Chapter 293 Ancient God (please subscribe)

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"Scars of time!"

Zhi Feizi, the Great Elder of the Magic Academy, looked at the wound on the back of Li Changsheng's hand with doubts in his eyes: "The ancient god in the secret realm has awakened? No! The ancient god's body has not yet entered the heaven. If he fully awakens, you

The arm should be broken off. Judging from your wound, it seems plausible."

What he said made people confused.

Everyone in the hall understood what he meant.

The ancient giant god in the Secret Realm of Time is a figure who has almost touched the extreme realm of the world and participated in creation. He has vast magical powers and magical power that covers the sky. Unlike the gods of the heaven, he is separated by a realm from here, so he is extra scary.


However, this man is currently in a strange state due to a tragic battle a long time ago.

His soul was half asleep and half awake, and his body and strength were severely injured and fell into sleep.

As for their sect master Li Changsheng and Li Diandian, as long as he is within the scope of the Wuxiang Sacred Mountain, his status and combat prowess are above those of Super Grade.

Therefore, if the ancient god has not yet awakened, Li Changsheng's strength is enough to cope with the ancient god's backlash.

Correspondingly, if He really wakes up, Li Dough will definitely not only suffer this slight injury.

Once that existence steps out of the Secret Realm of Time, it must be the top level of 'divine calamity'.

In short, when others are half asleep and half awake, Li Diandian can go up and harass them, but when they get serious, he has to stop.

"It's not necessary to wake up. He will not end his sleep and fight for you unless he has to do so at the expense of all his previous achievements."

The chief elder of the imperial hall, Yan Guilai, flashed his eyes slightly and chuckled disdainfully: "So I am very curious, apart from interfering in the secret realm, what else did the sect master do? To anger him so much?"

Xuannv, Bai Dizi, Zangtian, Li Tan and others were all playing games at his house, and they didn't see any reaction from the ancient god.

Li Changsheng's eyes were extremely solemn: "His true body has not yet awakened, but he has condensed a second soul in the secret realm."

A dozen elders in the hall suddenly let out a buzz, and everyone straightened up and looked at Li Changsheng in disbelief.

How could their sect master fight against that second spirit?

With a mortal body, fight against the fate of nature? Re-enact the feats of the Bloody Sword Lord in the past?

Even with the help of the power of Wuxiang Mountain and Shenwang Sword, this is a feat that is enough to shock the world!

The key is that this person actually survived.

Could it be that they all underestimated Li Diandian—no! It was their senior brother!

Li Changsheng continued to explain: "I tried to communicate with the Divine Will of the Wood Sword Immortal and directly grasp the full picture of the sword moves. This move angered that second spirit. Fortunately, the Wood Sword Immortal's superb swordsmanship actually defeated the second spirit of the Wood Sword Immortal.

Most of the power is contained in the third level of the secret realm."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a "bang" sound coming from all the brothers in the hall.

Everyone looked relieved.

I thought it was Li Dandou who independently fought against his second spirit, but it turned out that he relied on the Wood Sword Immortal to save his life.

Li Changsheng's face turned dark when he saw this, and his whole body felt angry, trembling, and cold.

He suppressed the bad breath in his chest, and his white eyebrows danced silently: "But in addition to the second soul, the ancient god also used his own flesh and blood to create three heirs. Their ranks should not be high yet.

Rank three, but can borrow the power of the Trace of Time.

Even second- and third-grade beings are in danger of death when they encounter them. The injury on my hand was caused by one of them slashing the back of my hand when I was fighting against the remaining power of his second soul."

"Here's the trouble. The purpose of those three things being created is to cover up the sword moves left by the Wood Sword Immortal. The reason why Chu Xisheng is safe now is because he hasn't been able to catch a glimpse of the sword moves.

The whole picture. Once Chu Xisheng comes into contact with the true meaning of this move, he will definitely touch the thing in the secret realm and he will never stop!"

At this time, the atmosphere in the entire Daoyi Hall was as cold as ice.

The great elders in the hall looked at each other with cold faces.

The reward for rescuing the Wood Sword Immortal is indeed great, but they are even more unwilling to put their own Bloody Saint in danger.

Yan Guilai, the chief elder of the imperial hall, looked up at the pictures drawn by Li Changsheng, and then frowned: "Sect Master, your picture is incomplete. Did you miss something by mistake?"

