the inner courtyard of Baihu Hall.

Just as she walked into the courtyard, she saw her husband Zuo Qingyun sitting on a stone bench in the corner of the courtyard.

He was naked to the waist, holding a book and looking through it intently.

If Chu Xisheng were present at this time, he would be extremely surprised.

Just a few months ago, Zuo Qingyun, who was still thin and slim with delicate features, has transformed into a muscular man.

Not only has his height increased by a full foot, but his whole body is also covered with strong and strong tendons.

Bai Huhou glanced at the book and knew that it was the new issue of "On the Divine Machinery of Martial Arts". He couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "Are you looking at the Qingyun General Ranking? Where is your best friend ranked this time?"

The corner of Zuo Qingyun's lips raised, with a bit of pride: "Seventy-one!"

"Oh?" Baihu Hou raised his eyebrows in surprise: "It was only over ninety before, right? It rose to more than twenty in one go. This ranking has improved so fast."

"It's not too soon. The things he did in Xiushui County have already spread throughout Jiangnan."

Zuo Qingyun continued to look at the book in his hand: "What's more, he defeated Chu Ming not long ago and killed Zhu Kongming, the sixth member of the Shenxiu Ten Elite Swordsmen. Seventy-one, I think this ranking is still too low."

"It's not low. Seventy-one is already the future Tianzhu."

Bai Huhou laughed dumbly: "But it's not you who ranks 71st on the Qingyun Ranking. Why are you so proud?"

"This is my close friend. I am naturally happy on his behalf that he can achieve such an achievement."

Zuo Qingyun snorted, then focused his eyes and looked at Bai Huhou: "By the way, what is the saying in the six gates about Xi Sheng?"

"This is not over yet."

Bai Huhou sighed and sat down opposite Zuo Qingyun: "Chu Xisheng killed too many people in Xiushui County. At least nine chief arrests and deputy chief arrests died directly and indirectly in his hands. There was a lot of indignation inside the six doors.

, I can’t hold it back.”

"But you promised me before."

Zuo Qingyun suddenly frowned: "What's more, Chu Xisheng's case was originally framed by the traitor Sikong Chan. The Ministry of Punishment has already cleared Chu Xisheng. And he is still a candidate for the blood test of the Wuxiang Shen Sect. You six sects are still

Dare you touch him?"

"Why are we afraid to move? When have our six sects ever been afraid of these great sects of Shen Sect? As long as the law is broken, even if it is the leader of a sect, we will find a way to bring him to justice."

Bai Huhou first snorted, and then said helplessly: "Originally, I have almost solved this matter. However, there is news from the Ministry of Punishment that the case will be reviewed. It is said that Chu Rulai, the left minister of the Ministry of Punishment, personally promoted it.

In addition, the several deputy chiefs who died this time were all from Suzaku Hall. Marquis Zhuque wants to seek justice for her subordinates, and I can’t stop her. Her personality is as fierce as fire, and if I try to stop her, it will only be counterproductive."

Zuo Qingyun stopped talking. He closed the book directly, put on his coat, and went straight to the room.

Bai Huhou's eyebrows suddenly furrowed into the character "Chuan": "Where are you going? You haven't finished the homework I gave you yet."

"No more training!" Zuo Qingyun pushed open the door and said with a sneer: "I won't practice anymore in the future. I can't become a master no matter how hard I practice, so why bother to work so hard and practice this kind of body training method?"

Bai Huhou only felt a headache.

She was familiar with Zuo Qingyun's temperament and knew that Zuo Qingyun was angry with her because he blamed her for not handling things well.

The key point is that this guy's character is extra stubborn, like a cow.

If he doesn't want to do something, you can't make him do it even if you hold his head down.

Previously, she used Chu Xisheng as a bargaining chip to make Zuo Qingyun practice her family's body training method every day.

Now she has broken her trust in Zuo Qingyun.

He felt that he had been deceived and was afraid that he would not continue practicing no matter what.

Bai Huhou thought for a moment, then softened his voice and said: "It's my fault this time. I couldn't do what I promised you. But you still have to continue practicing this set of 'Eight Divine Techniques', and it must be within two years."

You can’t practice until you reach the twelfth level.”

Zuo Qingyun couldn't help but sneer after hearing this sentence in the room.

It's impossible for him to practice anymore.

This woman can let him practice for another hour and a half, and he loses——

Zuo Qingyun simply lay down on the bed, thinking that from today on, I will be a dead fish.

According to his friend Chu Xisheng, he has been sleeping peacefully since then!

However, Bai Huhou's next sentence made him slightly stunned.

"Who says you can't become a master in the future? Qingyun, if you can cultivate this set of 'Eight Divine Techniques' to the twelfth level within two years, you will immediately reach the second level and enter the Earth Ranking.


But Zuo Qingyun only felt that it was extremely ridiculous.

