Chapter 1752

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Chapter 1752

He nodded hurriedly: "I will listen to you. Don't be impulsive. This shuriken is smeared with poison. Even if it breaks a little bit of skin, it won't save you."

At this moment..ajaig.

After Teng Lin Zhengzhe and his second junior brother quickly packed up some important belongings, they took the elevator to the hotel lobby.

They didn't even have time to check out, they just wanted to get in the car and return to Tokyo.

However, when they went out, they found that their car was not waiting here.

Teng Lin Zhengzhe cursed: "Damn it, this bastard, the third child, what are you doing? Give him a call!"

The second junior brother immediately took out his cell phone, called, and cursed: "Third brother, what are you doing? Why don't you come out!"

At Ye Chen's request, the third child said: "Second brother, one of the tires is flat. I think it's punctured somewhere. It's flat while jogging. I'm about to change the spare tire. How about you come down and help me?"


"Damn it!" The second junior brother said to Teng Lin Zhengzhe: "Senior brother, one of the tires may be punctured. Let me help him change it."

Teng Lin Zhengzhe nodded and said, "You two, move faster!"

underground garage.

The third child, who was pressed against the neck by Ye Chen with a shuriken, begged: "Brother, I called you as you ordered, can you spare my life?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "You have done well, I will let you suffer less!"

After saying that, before he could come back to his senses, Ye Chen exerted force on his hand!

With just a click, the man's neck was instantly broken. At this moment, the whole person lost all consciousness and turned into a corpse.

Afterwards, without any hesitation, Ye Chen immediately carried his body to the side of the car, making him face his back to the front of the car, as if he was checking the backstage.

Ye Chen himself, on the other hand, hid his aura behind the car next door, waiting for the next fish to take the bait.

At this time, the second child ran over in a hurry.

Due to the impatience, the whole person's vigilance was much lowered. Seeing that the third child was still squatting beside the tire of the car in a daze, he suddenly became very angry. x

He ran over quickly, slapped the third child on the back of the head, and cursed: "Asshole! You're just doing it here, and you didn't know how to finish the spare tire and the heavy weight first. All you saw was the third child's body, being beaten by himself.

After a slap, he staggered and fell to the ground.

When the second brother saw his eyes wide open and his gaze fixed on his face, he was frightened to death!

At this moment, he realized that the three brothers and sisters had also been targeted!

Moreover, those who are targeting them are probably the same group who killed the Fourth Tenglin Qingtian!

Thinking of this, he was so frightened that he ran away.

But when he turned around, a man's figure suddenly appeared in front of him! The black figure stretched out a hand at an extremely fast speed and strangled his neck! x

Teng Lin Zhengzhe's second junior brother couldn't breathe for an instant.

But at this time, he also saw clearly the man in front of him.

Isn't this man the Chinese that my four brothers and sisters followed all the way from Tokyo?

At this moment, the second child's mind was about to explode!

He exclaimed with great horror: "Could it be that the person who killed the fourth child and the third child were both Chinese! Could it be that he has been playing tricks on us!"

Just when he was extremely frightened, Ye Chen sneered at the corner of his mouth and said playfully: "Brother, why are you running away?"


Long son-in-law who comes to the door

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