"It's strange that everything is complete." Li Changsheng snorted dissatisfiedly: "How can I get a glimpse of the whole picture outside the secret realm?"

Otherwise, why would he take the risk and directly contact the Wood Sword Immortal’s spiritual thoughts?

Yan Guilai thought that was right.

He was extremely disappointed.

These words and the nine pictures are only one-ninth of the complete sword move, and Li Changsheng failed to draw the true meaning, which is far from enough to deduce the complete appearance of this sword move.

He is confident that his understanding of martial arts is better than that of Li Changsheng.

What he can't do, others can't do either, not even Li Changsheng.

"It's easy to solve this matter. The sect leader can tell Chu Xisheng and ask him to give up studying the follow-up part of the sword move."

"It can't be done." Li Changsheng still had a serious face, and his big mung bean eyes looked away with a slight guilt: "I have alerted that second soul, and he has been guarding me tightly. Don't say it's me now,

No one can even think of sending a single object, sound or word into it."

He found that the temperature in the entire Daoyi Palace seemed to have dropped a few points.

Everyone, including Wang Baimei, the great elder of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, glanced at him with sharp, knife-like eyes.

It turns out that the current crisis stems from this sect leader's rash actions.


Twenty-eight days later, in front of the towering tree.

Chu Xisheng was flapping his wings and studying the surface texture of this giant tree.

The towering tree is also a blood pine.

It is extremely huge, about three hundred feet high, and it takes three hundred people to hug the trunk.

If viewed from a distance of more than ten miles, the crown of the towering tree looks as huge and majestic as a mountain.

The skin of the towering tree has criss-crossing wrinkles and ravines.

These wrinkles and ravines look nothing out of the ordinary, no different from normal tree bark.

Otherwise, it would not have lasted for ten thousand years and no one would have discovered the mystery of the towering tree.

Only Qin Muge was invincible in the secret realm of time. He had no opponent and was left panicking in the secret realm.

She was bored and began to study the towering tree, wanting to know why it could grow so tall and absorb half of the power of the wood spirits in the secret realm.

Qin Muge looked around the whole tree and discovered that the tree's surface texture actually had another mystery, and nine true intentions were hidden inside.

It was this towering tree that prompted Qin Muge to start studying nine abnormal areas in the secret realm.

The surface area of ​​the towering tree is so huge that even Qin Muge took nearly three days to discern the nine true intentions.

It is a pity that she failed to study the fundamental meaning of true intention and could not draw the true meaning contained in it into pictures.

Therefore, Chu Xisheng still had to look at each picture by himself, try to figure it out, and do some research.

However, he had Chu Yunyun's drawing as a basis, and in just half a day, he was able to see the true intention.

Then Chu Xisheng frowned and kept waving and making gestures with his Golden Wind and Jade Dew Sword.

However, his movements were unusually awkward, erratic and disorganized.

Zhou Liangchen looked at it and felt uncomfortable, and immediately turned his head: "It seems that the Lord still hasn't understood the secret of this sword move."

Chu Xisheng's sword was not just a random swing, it contained profound meaning.

It was extremely complicated and messy. Zhou Liangchen felt dizzy after just taking a breath.

Therefore, he was very impressed that Chu Xisheng was not only able to study the sword power and mysterious meaning in this picture, but he was also able to use it.

If it were him, even if he could use it, he would definitely be seriously injured due to this chaotic sword style, which disrupted the meridians and internal organs in the body.

Bai Xiaozhao, on the other hand, didn't dare to look at it. She was looking away, chewing on a pine nut the size of three fists with enjoyment.

This is a fruit from a towering tree, and it is even more delicious than the pine nuts she ate before.

One pill is equivalent to the essence of the sun and moon that she usually swallows for fifteen or six days.

Bai Xiaozhao thought that no wonder every time the Wuxiang Shen Sect opened the secret realm, the northern 'Ten Thousand Monster Mountain' was so crowded for the one hundred smuggling places.

If they could eat pine nuts from the towering trees every day while inside, then this month would be equivalent to their fifteen years of spiritual practice.

For the demon clan, although this is not as good as the Emperor's Liquid Serum that occurs once every sixty years, it is still a small supplement.

Unfortunately, Bai Xiaozhao did not have a space magic weapon and could not take the pine nuts from the towering tree out.

As she gnawed, she said vaguely: "Actually, I think brother's move is still useful. As long as he dances with this sword, he will make sure that the opponent will be dizzy and defeated without a fight."