He laughed angrily: "Do you think I'm stupid? Even the legendary 'Human Immortal Pill' can't make a seventh-level martial artist directly enter the second level. I, Zuo Qingyun, am not smart, but I am not stupid either.

My brain is up to you to coax."

"I'm not lying to you." Bai Huhou shook his head: "Human elixirs can't do it, but in this world, there are many strange skills and methods. Qingyun, have you ever heard of the 'Marry Yuan Dafa'?"

"Marry Yuan Dafa? Never heard of it!" Zuo Qingyun said in a firm and unceremonious voice.

"This is a method of transferring skills. You can transfer a body's energy skills to others."

The corners of Bai Huhou's lips raised slightly outside the courtyard: "And now, I want to pass on my 'Innate God Xin Dafa' to you!"

When Zuo Qingyun heard this, he immediately jumped up from the bed: "Are you crazy? Why do you want to transfer your skills to me?"

At this time, the door opened with a "branch" sound, and Marquis Bai Hu pushed the door open and walked in from the outside. Then she untied her clothes and tore open her bellyband in front of Zuo Qingyun.

"Qingyun, look at my body."

Zuo Qingyun subconsciously averted his eyes, and then looked sideways.

After being married for so long, he has never slept with Marquis Baihu, nor has he seen her body.

Zuo Qingyun's expression then changed.

I saw that Bai Huhou's toned and delicate body was covered with various bruises and bloody wounds.

He was surprised: "Who hurt you like this?"

"It's me, my 'Innate God Xin Dafa'."

Bai Huhou closed his clothes and smiled self-deprecatingly: "The 'Xiantian Shen Xin Dafa' I practice is the top metal method in the world. It is extremely powerful and is said to be the most lethal in the metal system. However, the Xiantian Shen Xin Dafa is extremely powerful.

There is a drawback: it is too sharp and overbearing. It is so sharp that it can damage itself.

Therefore, in the past generations of Baihu Hall, few people have been able to cultivate this skill to the first level. Just because before the first level, they may not be able to withstand this skill and die suddenly. Fortunately, those White Tiger Marquises from the previous generations found

I have found a way to eliminate the shortcomings of this practice. That is to transfer your own 'Innate Divine Xin Dafa' and practice it again. Only after you have blunted its edge can you truly achieve great success."

She paused and looked at Zuo Qingyun with soft eyes: "I am now on the verge of the limit of the backlash of my skills. If I cannot transfer my skills within two years, I will definitely bleed from all my orifices and die with scars all over."

Zuo Qingyun couldn't help but look stunned.

It was the first time he saw Bai Huhou, showing such a weak attitude in front of him.

Zuo Qingyun then frowned again: "But why me? Others can't?"

"You are my husband. If I don't transfer my power to you, who else can I transfer it to?"

Bai Huhou blinked.

She thought that if she directly told Zuo Qingyun that although his talent was poor, he had a "too easy body" that was rare in the world, Zuo Qingyun would definitely feel uncomfortable.

"I was extremely weak after transferring my martial arts body, so I had to find a reliable person to protect me and rebuild my Yuan Gong. Now in this world, you are the person I trust most. When it comes to trust and promise, who can be better than you, Zuo Qingyun, I


Zuo Qingyun thought that might not be the case.

When it comes to character, his brother Chu is second to none, surpassing him by a few.

At this time, there was already some hesitation on his face.

He had just sworn that he would never practice those troublesome 'Eight Divine Techniques' again.

Even if this skill really allowed him to reach the second level, Zuo Qingyun would not be tempted.

What a man says must count!

"In the future, if you inherit my 'Innate God Xin Dafa', you will also succeed me as the White Tiger Marquis. At that time, if you want to use the authority of the White Tiger God Catcher to take care of your brother, you can do whatever you want."

Bai Huhou secretly glanced at Zuo Qingyun's expression and found that this guy was still hesitating.

Marquis Baihu felt a tightness in his chest.

If others know that they are expected to reach heaven in one step and reach the second level of cultivation, they will not be happy enough to go to heaven!

This guy is still hesitating!

So Bai Huhou's expression darkened, and he walked towards the door with a self-deprecating tone: "But I won't force you. If you don't like it, or you think practicing is too hard, and you don't want to, then that's up to you.

The marriage method requires personal contact. We, the women of the Gaoshan tribe, attach great importance to chastity. Since I married you, I will never have physical contact with other men. In two years, you can find a good wife.

Just bury me somewhere."

After Zuo Qingyun heard this, he felt his teeth were sore.

Who is this woman showing this attitude to? Pretending to be aggrieved, weak, and not acting like that is too fake!

"Okay, okay!"

Zuo Qingyun tore off his clothes again, revealing his strong muscles, and at the same time strode out the door: "I'll practice, can't I practice?"

Bai Huhou looked at Zuo Qingyun's back with a proud smile on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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