Chapter 2046

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Chapter 2046

She decided to adopt a joint venture, just like automobile companies, and introduce Nippon Steel's cutting-edge technology in steel companies.

FAW-Volkswagen, Guangqi Honda, and Changan Ford have basically adopted this joint venture idea. After 20 to 30 years of joint venture development, these companies have indeed achieved very impressive sales results.

Nippon Steel is also very interested in this cooperation. In addition, the Song family has strength, land, and certain experience in the steel industry. It is also a very good potential partner for Nippon Steel.

So the two parties hit it off immediately, and all that was left was to discuss and formulate the details of the cooperation.

Song Wanting's idea is that the Song family holds 51% of the shares and Nippon Steel holds 49%. However, Nippon Steel's idea is that they hold 51% of the shares and the Song family holds 49%.

Although it is only such a small proportional difference, it determines who has the final say in a company.

Shareholders who reach 51% are undoubtedly the largest shareholders and have absolute power to speak out on specific matters of the company.

Once this controlling stake is handed over to Nippon Steel, the Song family will lose all dominant position in this cooperation.

At the negotiation table, the two sides went back and forth on this issue, but no one was willing to take a step back.

Song Wanting said to Nippon Steel's senior management: "Everyone, our cooperation this time is based on the consistent cooperation model of the automobile industry. In our country, the rule for local automobile companies to establish joint ventures with overseas automobile companies is that local companies hold shares 51

%, and overseas companies hold 49% of the shares. After all, the company was established in our country, and we should control it. I hope your company can understand this!"

The person in charge of negotiating with Song Wanting is the vice chairman of Nippon Steel, whose full name is Hashimoto Konsen, and he is a member of Nippon Steel's core management.

Hashimoto Chika is forty years old this year. In Japan, a society that attaches great importance to seniority, he can climb to the core management level so early. It can be said that he is a very right-handed person.

At this time, he looked at Wanting Song, smiled slightly and said: "Ms. Song, I know the cooperation model in the automobile industry you mentioned, but that model is not suitable for this cooperation between Nippon Steel and you."

Wanting Song said with a calm expression: "Mr. Hashimoto, what is not suitable for our cooperation? I would like to hear the details." Updated fastest.

Hashimoto Chika said with a smile: "First of all, there are too many leading companies in the automobile industry. Japan alone has Toyota, Honda and Nissan, Germany has BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Volkswagen, and the United States has General Motors, Ford and Chrysler.

Not to mention the Italian Ferraris, Lamborghinis, and Maseratis. In such a situation with so many competitors, it is inevitable that peers will look down on each other, and everyone will often lower their quotations for the Chinese market."

Having said this, Chika Hashimoto had a stern expression on his face and said seriously: "However, there are only a few leading companies in the steel industry. Half of the world's top ten steel companies are listed on the list because of their large output. They really have

There are only three or four companies in the core technology of special steel, and we are the only one in Japan, Nippon Steel. There is a saying in China, "Things are rare and valuable." Miss Song wanted such a rare cooperation with Nippon Steel.

Partner, it’s normal to sacrifice more interests!”

Song Wanting hesitated again and again, and said: "Mr. Hashimoto, regarding the equity, I really can't give in anymore. The Song Group must hold 51% of the shares in this cooperation, but as compensation for Nippon Steel, we can

In terms of income rights, we will give Nippon Steel a certain tilt. For all the net profits generated by our cooperation in the future, Nippon Steel will enjoy 51% of the net profit income rights. What do you think?"

Hashimoto Konsaku shook his head without thinking and said seriously: "Ms. Song, we will not make any concessions on the equity issue. If we were willing to make concessions on this point, we would have cooperated deeply with other steel companies in your country.

How could we wait until today?"

This chapter has been completed!
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