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but glance at Bai Xiaozhao in surprise.

This little mink has grown up and can actually tease his elder brother.

Chu Xisheng struck Bai Xiaozhao hard on the head, then sheathed the knife.

"This sword move is still incomplete. Let's go to the Black Sea to have a look."

In the past nearly a month, they have gone to Lei Zhen Valley, Wind Blood Cave, Gold and Silver Mountain, Iron Stone Mountain and Longyan Mountain.

Almost everywhere, there are nine pictures.

Thunder Valley is the pattern of lightning that explodes in the sky every day when black rain falls.

——Who would have thought that the lightning and thunder in the sky also concealed the remains of sword moves?

Gold and silver mountains are other patterns formed by two veins of gold and silver crisscrossing underground.

Tieshi Mountain is composed of nine stone monuments scattered up and down the mountain - these are also the most suspicious of the nine locations.

Dragon Flame Mountain is a collection of nine red sword monuments in the center of a monstrous sea of ​​fire.

An ordinary sixth-grade martial artist would have his body melted into slag as soon as he approached the core area of ​​Longyan Mountain, let alone study these nine sword monuments?

Chu Xisheng relied on his and Bai Xiaozhao's ability to control the wind, and used the Divine Wind Mirror Sword to reflect part of the flame power, and was able to barely see the full picture of these sword monuments.

The Wind Blood Cave is different. The intricate passages in this cave itself are like a picture.

Chu Xisheng spent the most time in Fengxue Cave. The passages inside were intricate and intricate, like a huge maze.

Chu Xisheng had to walk through the entire underground maze before he understood the entire maze pattern.

There were still a few demon cultivators hiding inside and did not leave, and they hid with them for nearly two days.

Now only the Basalt Iceberg and the Black Sea are left.

The danger of the Xuanwu Iceberg is only inferior to that of Huotou Mountain, and the Black Sea is vast.

In the past, Qin Muge searched for Heihai for more than ten days, but could not find where Heihai's true intention was hidden.

Or maybe not—

But Chu Xisheng still had to go and see what happened.

Nine is the ultimate number. All the true intentions that Chu Xisheng has found in other places so far are nine. This is no coincidence.

Chu Xisheng became more and more curious about this sword move.

He wanted to see the complete sword move and what it looked like.

"Huh?" Bai Xiaozhao chuckled when he heard this, and said in a very reluctant voice: "Are you leaving now? Why don't you stay here for a few days to rest?"

She knew that Chu Xisheng was eager to master the entire sword technique, so although she was complaining, she quickly took out a few pieces of clothing from her luggage bag and went to pick blood pine nuts.

Bai Xiaozhao wanted to take a few big bags to eat on the road.

Zhou Liangchen also shrugged and began to pack his luggage.

At this moment, Leng Shimo, who was sitting on the top of the towering tree, jumped down from the top with an ice coffin in his hands and landed thirty feet away from them.

When Chu Xisheng saw this person, he frowned and felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly.

During this month, he also tried to get rid of this person, but failed.

This 'Snap Sword' Leng Ji Na's speed is faster than their limit even if it is holding an ice coffin that is not square or round.

Even in the Fengxue Cave with complex terrain, Chu Xisheng still couldn't shake it off.

The main reason was that Zhou Liangcheng was holding back, and his movement speed was much weaker than that of Chu Xisheng and Bai Xiaozhao.

The water capacity of a wooden barrel has always been determined by the short board, and Chu Xisheng had nothing to do.

If it had been anyone else, Chu Xisheng would have killed this person with a single ‘Wuji Slash’.

But Leng Chagna was his sect mate after all. Although he was suspected of killing Fang Buyuan, it had not been proven, so Chu Xisheng could not take action.

"Senior Brother Leng."

Chu Xisheng's expression was cold and indifferent, his eyes as sharp as knives: "If you want to prove your innocence, there is more than one way. Why do you have to follow me? Senior brother, if you do this, you won't worry about making me angry and unwilling to testify for you?"

"I believe in junior brother's character!"

Leng Shi's expression was calm for a moment. He put his hand on the sword and looked at Chu Xisheng with fierce anger.

Their gazes were like swords, spears, and halberds, and sparks seemed to explode at the intersection.

Leng instantly lost in the confrontation. He looked sideways unnaturally and looked at the knife on Chu Xisheng's waist: "I see that the residual move used by junior brother just now has begun to take shape. It seems to be related to the timing? No matter whether it is metal, wood or fire.

