Chapter 2880

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Chapter 2880

"Of course it's true." He Zhiqiu said seriously: "I'm not an old feudalist. You are getting older and you will definitely need a companion in the future. If you can really catch Aunt Han, I fully support it. Don't worry.

Go for it boldly, and if you need my help in any way, just ask."

In fact, He Zhiqiu was somewhat conflicted in his heart about his father's continued marriage.

She always gets angry at her father because of her mother's death, thinking that he bears unshirkable responsibility for her mother's death.

However, because of this experience in Syria, she has become more tolerant and understanding of her father.

My father has been running around for so many years just to give his family a better financial foundation and living environment. Even when his annual salary was tens of millions of dollars, he had never had an affair or had an affair. Overall, he was very family-oriented.

Sometimes, it is difficult to balance career and family. Most fathers have to work outside most of the time, which is indeed not easy.

Moreover, now that my father is single and older, he not only lacks the warmth of his other half in his life, but also lacks the care of his other half.

People say that a wife is a companion, and she always has a companion, but when a person grows old and does not have a companion, life is indeed full of regrets.

As a daughter, she naturally does not want her father to be alone all the time. Even if she, as a daughter, returns to him, the lack of a partner will still make his life incomplete.

When He Yuanjiang heard his daughter's words, he was truly moved and relieved deep in his heart.

However, because there were so many people around him, he could only say vaguely: "If you have this heart, Dad will be very satisfied. As for the matter between me and your Aunt Han, let it take its course."

He Zhiqiu blurted out: "How can that be done! Just let nature take its course? For such an excellent aunt, you still let nature take its course? There are countless suitors behind Aunt Han, but you must go all out to succeed!"

He Yuanjiang said awkwardly: "This... this... we'll talk about it when we get home, we'll talk about it when we get home!"

Ye Chen listened on the sidelines and felt somewhat emotional in his heart.

"Looking at it this way, what chance does my father-in-law, Xiao Changkun, have of winning?"

"Uncle He has been crushed by Uncle He in every aspect until there is no hair left. The only advantage may be that he fell in love with Aunt Han for the first time."

"However, this old man was as timid as a mouse. He did not dare to pursue Aunt Han openly, and he did not dare to divorce Ma Lan directly. Later, even when he met Aunt Han, he was afraid of wolves in front of him and afraid of tigers in behind. I have to say that he is indeed

He is timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and he is not responsible enough. When Aunt Han returned to China, she must have been very disappointed with him, right?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but look at He Yuanjiang beside him.

"I have to say that Uncle He is indeed a rare good man. He is highly educated, well-educated, and has a high income. Not to mention, the key is that he is more energetic than his father-in-law. Moreover, Uncle He is also a widower and can be upright at any time.

You can be with Aunt Han, and you can even register for marriage directly. These are things that my father-in-law cannot compare with..."

For Ye Chen, let him stand in an absolutely objective position, and he is more optimistic about Han Meiqing and He Yuanjiang, two high-level intellectuals who have escaped from low-level tastes. It can be said that they are a match made in heaven, and they are a perfect match.

As for Xiao Changkun...

To be honest, Ye Chen felt that Xiao Changkun was not worthy of Han Meiqing at all.

Perhaps, the two of them were at the same starting point when they first fell in love.

However, in the past twenty or thirty years, Han Meiqing has been going up, but Xiao Changkun has been going down.

Up to now, the two of them have been thousands of miles apart.

In this case, even if they are really together, I'm afraid they won't last long.

This chapter has been completed!
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