Chapter 869: The Immortal Chosen One Shows His Power

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"Gold chain breaks through the air?" Tianyang was a little stunned, but he came to his senses after a moment.

"There seems to be such a scene. But I don't know what it means, so I don't pay much attention to it."

Tianyang pays more attention to the use of the space power contained in the Huangquan spirit body.

Li Fan, who didn't know much about spatial abilities, completely focused on those ancient secrets.

Like a blind man touching an elephant, each one is different.

Li Fan looked at the water of Huangquan here again.

"This great river can be called the river of creation in the Soul Realm. But the cycle of life and death has been broken. No matter how powerful it is, its behavior of constantly evolving spiritual bodies is destined to dry up one day."

"The underworld dries up, and trillions of spiritual bodies float out..."

"Under normal circumstances, this process may take thousands or tens of thousands of years. It happened earlier in the 115th life. It is very likely that the three-eyed skull was brought into the underworld for some reason."

"In order to resurrect, the skull absorbed all the power of the underworld water."

What he saw in his past life and his field investigation in this life allowed Li Fan to deduce the possible truth that happened in this small world that is the most remote subsidiary of Xuanhuang.

After pondering for a long time, Li Fan did not touch the water of the underworld that was still endless.

Before leaving with Tianyang, Li Fan silently thought: "If there is an attempt to escape from the Xuanhuang Realm in this life, maybe this Soul Yin Realm is an excellent test site."

After passing through the long space passage and spending nearly a month, Li Fan and Tianyang finally returned to the Xuanhuang Realm.

Half a year has passed, and the war between the Five Elders Association and the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has been completely ignited.

However, Li Fan did not expect that the one who took the initiative to provoke the dispute this time would be the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, which had been at a disadvantage before.

As soon as he took action, he caught the Wu Laohui by surprise, and even conquered the lost territory of Jiushan Prefecture in one fell swoop!

The barriers built by the Five Elders on the nine mountain ranges that the Five Elders Association spent a lot of effort on look like a complete joke!

Having achieved such results, the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, uncharacteristically, did not make any publicity.

The Immortal Alliance only knows that good news is coming from the front, but there are different opinions on how the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance achieved such incredible results, and there is no reliable conclusion.

But everyone is speculating that it may be related to the previous [Thirty-three Immortals Chosen] plan.

In the past six months, Ji Shaoli, the clone who was stationed on Haixuan Island, also went to Xiaomiao Fishing Pond, trying to learn the truth about that battle from Senior Shiban.

But the other party seemed to be immersed in the understanding of the method of [fishing] and ignored him at all.

And due to the defeat on the front line, the Five Elders Association seems to have become somewhat distrustful of the [All Worlds Federation].

I contacted him several times to try to find out the inside story of the war, but no one responded.

Ji Shaoli had no choice but to give up for now.

During this time, Lin Ling gradually became familiar with Liuli.

Although Lin Ling has the cultivation of Hedao, he was just born, and his child's mind is not at all like that of his seniors.

Every time he takes the initiative to play with Liuli.

Gradually, this little Taoist boy, who looked cute on the outside but was actually a bit alert, lowered his guard.

After hanging out with Liuli all day long, when Li Fan saw Lin Ling again, he made a keen discovery.

This innate spirit, which was originally somewhat ignorant, seems to have become somewhat "enlightened".

In other words, more like "human".

Li Fan looked at the little Taoist boy hiding behind Lin Ling, thoughtfully.

However, he ignored her for the time being and only told Lin Ling, "Follow me to the border of Jiushan Prefecture."

If it had been in the past, Lin Ling would not have asked anything, and would have just nodded in agreement.

But this time, a trace of doubt flashed in Lin Ling's eyes, and she hesitated to speak.

Li Fan's eyes flashed, but he simply explained: "I have been out for half a year this time, and I have made some new discoveries. It may be helpful to the current situation of the Five Elders Association."

Lin Ling then said goodbye to Liuli.

Then he took Li Fan through the rapids of the earth's veins.

Not long after, the two arrived at a remote place in Jiushan Prefecture.

First, they checked around to make sure there were no monks ambushing around, and then quietly got out of the ground.

With their spiritual consciousness sweeping over, Li Fan and Lin Ling both lost their minds for a moment as they looked at this familiar yet very unfamiliar "Jiushan Prefecture".

"I'm afraid that Jiushan Prefecture will have to change its name in the future."

After a moment, Li Fan came back to his senses and sighed slightly.

The nine majestic mountain ranges that originally stretched across the land of Jiu Shan Prefecture were completely cut off by some unknown force.

The prefecture, which was originally a dangerous terrain, suddenly turned into a vast plain.

However, the area transformed from the corpse of the strange beast [兲] is inherently spatially unstable.

This time we experienced another shocking war, and this instability became more and more obvious.

Above the sky, black space cracks can be seen everywhere.

Like lightning, it keeps arising and dying.

"After Tianyang retreats and realizes his enlightenment, maybe we can bring him here to visit." This thought flashed through Li Fan's mind.

"Master, there seems to be some extremely terrifying aura remaining here."

Lin Ling's focus is different from Li Fan's.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then said with some panic.

"It can make even Hedao feel terrifying. It is definitely an immortal-level combat power. Coupled with the horrifying sight of these nine mountains being razed to the ground..."

"Could it be that the Chuanfa took action?"

But Li Fan soon denied this conjecture.

"It does not involve the safety of the Xuanhuang Realm itself. For disputes at this level, the Dharma should be indifferent."

"But apart from passing on the law, who else in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance has immortality realm combat power?"

"Dongji, which only exists in classic records, or is it the Emperor Santapir, the curator of the museum's sacred collection?"

Li Fan thought about the rumors among the people of the Immortal League again.

"Could it really be the Thirty-Three Immortals Chosen Plan?"

Li Fan narrowed his eyes.

Wei Qizheng, one of the Immortal Chosen Ones, was given a piece of the final dissociation disc cut off by Li Fan as a gift.

Although there is no real-time communication function, it can record in detail most of the things Wei Qizheng experienced.

As long as Wei Qizheng is seen again, or Wei Qizheng dies, the dissociation disk will be damaged at the moment.

All the saved information can be synchronized to Li Fan.

Although he was a little curious about the methods of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, Li Fan also knew that it was not yet time to harvest the fruits.

The longer the nail is hidden, the more secret information he can learn.

"Let's wait a little longer."

Suppressing this thought, Li Fan first triggered a special wave of contact with the Wu Laohui.

After waiting for a long time, still no one replied.

But Li Fan did not give up.

The reminders came one after another.

After repeating this a full seven times.

A weak response came from somewhere in Jiushan Prefecture.

After Li Fan went there, he found that the thing that made the wave echo was just a stone as smooth as a mirror.

This chapter has been completed!
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