Chapter 2298

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Chapter 2298

After sending Qin Aoxue out of the house and watching her leave, Ye Chen took the medicinal materials she sent back to his and Xiao Churan's bedroom on the second floor.

The medicinal materials Qin Aoxue sent were enough for him to refine a batch of healing elixirs and a batch of rejuvenation elixirs.

The elixir for healing wounds was of little use to him, but it was indeed very effective for ordinary people. When Wanting Song encountered an accident in Japan, she relied on that elixir to save her life.

Therefore, refining a batch of such elixirs and giving them to people like Qin Gang, Wang Zhenggang, Li Tailai, and Shi Tianqi can be regarded as a reward for the gifts they gave them years ago.

As for the rejuvenation pills, Ye Chen also planned to make another batch and give one to Qin Gang. The rest could be kept for emergencies.

In one afternoon, Ye Chen refined 30 pills each of ordinary healing pills and rejuvenation pills.

Seeing this batch of newly refined elixirs, Ye Chen suddenly thought of his mother-in-law Ma Lan at a certain moment.

In fact, for a minor trauma like a broken leg, at most a quarter of a healing pill could make her jump around.

And in his hand, there are as many as thirty.

After all, it was enough to break her legs a hundred and twenty times.

At this moment, Ye Chen also hesitated whether to give her some medicine residue so that she could recover as soon as possible.

But after a second thought, he immediately gave up the idea and muttered: "Forget it, she doesn't deserve it!"

Just when Ye Chen was refining the elixir, Du Zhenhua, who was far away in Yanjing, called Lai Qinghua on the other side of the ocean.

Lai Qinghua is nearly a hundred years old, but due to taking the rejuvenation pill, his physical condition is still very strong.

He usually gets up at five o'clock in the morning and does a set of Tai Chi and then a set of Wu Qin Quan to achieve the purpose of strengthening his body.

After the boxing, he would go to his study and use three ancient coins to simply make a fortune for himself.

Divination using three ancient coins is the most commonly used Six Yao and Bagua method.

Unlike most Feng Shui masters, Lai Qinghua's three ancient coins are almost all treasures among ancient coins.

The largest one is the priceless Warring States three-hole cloth.

The remaining two are both Taixia Zhenxing, which is extremely rare in the world.

Many people who have played with ancient coins all their lives may not have the opportunity to see one of them.

Just as he finished a hexagram and was comprehending the hexagrams represented by the few copper coins in front of him, Du Zhenhua called.

Lai Qinghua answered the call, smiled slightly and said: "I was curious about why today's hexagram seems to be an old friend coming, but internally it seems that I am separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. I didn't expect your call to come."

Du Zhenhua sighed: "Master Lai is really clever and clever. I admire you, I admire you!"

Lai Qinghua smiled and said: "Zhenhua, you and I don't have to be so flirtatious. Why do you want to see me so early?"

Du Zhenhua hurriedly said: "Master Lai, it's like this. I have a granddaughter. I have been trying to find her savior, but I still haven't found anything after searching for a long time. So I want to ask you to help me make a divination and give her some hints. I don't know if you

is it convenient."

Lai Qinghua said with a smile: "Your granddaughter knows how to repay kindness. In that case, then give me her birthday and horoscope, and then tell me the general clues about her rescue, and I will make a prediction."

Du Zhenhua hurriedly informed Lai Qinghua about Su Zhiyu's birth date and the time when she and Su Zhifei were kidnapped in Japan.

Lai Qinghua murmured to himself: "The incident happened in Japan. Japan is east of China. In terms of Feng Shui, the east is the blue dragon position."

As he spoke, Lai Qinghua counted with his fingers, then grabbed the ancient coins on the table, closed his eyes, shook them in his hands for a moment, and then threw them out.

It didn't matter. He immediately frowned and said, "Strange! Zhenhua, there is a sign of finding a dragon in your granddaughter's hexagram!"

"Xunlong?!" Du Zhenhua asked in surprise: "Master Lai, what do you mean by Xunlong?"

Lai Qinghua said sternly: "Xun means seeking, and dragon means the dragon of the true dragon. This hexagram shows that the person your granddaughter is looking for has a very strong destiny and is extremely extraordinary!"

Source of "Dragon Son-in-law Coming to the Door":

This chapter has been completed!
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