Chapter 2048

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Chapter 2048

"But having said that, if I give up the controlling stake, it will be equivalent to giving up all autonomy. In the future, Nippon Steel will have the final say in almost all matters of the company. Then the Song family will be too passive."

Hashimoto Chi saw that her expression was a little tangled, and said with a smile: "Miss Song, there is no rush to settle this matter immediately. You can go back and think about it first. Let's make an appointment to chat tomorrow. What do you think?


Song Wanting hesitated for a moment, then nodded gently.

She knew very well that she had no initiative at all in this round of negotiations.

If you continue to talk like this, you will only become more and more passive.

This is like buying something in a store. If the seller is in a hurry to make a move, the buyer will have more room to bargain. For example, if the seller offers a price of one hundred, the buyer will directly say "twenty", and if he says "you want to sell it", he will sell it.

I go to other stores to buy it, and then I can firmly seize the initiative.

However, if the seller's mentality is very stable and the buyer comes to you with a sentence of twenty, the other party will directly say that you should go to another house and have a look. This will make the buyer lose the initiative.

According to normal logic, the buyer can only increase the price little by little until the price satisfies the seller. The specific number of transactions depends on the seller's psychological price. It may be fifty or seventy-eight.

Ten, even ninety.

However, the seller in front of Wanting Song was not prepared to make any concessions at all.

His attitude towards Song Wanting was very tough. Just buy this thing for 100 points, and it doesn't matter if it's a penny less. If you want to get it for 99 points, I'm sorry, then you can go look elsewhere, or think about it carefully when you go back.

Song Wanting had no room for mediation at this time. The only way was to suspend the negotiations first, slow down the pace, and continue to talk tomorrow.

So, she nodded, stood up and said, "Mr. Hashimoto, let's both think about it carefully. If it's convenient for you, I'll come over tomorrow morning."

"No problem!" Hashimoto Chika stood up with a smile, shook hands with Wanting Song, and said, "Miss Song, I will take you out."

After Wanting Song left Nippon Railway, she and her assistant got into the rented nanny car and rushed back to the hotel.

At the same time, she sent a message to her family's WeChat group in the car: "Nippon Steel must hold 51% of the controlling stake and won't give in. I gave in the income rights to 55% and they are still unmoved. I

I have already left Nippon Steel. I will organize my negotiation skills tonight and come back to have another round of talks with them tomorrow."

Mr. Song immediately sent a voice message: "Nippon Steel has always had a big appetite, but don't take them too seriously, because I learned some time ago that Nippon Steel is also having a hard time now!"

Immediately afterwards, the old man sent another voice message: "Their group has launched several large-investment projects in succession in the past few years, but they have not been implemented and a lot of money was wasted. Therefore, their revenue this year is under great pressure. Although they

They seem calm on the surface, but deep down they must be eager to cooperate with us. They just want to put on airs and strive for more benefits."

Song Honor also sent a message: "Wanting, don't worry, look for their weaknesses, and then take advantage of them, they will definitely compromise."

"Well." The old man also said: "It's already February, and they will soon release last year's financial report. If the financial data is not good, not only shareholders will find trouble with them, but also stockholders will complain. In that case, their stock price will decline."

It is bound to fall. If they can announce their cooperation with us before the release of the financial report, it can boost the mood of shareholders and investors."

Wanting Song replied: "Okay, I will prepare well after I return to the hotel and have another round of talks with them tomorrow!"

At this moment, Hashimoto Konsen's cell phone suddenly rang.

The caller ID showed that the call was from Jinling, a neighboring country.

Song Honor was currently in his luxurious duplex apartment in downtown Jinling, holding a wireless landline phone and listening to the notification tone on the phone.

Hashimoto Chika answered the phone first and said with a smile: "Mr. Song is so fast. As soon as my sister left, your call came right after me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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