Chapter 1820 What's wrong with making you kneel?

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Soon, young Jimmy was pushed to the Nuclear Medicine Center by doctors and nurses.

After the contrast agent was injected, he was sent to the CT room for a comprehensive scan.

Half an hour later, the scan results came out, and a large number of doctors gathered in front of the computer, looking at Jimmy's latest CT images.

The attending doctor simultaneously opened the imaging data from half a month ago. After comparing it, he exclaimed: "This is incredible! A large number of lesions in Jimmy's body have actually shrunk!"

Because Jimmy's cancer has reached the terminal stage, there have been multiple metastases. There are tumor lesions in lymph nodes, bones, liver and lungs, and they are not small in size.

The largest one is even as big as a baby's fist.

Moreover, as treatments were exhausted, Jimmy's cancer cells spread faster and faster, and the tumors continued to grow.

Normally, according to the trend, after half a month, the tumor must have increased relatively again.

But now, instead of enlarging, these lesions have become smaller!

Especially the huge intracranial tumor that previously compressed the optic and auditory nerves has shrunk by one millimeter in diameter!

Don't underestimate this millimeter, because it is this millimeter that compresses the nerve.

The doctors are excited!

Matthew, a former pharmaceutical expert, exclaimed: "What kind of anti-cancer drugs are we still studying? This is the best anti-cancer drug in the world!"

The attending doctor on the side couldn't help but sigh: "Yes! This drug has such a good therapeutic effect on cancer. If it can really cover the world, we oncology specialists can also be laid off."

Smith was also completely convinced!

He really couldn't understand why Chinese traditional medicine had such powerful effects.

At this time, Jimmy's mother quickly took out another pill and said excitedly: "It's time to take the third pill!"

Everyone came to their senses and hurriedly urged: "Hurry! Let's see what miracles happen after taking the third pill!"

That night, all the doctors at the Mayo Center spontaneously worked overtime at the hospital all night long.

Even if there is nothing wrong with them, they are not willing to leave.

Because they knew they were witnessing a medical miracle.

Jimmy, who was studied as if he were an alien by a group of top doctors, certainly lived up to his expectations.

Every time he takes a Jiu Xuan Zai Zao Pill, the tumors in his body will shrink substantially. This shrinkage is almost visible to the naked eye in the imaging data.

Moreover, his physical fitness is indeed improving rapidly.

Just like what the package of Jiu Xuan Zai Zao Pill said, his vitality was quickly restored.

After taking seven pills, he was able to sit up on his own and walk unsteadily.

Jimmy had cancer that had metastasized to his bones for more than a year, especially in the leg bones of his legs, so he had been bedridden for a whole year.

Walking on the ground again after a year, even if it is only a difficult walk of ten meters, is already a miracle among miracles in the eyes of these professional doctors.

This situation had never happened before in their medical history. It was like they had never seen any high-level paraplegic patient be able to walk again.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith were so excited that they stayed up all night.

As for his wife Jenny, in addition to being excited and excited, she was also slightly worried.

So, she couldn't help but ask Smith: "My dear, you must find a way to get another box of Jiu Xuan Zai Zao Pills for Jim today. I see his current trend. If he takes another box, he should be able to go home."


Speaking of this, she couldn't help but choked up and said: "Jimmy hasn't slept at home for three years..."

Since Jimmy has already entered the critical stage, he has never left the hospital's 24-hour monitoring. Even when he goes to Europe for treatment, he goes directly from the hospital to the airport, and then takes a special medical charter flight directly to Europe.

Therefore, for Jenny, she very much hopes to take her son home.

And in her opinion, as long as her son can take Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills in the future, he can leave the hospital and recover well at home.

After all, in her eyes, the credibility of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill now far exceeds that of the hospital.

That night, the Mayo Center stayed up all night.

The miracles about Jimmy and Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill have spread rapidly from here to the medical system in the United States.

By daybreak, almost all the top hospitals, medical research institutions, and pharmaceutical research companies in the United States had heard this shocking news.

However, at present, they have only heard rumors and have not seen complete information, so everyone is still skeptical.

After all, after so many years of conquering cancer, no one has been able to save terminal patients. Once terminal cancer can be cured, it means that cancer has been truly conquered!

After this night's personal experience, Smith had completely changed all his previous views. At this time, he wished he could find Wei Liang and kowtow to him twice, then slap himself hard several times, and then ask him for more money.

A lot of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills.

He looked at the time and saw that it was already six o'clock in the morning, so he muttered: "I guess Mr. Wei should be awake too, I'll give him a call now!"

After saying that, he immediately took out his cell phone and called Wei Liang.

Just like last night, Wei Liang's phone still showed that it was turned off.

He put down the phone and said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Wei's phone is still turned off. I guess he might have been angry with me yesterday."

Jenny said angrily: "Anyone else would be angry with you. They traveled thousands of miles to send you such a good medicine, but you actually made a mockery of others without knowing what to do. If it were me, I would just give you

The phone number has been added to the blacklist!”

"Damn..." Smith suddenly said in a panic: "Did he really add me to the blacklist?"

Jenny was also anxious and asked quickly: "What should we do? Jimmy's subsequent treatment and recovery all depend on this medicine!"

Smith touched his chin and paced back and forth, becoming more and more anxious as he thought about it.

He was most afraid that Wei Liang would stop paying attention to him in a fit of anger. In this case, his son would not be able to get medicine in the future.

So, he hurriedly said: "I'm asking my friends in the police station for help to see if I can find out which hotel he was staying in. I'll go to him in person to apologize!"

Jenny also felt that this was the only solution, so she hurriedly said: "Then I'll go with you!"

Smith hurriedly said: "Don't go. Jimmy will probably be anxious if she wakes up and can't see us. You can stay with her here. Besides, our daughter still needs someone to take care of her."

Jenny looked at her little daughter who was sleeping soundly on the sofa next to her, and said helplessly: "Then when you go to the door to apologize, you must put away your usual arrogant attitude, let alone show off your so-called expertise in front of others.

You have to use the most humble and humble attitude to ask for forgiveness from the other party, do you understand?"

"I understand..." Smith said without hesitation: "I swear to God that I will never look down on traditional oriental medicine again..."

Jenny added: "By the way! I heard that the most important etiquette among Chinese people is to kneel down! It's best for you to kneel on the ground and beg for forgiveness the moment you see the other person!"

Smith's expression was extremely depressed, and he complained: "Holyshit! Jenny, you are such a good wife to me! You actually asked me to kneel down for others!"

Jenny said coldly: "Others saved your son's life, so what if you kneel down for others? I tell you, if Jimmy can't get the follow-up treatment drugs because of you, I will definitely divorce you.

, because I’ve had enough with hopeless people like you!”

Smith said in embarrassment: "Okay, okay! I will do whatever you say! When I see him, the first thing Wei Liang will do is kneel down to him!"

Jenny quickly added: "By the way, you have already knelt down, don't forget to kowtow again, I think this etiquette is popular in China!"

This chapter has been completed!
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