Chapter 3207

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"Peace talks?!"

As soon as he heard that Hamid offered peace talks, Chen Zhonglei immediately said angrily: "This bastard killed more than 2,000 soldiers of my Wanlong Palace and made us lose face in the field of international mercenaries. Now he still wants to follow me."

Peace talks!? Let me tell you, this is absolutely impossible! We at Wanlong Palace will not agree to it!"

The government army commander asked back: "You are unwilling to negotiate and attack, so are you going to continue to waste your money like this?"

Chen Zhonglei said coldly: "Did we reach a consensus on the matter of non-peace talks a few days ago? At that time, everyone's opinions were very unified, that is, to completely wipe out Hamid's armed forces. Did you just pass a few days?

, have you changed your mind now?”

The other party said: "The situation on the battlefield is constantly changing. The reason why we said we were not willing to negotiate at the beginning was because we felt that Hamid would definitely resist to the end and would not agree to negotiate with us, but now he has not

Have you revealed your intentions in this regard? Then why don’t we take this opportunity to have a good talk with him?”

Chen Zhonglei said sternly: "He has nothing to talk about in our Wanlong Palace. Even if you want to negotiate with him, we will not change our original intention. We must cut Hamid and all his men into pieces!"

The other party frowned and said: "If you have such a strong desire to kill Hamid, then I suggest you give him a good fight as soon as possible and don't waste it here all the time. Even if you can accept it, I will do it soon."


After that, he said impatiently: "How about this? Let's withdraw our troops first, and you, the Ten Thousand Dragon Palace, will continue to surround Hamid here."

Chen Zhonglei frowned and cursed: "Are you fucking kidding me? We came to help you fight the war, but you want to withdraw?"

"Otherwise?" The other party asked him: "Do you want me to spend a year here with you? Do you think we only have Hamid as an opponent in the country? We have many others like Hamid.

Yes, the enemy is waiting for us to eliminate them, and we don’t have the energy to waste time with a Hamid here.”

As he spoke, the other party said firmly: "Our military's top brass has given clear instructions. If there is no clear solution to this matter within 5 days, we will withdraw all troops and go back to rest, and then re-formulate a battle plan.

Whether you participate or not!”

When Chen Zhonglei saw that the other party was not joking with him at all, he suddenly became a little nervous.

He was not afraid that the government troops would withdraw at this time.

He was mainly afraid that the government forces would think that Wanlongdian was not strong enough and would leave Wanlongdian alone and go it alone.

If that were the case, all the early efforts and sacrifices made by Wanlong Palace would be in vain.

As soon as the government forces turn against each other, and as soon as the two sides stop cooperating, the issue of the one hundred square kilometers of land will definitely come to naught!

Thinking of this, Chen Zhonglei hurriedly advised: "Don't rush to withdraw your troops now. The reason why Hamid took the initiative to request peace talks at this time must be that he couldn't hold on anymore, so he wanted to find a way for himself to survive through peace talks before the whole line collapsed.

If we continue to persist, maybe the other party will collapse on its own!"

The person in charge of the government forces said: "According to the information we have received, Hamid should have a large reserve of supplies. I dare not say more, but it will definitely be no problem if it lasts for a few months!"

Chen Zhonglei said hurriedly: "Those are all rumors from the outside. None of us know how much reserves Hamid actually has. What if Hamid deliberately set off smoke bombs to confuse us? Let us mistakenly think that he has abundant supplies, and then follow him

If he talks about peace, then we will be fooled by him!"

Saying that, Chen Zhonglei added: "And don't forget, he overestimated his ability and integrated many stragglers some time ago. Now his number has doubled, and the consumption of supplies will become faster and faster! No, not even one person can be found now.

We can’t hold on for more than a month, and what we have to do is to be a little more patient, and at the same time, our attitude toward Hamid must be firmer. If we don’t leave any chance for Hamid to mediate, Hamid will definitely

Big chaos!"

This chapter has been completed!
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