Chapter 2044 scared to run away

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Qiao Feiyun also tried to think of a way to persuade Fei Haoyang to give up, but Fei Haoyang could not hide his excitement and said: "Damn... I have been with so many women, and all of them combined are not as good as Gu Qiuyi...

If I can also take care of Gu Qiuyi, then my life will be truly complete!"

"Moreover, the people who have always been involved are ordinary people with no background, and there are no troubles at all afterwards. To be honest, I have long been tired of it, and I still need to change to something more challenging to be exciting!"

Qiao Feiyun said bravely: "Master Fei, Gu Qiuyi is indeed the best among women, but the risk is too great. If it is really exposed, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to escape!"

Fei Haoyang said excitedly: "It's exciting just because it's risky!"

As he spoke, he said seriously: "Feiyun, all walks of life have their own highest pursuits. Those who play football want to win the World Cup, those who run want to win the Olympics. Who doesn't want to win a world championship, set a world record or something, so that

Will future generations admire me? For me, Gu Qiuyi is my world championship trophy and my world record!"

After a pause, Fei Haoyang continued: "Gu Qiuyi is about to retire from the entertainment industry. This is her last farewell tour before the launch, and it is also the last time she appears in the public eye as a star. What a coincidence.

Yes, she actually chose New York as her first stop! This is destiny! Even God is giving me opportunities, so how can I not seize them!"

What else Qiao Feiyun wanted to say, Fei Haoyang became more and more excited as he spoke. He couldn't hold back his excitement and said with a smile: "If I can get Gu Qiuyi this time, I will definitely record and videotape the whole process and take pictures of all the details. Wait

After I die, I will publish it to the public and let the world know my other side, hahaha! Then I will probably be on the front pages of the world for several months!"

Qiao Feiyun has racked his brains to serve these demons for many years.

In the past, he was even afraid that these demons were not bad enough and could not be let go, so he tried every means to stimulate their cruel and bloodthirsty nature and let them go further and further down the road of indulgence.

To put it bluntly, he is a coach who cultivates demons.

But at this moment, when he heard a series of Fei Haoyang's bold words, he suddenly became afraid.

He was afraid that Fei Haoyang's abnormal mentality of pursuing higher excitement would drag him down one day in the future.

But although he was afraid, he still did not dare to disobey Fei Haoyang in any way amid internal and external troubles.

The current situation left him with no choice but to try his best to bind Fei Haoyang, and then follow him all the way to the dark side!

Moreover, he thought that he just needed to leave Seattle to escape the limelight, so New York became a perfect place.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth, took the risk, and said: "Master Fei, I will plan this matter carefully. I must formulate an absolutely comprehensive plan! And one set of plans is not enough, there must be at least one or two

Come up with alternatives and contingency plans!”

When Fei Haoyang heard this, he immediately smiled with satisfaction and said: "Feiyun, with your intelligence, this thing will definitely be accomplished!"

Qiao Feiyun said hurriedly: "By the way, Master Fei, I just plan to go to New York to relax today. If you have time then, we can meet up. This matter is very difficult and there are only ten days left. We must do it

You have to make all preparations in advance.”

Fei Haoyang heard that Qiao Feiyun planned to come to New York to relax, and what happened to Gu Qiuyi haunted him, so he said without hesitation: "If you come to New York to relax, you might as well stay at my house, and we'll meet

Let’s have a nice chat.”

When Qiao Feiyun heard this, he was overjoyed.

What he was thinking about was to stay at Fei Haoyang's house for a few days. The Fei family had a huge manor in New York, which was heavily guarded. Living there would definitely ensure safety.

However, it is not easy for him to take the initiative to make such a request. After all, to Fei Haoyang, he is a person who specializes in dirty work, so he knows very well that most of the time, in normal life, Fei Haoyang

Will keep a certain distance from myself.

Fortunately, Fei Haoyang was only thinking about getting Gu Qiuyi. When he heard that Qiao Feiyun was coming to New York, he naturally wanted him to live in his home, and the two of them could discuss the matter.

So, Qiao Feiyun said without thinking: "Okay, if that's the case, then I'll prepare and fly over directly!"

Fei Haoyang was also very interesting and said: "Tell me before taking off and I will ask the butler to pick you up at the airport!"

"Okay, Master Fei, I'll let you worry about it!"

Qiao Feiyun thanked him, hung up the phone, and then immediately called his assistant and ordered: "Inform the crew to get ready, I am going to New York."

The assistant tentatively pointed to Qiao Feiyu's body and asked him in a low voice: "Young master, if you go to New York now, what will happen to the third young master's funeral?"

Qiao Feiyun warned: "Save Feiyu's body in the funeral parlor temporarily, and block the news. Don't let anyone know about him. After I go to New York, go and comfort the families of the crew members, and tell them that the ship has encountered a shipwreck and that the people are missing."

Well, just give them a pension to shut them up."

The assistant asked again: "Master, where are the master and his wife? Do you want to tell them?"

"I don't want it for the time being." Qiao Feiyun shook his head and said: "They don't know exactly what I am doing. I try not to drag them into the water. Feiyu's affairs are also kept secret from them for the time being. If they ask,

Just say that Feiyu asked me for a sum of money to take some girls to Paris for vacation, and asked them not to go overboard or disturb me."

Qiao Feiyu's playful and amorous habits were well known to his family.

He is a famous second-generation rich man in Seattle who can change his girlfriend faster than his clothes. Moreover, all of them are well-known Internet celebrities in Seattle and even in the United States. It is common for him to take girls on vacation abroad.

His parents had nothing to do with him, so they simply didn't care about him.

It is precisely because of this that Qiao Feiyun is absolutely sure that if he tells his parents this way, they will not doubt it.

As for how long this lie can last, Qiao Feiyun doesn't know now, but he can't care about so much anymore. The top priority right now is that he must leave Seattle first, otherwise the mastermind behind killing his brother will come and he will be doomed!

However, what Qiao Feiyun didn't know was that while he was still waiting for his brother's body to be transported back from the sea, many soldiers from Wanlong Palace had already arrived in Seattle from Canada and Xiao Churan's school.

They used their intelligence network to monitor Qiao Feiyun's home and company. When they found Qiao Feiyun coming to the funeral home from home, they followed him quietly.

Soon, Qiao Feiyun, surrounded by several bodyguards, hurriedly boarded a car and prepared to go from the funeral home to the airport. This movement was also discovered by the soldiers of Wanlong Palace.

When the soldiers of Wanlong Palace followed him for a while, they found that the car he was riding in was going straight to the airport. Therefore, the team leader immediately reported to Wan Pojun: "Master, we found that Qiao Feiyun was heading to the airport.

, should we stop them now?"

Wan Pojun immediately reported the situation to Ye Chen and asked Ye Chen to give orders.

But Ye Chen smiled slightly and said: "He went directly to the airport after coming out of the funeral parlor. He must be scared and planning to run away. Why not let him go first and see where he plans to go and who he plans to meet!"

This chapter has been completed!
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