Chapter 2349 take care

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When Ma Lan went to the hospital accompanied by James White, Ye Chen was on his way to New York.

James White reported the situation to Fei Jianzhong in a timely manner, and Fei Jianzhong immediately reported the situation to Ye Chen.

According to James White, he can apply for one to two days of hospital treatment for Ma Lan at most, but after the hospital treatment is over, Ma Lan must attend the pre-trial hearing.

Before the trial begins, the judge will make a ruling on whether Ma Lan can be released on bail based on the general circumstances of the case.

If the person can be released on bail, the judge will set a bail amount. As long as the money is in place, the person can temporarily regain his freedom.

However, according to James White, the amount of contraband involved in Ma Lan's case is so large that bail is basically impossible.

This means that after the trial, Ma Lan will be taken to the detention center for temporary detention.

Similar to China, the United States also has two institutions: jail and prison. Although they both mean prison when translated, the former is actually more similar to the detention center in China, which is used to temporarily detain suspects with minor crimes or who have not yet been sentenced.

The latter is the real prison, used to imprison those criminals who have been sentenced.

It is the former who is going to be detained by Ma Lan.

In order not to worry Ye Chen too much, Fei Jianzhong also promised him that he could quietly fish Ma Lan out of it through special channels.

Even if Ye Chen needs it, he can directly send Ma Lan back to China, and he can also completely settle the matter here.

However, Ye Chen declined his kindness.

On the one hand, Ye Chen doesn't want his wife to think that he is too capable.

On the other hand, he also hoped that Ma Lan would go in and take a long memory.

The last time he entered the detention center, Ma Lan remembered that he could not steal other people's things casually, especially not steal other people's bank cards. However, the experience of entering the detention center only taught him this lesson and did not make Ma Lan aware of it.

The dangers of this world did not allow Ma Lan to completely give up her greed and greed.

Although Ye Chen didn't know exactly how Ma Lan was fooled this time, based on his understanding of his mother-in-law, he knew very well that the other party must have promised Ma Lan some benefit, so he let Ma Lan

So let your guard down.

Therefore, in Ye Chen's opinion, it is absolutely right for Ma Lan to learn a lesson.

However, Ye Chen also knew very well that the mistake Ma Lan made this time was slightly lighter than the last time he stole his bank card and tried to transfer all the money in his bank card.

Therefore, he must be taught a lesson, but he must not suffer too much sin inside.

Public security in the United States is not good to begin with. The detention centers are probably full of murder and arson suspects awaiting sentencing. Under such circumstances, with Ma Lan's arrogant words and weak body, there is a chance that someone will die inside.

So, he called Wan Pojun and said: "Pojun, something happened to my mother-in-law. She may be sent to a detention center in New York in a day or two. You first find a way to arrange for a few female soldiers to go there in advance.

I can also take care of her inside sometimes."

Wan Pojun knew what Ye Chen's mother-in-law was, so when he heard this, he immediately asked: "Mr. Ye, do you want your subordinates to take good care of you, or take bad care of you? What if I take bad care of you?"

If so, then I can remain unaware..."

"No!" Ye Chen quickly interrupted him and said seriously: "Of course I'm taking good care of you. Where did you think you were?"

Wan Pojun quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, my subordinate made a mistake... Don't worry, I will arrange for someone to go in in advance now to make sure that your mother-in-law will not be bullied at all after she goes in."

Ye Chen warned: "If someone bullies her after she goes in, don't let your soldiers intervene too early. If you intervene too early, it will seem a bit fake and illogical. You can let her suffer some losses first."

, and then intervene on the grounds of compatriots."

Wan Pojun said without hesitation: "Mr. Ye, don't worry, my subordinates will make arrangements."

Ye Chen said again: "There is one more thing."

Wan Pojun said respectfully: "Mr. Ye, please tell me."

Ye Chen said seriously: "Please help me investigate a Chinese named Chen Liping in Providence, who is almost in her fifties. This person should be using a false identity, but she actually used this false identity to go to Providence."

If you have lived in Widens, you will definitely leave clues, so I need you to help me find out this person's current whereabouts as soon as possible."

After saying that, Marven asked again: "Also, their gang should have a contact person here in New York. You can find a way to investigate the surveillance at the airport, and then find out who is on the street with my mother-in-law, and find a way

Find out her whereabouts, and preferably catch her directly."

"No problem!" Wan Pojun said without hesitation: "Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will leave everything to my subordinates!"

Ye Chen knows very well that Chen Liping will definitely find a way to monitor Ma Lan's every move. Now that Ma Lan has been arrested, contact with her has been cut off, so she will definitely be alert and realize that something has happened to Ma Lan.

, in this case they will definitely evacuate from the place where they originally lived in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, it is no longer possible to find Chen Liping in Providence. We can only let the people from Wanlong Palace follow the clues she left to find her.

As for Ma Lan's contact in New York, regardless of whether something happened to Ma Lan or not, she would flee the scene of the crime as soon as possible, so the possibility of catching her immediately was slim.

Therefore, there is no need to rush into this matter. We can only think of ways to arrest people while ensuring that Ma Lan doesn't cause any serious trouble inside.

When Wanlong Palace reveals all the clues and arrests the culprits one by one, Ma Lan's suspicion will naturally be cleared, and by that time, she will be able to regain her freedom.

At this moment.

A Ford pickup truck was leaving Providence at high speed, heading towards Seattle.

Sitting in the car were Chen Liping and her four so-called family members.

The driver was Man Yingjie, who played Chen Liping's son.

Chen Liping, who was sitting in the passenger seat at this time, cursed with an annoyed look on her face: "This Ma Lan's luck is too damn bad. I thought that even if something happened to her, it would definitely happen after she got to Hong Kong Island. He

Damn it, I really didn’t expect that this idiot like her would get into trouble without even leaving the United States!"

Man Yingjie said awkwardly: "Aunt Mei, to be honest, I have always felt that this Ma Lan is unreliable. It's not that she will take advantage of others. I just think that this bitch is too damn cool, like her."

People who love Dese have a natural magnetic field."

Chen Liping asked with a cold face: "What kind of natural magnetic field?"

Man Yingjie blurted out: "It's the kind of magnetic field that can easily cause trouble! For example, if 10,000 people are walking on the street, and a brick falls from the sky, the probability of hitting the other 9,999 people is 50%, and the remaining 50

% chance of hitting her."

Chen Liping shouted sternly: "Am I using you as an afterthought? What the hell have you done? The last time Ma Lan came over for dinner, why didn't you say anything after she left? Oh, you fucking know it now. Where are you waiting?

When Tian was hit and killed by a car while walking, I still fucking said that if I had known you were going to be hit and killed by a car, would I be able to make you alive by then? What's the point of saying such nonsense?"

Seeing Chen Liping's anger, Man Yingjie quickly shrank his neck: "I'm sorry, Aunt Mei... I... I didn't mean it..."

Chen Liping didn't even bother to look at him. She took out her mobile phone, pulled out the card, and then threw the phone out of the window.

Then, Chen Liping said to Man Yingjie: "Drive another 20 kilometers and then turn south."

Man Yingjie asked in surprise: "Aunt Mei, aren't you going to Seattle to avoid the limelight? What are you going to do south?"

Chen Liping said coldly: "I'm going to Mexico. The Ma Lan matter has become a scandal. Sister Zhou and her son's matter must not let anything go wrong again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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