Earth, wind, thunder and death are all closely related to time sequence.

But what makes me curious is that it doesn’t seem to be a sword move created to hurt the enemy? I don’t recommend that you continue practicing, as this sword move will hurt your internal organs.”

Chu Xisheng's eyebrows slightly raised: "Senior brother, don't you think you are too lenient?"

This sudden realization was remarkable.

This person just saw him practice the residual moves a few times and already knew what he was trying to do.

Without the 'blood of eternity', he would have been practicing sword practice to the point of internal injury.

The corners of Leng Shi's lips twitched slightly, and a hint of helplessness flashed deep in his eyes.

He then snorted coldly: "Junior brother has his own way, and others can't control it. But I have something to remind you. I sense that there are unknown entities in this world that are eyeing you. They are very dangerous!"

Chu Xisheng smiled seemingly carelessly, but her heart sank slightly.

This person named Leng has a very strong sense of perception! No less than him.

Chu Xisheng had long sensed those three dangerous creatures hidden in the years.

Qin Muge in the past was also aware of their existence.

They were peeping at him, full of murderous intent.

At the same time, Chu Xisheng's suspicion of Leng Chashen increased.

Who can kill Fang Buyuan in front of Leng Shujia?

A mere sixty miles, for Leng Shajia, is it really an insurmountable distance?


The Black Sea is on the southwest side of the Towering Tree, about seven hundred miles away from the Towering Tree.

Even if the three of them run while maintaining their true energy without any loss, it only takes about a day to arrive.

Chu Xisheng, however, was not in a hurry, but slowly and leisurely drove towards the Black Sea.

After all, in addition to obtaining this fatal 'immortal fate', he also had to search for the main ingredients of his secret medicine, 'Shenyang Flower' and 'Xuanyin Grass', which were used to break through to the sixth level.

We can't wait until the one-year period of the secret realm is over before we can break through to the sixth level?

What's more, those three creatures related to time sequence were quite troublesome, which made him feel a faint pain in his heart.

Chu Xisheng hopes to break through to the sixth level as much as possible before the danger comes.

If you can't make it in time, just use blood points to improve it.

As long as the blood element points are not used instead of the secret medicine, the hidden danger should not be big.

Even if something goes wrong in the future, this problem won't be fatal.

However, contrary to expectations, Chu Xisheng has not found any trace of the 'Shenyang Flower' and 'Xuanyin Grass' in the past month.

Chu Xisheng was not in a hurry.

In the map given by Qin Muge, there is a secret place near the Black Sea, which contains a large number of 'Shenyang Flowers' and 'Xuanyin Grass'.

Every year, disciples of the Wuxiang Shen Sect carry the seeds of two kinds of elixirs and bury them everywhere in the secret territory.

Qin Muge also brought in seeds in the past.

She found a place that was extra secretive and suitable for the growth of these two elixirs.

Now, after more than a hundred years, these elixirs have entered a mature stage.

But just when Chu Xisheng was looking forward to it.

Chu Xisheng sensed a boundless power, and domineering spiritual thoughts came across the sky.

The text on the character panel in front of him was also distorted again.

Chu Xisheng also sensed an idea in his mind.

This is the ‘Taibai Divine Chosen’, an inner disciple of the Guiyuan Sword Sect named ‘Tai Shu Ba’, who is challenging him through the Seal of Divine Grace.

Chu Xisheng reacted instantly.

One month has passed, and others can challenge him to the Divine Grace Challenge again.

The so-called ‘Taibai Divine Chosen’ is the divine favor of Emperor Bai’s son.

Bai Di's son is Bai Di's son, known as the 'Taibai Sword Master'. He traverses the three realms with a 'Taibai Sword' and is known as the origin of sword cultivation in the world.

As for the ‘Tai Shu Ba’ of the Guiyuan Sword Sect, Chu Xisheng had heard of it.

This person is the 75th on the Qingyun Ranking. His best martial art is sword fingering, and he is the first among the "Ten Excellent Fingers".

Chu Xisheng directly chose to agree without thinking.

The next moment, Chu Xisheng's eyes changed.

A month ago, he felt weightless again, his whole body being dragged in an unknown direction.

A moment later, Chu Xisheng found himself standing on a huge circular stone platform.

