Chapter 1756

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Chapter 1756

After seven o'clock in the morning, the media will definitely report this matter...waiweilai.

By then, it will definitely spread throughout Japan.

If I can't save anyone within 24 hours, the news will surely spread around the world.

By then, this will not only be a scandal for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, but even a scandal for the entire Japan!

If Japan's public security is so poor and the murderer is so cruel and powerful, what big shot will dare to come to Tokyo in the future?

Not only the rich and entrepreneurs dare not come, but also the politicians from various countries do not dare to come.

But Tokyo is the capital of Japan! If this scandal spreads around the world, it will definitely put the entire Japan into a diplomatic dilemma!

So, he immediately asked his subordinates: "Have the detailed autopsy results come out?"

The chief medical examiner in charge of the autopsy immediately rushed to report to the Tokyo Police Department Chief and Su Shoudao: "After our autopsy, we found that the dozen Su family followers who died of poisoning were all poisoned by sarin gas, and we

It was found that they all died of liquid sarin gas poisoning."

Su Shoudao frowned: "Liquid sarin gas, what do you mean?"

The forensic doctor hurriedly explained: "Sarin gas is a colorless oily liquid at normal temperature, much like glycerin. When used in war, it is exploded to form a large area of ​​aerosol, whether in breathing or on the skin.

It will be poisonous if you come in contact with it.”

“But this time the murderer definitely didn’t want to cause a big explosion, so he used a carrier similar to a syringe needle, added about 30 mg of liquid sarin gas, and projected it onto the victim at a certain distance, causing the victim to

People die from poison."

The police chief asked hurriedly: "Does that mean that the ninja dart has never been actually used?"


The police chief couldn't help but ask Su Shoudao: "Mr. Su, do you think the person behind this incident is an enemy of the Su family?"

Su Shoudao said with a livid face: "I don't care who the enemy is, I only know that my son and daughter were kidnapped in Tokyo! You must bring them back unharmed!"

The Director of the Police Department was extremely helpless and quickly made arrangements: "First, continue to intensify the search and don't let go of any suspicious locations, vehicles or people! Second, release Takehiko Ito and Machi Takahashi, and then keep me under close surveillance."

Look at their every move and see if you can find any clues!"

Takahashi Machi in the interrogation room, when he heard that he was being asked to go home, he hurriedly asked: "It's not very peaceful these days, can you let me stay at the Metropolitan Police Department first?"

The police officer handling the case said angrily: "You are treating the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department as a hotel? Get out quickly, otherwise we will come hard!"

Takahashi Makoto had no choice but to quickly return home from the Metropolitan Police Department under the escort of several bodyguards.

Along the way, Takahashi Machi was always on tenterhooks.

He was afraid that someone was plotting against him, and since Teng, Lin Zhengzhe and the other three were not around yet, if something happened, he might not even have the ability to resist.

So, he immediately called Teng Lin Zhengzhe.

However, after several calls, no one answered, and he became even more nervous.

"What the hell is going on? It's been a few hours, it's time to go back to Tokyo from Osaka, right? Why can't you get through the phone?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but become irritated, and made several calls to Teng Lin Zhengzhe's two junior brothers, but neither of them could get through.

At this time, he had already vaguely sensed that something was wrong. Could it be that the three of them, Teng Lin Zhengzhe, and their fourth junior brother, were all killed by that group of mysterious ninjas?

At this time, the housekeeper at home called and said hurriedly: "Mr. President, there was a mysterious person just now who said he sent you a big gift!"

Takahashi Machi asked in horror: "Big gift?! What big gift?!"

"A truck!"

Long son-in-law who comes to the door

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