Chapter 1917 Ma Lan's American Dream

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Because Ma Lan injured her leg, she rarely went out during this time, so she was already feeling a little uncomfortable.

It happened that Xiao Churan said about going to the United States at this time. Ma Lan's first thought after hearing this was that she must go out and see the world.

Besides, she knew that Ye Chen could make money easily now, and she didn't want to miss this good opportunity to go out with Ye Chen, maybe Ye Chen could buy something for herself.

When Xiao Churan heard that her mother wanted to go with her, she felt a little embarrassed.

She felt that having Ye Chen alone with her was the best solution. If she brought her mother along, the situation would be really embarrassing.

So, she advised Ma Lan: "Mom, I think you should have a good rest at home. The mountains in the United States are high and the roads are far away, so it's not easy to go there. Besides, you don't have many friends there, so it's easy to get bored.


Ma Lan blurted out without hesitation: "Whether it will bother you or not, we have to wait until we go. I am almost bored to death staying at home during this time. You can't let me stay at home alone no matter what you say."


Xiao Churan suddenly ran out of ideas and could only look at Ye Chen helplessly, wondering if Ye Chen had any good way to make his mother give up this idea.

Why didn't Ye Chen want Ma Lan to give up?

So, he said logically: "Mom, Churan went to the United States this time to attend a master class and go to school for further study. He will probably be very busy by then. If I can't take care of you, you are here

Isn’t it boring to stay there?”

"It's okay." Ma Lan said without thinking: "It doesn't matter if you don't care about me. If you don't care about me, I will go out for a walk. Anyway, I have never been to the United States. I will definitely feel fresh everywhere I look."

At this point, Ma Lan was already in a state of fascination, and said excitedly: "When we were young, it was the hottest stage of going abroad. At that time, "Yenjing People in New York" was broadcast on TV. Young people

Everyone dreams of having the opportunity to go out into the past and see it. At that time, I dreamed of going to the United States. I wanted to see the Statue of Liberty and the Hollywood Walk of Fame with my own eyes, but I haven’t had the chance to go out for so many years.

, this time, I finally have the opportunity to make my dream come true!"

Ye Chen thought to himself: "Your dream has come true. What will Churan and I do? If you really go with us, wouldn't your two worlds be completely destroyed by you?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chen immediately said: "Mom, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. Your legs are not fully healed yet. You really need to rest and recuperate. You can't run around and toss around. If you go to the United States so early, you will be everywhere.

If you travel around, it might affect your response and leave sequelae."

After saying that, Ye Chen smiled slightly and said: "In my opinion, it is better for you to stay in Jinling and recuperate. It happens that you have a good relationship with Qian Hongyan now, so you can let her spend more time with you."

Ma Lan said almost without thinking: "No! You will all leave then, leaving me alone at home. I am scared to death living in such a big house by myself!"

Ye Chen hurriedly said: "Mom, I will leave you 500,000 pocket money before I leave. We have been gone for more than a month. You can do whatever you want in Jinling. If you have nothing to do, ask Qian Hongyan to accompany you.

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to go shopping, go shopping, have a beauty treatment, and go to the spa than to follow us around the United States?"

As soon as Ma Lan heard Ye Chen say that he wanted to give her half a million as pocket money, she asked excitedly: "Good son-in-law, you... do you really want to give mom half a million?! Could you be lying to mom on purpose?"

Mom is looking for fun, right?"

Ye Chen knew that money would be much more useful to Ma Lan than the Statue of Liberty.

Seeing that Ma Lan had really forgotten the American dream now, she smiled and said: "Mom, when will I ever have fun with you? Don't worry, as long as you recuperate in Jinling, I will definitely cash in the five hundred thousand as soon as possible.


Ma Lan suddenly said happily: "Good son-in-law! Then we've made it a deal! You can't go back on anything you say!"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Mom, don't worry, I won't regret it. I will definitely give you the money before Churan and I go to the United States!"

"Okay!" Ma Lan said without hesitation: "In that case, I won't follow you all the way to the United States!"

Ye Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and it was visible to the naked eye that his wife Xiao Churan's mood relaxed a lot at this moment, as if her hanging heart was finally relieved.

Xiao Churan said to Ye Chen with a relaxed look at this time: "Husband, if this is the case, then I will give Kelly a clear answer and tell her that I will attend this master class."

Ye Chen nodded and said with a smile: "Hurry up and reply to her message, and then quickly confirm the itinerary. I will arrange the time and book the air tickets by the way."

Xiao Churan nodded repeatedly and said excitedly: "I'm going to call her right now!"

After saying that, he immediately took his mobile phone and ran out of the house happily and went to the yard.

A few minutes later, she came back extremely excited and said to Ye Chen: "Husband, I have already decided with Kelly. We can set off on the 28th of the month!"

Ye Chen was relieved when he heard the 28th. The auction was scheduled for the 25th, which just gave him a few days to finish.

So, Ye Chen said without thinking: "Okay, then I'll book a flight for the 28th. I'll also book a hotel near Rhode Island School of Design and leave on time on the 28th."

"Great!" Xiao Churan happily walked around in circles and said with great excitement: "Then I will start packing our luggage tomorrow!"

In fact, Ye Chen was somewhat resistant to the idea of ​​going to the United States.

This was mainly because his grandfather's family had roots in the United States and their family had a large business. He was afraid that his grandfather's family would know about him after he arrived in the United States.

Ye Chen doesn't have any grudge against his grandfather's family, it's just because after his mother and family had some conflicts about marrying his father, his mother became somewhat alienated from his grandfather's family.

Therefore, in his impression, the number of times he met his grandparents was only a handful.

Later, after his parents passed away, Ye Chen was hidden by Tang Sihai in the Jinling Orphanage. He completely lost contact with his grandparents and their family. It has been nearly twenty years now.

Therefore, he felt even more distant from his grandparents and family, and he did not want to disturb their lives.

However, since it was his wife’s life ideal to go to the Rhode Island School of Design, in order to make her wish come true, he had no choice but to go with her.

In Ye Chen's opinion, it would be best if he went to the United States this time without any interaction with his grandparents' family;

However, if the two parties inevitably have some intersection, then they can only exchange polite greetings. The only thing to be careful about is not to let his wife Xiao Churan know.

Ye Chen is used to being a loner. Although he cannot be said to have social phobia, he has some resistance to most social activities. If it is just a friendly greeting between relatives, it will be very difficult for him.

I feel uncomfortable. I would rather have no contact with each other than exchange false polite greetings with each other.

Moreover, Ye Chen is also self-aware.

He felt that his grandparents were already estranged from him, not to mention that after so many years, his mother was long gone, so his grandparents were probably just as estranged from him.

This chapter has been completed!
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