It is still the simple and rough stone platform with a diameter of nearly a hundred feet. There are 3,600 huge stone pillars erected around it, enveloping the stone platform like a beast's cage.

Chu Xisheng glanced around and then looked at the opponent in front of him.

Qingyun General Ranking said that this person was sixteen years old, but his face was very mature, with a Chinese character face, a mustache, and deep eyes.

Chu Xisheng glanced at this person intently and fluttered his sleeves.

"Don't waste time, let's get started quickly."

The other person is here for the other person.

What's more, the Guiyuan Sword Sect and the Wuxiang Divine Sect are mortal enemies, so there's nothing to talk about.

Taishu Ba raised his eyebrows slightly, then sneered: "Just what I want!"

The moment he finished speaking, a huge battle ax suddenly appeared in the sky above them, rolling down and falling.

Chu Xisheng immediately pressed the knife with both hands and waited with all his concentration.

He originally didn't care much about the Divine Grace Challenge and had a coping attitude.

Chu Xisheng didn't care about divine favor at all, he just wanted not to offend the gods and ruin his important affairs.

But last time he killed Mei Shu, he got a total of 1,200 blood points from these gods!

This caused Chu Xisheng's mentality to change drastically.

Chu Xisheng doesn't care much about divine favor, but he lacks Yuan Dian!

Just when the battle ax fell, Chu Xisheng suddenly heard a 'choking' sound from his waist, and the 'Jade Gui Jin Nai Dao' instantly turned into a white light and was unsheathed.

Taishu Ba on the opposite side also let out a cold laugh and also drew his sword out of its sheath.

He is famous for his sword fingers, but the world does not know that his sword is far sharper, faster and more powerful than his fingers!

But when Tai Shuba drew his sword, he was suddenly startled. He found that his spiritual thoughts could not lock onto Chu Xisheng's person, nor could he identify Chu Xisheng's sword.

The opponent was clearly right in front of him, but his mind sensed that the front was blurry.

It is simply formless, soundless, colorless, beginningless, boundless, nameless, and elusive——

The next moment, he felt a 'thump' sound coming from his neck.

That was the crisp sound of Chu Xisheng's 'Jade Gui Jin Nai Dao' cutting into his neck.

When Tai Shuba's head was separated from his body, his mind was filled with questions.

What kind of sword skills does the opponent have?

At the same time, in the first hall of Wuxiang Shenshan Road.

The Grand Elder of the Magic Academy, Zhi Feizi, is directing many magicians here to build a huge magic circle composed entirely of 'divine blood crystals' and 'divine star stones'.

Li Changsheng also participated.

This time, he was negligent and put the "Blood Yai Sheng Zhuan" in a life-and-death crisis. He felt guilty and unreasonable, so he worked extra diligently.

Zhi Feizi was left to work as a coolie without saying a word. His five-foot-white, fat body rolled around the hall like a meatball.

But at this moment, Li Changsheng's expression moved slightly, and he felt something in his mind.

This is Chu Xisheng, starting a new battle of divine grace.

Li Changsheng calculated the time, and it was almost this time.

Exactly two and a half days, it would be thirty days if placed in the secret realm.

He flashed and sat back on the sect leader's throne. At the same time, he held the secret source core and looked into the void.

Although Li Changsheng can no longer send things or deliver information into the secret realm, he can still peek inside.

The next moment, Li Changsheng was slightly stunned.

On the huge stone platform, opposite Chu Xisheng, a human head was thrown high.

Li Changsheng quickly recognized the square-faced deceased as Taishu Ba from the Guiyuan Sword Sect, who was the number one member of the 'Ten Masters of Shenxiu'.

His strength is still higher than that of Mei Shu before.

But how long has it been?

From the time Chu Xisheng entered the stone platform to now, it hasn't even taken a breath?

If placed in the secret realm, it would be less than twelve breaths of time.

Deducting the ten breaths of the Sky Burying Battle Ax, it only took Chu Xisheng a moment to kill Taishu Ba, who was ranked 75th on the Qingyun Ranking?

Li Changsheng's pupils contracted.

What happened just now?

What kind of trick did Chu Xisheng use? He killed Tai Shuba who was more powerful than Mei Shu with one blow!

At this moment, Li Changsheng's expression was extremely complicated.

He regretted that he had reacted too late. Just a moment ago when he came back early, he could see Chu Xisheng's sword skills.

I can't pay the debt today, so I'll postpone it.

This chapter has been completed!
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