Chapter 2303

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Chapter 2303

Seeing that Su Zhiyu no longer spoke to refute, Du Haiqing sighed softly and said in a very serious voice: "Zhiyu, you have to know that all the stars in more than two trillion galaxies have their own set of operating rules.

, not to mention the fate of just a few billion people?”

After that, she clasped her hands together and said piously: "I used to go to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. You two and your father thought I was feudal and superstitious, but it has long been said in Buddhism that one grain of sand is one world!"

"Even if it's just a grain of sand, its interior is infinite!"

"In comparison, a galaxy is just a grain of sand in the universe, but it contains another extremely vast world."

"The Book of Changes tells people a truth. Everything in the universe, from dust to stars, everything has its own laws. You can not understand it, but you cannot blaspheme it. Do you understand?"

Su Zhiyu nodded hurriedly and said softly: "Mom, I understand. I'm sorry. I was really too shallow before. I didn't understand the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes, nor did I understand fate."

Du Haiqing smiled slightly and said: "Everything in the world has laws. As long as you find its laws, you can see its past, present and future."

“It’s like the ancients learned the laws behind celestial phenomena and gradually began to master the ability to predict the weather;

"Just like today's astronomers have mastered the movement patterns of the sun and the moon, they can accurately predict every solar and lunar eclipse in the future, and even predict every solar and lunar eclipse tens of thousands of years ago.

Lunar eclipse;”

"The essence of the Book of Changes is to summarize the laws between all things in the world and human beings."

"Once you master this law, you can see one thing, a person's past, present and future."

"Since Master Lai advises you not to search anymore, then you should be obedient and stop searching. You and your brother are both my life. Last time something happened to you in Japan, I almost had a heart attack.

So from now on, I cannot accept any more accidents happening to you."

Su Zhiyu subconsciously asked: "Mom, do you think Master Lai may have made a mistake in his calculation?"

As she said that, she hurriedly explained: "I'm not doubting the Yi Jing Bagua, I just think that this kind of thing is like doing math problems. If you make a slight mistake, the result will be greatly deviated. As the saying goes, if you make a slight mistake, the difference will be the same."

"Thousands of miles away"

Du Haiqing shook his head and said seriously: "The earth is revolving around the sun, and it takes a year to complete one revolution, but there will never be any deviation. The solar system is revolving around the center of the entire galaxy, and it takes 250 million years to complete one revolution.

, there will still be no deviation, this is the rigor of the rules!”

"The laws of the I Ching are as precise as astronomy, and Master Lai is the master who has the most profound research on the Eight Diagrams of the I Ching in the world. No one can make mistakes!"

"Since he said that you are like a moth to the flame, then you should stay as far away from the fire as possible. If you are disobedient and insist on looking for him, then I will ask your father to send you abroad now.


After saying that, Du Haiqing added: "Anyway, Harvard Business School starts in August, and there is still half a year left. If you are disobedient, go there early!"

"No, Mom!" Su Zhiyu blurted out hurriedly: "Now you let me go to the United States alone. When I get there, the school has not started and I can't live in the dormitory. I am unfamiliar with the place and it will be inconvenient to do anything."

Du Haiqing said seriously: "It's not inconvenient. Your dad bought a villa near Harvard University last year. You can live there after you go there. There will be housekeepers, servants, and life assistants. You will be very happy there.

If it's convenient, if that's not possible, I can go with you."

When Su Zhiyu heard this, he quickly begged: "Mom, I don't want to go to the United States now, so I'll listen to you, why don't I stop looking for you?"

When he said this, Su Zhiyu felt unwilling deep down in his heart

"In my heart, there are naturally ten thousand people who are unwilling to give up looking for a savior."


This chapter has been completed!
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