Chapter 2353 Eggs cannot be placed in the same basket

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Mei Yuzhen's words gave her eldest son great encouragement.

The eldest son, on the other end of the phone, couldn't hide his excitement and said: "Mom, with your words, I really feel relieved!"

Mei Yuzhen snorted coldly and said: "I tell you, don't mess around outside in the future, especially don't mess with girls named Sun, their level is too low!"

The eldest son quickly asked: "Mom, what did you say was too low? What are you talking about? I didn't understand!"

Mei Yuzhen resented the lack of iron and scolded her: "I asked you to learn more English, learn English. I've been out there for more than 20 years, and you can't even understand what level means. You're such a fucking waste."


The eldest son chuckled and said: "Mom, people say that when yin is strong and yang is weak, you alone hold up half of the sky in our family, so naturally you can't show me..."

After being complimented by her eldest son, Mei Yuzhen felt relieved a lot and asked: "If I remember correctly, when I went back to my hometown to worship my ancestors a few years ago, I saw that girl from the Sun family. She didn't seem to have graduated from junior high school.

Are you working in a factory?"

"Yes." The eldest son said casually: "In the past few years, I worked outside. Later, she seemed to go home to talk to matchmakers. She didn't like several young men in the village, so she said she still wanted to work out. Didn't her father find me...


Mei Yuzhen hummed and said: "In the future, we should keep a distance from their family members. After the child is born, we will cut off contact with them. If we are looking for women outside in the future, we should set our sights higher and find a young man who has graduated from college."

Be a woman! This way I can give you two more children!"

The eldest son said angrily: "Mom... How can a serious college graduate look down on me..."

Mei Yuzhen sneered disdainfully: "So what if you graduate from college? How much money can you earn a month after graduating from college? How many lifetimes of hard work do you have to struggle to drive a luxury car and live in a villa after graduating from college? You are already in the eyes of college students.

They are successful people. If they really have this good opportunity, it’s not too late for them to be happy!”

The eldest son sneered twice: "But I'm a bit old now. How can any girl today like me, an old man in his thirties?"

Mei Yuzhen laughed and said: "Look at those female celebrities. They can earn tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a year, but there are still many of them who choose to marry older men than their fathers. Why?

Isn’t it because old men are richer than them?”

After saying that, Mei Yuzhen said calmly: "Mom has been out for so many years, and she has long understood that no matter what shortcomings a man has, he can use money to make up for it. No matter how old, ugly, short, or low-educated, as long as these are

Having money is not a problem at all, but having no money is a problem. Without money, what's the point of being handsome? Girls are initially carried away by love, and may even be willing to starve with you for a couple of seconds.

Years, but after one or two years, she will understand that being good-looking is of no use, only money is the last word."

The eldest son chuckled: "I understand, Mom, when you come back, we will work together to get rid of that yellow-faced woman, and then we will look for a young and beautiful female college student."

"Yeah." Mei Yuzhen nodded and said: "Okay, I have something else to do, so I won't tell you about the fifty thousand US dollars. You can contact me privately to see if anyone wants to exchange currency. Is there any?

If so, I can start trading in a few days after I finish the work at hand."

The eldest son said excitedly: "Okay, Mom, I'll contact you right away!"

Mei Yuzhen hung up the phone, and Man Jinshan, who was driving, said with a smile: "Sister Mei, are you going to have another grandchild? How many are there? Nine, right?"

Mei Yuzhen gave a rare smile, nodded and said, "That's right, nine."

Man Jinshan asked in surprise: "Sister Mei, do you like children that much? If I were you and my two sons had eight or nine children, I'm afraid my brains would explode."

Mei Yuzhen waved her hand: "You don't understand."

As she said that, she turned around and glanced at Man Yingjie and Sun Huina who were sitting in the back row, and said, "You must listen carefully. Those who work in our line of work are the most harmful to the morality and blessings of future generations, so if there are conditions, I must

Have more children, more children. If God wants a person to have no descendants, the fewer children he has, the harder it will be to resist fate. But if there are enough children, if retribution comes and falls on future generations, children

If there are more, maybe one or two fish will slip through the net.”

Man Jinshan was dumbfounded when he heard this, and said awkwardly: "Sister Mei, it's not as evil as you said..."

Mei Yuzhen said expressionlessly: "I don't know if it's so evil. People say that eggs can't be put in the same basket, but the key issue is that you can't have just one egg. If you have enough eggs,

God will be very tired if you hit them one by one. Besides, if you hit them too much, he will become numb, and maybe he will stop."

Hearing this, the other three people were all shocked.

They couldn't imagine that the so-called eggs Mei Yuzhen mentioned were actually referring to her own children and grandchildren.

Translated, if God wants to collect her children and grandchildren, it will be very tiring to collect them one by one. If you collect too many, maybe one or two fish will slip through the net.

Mei Yuzhen did not pay attention to the shock of the three people at this time, and just asked lightly: "How long will it take to reach the border?"

Man Jinshan said: "Even if we drive non-stop, it will take at least 30 hours. How about we find a city and fly there?"

"No." Mei Yuzhen waved her hand: "What I hate most is flying. Except when I go back to China, I almost never fly at other times."

Man Jinshan hurriedly asked: "Sister Mei, are you afraid that the plane is unsafe?"

Mei Yuzhen shook her head: "I know that airplanes are very safe, at least much safer than riding in a car, but that's for ordinary people. For us, the airplane is just a big sealed cage. Once you get in, the police will come."

There is no chance to escape."

Man Jinshan nodded in sudden realization and asked Mei Yuzhen: "Sister Mei, you have made a lot of money for the family over the years. Isn't it about time to go back and take care of yourself?"

Mei Yuzhen said calmly: "Let's do it until the end of the year. I'll leave by the end of the year. After working hard for so many years and building so much foundation, it's really time to go back and enjoy peace and happiness."

Man Jinshan sighed: "Sister Mei, your husband married you, it's really like the ancestral graves are smoking. You don't have to do anything, just enjoy peace and happiness in China!"

Mei Yuzhen chuckled: "He is just a waste who is waiting to die. If his two sons and grandchildren hadn't changed their surname to mine, I would have kicked him out of the house long ago. How could I have given him a chance to enjoy this life?"


After saying that, she looked at Man Jinshan and asked him: "By the way, when do you plan to go back?"

Man Jinshan said with a smile: "It's still early for me... I have earned much less than you these years. If I want to have enough food and clothing in the future, I will have to work hard for a few more years."

Mei Yuzhen hummed and said with some expectation: "I have been traveling here and there in the United States for these years without a fixed place. Come back and enjoy the family happiness of living in your own home with your children and grandchildren around you."

What Mei Yuzhen didn't know was that Wanlong Palace had already sent all the investigation information to the domestic police.

At this moment, the police were ready to close the net.

When her eldest son walked out of his family's villa and was about to get into the newly purchased Mercedes-Benz G, a group of police suddenly rushed in.

The first policeman took the arrest warrant and said to Mei Yuzhen's eldest son: "Mei Dayong! You are now officially arrested by the police on suspicion of money laundering!"

This chapter has been completed!
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