Chapter 2046 people are lost

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"New York?!" Ye Chen was extremely surprised.

Before he took off, he heard that Qiao Feiyun had also fled to New York, but he never expected that Gu Qiuyi would also come to New York.

So, he asked with concern: "Nanny, wasn't your itinerary already planned? Why did you make such a big change at the last minute?"

Gu Qiuyi smiled and said, "I know you are in Providence, which is very close to New York, right?"

Ye Chen asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

"I asked someone else!" Gu Qiuyi said: "I asked Mr. Chen from Buckingham Palace and he said that you went to the United States to accompany you to study."

As she said that, Gu Qiuyi muttered pretending to be angry: "I originally wanted to take the time to go to Jinling to see you and give you a surprise, so I called Mr. Chen to ask for cooperation, but I found out that you are no longer in Jinling. Ye Chen

Brother, why didn’t you tell me when you went to the United States?”

Marven said awkwardly: "Aren't I afraid of delaying your business? Besides, I didn't come to the United States for fun. I came to school with your sister-in-law."

Gu Qiuyi said hurriedly: "Alas, don't say that, I have never admitted that she is my sister-in-law. In fact, I do not admit that anyone is my sister-in-law. I only admit that I am my own sister-in-law!"


Ye Chen sighed helplessly and said: "Okay, okay, it's my fault. I should have told you before setting off. I won't do it next time, okay?"

"That's pretty much it." Gu Qiuyi was then satisfied, hummed twice, and muttered: "I'll forgive you this time!"

Ye Chen rubbed the bridge of his nose and asked: "Nanny, you haven't told me yet, why did you suddenly change your performance plan?"

Gu Qiuyi said without hesitation: "Of course it's for you! I heard that you were going to stay in Providence for a month, so I specially held my first two concerts in New York and Boston. New York and you are two hundred

A distance of many kilometers means Boston is even closer to you, only a hundred kilometers at most, so you have to come and cheer me on during the first two stops of my tour!"

Ye Chen didn't expect that Gu Qiuyi's temporary change of schedule was for her own sake, and he couldn't help but feel a little touched.

So, he asked: "Nanny, when was your first concert? In New York or Boston?"

Gu Qiuyi said: "The first stop must be New York. After all, it is the largest city in the United States. After New York, it is Boston."

After saying that, Gu Qiuyi added: "As for the time, New York station is on the 15th in two weeks, and Boston station is on the 17th."

Ye Chen didn't expect time to fly so fast, so he asked: "Then when will you come to the United States?"

Gu Qiuyi said: "We have been preparing for the past two days. I will probably rush there as soon as possible after finishing my work here. The departure time may be a week later, or ten days at the latest, because the North American tour's tracks, stage design and equipment are all

In a unified way, the schedule for the subsequent shows is quite confusing, so before the first stop, I have to reserve more time for on-site debugging and rehearsals, and set the standards for the entire process, so that the subsequent performances can be easier."

According to Gu Qiuyi, she would fly to the United States within 7 to 10 days, and she would definitely go to New York first, which made Ye Chen feel a little worried.

Because, when he thought that Qiao Feiyun had gone to New York, Ye Chen's instinct told him that Qiao Feiyun either had many accomplices or many clients in New York.

Therefore, when he was on the plane, he was thinking about weaving an extermination net in New York to wipe out Qiao Feiyun, his family, and his family, from big fish to small shrimps.

Since it is necessary to weave such a large net, it will naturally take a certain amount of time to slowly prepare, so the time to close the net will naturally not be too fast.

As a result, when Gu Qiuyi arrived in New York, it might not be time to close her network yet.

In that case, Gu Qiuyi would be in certain danger.

So, Marven hurriedly asked her: "Nanny, can you push back the time of your performance? It's best to wait half a month before going to New York."

"No way, brother Ye Chen." Gu Qiuyi explained: "The performance time has been set, and the organizer in the United States has also started to produce promotional materials and even started pre-sale of concert tickets. In this case, we definitely can't do it again.

Feel free to change the time."

Saying that, Gu Qiuyi hurriedly asked: "Brother Ye Chen, don't you want to see me? Or is it inconvenient for you to see me there? I can continue to pretend to be your Feng Shui client, even if you are still the same as last time, with

If she comes to watch my concert together, I won’t reveal my secret..."

Ye Chen quickly explained: "That's not what I meant... I just heard that New York is not very peaceful..."

Gu Qiuyi heard this explanation and said with a smile: "Oh, brother Ye Chen, you are a bit unfounded. Although the security in the United States is indeed not very good, my entire trip this time was in public places, and it was relatively economical.

Activities in a developed and relatively stable area, and with the security team from the United States, there will definitely be no danger, so don’t worry!"

Seeing this, Ye Chen also knew that it would be difficult for him to make Gu Qiuyi re-adjust the entire tour plan with just one or two words, so he could only accept this reality and said: "Nanny, you must remember to do this before you leave for the United States.

Tell me in advance and don't give me any surprises. Only in this way can I feel completely at ease, got it?"

Gu Qiuyi said without thinking: "I know brother Ye Chen, don't worry! I will tell you as soon as the date of my departure is decided!"


After Ye Chen repeatedly asked Gu Qiuyi, he ended the call between the two.

The first thing he did after hanging up the phone was to call Wan Pojun immediately.

As soon as the call came through, he asked: "Pojun, have you arrived in New York?"

Wan Pojun said respectfully: "Back to Mr. Ye, my plane just landed at JFK Airport in New York."

Ye Chen asked again: "Where is Qiao Feiyun?"

Wan Pojun said: "Back to Mr. Ye, Qiao Feiyun's plane landed two hours earlier than me."

With that said, Wan Pojun said with shame: "I'm sorry Mr. Ye, I know that after Qiao Feiyun went to New York, he removed several female soldiers from Providence and rushed to the New York Airport to stay guard, intending to follow Qiao Feiyun to see him.

Where to go and who to meet after landing, but my people never saw Qiao Feiyun leave the airport."

Ye Chen frowned and asked: "You haven't left the airport for two hours, is it impossible?"

Wan Pojun said: "My subordinates also think it is unlikely, so they believe that it is not that Qiao Feiyun did not leave the airport, but that we lost him, so he probably did not leave the airport through normal channels."

Ye Chen asked him: "You mean, someone picked him up directly from inside the airport?"

"Yes!" Wan Pojun explained: "There are many capital privileges here in the United States. It is normal to drive directly into the airport to pick up people, or even directly drive a helicopter into the airport to pick up people. If Qiao Feiyun uses one of these two methods,

It’s really difficult for my people to notice once they leave the airport, especially since the manpower is not enough, and the passenger flow at JKF Airport is really too large..."

With that said, Wan Pojun said with shame: "Mr. Ye, I asked you to punish me for failing to handle this matter well! But don't worry, my subordinates have already begun to dispatch troops to New York. As long as Qiao Feiyun dares to show up, he will be punished."

He found it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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